Презентация к уроку английского языка на тему "Традиции Рождества в Великобритании"
презентация к уроку на тему

Татьяна Сергеева Арсеньева

В презентации представлен материал для работы на уроке по теме "Рождество".


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Слайд 1

Christmas Traditions in Great Britain The author of the presentation : Gerasimova A.V. Subject : English The theme of the lesson : Christmas Traditions in English speaking countries

Слайд 2

One of the most important public holidays In Great Britain Christmas is celebrated on the 25 th of December. It is one of the most important public holidays. The Queen gives her Christmas message which is broadcast on television, radio and the Internet.

Слайд 3

Christmas Day is a family holiday. Traditionally all relatives and friends get together and give each other presents.

Слайд 4

History of Christmas The history of Christmas dates back to thousand years. The first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated on December 25th was in 336AD in the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine ( he was the first Christian Roman Emperor ). A few years later Pope Julius I officially declared that the birth of Jesus would be celebrated on the 25th December .

Слайд 5

Decorations in the city A beautifully decorated Christmas tree – a traditional gift from the people of Norway – is displayed in Trafalgar Square. Shops and shopping centers put up Christmas lights and decorations as millions of people in Britain do the Christmas shopping. Christmas services are held in churches and carol singers perform in the streets and public places, raising money for charity.

Слайд 6

Indoor Christmas decorations People decorate their homes at Christmas. They put up lights and illuminated Christmas figures outside their houses. Rooms are usually decorated with garlands, candles, wreaths and different Christmas plants. In the living room people put up a Christmas tree which is traditionally decorated with lights, bells, candy canes and tinsel. Beautifully packed presents are put under the Christmas tree.

Слайд 7

Christmas dinner At Christmas most families come together for a dinner. A traditional Christmas meal in Britain includes roast turkey with potatoes and vegetables with special desserts such as mince pies, Christmas pudding and traditional fruit cake. Coins which are usually added to the cake are believed to bring good luck to anyone who reveals them.

Слайд 8

Santa Claus Santa Claus, also called Santa, Father Christmas (in Britain) is an imaginary old man in red clothes and with a long white beard. Some people say that Santa lives in the North Po le. I n Finland , they say that he lives in Lapland . H e travels through the sky on a sledge that is pulled by reindeer , he comes into houses down the chimney at night and puts presents for the children in to socks .

Слайд 9

Santa Claus is often connected with the name of St. Nicholas. St . Nicholas was a Bishop who lived in the 4th century AD in a place called Myra in Asia Minor ( now called Turkey ). He was a very kind man and had a reputation of a man who helped the poor . Because of his kindness Nicholas was made a Saint .

Слайд 10

Christmas Cards People around the world send Christmas Cards to their friends and family. The first Christmas card was created and sent in 1843. A man named John Calcott Horsley printed the first Christmas card for Sir Henry Cole, the friend who had given him this idea.

Слайд 11

Boxing Day Boxing Day takes place on December 26th . It was started in the UK about 800 years ago in the Middle Ages . It was the day when the alms box , collection boxes for the poor often kept in churches , were opened so that the contents could be distributed to poor people . Some churches still open these boxes on Boxing Day .

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