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Михайлова Надежда Владимировна

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Causes : 1) Improper nutrition . 2 ) Overeating . 3 ) Stress . 4 ) Inaction . 5 ) Age.

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obesity symptoms : The main complaint of patients is overweight . Other complaints include: 1) shortness of breath on exertion; 2) increased blood pressure; 3) dry mouth; 4) violation of the menstrual cycle in women; 5) loud snoring during sleep; 6) increased daytime sleepiness; 7) pain in the joints; 8) decrease in potency in men, etc.

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Diagnosis of obesity : Obesity is treated by a dietitian - a specialist who graduated from a medical school and received additional education in nutrition. A comprehensive examination for obesity should include: - anthropometry; body composition study ; measurement of blood pressure ; ECG ; Ultrasound of the abdominal organs ; blood test for glucose, lipid spectrum (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides), liver parameters (ALT, AST, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase); other studies - uric acid analysis, glucose tolerance test, screening for OSA (night pulse oximetry).

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obesity treatment : Diet . Treatment should be directed mainly to the correction of nutrition : nutrition with a physiological quota of protein and a high content of dietary fiber; exclusion of easily digestible carbohydrates; restriction of total carbohydrates and animal fat; enrichment of the diet with omega-3 fatty acids.

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Physical activity . In obese patients, it is important to increase physical activity, primarily through aerobic exercise. It is recommended to walk at a moderately fast pace at least 10 thousand steps a day.

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Surgery . Types of operations for obesity: endoscopic installation of intragastric balloons . bypass surgery on the small intestine; operations associated with a decrease in the volume of the gastric reservoir; combined interventions (gastric, biliopancreatic shunting).

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Smoking .

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Smoking - is the inhalation of smoke emanating from smoldering tobacco or other drugs, most often of a plant nature, in order to saturate the body with nicotine and other substances that have psychoactive properties. Smoke through the respiratory tract enters the alveoli, where, mixing with the smoker's blood, it enters the brain, causing the necessary sensations for it.

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So, in the smoke of 1 classic cigarette there are the following substances : Nicotine - 1.8 mg; Pyridine bases - 1.1 mg ; Acetaldehyde - 0.77 mg ; Hydrogen sulfide - 0.60 mg ; Isoprene - 0.582 mg ; Acetone - 0.578 mg; Ammonia - 0.32 mg ; Hydrocyanic acid (hydrogen cyanide) - 0.24 mg ; N- Nitrosodimethylamine - 0.108 mg ; Ammonium - 0.08 mg ; Potassium (K) - 0.07 mg ; Indole - 0.014 mg ; 4,4-Dichlorostilbene - 1.33 mcg ; Sodium (Na) - 1.3 mcg ; Carbazole - 1 mcg ; N- methylindole - 0.42 mcg ; Zinc (Zn) - 0.36 mcg ; Lead ( Pb ) - 0.24 mcg ; Aluminum (Al) - 0.22 mcg ; Copper (Cu) - 0.19 mcg; Cadmium (Cd) - 0.121 mcg ; Antimony (Sb) - 0.052 mcg; Arsenic (As) - 0.012 mcg; Chromium (Cr) - 0.0014 mcg ; Gold (Ag) - 0.00002 mcg.

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The harm of smoking is expressed in the following: Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth (by 2 times), the birth of a child with anomalies or even dead . The born child of smoking mothers in many cases has a number of anomalies (up to 50% of cases), among which cleft lip, cleft palate, inguinal hernia, strabismus, heart defects, mental disorders, mental and physical development retardation are especially popular. Passive smoking in an infant can lead to sudden death syndrome.

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The harm of smoking is expressed in the following: smokers most often suffer from various acute respiratory infections, especially pneumonia, alveolitis , bronchiolitis, bronchitis, tracheitis , laryngitis, pharyngitis and other diseases of the respiratory system. Disorders in the work of the nervous system, cause the development of bronchial asthma. Moreover, when the products of their metabolism are excreted through the genitourinary system, there is a risk of developing cystitis. Various neurological disorders in the form of dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, seizures, and even loss of consciousness. A person has reduced sensitivity, touch - taste, smell, hearing, vision, control over muscles worsens (even unconscious control of the nervous system of various organs, for example, the intestines, which can cause constipation and other disorders), periodic tremors may appear in body. Chronic consumption of nicotine weakens mental activity, impairs memory. The dosage of nicotine in 60 mg causes a lethal outcome.

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Smoking cessation symptoms : Among these symptoms are: Poor concentration, confusion ; Increased irritability; Sleep disorders, insomnia ; Increased hunger, constant desire to eat ; Strong desire to smoke a cigarette, with obsessive thoughts to inhale.

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What are the reasons for the first attempts to smoke: Something new, ordinary interest ; Propaganda of a false philosophy of life that is harmful to health, such as “take everything from life”, “you should try everything in life”, “live to the fullest” and so on, which is especially cultivated in modern media (films, books, magazines, etc.). d .); The desire to be no worse than others, imitation, a misconception about "coolness", beauty, fashion among young people ; Desire to feel like an adult and / or independent ; Smoking in girls is often associated with a desire to please guys, attract the attention of other people, or a challenge to gender equality, that the female sex is not weaker than the male ; Lack of understanding of the effects of smoking ; The strong self-confidence of a person that he can control everything in this world, and even smoke only when he wants to ; genetic predisposition.

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How to quit smoking? 2 . Psychological ways to quit smoking . 1. Drug therapy (smoking drugs ) .

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Alcohol Alcohol is a strong psychotropic substance that affects the psyche and human behavior. In small doses, alcohol causes arousal, manifested in an increase in mood, a feeling of joy, a desire to have fun, but in large doses it leads to severe depression of the brain.

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How does alcohol affect the human body? Constant alcohol consumption leads to a serious illness - alcoholism or alcohol dependence, which is based on chronic poisoning of the body with alcohol. This chronic poisoning gradually forms mental and physical dependence on alcohol and causes pathology of internal organs, metabolic disorders, central and peripheral nervous system, mental and personal degradation.

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What are the first signs of incipient alcoholism? A frequent desire to drink and get drunk. The habit of relieving tension when any problems arise with the help of alcoholic beverages. Changing behavior when drinking alcohol: a person becomes aggressive, scandalous, angry. The occurrence of problems at work and at home due to alcohol consumption. Reception of alcoholic beverages regardless of the time of day - in the morning, at work, driving a car

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How not to become an alcoholic? If you have no signs of alcoholism, but you drink alcoholic beverages often and a lot - make a decision to reduce the amount of alcohol and reasons for drinking. Don't let the situation get out of control if you value your family, work, and your health. Avoid companies where it is customary to consume large amounts of alcohol. Control the amount of alcohol you drink. Do not hesitate to refuse if you are offered a drink. Learn to relax in other (non-alcoholic) ways: go in for sports, creativity, tourism or other pleasant activities.

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How does alcohol affect the internal organs? Alcohol destroys the liver (the main function of the liver is to neutralize all substances that are absorbed in the stomach and intestines): as a result of the constant toxic effects of alcohol, liver inflammation occurs – alcoholic hepatitis, then a large number of liver cells die off and liver cirrhosis develops. Cirrhosis of the liver is one of the most common causes of death of patients with alcoholism. Alcohol damages the pancreas, causing acute as well as chronic pancreatitis. Patients with acute pancreatitis are hospitalized urgently, as surgical intervention is often required to save the patient's life. Alcohol affects the heart, causes arrhythmias, arterial hypertension, disrupts the metabolism in the cells of the heart muscle, while some cells die and myocardiodystrophy develops (a decrease in heart mass). Alcohol reduces immunity (the body's ability to protect itself from infections), so I drink

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Thanks for your attention

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Understanding what drugs are fundamental for understanding their potential abuse . Drugs are a psychoactive substance. Some of these substances are called drugs and others, like alcohol & tobaco , are considered dangerous, but are not called drugs. DRUGS More people are abusing drugs today than in another time in history of mankind , and many of those people are youth.

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A psychoactive substance is something that people take to change the way they feel, think or behave. The term drug also covers a number of substances that must be used under medical supervision to treat illnesses.

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We are going to talk about drugs as those man – made or naturally occurring substances used without medical supervision , basically to change the way a person feels , thinks or behaves.

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In the past, most drugs were made from plants. That is, plants were grown and then converted into drugs such as coca paste , opium and marijuana . Opium Marijuana

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Over the years, these crude products were further processed to drugs like cocaine and heroine and finally, in the 20th century people found out how to make drugs from chemicals. There are called man – made or synthetic drugs and include ecstasy , LSD , ect . These were initially manufactured for largely experimental reasons and only later were used for recreational purposes.

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Now, however, with the increased size and scope of the drug trade, people set out to invent drugs especially for human consumption. For the first time in human history, a whole industrial complex creates and produces drugs that are meant to be used for sole purpose of « having fun » . People use drugs just to escape the reality, to have fun. The majority of them are young, even very young , who do not understand what might happen to them because of drugs.

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Our planet is facing a very serious environmental crisis today. It is called global warming. And it is the result of man’s intervention with our nature .

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Global warming is the long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system. It is a major aspect of current climate change. The largest human influence has been the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

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Power stations, cars, factories and plants produce an enormous amount of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) nowadays. Cement production and burning of carbon-based fuels have boosted its concentration in the atmosphere, leading to global warming. Trees and plants are able to change carbon dioxide back to vital oxygen. However humankind is rapidly cutting down trees in the Amazon rainforests. That is why the amount of carbon dioxide in the air is constantly increasing.

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Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, it allows infrared radiation from the sun to enter the atmosphere on the Earth and not to leave it. This process causes the surface to heat up. Scientists discovered that the polar ice caps and glaciers around the world were melting. It creates more water and raises sea levels. In many parts of our planet, from North Pole to South Pole, there are intense floods on land near the coast. In general, the world’s climate is changing: warm areas are suffering from severe winters, and cold areas are getting warmer.

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For example: On the night of February 18, Sochi was covered with a volley of snowfall. Bad weather continues to test the resort's strength and readiness for the impacts of the snow element. This has not happened in the resort for 50 years, the last such snowfall was recorded in the winter of 1972. In some places, the height of the snow cover in the foothill and coastal cluster is about half a meter. volleyed snowfall exceeded the monthly norm of precipitation by 2.5 times.

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If warming continues, the sea levels are expected to rise much more. Floods, storms and hurricanes are likely to become stronger. All the cities near the sea-shore will be under water. Besides, some infectious diseases (malaria, for example) can become common with increasing temperatures. And our crops will be infected with diseases too.

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So it’s a common concern of humankind to save our planet. There are many possible ways to make our climate stable and safe: increasing forestlands, vehicle fuel economy, using of wind and solar power and many others.

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Environmental pollution is one of the largest problems in our today’s world . It can be defined as a contamination of air, water and land from man-made waste. Nowadays there aren’t any cities and hardly any rural areas that remain clean and unpolluted. Largest problems Environmental pollution

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There are a lot of different types of pollution among which the most recognized are air and water pollution, soil and radioactive contamination, littering, noise, light and thermal pollution. Types of pollution

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People cut down forests and thus damage thousands of acres of land. First of all, the soil can be easily blown away and secondly, even if new trees are planted, they can’t bring back the old forests that were a part of a complex ecosystem that cleaned the air and made home for wildlife. Deforestation Waste Big industrial cities produce a lot of waste every day. It’s either thrown away or dug up which leads to the releasing of dangerous chemicals into the soil. Very often toxic or poisonous liquid chemicals are poured into the water therefore people’s health is put at risk. However, they are themselves responsible for this.

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Water and air pollution are also a serious threat to our environment. The main factors contributing to them are car fumes, oil spills, throwing litter and many others. Polluted air and water affect people’s health to such an extent that millions of them have got no access to safe drinking water . Water and air pollution

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In conclusion, it must be said that if we want to live in a better and healthier world we should take great care of our mother nature and learn to protect it. Conclusion

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