план-конспект занятия

Черняева Кристина Владимировна

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Рыба и морепродукты (Fish and seafood)


Ознакомьтесь с новыми словами, выпишите в словарик и выучите наизусть

shellfish - моллюски

mussels – мидии

caviar (red, black) – икра (красная, черная)

shrimps – креветки мелкие

prawns – креветки крупные

oysters – устрицы

squids – кальмары

crabs – крабы

crab meat – крабовое мясо

lobsters – лобстеры, омары

spiny lobster - лангуст

lobster tails – хвостики лобстеров

scallops – морские гребешки

octopus – осьминог

crayfish – речной рак

cuttlefish - каракатица


smokes fish – копченая рыба

dried fish – сушеная, вяленая рыба

salted fish – соленая рыба

fried fish – жареная рыба

baked fish – запеченная рыба

grilled fish – рыба на гриле

steamed fish – рыба на пару

fillet – филе


salmon – лосось

pink salmon - горбуша

trout – форель

tuna – тунец

catfish – сом

pike – щука

sturgeon – осетрина

starlet – стерлядь         

dorado – дорада

sea bass – сибас

eel – угорь

herring – сельдь

mackerel – скумбрия

cod – треска

haddock – пикша

hake – хек

plaice (flounder) – камбала

sardine – сардина

perch – окунь

grouper – морской окунь

pike-perch – судак

carp – карп

bream – лещ      

burbot – налим

navaga – навага

mullet - кефаль

anchovy – анчоус

cod liver – печень трески

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       Due to the constant growth of the global population and economy, the world is

now faced with a shortage of land, which farces the mankind to expand interests to

the sea, which covers 71% of the earth surface. It has become an inevitable trend to

make reasonable use of fisheries resources while we are exploiting our living area.

Because of the poor grain harvest over recent years, the world’s food stocks are drop-

ping fast, while the demand for food is increasing with the growth of the population.

These points make the supply of food a hot topic all over the world. Though threat-

ened by such unfavorable factors such as water pollution, destructive fishing, the

world fishing industry still has the potentialities and conditions for sustainable and

steady development, as long as it is scientifically managed and protected with new


       The Third World Fisheries Congress intends to approach the problems of

common concern for fisheries professionals, mainly focuses on how to add the food

resource for human by sustainable fisheries, so as to release the pressure of the grain

production, optimize the food chain as the theme and other relative topics at the turn

of millennium.

                                  World supplement

      Food chain=chain of food organisms- трофическая цепь (питания)

      Sustainable- жизнеспособный

      Do written translation of the text

Переведите текст письменно и выполните упражнения


       1 Какое важное событие, имеющее большое влияние на развитие миро-

вого рыболовства, имело место за последний период?


2  Какова, по-вашему, роль установления 200 мильной зоны в развитии

рыболовства прибрежных государств


Выпишите новые слова в словарик и выучите наизусть



blue cheese

сыр с плесенью



skim milk

обезжиренное молоко

cottage cheese


healthy cottage cheese

полезный творог



peanut butter

арахисовое масло



nutritious buttermilk

питательная ряженка

sour cream


thick sour cream

густая сметана



3 percent kefir

трехпроцентный кефир



whipped cream

взбитые сливки



srawberry yoghurt

клубничный йогурт

condensed milk

сгущенное молоко

can of condensed milk

банка сгущенного молока

Выполните письменно упражнения

1.Translate into Russian
Cottage cheese is a valuable food product, as it contains protein, fat, vitamins A, E, and B vitamins. It is especially appreciated for the content of calcium salts, so dishes from cottage cheese are recommended in children's and dietary foods. Hot cottage cheese dishes are prepared from bold cottage cheese. These include cottage cheese pancakes, casseroles, dumplings, puddings, pancakes with cottage cheese. Before cooking, the cheese is wiped or passed through a meat grinder. In ancient times, cottage cheese was called cheese. So it is called now in some parts of the country. From here comes the name of the common dish of cottage cheese - “cheesecakes”.

2.Answer questions:
1. What dairy products do you know?

2. What is the value of milk in baby food?

3. What can be prepared from milk and dairy products?

4. What is the importance of cottage cheese in human nutrition?

5. Do you like blue cheese?

3.Give English equivalents:

  1. Этот сыр очень соленый.
  2. Я люблю кофе с молоком.
  3. Я предпочел бы йогурт на завтрак
  4. Возьмите творог, он свежий
  5. Хорошая идея во время диеты пить кефир

4. Translate a milkshake recipe

100 мл молока, 40 г мороженого, 1-2 чайных ложки сиропа.

Все взбить в блендере до пышной пены.

Коктейль можно подавать не только как десерт


1 / How many liters of milk will it take to produce one kilogram of cheese?

a) 10 b) 15 c) 20

2. In what century did milk become pasteurized?

a) XVIII b) XIX c) XX

3. For how long does fresh fresh milk contain a large amount of estrogen hormones harmful to the male body?

a) 3 minutes b) 10 minutes c) 40 minutes

4. How should milk be stored so that it does not lose valuable vitamins?

a) In the cold b) In the light c) In the dark

5. What fresh stains on clothes are easily excreted by milk?

a) Ink b) Lipstick c) Grass
6. What water is better to wash off milk?

a) Hot b) Room temperature c) Cold
7. Where does the Sorveira tree grow, the juice of which resembles milk and is used by locals for food?

a) South America b) India c) Madagascar

8. What milk is feta cheese made from?

a) Cow b) Sheep c) Goat

9. What animal’s milk is easily absorbed even by people with lactose intolerance?

a) Goat b) Donkey c) Camel

10. In what month is World Milk Day annually celebrated?

a) June b) July c) August

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

планы занятий для детей на период дистанционного обучения 26.03.2020 группа 7/8

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