Презентация "My future profession"
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Чернышова Наталья Алексеевна

Компьютерная презентация по теме "Моя Будущая профессия" составлена студентом третьего курса специальности "Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта".


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Слайд 1

С ar Mechanic Презентацию выполнил студент группы 16 ТОР Перцев Андрей ГБПОУ Нижегородский техникум городского хозяйства и предпринимательства

Слайд 2

Auto mechanic is a working specialist who performs maintenance and repair motor vehicles, supervises the technical condition of vehicles using the diagnostic equipment and instrumentation, controls the means of transport.

Слайд 3

The first motor carriage appeared in the XVIII century in various countries around the world. As they have been i volved and improved over the time. But as any mechanism they required maintenance and repair in a case of breakage. This could only be done by people who are well versed in the internal device of the car. So there was a new profession - mechanic.

Слайд 4

This profession can be obtained by studying at a vocational school. It is o ne of the most popular specialties. Nowadays, the profession of automechanic is in demand and relevant in today's job market. The profession of mechanic is absolutely demanded in any region since the number of produced cars is steadily increasing.

Слайд 5

Auto mechanic should know: Destination, location, device, operating principle, operation and maintenance of assemblies relating to motor vehicles of category "B" and "C". Cfses that occur during the operation of vehicles and trailers. Symptoms, causes, dangerous consequences of faults, methods for their detection and elimination. The procedure of the maintenance of vehicles and trailers.

Слайд 6

Terms of storage of cars in the garage and outdoor parking lots, the rules of operation of batteries and tires. Techniques of disassembly, assembly, removal and installation of components, assemblies and mechanisms. Terms of testing new cars and after a major overhaul. A universal devices and instrumentation. Making reclamation of documents on the quality of maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.

Слайд 7

Auto mechanic should be able to: Manage cars and trucks of all types and brands that relate to motor vehicles of category "B" and "C". Manage special equipment installed on the vehicle. Fill the car with fuel, lubricant and coolant. Make out the travel documents. Check the technical condition of the car. Disassemble diesel and special vehicles togehter .

Слайд 8

Repairi and assemble trucks, buses. Carry out fixing the responsible carving connections with the replacement of worn parts. Monitor the quality of maintenance and repair. Identify and troubleshoot the components. Perform locksmith processing details. Operate vehicle maintenance

Слайд 9

An automechanic holds the technical condition of the car using the diagnostic equipment. Therefore, the computer knowledge is required. The salary of the qualified mechanic can reach to $ 1000

Слайд 10

While working it is necessary to handle the contaminated parts and mechanisms. A s well as it is harmful to breath air saturated with vapors of petroleum products (fuel and lubricants) and motor car emissions

Слайд 11

Auto mechanic must communicate politely with the customer, to know how to listen to him in order to understand the cause of the fault and the wish of the client properly.

Слайд 12

Auto mechanic must continuously improve their professional skills and knowledge of car market, follow all the innovations and advanced technologies in the global automobile industry.

Слайд 13

The equipment used in garages. The oil motor blower Wardrobe tool

Слайд 14

Car Diagnostic Equipment Tire changer and wheel balancer

Слайд 15

Recovery Body Stand Diagnostic S tand

Слайд 16

Car Lift

Слайд 17

А irbrush Mechanical Lifts Welding Machine Optical Diagnostics

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