The Most Amazing Hotels in the World
учебно-методический материал

Кочубеева Ольга Владимировна

Текст для чтения и изучения темы "Accommodation of Tourists" содержит информацию о 10 самых необычных отелях мира. Рекомендован как дополнительная информация для студентов направления Туризм и гостеприимство, специальность 43.02.10 и 43.02.16


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10 the most amazing hotels in the world

  1. Hotel with underwater room, Tanzania

Manta Resort is located in Zanzibar. Not far from it, a unique three-deck suite is drifting. The first deck with living room and bathroom is at the sea level. The second is a recreation area, where you can sunbathe in the daytime, and at night you can admire the starry sky. But the most interesting is the third level. It is under water. This is a bedroom, where instead of a TV there are panoramic windows through which you can enjoy beatutiful corals, exotic fish and other inhabitants of the sea depths.

  1. Hotel-TV Tower, Netherlands

Hotel Euromast is located in the building of the former television center of the famous “Euromast”. Its luxurious rooms overlook the shopping district of Rotterdam. The apartment windows offer a magnificent view. But even more dizzying panorama appears to the eyes of the visitors when you are delivered in a special rotating booth to the observation deck at a height of 185 meters.

  1. Hotel on the tree, Sweden

Nearby the town of Luleå, in the forests of Haradsa, there is a hotel with modern furniture and free Wi-Fi. What’s so unusual about it? Hotel rooms just hang on trees! Complex Treehotel includes five thematic houses: “UFO”, “Bird’s Nest”, “Mirror Cube”, “Blue Cone” and “Hut”. Visitors are delighted with the original Treehotel design and a sense of unity with nature.

  1. Hotel in a cave, Italy

The highlight of Sant’Angelo Luxury Resort is its unique architecture and atmosphere. The hotel is located in the historic quarter of Matera, its rooms are literally carved into the rock, and the windows offer a magnificent view of the temple and the Basilicata Mountains. At the same time, being in tuff caves is very comfortable: modern furniture, bath, shower, internet, mini-bar in the rooms. And the cost of living in the most budget rooms of this hotel is significantly less than in the previous hotel.

  1. Hotel with Eskimo houses, Finland

Tourist complex Kakslauttanen is located behind the Arctic Circle. One of the main attractions offered to guests is accommodation in glass igloos, where, lying in a warm bed, one can admire the northern lights. The most chances to see rainbow patterns of the northern lights you get from late August to April. And in anticipation of a miracle, you can ride a dog sled, swim in the ice hole or go to the sauna. So, where would you like to stay for your winter holidays? Do not miss second part of this post where even more extraordinary hotels are waiting for you!

6. Hotel-train, United Kingdom

The Old Railway Station is a place for those who are close to the road romance. In the XIX century the station was located here. Now there is an elegant hotel with free Wi-Fi here. The waiting room now serves as a guest lounge. From it you can go right to the platform where in summer the guests are served with breakfasts, and can come back right to their rooms. The hotel rooms are converted Pullman cars of the times of King Edward.

  1. Oasis Hotel, United Arab Emirates

It is possible to have a rest not only on the sea coast, but also in the middle of the desert. Hotel Al Maha A Luxury Collection Desert Resort And Spa is the best confirmation of this. In Dubai sands there are comfortable bungalows with separate pools and antique furniture. Also guests can enjoy a wellness center, sauna, several restaurants and camel excursions through the desert.

  1. Prison hotel, Germany

In the center of Kaiserslautern, not far from the Japanese Garden, in the former prison building there is the Hotel Alcatraz, in which any guest can feel being imprisoned. If they want, of course. Along with the usual apartments there are room-cameras with bars and prison beds. If desired, even breakfast can be served through a window of the iron door. It’s good that you can leave your casemates any time.

  1. Futuristic hotel, Poland

Hotel Blow Up Hall 5050 is a paradise for geeks. Ultra-modern design plus the latest technology allow you to feel yourself like being in the future. So, lodgers instead of the usual card key from their rooms are given iPhones. Smartphone can not only open the doors, but also helps to stay connected during your stay in Poznan.

  1. Capsule Hotel on Elbrus, Russia

An ideal haven for lovers of alpine skiing. Hotel LeapRus allows you to enjoy the delightful sunsets and dawns on the slope of the impregnable Mount Elbrus at an altitude of almost four thousand meters. Rooms in this hotel are too small, but very cozy: comfortable sleeping bags, heated floors, free Internet and panoramic windows – nice place to stay. So, if you are going to stay overnight at any of the above mentioned hotels, hope you will have a great time there!

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