Excursion to Novosibirsk
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Троянова Ксения Сергеевна

Экскурсия по Новосибирску. Достопримечательности и немного истории о Новосибирске на английском языке


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Слайд 1

What do you know about the capital of the Siberian Region? Excursion to Novosibirsk Prepared by: Troyanova Xenia, English teacher, 2019. “Novosibirsk Medical College”

Слайд 2

Siberia – A New D evelopment Siberia has been created for “fantasts”, a foreign delegate to the international meeting held at Akademgorodok once said. It is difficult to imagine that this territory which could easily accommodate the 33 states of Europe, is only a part of Russia. Well over 50% of the world’s known coal reserve are concerned here, as well as the biggest deposits of oil and gas, iron and non- ferrous metal ores, gold and diamonds. Siberia accounts for 60% of the country’s forests, 80% of its water resources, 60% of its coal, and has a unique flora and fauna.

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Lake Baikal – the pearl of Siberia – is a huge laboratory of the limnologists. The Siberian scientists bend every effort to preserve its purity correctly to use its wealth and to restore its fish reserves. The Far Eastern biologists study the unique nature of the Primorye Region, where the legendary Ginseng Plant, reputed to have miraculous powers, grows.

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Siberia’s short but hot summer always surprises visitors who associate Siberia only with cold and wind. What can be more pleasant than a mug of c old Russian “Russian Kvass” on a hot day.

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Western Siberia Depending on the part you are in, the Siberian winter lasts form five to eight months, the thermometer stays at minus 40 C. But lovers of winter sports do not feel the cold. Siberians say, “it takes more to scare a Russian than the Siberian cold”.

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All sports, especially skiing and sleighing are a favourite pastime of Siberians. There are some who swim the year round in the bitter cold.

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Some Facts about N ovosibirsk

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The Largest S iberian City Novosibirsk, the largest S iberian city, arose on the crossroads of two great routes- the Ob waterway and the Trans- Siberian railway. This was the site chosen for a railway bridge across the Ob river by an outstanding Russian engineer and writer Garin - Mikhailovsky .

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Novonikolayevsk A settlement that sprang up here in 1893 during the years of construction developed into a small town, named Novonikolayevsk . In 1925 the town was renamed Novosibirsk. In 1993 Novosibirsk celebrated its hundredth anniversary, and there are not many cities in the world that grow up as rapidly as our city . The birth of its millionth citizen was celebrated in 1965.

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Industrial Novosibirsk Novosibirsk is a major industrial, cultural, trade, scientific and educational center in Siberia. Dozens of factories and plants have been built to produce heavy machine- tools, powerful generators, TV- sets and radio- parts, farm machinery, various apparatus. “Complex” is the best word to describe the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.

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Akademgorodok In 1965 academicians M. Lavrentyev , S. Sobolev , A. Trofimik and other leading scientists readily responded to set up in Siberia foreposts of modern science. Soon construction was begun some 25 kilometers form Novosibirsk, in the pinewood and birch coppices spreading along the shore of the man- made Ob sea. This was a daring experiment. Never before had people of science moved so quickly to developing regions.

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Research center of I rkutsk Siberia assigns to the scientists so many tasks, opens so many new vistas that only a complex of researches in many fields can cope with them. Between 1958 and 1968 the Siberian branch developed many large subdivisions with research centers of their own in Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Ulan- Ude , Yakutsk, and Vladivostock , Sakhalin, Chukotka and Kamchatka.

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The N ovosibirsk State University The Academic Center in Novosibirsk studies a wider range of problems. Twenty institutes have been concentrated here, including a computer center, specialised design offices, a university, a botanic garden, and a large technical library. Akademgoodok has one more specific feature- it is one of the few towns in the world built right in the middle of the forest.

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The Novosibirsk Picture Gallery Today the Novosibirsk Picture Gallery is one of the Siberia’s most conspicuous collections and number nearly ten thousand works of art. The leading place belongs to the sections of Russian art. Among the most valuable icons in the collections are “Dmitri Solunsky ” and “the Virgin enthroned’, which show a deep feeling for line and colours .

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The Novosibirsk State Conservatory of Music

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The conservatory of Music Up to recently the Novosibirsk Conservatory of music was the first and the only music higher educational institution in the Far East. The Conservatory of music was opened in 1956 to admit 58 students. Young people devoted to music study here to become professional musicians in each sphere of music art, composition, experts in music. The Conservatory museum has a lot of exhibits which attract a great number of visitors.

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“The Siberian Bolshoy ” Novosibirsk is the city of high theatre culture. It has six theatres. Among them: The local drama theatre “ Starji Dom”, the city drama theatre “ Krasnji Fakel ”, the young spectators theatre “Globus”, the musical comedy theatre, the puppet theatre, and the pride of our city- the Opera and Ballet House called “The Siberian Bolshoy ”, opened in May, 1945, enjoys popularity both at home and abroad.

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The Krasnji Fakel There are a lot of theatre- goes in our city who regularly go to professional and amateur theatres. In our city there is a theatrical college where future actors and actresses receive good education and then join he city main theatres- the Krasnji Fakel . Many very popular actors and actresses worked in it, A. Pokidchenko , E. Matveyev , Z. Redlih . Very often one can hear English, French, Chinese speech from the stage.

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Coat of arms and Flag of Novosibirsk

Слайд 20

How much have you learnt from this excursion ? Would you like to check your knowledge? Please answer some questions: 1. How did the foreign delegate say about Siberia at the international meeting? 2. What is known as the pearl of Siberia? 3. What was the first name of Novosibirsk? 4. What is Akademgorodok and why is this city very important for all Siberia? 5. What sightseeings of Novosibirsk can you name?

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Thank you for your attention. I hope you’ve found that excursion interesting and informative.