Демонстрационная презентация PowerPoint 2013
презентация к уроку на тему

Титов Лев Сергеевич

Пример презентации, сделанной в Microsoft PowerPoint 2013


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Слайд 1

Hairdressing art Made by: Podmogaeva N. , Lubaykina E. Group № 124

Слайд 2

Hairdressing art – is an old and respectable profession . If you have a good visual memory, creative thinking and you are a friendly person, then the doors of the hairdressing art world are opened for you!

Слайд 3

To become a real professional you should choose one of the next specialties: Barber Hairdressing art These specialties will give you all range of necessary information to be an good hairdresser. - International exhibition « Nevskie Berega »;

Слайд 4

Relevance Job as a hairdresser is widely relevant in Saint-Petersburg. Many new modern beauty salons are constantly opened all across the city. They always need new professionals with a fresh thinking. - International exhibition " Nevskie Berega " The work took the 5th place!

Слайд 5

Hairdresser should know: — types of appearances, structure and properties of skin and hair; — methods and techniques of hair extension ; — techniques of hair coloring, and modeling ; — different haircuts. - The color « Blonde » + style - Highlighting of "darning"

Слайд 6

Hairdresser should be able to: — master the hairdresser tools ; — correctly and proportionally mix chemical substances for hair coloring and discoloration ; — master the secrets of changing appearances with hair manipulations ; — give a good advice about haircuts and fashion trends .

Слайд 7

Workplace . All the necessary tools should be located at arm's length. Equipment of the hairdresser: - Workplace with a mirror and lighting ; Armchair for the client ; Tools used for perming hair . - Sanitary equipment; - The barber's trolley is an indispensable item in the work of any master; Tools for hair cutting; Tools used for hair styling; Tools for combing;

Слайд 8

Wages , depending on regular customers, frequent seminars, knowledge of fashion trends, participation in competitions, and most importantly, you are your own boss! The main advantages of the profession The hairdresser manages to achieve a harmonious combination of hairstyle with the appearance of a person, his style and clothes, taking into account all the modern fashion trends, that is, we can say that he did the work perfectly. The point of hairdressing craft is that the pleasure from the work done is not only the client, but the master himself. The most important advantage of a specialty is a high demand in the labor market, because both women and men want to be beautiful. That’s easy to find a job today, even a master without experience, because in every locality a large number of hairdressing salons and beauty salons are open.

Слайд 9

The hairdresser’s working day starts from the preparations. Every master disinfects and checks his tools and equipment. Usually most clients call and discuss their wishes about future haircut . When client comes int o the salon, hairdresser must check and estimate his hair condition. After that, master discuss with his client best options. When preparations are finished, hairdresser begin his complicate but interesting work.

Слайд 10

Thank you for your attention!

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