Викторина "Неделя английского языка"
классный час на тему

Викторина "Неделя английского языка"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Интерактивная перемена для 2 класса

Task 1

Let’s check your knowledge of ABC

  • All of you have letters. Your task is to stand in one line in alphabetical order ( a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ).
  • Now only vowels must stand in one line in alphabetical order (a e i o u y).
  • And now only consonants must stand in one line in alphabetical order

( b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x z).

  • Stand in one line backwards ( z x w v t s r q p o n m l k j I h g f e d c b a ).

Task 2

Let’s check your knowledge of new words.

I’ll show you pictures and you must write the proper word with the help of your letters ( to stand in one line).

 http://www.kl82.com/sites/default/files/blacjcat1_0.jpg  http://vimpel-v.com/images/voda/plavat.gif http://spo.1september.ru/2010/12/2.1.jpg http://static.tumblr.com/ho119kk/QtAloyly8/piglet.jpg

Cat, black, swim, skip, pig.

Но не все старшеклассники смогли принять участие в игре с буквами, поэтому для них было подготовлено другое задание. Викторина «Ответь на вопрос – получи пять».  Для проведения такой викторины необходимо иметь коробку для вопросов викторины, бланк записи участников викторины, помощники для записи участников. Ученик подходит к столу, достает  из коробки карточку с вопросом. Задача ученика состоит в том, чтобы дать правильный ответ на вопрос немедленно при вас. Он  не может отходить, консультироваться, долго думать. Если ученик отвечает на вопрос правильно, то получает пять баллов. Вы вносите его в протокол. После проведения викторины все оценки должны быть выставлены в журнал.

Желательно организовать несколько таких столов, тк желающих принять участие в викторине очень большое и не хватает десяти минут перемены.

Примерные вопросы викторины:

If you drank smth at 5 o’clock, it’d be . . .

a) beer and butter

b) tea and soda

c) tea and milk

If smb started discussing weather with you, you would

a) change the weather topic

b) speak about weather non-stop

c) turn round and go away

If you had lunch, you’d have….

a) fish’n’chips

b) a hamburger

c) pasta

If your steak at the restaurant were as hard as boots, you’d…

a) throw it at the waiter

b) say: “Well, it’s not too bad”

c) throw it under the table and leave 

If you had a pet, you’d….

a) build monuments to your pet after its death

b) never allow it to lie on your bed

c) feed it very rarely

If you met a person in the street, you’d….

a) come up to him and hug him

b) never come too close

c) kiss him on the cheek

If you were a Brit, you’d…

a) go skiing

b) go bunjee jumping

c) go fox hunting

Which is the Great Britain capital?

a) New York City

b) Bonn

c) London

d) Moscow 

What is the national symbol of England?

a) The shamrock

b) The rose

c)The daffodil

d) The tulip

What kind of state is the United Kingdom?

a) republic

b) monarchy

c) democratic party

d) parliamentary monarchy

What is the name of the London's residence of Queen Elizabeth II?

a) Windsor Palace

b) Kensington Palace

c) Buckingham Palace

d) St. James's Palace

Whose monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

a) Admiral Nelson

b) General Washington

c)Former prime minister Winston Churchill

d)Abraham Lincoln

What is the oldest university of Great Britain?

a) Oxford

b) Cambridge

c) Exeter

d) Governor

What river is London situated on?

a) The Nil

b) The Volga

c) The Themes

d) The Mississippi

What are these: The Guardian, The News of the world, The Independent?

a)TV programs

b) newspapers

d) towns

c) radios

You must go to school in Great Britain...

from the age of 5 until you are 16

from the age of 6 until you are 17

from the age of 7 until you are 18

from the age of 3 until you are 14

How many letters are there in the English ABC?

a) 33

b) 27

c) 26

d) 31 

Name the English city:

a) Odessa

b) Madrid

d) Nice

c) Manchester

What is the town where William Shakespeare was born?

a) Sheffield



d) Stratford-on Avon

William Shakespeare was...

a) artist

b) doctor

c) writer

d) sportsman

What theatre was organized by William Shakespeare?

a) Globe Theatre

b) Old Vic Theatre

c) Royal Theatre

d) Dall's theatre

Who is the architect of the famous ST. Paul's Cathedral?

a) Michelangelo

b) Sir Christopher Wren

c) Rastrelly

d) Admiral Nelson

What is the nickname of London's Underground?

a) Metro

b) Subway

c) The Tube

d) Underground

Translate into English:

Век живи - век учись.

a) Better late than never.

b)Two heads are better than one.

c) First think, than speak.

d) Live and learn.

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