Контрольно-оценочные средства для проведения текущей аттестации по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык

Блохина Тамара Самвеловна

Материалы для проведения текущей аттестации по дисциплине: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, представлены в виде теста, в двух вариантах.

Цель проведения текущей аттестации:

Определить качество знаний обучающихся по основным теоретическим темам и проверить умения обучающихся:

- выбрать из 4 предложенных вариантов ответов – один верный.

- узнавать и определять понятия;

- сопоставлять термины и определения;

- установить взаимосвязи между понятиями в понятийной системе.

  Вопросы, содержащие в тесте, освещают следующие темы:

- Соединенные Штаты Америки

- Образование в Великобритании


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Предварительный просмотр:

Профессиональное образовательное учреждение


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Зам. директора по УМР

______________ /Кальная Е.А./

от «___»_________ 201_ г

Контрольно-оценочные средства

для проведения текущей аттестации

по дисциплине: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык


на заседании ПЦК

«Общеобразовательный цикл»

Протокол №  

от  «___» __________  201__ г.

Председатель ПЦК

__________/Мартынова Т.А./


Разработал преподаватель

_Блохина Т.С.___/________/

Москва, 2020

Пояснительная записка

Материалы для проведения текущей аттестации по дисциплине: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, представлены в виде теста, в двух вариантах.

Цель проведения текущей аттестации:

Определить качество знаний обучающихся по основным теоретическим темам и проверить умения обучающихся:

- выбрать из 4 предложенных вариантов ответов – один верный.

- узнавать и определять понятия;

- сопоставлять термины и определения;

- установить взаимосвязи между понятиями в понятийной системе. Вопросы, содержащие в тесте, освещают следующие темы:

- Соединенные Штаты Америки

- Образование в Великобритании

При оценивании ответов на вопросы заданий варианта следует руководствоваться следующими рекомендациями.  

Критерии оценки для тестовых заданий:

правильных ответов (95-100%) – «отлично»

правильных ответов (80-94%) – «хорошо»

правильных ответов (61-79%) – «удовлетворительно»

правильных ответов (менее 60%) – «неудовлетворительно»

Вариант I

Упражнение 1. Дополните предложения, выбрав один правильный вариант.

1. The first President of the USA ... .

        a) William Harrison

        b) Andrew Jackson

        c) George Washington

        d) Woodrow Wilson

2. After which the city was named, chose the place of the capital between the States of Virginia and Maryland, on the river ... .

        a) Mississippi

        b) Missouri

        c) Yellowstone

        d) Potomac

3. The center of Finance, shopping, and fun is a city... .

        a) New Orleans

        b) New York

        c) Los Angeles

        d) New Jersey

4. Chicago − ... .

        a) sells you wheat and cattle

        b) cotton

        c) the center of fun and entertainment

        d) finance center

5. The most beautiful city in the United States is ... .

        a) Philadelphia

        b) Washington

        c) Chicago

        d) D.C.

6. Between which States is the capital ... and … .

        a) California and Texas

        b) Florida and Colorado

        c) Virginia and Maryland

        d) Arizona and North Carolina

7. It's located near what ocean ... .

        a) the Atlantic Ocean

        b) Indian Ocean

        c) Arctic Ocean

        d) Pacific Ocean

8. Washington's only industry is ... .

        a) government

        b) beauty

        c) minerals

        d) industry

9. The Capitol, the house of Congress, the Supreme court, and the White House are all located ... .

        a) in Washington

        b) in New York

        c) in the New Orlean

        d) at Chicago

10. Your attention will be drawn not only to such famous buildings as the Capitol, the White house, but also ... .

        a) Ashmolean Museum

        b) Legoland

        c) Lincoln memorial

        d) Old Stafford

11. The white House is ... .

        a) sight

        b) an ordinary house in the United States

        c) public place

        d) the place where the President lives and works

12. Washington produces nothing but a large quantity... .

        a) wastepapers

        b) bronzes

        c) metal's

        d) gold

13. The Capitol captain's stone was laid by George Washington - ... .

        a) February 27, 1792

        b) September 18, 1793

        c) July 8, 1793

        d) September 10, 1793

14. The seat of the government of the United States is ... .

        a) Capitol

        b) Guildhall

        c) Municipality

        d) White house

15. Washington - ... .

        a) city of four types of industry                

        b) city of two types of industry

        c) the city is one of the industry

        d) city of five types of industry

16. Formal education − ... .

        a) the instruction given at different kinds of schools, colleges, universities

        b) involves people in learning during their daily life

        c) home schooling

        d) involves people in their free time

17. The school system of all modern nations provides both ... and ... education

        a) comprehensive and basic

        b) basic and vocational

        c) general and vocational

        d) comprehensive and general

18. In most countries people enter a system of ... education during their early childhood.

        a) informal

        b) individual

        c) formal

        d) collective

19. Learners have to pass the ... to show how well they have progressed in their learning.

        a) homework

        b) exams

        c) statement

        d) reference

20. ... education programs are provided for people who wish to take up their education after leaving school.

        a) Children

        b) Уouthful

        c) Adult

        d) Pensionary

21. Most countries spend a large amount of time and money for ... education of their citizens.

        a) collective

        b) formal

        c) informal

        d) individual

22. Children learn their language simply by hearing and by trying to speak themselves − ... .

        a) formal education

        b) informal education

        c) collective education

        d) individual education

23. The United States of America is the ..... largest country in the world.

a) second

b) third

c) fourth

d) first

24.  The USA covers a large territory of about ..... square km in the central and southern part of North America.

a) 9,400,800

b) 9,600,000

c) 10,000,000

d) 9,400,000

25. The United States of America borders.... in the north and..... in the south.

a) Canada, California

b) Italian, British

c) Canada, Mexico

d) Mexico, Germany

26. How many stars and stripes does the American national flag have?

a. 50 stars and 13 stripes

b. 13 stars and 50 stripes

c. 20 stars and 15 stripes

d. 35 stars and 10 stripes

27. Who was the first president оf the USA?

а) Abraham Lincoln.

b) George Washington.

с) Franklin D. Roosevelt.

d) Tomas Jefferson.

28. The USA is washed by…

a) Pacific and Indian Oceans                    

b) Black sea and Pacific Ocean

c) Atlantic and Pacific Oceans                    

d)Atlantic and Caribbean Oceans

29. How many states does the United States of America comprise of?

a) 49

b) 14

c) 50

d) 2

Вариант II

Упражнение 1. Дополните предложения, выбрав один правильный вариант.

1. The United States of America is the ... largest country in the world in area.

        a) first

        b) second

        c) third

        d) fourth        

2. Its borders extend from the Atlantic Ocean in the ... to the Pacific Ocean in the ... .

        a) east... west

        b) west... east

        c) north... south

        d) south... north

3. It also includes ... in the northwestern part of North America and ... far out in the Pacific Ocean.

        a) Hawaii... Alaska

        b) Canada... Alaska

        c) Alaska... Columbia

        d) Alaska... Hawaii

4. The United States of America borders ... in the north and ... in the south.

        a) Mexico... Cuba

        b) Canada... Mexico

        c) Guatemala... Canada

        d) Mexico... Canada

5. The United States is often called the US, the USA or ... .

        a) continent

        b) Europe

        c) America

        d) USSA

6. The USA can be divided into three main regions: the Appalachians in the ... , the plain in the ... part, the Cordilleras including the Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada and the dry Californian Valley between them in the ... .

        a) east... central... north

        b) south... east... west

        c) east... central... west

        d) central... west... east

7. Many rivers are flowing through the country, such as the swiftest ... and ... .

        a) Columbia and Colorado

        b) Colorado and Madison

        c) Mississippi and Madison

        d) Mississippi and Missouri

8. The longest ... with its main tributaries the Missouri and the Ohio.

        a) Colorado

        b) Mississippi

        c) Irtysh

        d) Madison

9. The ... part of the USA comprises the region of the five Great Lakes (Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario).

        a) northwest

        d) southeast

        c) northeastern

        d) southwest

10. The United States is the ... largest country in the world in population.

        a) first

        b) second

        c) third

        d) fourth

11. ... is the second most common language in the USA.

        a) French

        b) Italian

        c) Spanishan

        d) Spanish

12. The US consists of ... states and the District of Columbia.

        a) 50

        b) 60

        c) 100

        d) 70

13. The United States has a ... system of government with the President at the head.

        a) parliamentary

        b) monarchy

        c) unitary

        d) federal

14. The national symbols of the USA include the ... and the ... .

        a) coat of arms... American flag

        b) American flag... the Great Seal

        c) trident... the Great Seal

        d) anthem... coat of arms

15. The US has never had an official language, but ... has always been the main language spoken in the country

        a) British

        b) German

        c) English

        d) Canadian

16. ... includes different kinds of learning experiences.

        a) Schools

        b) Еxperiences

        c) Education

        d) Abilities

17. In its broadest sense, we consider ... to be the ways in which people learn skills, gain knowledge and understanding about the world and about themselves.

        а) еducation

        b) еxperiences

        c) abilities

        d) schools

18. One useful scheme for discussing education is to divide these ways of learning into the two types: ... and ... .

        а) additional and formal

        b) individual and collective

        c) informal and formal

        d) formal and individual

19. ... education involves people in learning during their daily life.

        a) Individual

        b) Additional

        c) Informal

        d) Collective

20. Education is also informal when people try to get information or to learn skills on their own initiative ... a teacher.

        a) or

        b) without

        c) with

        d) partially with

21.Informal education – ... .

        a) involves people in their free time

        b) involves people in the process of work

        c) involves people of retirement age

        d) involves people in learning during their daily life

22. We consider ... education to be the instruction given at different kinds of schools, colleges, universities.

        a) formal

        b) collective

        c) informal

        d) additional

23. The population is about…

a) 390 million of people                              

b)100 million of people

c)250 million of people                              

d) 10 million of people

24. The US ... never had an official language.

a) have

b) has

c) had

d) is having

25. The second most common language in the USA.

a) Spanish

b) China

c) French

d) Italian

26. What do American people call the national flag?

a) the Stars and Bars,

b) the Union Jack

c) the stars and Stripes

d) the bars and stripes

27. From Alaska to Canada extend….

a) The Rocky Mountains                            

 b) The Cordilleras

 c)The Appalachian Mountain                      

 d)The Sierra

28. The northeastern part of the USA comprises the region of the five Great.

a) Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, New York, Minnesota.

b) Indiana, Illinois, Straits of Mackinac, Waterway, Laurentian.

c) Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario

29. What is the longest river in the USA?

a) the Tennessee

b) the Mississippi

c) the Colorado

d) The Niagara Falls

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