2. ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИИ по английскому языку ПО ТЕМЕ: "АПТЕКА"
презентация урока для интерактивной доски

Михайлова Надежда Владимировна

1. Аптека

2. Лекарства


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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Pharmacy Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing and dispensing drugs. Pharmacy links health sciences with chemical sciences and aims to ensure the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs.

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An establishment in which pharmacy is practiced is called a pharmacy (this term is more common in the United States) or a chemist's (which is more common in Great Britain). In the United States and Canada, drugstores commonly sell drugs, as well as confectionery, cosmetics, office supplies, and magazines and occasionally refreshments and groceries.

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Professionals Pharmacists are healthcare professionals who perform various roles to ensure optimal health outcomes for their patients through the quality use of medicines.

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Pharmacy technicians support the work of pharmacists and other health professionals by performing a variety of pharmacy related functions, including dispensing prescription drugs and other medical devices to patients and instructing on their use. They may also perform administrative duties in pharmaceutical practice . Professionals

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Types of pharmacy practice areas Community pharmacy Hospital pharmacy Clinical pharmacy Ambulatory care pharmacy Consultant pharmacy Internet pharmacy Veterinary pharmacy etc.

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Pharmacy departments There are usually two departments in a chemist’s : a prescription department and a chemist’s department. At the prescription department medicines are sold or made up according to prescriptions. At the chemist’s department one can buy medicines without prescriptions.

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At the pharmacy At the pharmacy all medicines are kept in drug cabinets, on the open shelves and in the refrigerator. Every small bottle, a tube or a box has a label with the name of the medicine.

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There are labels of four colours : green labels indicate medicines for internal use; blue labels indicate drugs for injections, labels of a yellow colour indicate drugs for external application and labels of a pink colour indicate drugs for the treatment of eye diseases. At the pharmacy

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At the pharmacy one can buy different drugs for intramuscular and intravenous injections, tubes of ointments, different pills and tablets for internal use, tonics and sedatives; drugs for cough and headache; cardiac medicines; herbs and things for medical care (hot-water bottles, medicine droppers, cups, thermometers) and many other things. At the pharmacy

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Слайд 1

Liquid and solid dosage forms tablets and solutions

Слайд 2

Medicinal forms are the forms given to medicinal preparations for convenience of their application. Dosage forms are manufactured in pharmacies or at pharmaceutical companies. There are liquid, soft and solid dosage forms, as well as dosage forms for injections. The same medicament can be manufactured in various dosage forms.

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Liquid dosage forms Solutions are obtained by dissolving solid or liquid medicinal substances in a solvent. As a solvent, distilled water is most often used, and in some cases - ethyl alcohol, glycerin, liquid oils ( vaseline , olive, peach, sunflower). Solutions should be transparent, should not contain notified particles or sediment.

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They are taken inside or taken externally (lotions, rinses, wipes, drops in the nose, eyes and ears, enemas, compresses, injections). Solutions intended for internal use are dosed with table (15 ml), dessert (10 ml), tea (5 ml) spoons, and also with graduated glasses (beakers). Some solutions containing poisonous and potent medicinal substances are dosed by drops. In a similar way (drops) doses solutions intended for administration to the nose, ears or used in ophthalmic practice .

Слайд 5

Solid dosage forms Tablets - a solid dosage form, obtained by pressing medicinal substances on special machines.

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Tablets have the form of round, oval or other forms of plates with a flat or biconvex surface. They are easy to use, portable and stored for a long time. In them, the unpleasant taste of medicinal substances is less noticeable .

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In addition, by creating multi-layer tablets, it is possible to provide a certain sequence of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract included in the ingredients, so many tablets are strictly forbidden to chew, and the number of drugs manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry in tablets increases every year.

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