Famous World Banks
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Презентация содержит информацию об известных мировых банков и объяснянение значения терминов по теме.


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Слайд 1

Famous World Banks

Слайд 2

A Bank (from Italian. banco — bench, a bench, a table, on which money changers laid out the coins) is a financial institution conducting various types of transactions with money and securities and providing financial services to the government, legal entities and individuals. In 1609 the city of Amsterdam founded the Amsterdam Bank. It set the constant counting unit representing the cost of a certain amount of silver, which equalled 211,91 ASAM of pure silver and was called a "Bank Florin — the Bank took in deposits of different coins, but the score was conducted only in Bank Florina . This Bank had worked until 1795.

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The Englishman William Peterson proposed the project of the Bank of England, whose capital would be placed in the public interest securities that serve as collateral for the credit operations. In 1694, the British government, being in a difficult financial position, adopted the draft. The Bank of England was created in the form of a joint stock company. Among the banks, founded in the XV—XVII centuries, there are those who continue their activities. Among them: the oldest Bank in the world Siena Monte dei Paschi di Siena (founded in 1472), Hamburg's Berenberg Bank (1590), Swedish Sveriges Riksbank (1668), English C. Hoare & Co[en] (1672), Japanese Sumitomo Mitsui (1683), English Barclays Bank (1690).

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Types of banks: - central banks for the state regulation of the banking sector and monetary emission; - commercial banks engaged in business banking; -universal banks, carrying out all types of banking operations; -investment banks specializing in investments, mostly in securities; -savings banks specializing in attracting funds from the population. Some banks are also sometimes distinguished: "Retail Bank" ( the"Retail Bank") is focused on work with individuals. "Captive Bank" ("Pocket Bank") is a subsidiary Bank of a large industrial or banking institutions, the main purpose of which is the maintenance operations of the parent company.

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Functions of banks: -historically, the first function of banks was safe keeping of customers ' money; - issueing loans. In this case, you are actually creating additional money supply . The essential features of banking activity (distinguishing it from manufacturing, trading, etc.) : -the predominance of the resources of the banks borrowed and borrowed funds; -extraordinary mobility and variability of the financial markets caused not only economic but also political, social and other reasons; -the need for continuous and simultaneous operation with clients; -the intangible nature of banking products (services) and the need for the participation of almost all divisions of the Bank in the manufacture of each product. The biggest and famous banks of the world :

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1. Великобритания Royal Bank of Scotland 2. Германия Deutsche Bank 3. Великобритания Barclays 4.Франция BNP PARIBAS The biggest and famous banks of the world :

Слайд 7

5. Франция Crédit Agricole 6. Швейцария UBS 7. США JPMorgan Chase 8. Япония The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ

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