УМК по внедрению учебного проекта для обучающихся 1 курса учебной дисциплины ОУД.03. Иностранный язык Специальность: 34.02.01 Сестринское дело. The Doctors and The Writes. The Influence of the Medical Education on the Creativity.
учебно-методический материал на тему

Никитина Татьяна Анатольевна

   Внеклассное мероприятие. The Doctors and The Writes. The Influence of the Medical Education on the Creativity.


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Федеральное государственное бюджетное  образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Петербургский государственный университет путей сообщения Императора Александра I»


Санкт-Петербургский медицинский колледж - структурное подразделение федерального государственного бюджетного  образовательного учреждения высшего образования  

« Петербургский государственный  университет путей сообщения                   Императора Александра I»



Директор  колледжа


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Специальность: 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (Базовый уровень)

Квалификация выпускника: Медицинская сестра

Форма обучения: Очная


Заместитель  директора

по  учебной работе


 «   »_______   2018 года

Рассмотрена и обсуждена на

заседании цикловой

методической  комиссии №

     Протокол  №

 от «    »_______ 2018 года



«     » _________ 2018 года


1. Образовательные:

  • ознакомить обучающихся с творчеством У.С. Моэма, А. Конан  Дойла как представителей зарубежной литературы;
  • определить, как их образование отразилось в  произведениях.

2. Практические (развивающие):

  • формировать у обучающихся умение осмысливать и интерпретировать произведения писателей с учётом приобретенного социального опыта и уровня владения иностранным языком.

3. Воспитательные:

  • пробуждение интереса к произведениям зарубежной  литературы, изучению иностранных языков

Организационный момент


Hello, friends! Our meeting is one of the meetings devoted to the classical English literature. But it is not usual because this time, you are going to meet not only with the famous British writers but also with the heroes of their stories, novels, and poems. You will get to a wonderful land full of images, spells, amusements and delights. You׳ll meet different characters.

Презентация 1.

Слайд 1.

Ведущий 2.

During our meeting you should do easy but useful task. You can see different phrases or words in Russian. These words will be colored in red. You must write them, translate from Russian into English and learn by heart to the next lesson. Prepare your notes and pens.  

I think the meeting will be interesting and useful for you. So, welcome and enjoy this fascinating and wonderful world!

Объявление темы. Мотивация.

Слайд 2.

Ведущий 1

The theme of our meeting is

The Doctors and  the Writers. The influence of   the Medical  Education on the creativity.

Слайд 3.

I want to start our meeting with the translation of S. Maugham’s words. He was a        famous English writer and a doctor.

Ведущий 2.

Вряд ли кого- то удивит утверждение о глубинном родстве профессий врача и писателя. Одного и другого объединяет потребность разобраться в психологии человека, его раздумьях, мотивах поступков, жалобах на плохое самочувствие или плохое настроение. Впрочем, нередко одно вытекает из другого. Давно замечено, что врачи нередко меняют «скальпель» на «перо», притом, что и то, и другое заточено. Характерно, что медицинское образование отличается цепкостью, и не покидает ни при каких обстоятельствах обладателя.

Слайд 4.

Ведущий 1.

Last summer we chose the Nursing Profession. We had a lot of roads but we chose this one

I want to tell you a poem of famous poet R Frost.

The main idea of this poem is the idea of choice.

Видео (The road is not taken)

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


В осеннем лесу, на развилке дорог,
Стоял я, задумавшись, у поворота;
Пути было два, и мир был широк,
Однако я раздвоиться не мог,
И надо было решаться на что-то.

Я выбрал дорогу, что вправо вела
И, повернув, пропадала в чащобе.
Нехоженой, что ли, она была
И больше, казалось мне, заросла;
А впрочем, заросшими были обе.

И обе манили, радуя глаз
Сухой желтизною листвы сыпучей.
Другую оставил я про запас,
Хотя и догадывался в тот час,
Что вряд ли вернуться выпадет случай.

Еще я вспомню когда-нибудь
Далекое это утро лесное:
Ведь был и другой предо мною путь,
Но я решил направо свернуть –
И это решило все остальное.

Основное содержание занятия

R. Frost (+ презентация)

Robert Frost is one of the most famous American poets of  the 20th  century.  Known for his realistic depictions of rural life and using them to examine philosophical topics.

Robert Lee frost was born in 1874 in San-Francisco. He lived in grandfather’s house and got a good education at college, where he started to write his poems. After that he was married and their family was rather poor.   In USA his poems were not very popular and Frost decided to start a literature career again. That is way of this he went to London in 1912.

In London he made some poems, which were becoming very popular. And in 1923 his fourth book was awarded of  Pulitzer prize.

Then he visited a SSSR and met with Ann Ahmatova, who read her last poem for Frost.  Robert Frost was died in 1963 in Boston. After his death Brodskiy, who loved Frost’s books, dedicate a poem to him.

We made a choice of Nursing Profession.

Nursing is not a career for everyone. An effective nurse needs certain character traits to succeed: she should be responsible, attentive to her patients.

At the beginning of our meeting we said that   the profession of the doctor often made an influence on your following life.

Ведущий 2

Our first foreign writer and a doctor   is S. Maugham.  

Be very attentive and do not forget to write down the  words and phrases.

William Somerset Maugham

(сопровождается презентацией)

William Somerset Maugham is one of the best known English writers of the 20th century. He was not only a novelist, but also he was   one of the most successful dramatist and short-story writers.

He was one of the highest-paid authors of his time. His works were popular for his simple style of writing.  William Somerset Maugham was born to English parents Robert Maugham and Edith Mary, on 25th January 1874, in the UK Embassy in Paris.

Both his father and grandfather were lawyers; his father handled legal affairs of the British embassy in Paris. According to French law, all children born on French soil could be enlisted compulsorily into the armed forces. Therefore, his father arranged for William to be born at the embassy, so that technically, he would be born on British soil.

Maugham lost both parents at a very early age after which he was sent to the UK to live with his uncle.  He was sent to the King's school.

However, French being his first language, he had very bad English, for which he was often mocked. He also developed a stammer that stayed throughout his life.

At the age of 16, he refused to continue his education at the King's school anymore

After it his uncle sent him to St. Thomas’ medical school, London, to study medicine.  He qualified as a doctor in 1897.

At first, Maugham had not good results at St. Thomas’ medical school.  At the 1st and 2nd courses he did not pay attention to his subjects.

But at the 3rd course when he began to study the medical subjects and examine the patients, he was fond of studying.

Then he worked in the Out patient department. Some scientists were sure that he would be a good doctor. He could be a successful scientists or doctor.

The course of training at the medical school was difficult. When the student finished the course of training he found a flat or room near the hospital in order to help the patients as soon as possible.

In order to receive a diploma he must deliver 20 babies without help. Only during the first childbirths the young specialists was helped with the fully qualified doctor. The rest childbirths, difficulties, problems he decided by himself. Every asking for help gave negative reputation and the young specialist could not receive a diploma.

Maugham also had such 3 weeks practice. During this practice he attended births and delivered 63 babies.

His experience in treating the sick gave Maugham material for his first work "Lisa of Lambeth". After that, although he became a fully qualified doctor, Somerset decided to devote his life to literature.

"I didn't want to be a doctor. I didn't want to be anything but a writer".

By 1914, he had become quite famous with ten plays as well as ten novels to his name. When the World War I broke out, he joined the British Red Cross with twenty-three other well-known writers

He also did intelligence work for the British Secret Intelligence Service, and undertook a special mission in Russia.

He wrote a book about his experiences as a spy.

Maugham lived a long life and passed away on 16 December in 1965 France. He was 91.

’Liza of Lambeth’

(сопровождается презентацией)

'Liza of Lambeth’ was written   in1897.

Liza of Lambeth  was Maugham's  first work which he had written while he was studying to be a doctor.  He wrote about his experiences as an obstetrician. The book became an instant success, which made him give up medicine and take up writing as a full-time career.

The book, which depicts the life of an 18-year-old factory worker named Liza Kemp, gives an understanding of the way working class people in London,   their everyday lives at the end of the nineteenth century. The action covers a period of four months -- from August to November.

Liza Kemp is an 18-year-old factory worker and the youngest of 13 children, now living alone with her ageing and incompetent mother. She very much likes Tom, a boy her age, but when he proposes to her she rejects him

Soon she met Jim Blakeston, a 40-year-old father of nine who has recently moved to Vere Street with his large family, and his wife. Seemingly without considering either the moral implications or the consequences of her actions, Liza feels attracted to Jim. They never appear together in public because they do not want the other residents of Vere Street or their workmates to start talking about them.

When autumn arrives and the nights get chillier, Liza's secret meetings with Jim become less comfortable. Lacking an indoor meeting place, they even spend their evenings together in the third class waiting room of Waterloo station. Only Liza's mother, who is a drunkard and a very simple sort of person, has no idea what is going on.

Soon the situation changed completely. Saturday afternoon in November, when Liza is going home from work, she is confronted with an angry Mrs Blakeston. In the fight between the two women, Mrs Blakeston first spits in Liza's face and then attacks her physically. Quickly a group of spectators gather round the two women -- none of them even tries to separate them

Maugham wrote:

‘About the middle of the night Liza woke; her mouth was hot and dry, and a sharp, cutting pain passed through her head as she moved. Lay there with beating heart. And strange pains that she did not know went through her.

Then a cold shiver seemed to rise in the very marrow of her bones and run down every artery and vein, freezing the blood; her skin puckered up, and drawing up her legs she lay huddled together in a heap, the shawl wrapped tightly round her, and her teeth chattering. During the following night, Liza has a miscarriage   and then dead from bleeding’.

Ведущий 1.

During his medical practice S. Maugham saw different diseases. He described them in his novels which were so popular that some of them were filmed Let’s listen to his next novel “The Painted Veil” (презентация+видео) 

The main characters of this novel are: Kitty, Walter Fane, Charlie Townsend

Kitty was a pretty girl, easy-going. She was 25.

She was afraid of being alone and she decided to marry Dr Fane. Walter Fane was short, but not thick-set, slight rather and thin; dark and clean-shaven, with very regular, clear-cut features.

His eyes were almost black, but not large, they were not very mobile and they rested on objects with a singular persistence; they were curious, but not very pleasant eyes.

When Kitty began to think of him at all she was surprised that he should have such good features when you took them one by one.

His expression was slightly sarcastic

When Kitty knew him better she realized that she was not quite at ease with him.

He had no gaiety. It wouldn't be a very good marriage for her, but it was a marriage, and the fact that she would live in China made it easier. He was a doctor, certainly, but he did not practice; he was a bacteriologist. At first she had been touched by his kindness and flattered, though surprised, by his passion. He was extremely considerate; he was very attentive to her comfort; she never expressed the slightest wish without his hastening to gratify it. He was constantly giving her little presents.

When she happened to feel ill no one could have been kinder or more thoughtful

After wedding Kitty went to Chine where she met  Townsend. She fell in love with him.  He was tall, six foot two at least, she thought, and he had a beautiful figure; he was evidently in very good condition. He was well-dressed, the best-dressed man in the room, and he wore his clothes well. But of course his eyes were his best feature: they were so very blue. In tennis clothes he looked a mere boy. He was a wonderful athlete and the year before he had won the local tennis championship. Certainly he was the best dancer she had ever danced with; it was a dream to dance with him. No one would think he was forty. Walter Fane was very upset. He made a decision.

 ( Video)

The people were dying at the rate of a hundred a day, and hardly any of those who were attacked by the disease recovered from it; the gods had been brought out from the abandoned temples and placed in the streets; offerings were laid before them and sacrifices made, but they did not stay the cholera. The people died so fast that it was hardly possible to bury them. In some houses the whole family had been swept away and there was none to perform the funeral rites. Walter Fane saved a lot of people, but fell ill. After thinking, Kitty knew how immense was his capacity for loving; in some odd way he was pouring it out on these sick people   who had only him to look to. She thought that there must be some drug they could give him which would stay the dreadful ebbing of his life. It was unthinkable that in a few short hours he should look like another man; he hardly looked like a man at all; he looked like death. Now that her eyes were more accustomed to the dimness, she saw with horror that his face had fallen.

Ведущий 2 .

It is known that leprosy was spread in Europe. It is not very contagious disease with long incubation period. One of his heroes suffered from it. Let’s meet next Maugham’s novel   ‘The moon and sixpence’+ video

The Moon and Sixpence is told in episodic form by the first-person narrator as a series of glimpses into the mind and soul of the central character, Charles Strickland the mind and soul of the central character, Charles Strickland.  The author said:

Charles Strickland was  a middle-aged English stockbroker. He was a man of forty, not good-looking, and yet not ugly, for his features were rather good; but they were all a little larger than life-size, and the effect was ungainly. His hair was reddish, cut very short, and his eyes were small, blue or grey. He looked commonplace. He was of uncertain temper. Sometimes he would sit silent and abstracted, taking no notice of anyone; and at others, when he was in a good humour, he would talk in his own halting way He was married.

The author described his wife: There was a thing I liked in Miss. Strickland. She managed her surroundings with elegance. Her flat was always neat and cheerful. The meals in the artistic little dining-room were pleasant; the table looked nice, the two maids were trim and comely; the food was well cooked. It was impossible not to see that Miss. Strickland was an excellent housekeeper. And you felt sure that she was an admirable mother. There were photographs in the drawing-room of her son and daughter.

But suddenly he left his wife and children in order to become an artist. He went to Paris from London.  He sent a letter.

"MY DEAR AMY, I think you will find everything all right in the flat. I have given Ann your instructions, and dinner will be ready for you and the children when you come. I shall not be there to meet you. I have made up my mind to live apart from you, and I am going to Paris in the morning. I shall post this letter on my arrival. I shall not come back. My decision is irrevocable. Yours  always, CHARLES STRICKLAND.

When the small sum of money which he brought with him from London came to an end he suffered from no dismay. He sold no pictures; I think he made little attempt to sell any; he set about finding some way to make a bit of money.

Five years later He died. The cause of death was leprosy.

Leprosy has affected humanity for thousands of years. Leprosy primarily affects the skin  and the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. It  may also strike the eyes and the thin tissue lining the inside of the nose

The main symptom of leprosy are  skin sores, lumps, or bumps that do not go away after several weeks or months. It usually takes about 3 to 5 years for symptoms to appear after coming into contact with the leprosy-causing bacteria.


Ведущий 1.

You have already listened to description of some Maugham’s novels. I hope you have already written some words and phrase. But now let’s meet another British writer and a doctor. Can you guess who is it?


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle  

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is best known as a writer.  However before he was an author he had another profession—he was a doctor. Arthur Conan Doyle was born on 22 May 1859, in Edinburgh, Scotland. His  family was  large —Arthur was one of  ten children of which seven survived to adulthood.

At the age of nine Arthur was sent to study at Jesuit boarding school. It was during those difficult years that Arthur realized he had a talent for storytelling. Later he used his friends and teachers as models for his characters Conan Doyle was 17 at the time.  This was his family’s situation as he tried to decide on a career.

Doctors were well regarded socially and made good incomes.  The family lived in Edinburgh and the University of Edinburgh was one of the most highly regarded medical schools of the time.  Conan Doyle could attend school and save money on room and board by living at home.

In early 1880 Claude Currie planned to have the adventure of a lifetime. He was scheduled to go on a whaling expedition as ship's surgeon. At the last minute he couldn't go. He asked a fellow student to take his place. That student was Arthur Conan Doyle. In 1881 Conan Doyle was awarded the titles of Bachelor of Medicine  and Master of Surgery  from the University of Edinburgh. He worked as a medical officer on a steamer travelling between Liverpool and West Africa. He then settled in Portsmouth on the English south coast and divided his time between medicine and writing. Arthur's first historical novel was published in 1889. He was living in London in 1890 and practicing as an occultist. By 1891, he had become a full time writer

In 1892, the first collection of Sherlock Holmes stories was published. A total of five collections of Holmes stories have been published. Arthur Conan Doyle died on July 7, 1930. Let’s meet his story ‘Behind the Times’

Ведущий 1.

All of you know his Sherlock Holmes stories. But he wrote not only the detective stories. We want to tell you his story under the title ‘Behind the Times’

‘Behind the Times’ (+ презентация) is told by the first-person narrator.

The main characters are:  Dr. Winter, Dr. Patterson and our narrator. He is also a  young doctor .

Dr. Winter:  He was a very tall man, though he lost a couple of inches from his stoop. That big back of his has curved itself over sick beds until it has set in that shape. His face was of a walnut brown, and told  of long winter drives over country roads. It looks smooth at a little distance, but as you approach him you see that it is shot with innumerable fine wrinkles like a last year's apple. They are hardly to be seen when he is in repose; but when he laughs his face breaks like a starred glass, and you realize then that though he looks old, he must be older than he looks.

Dr. Patterson and I—both of us young, energetic, and up-to- date—settled in the district. They thought that  Dr. Winter was too old, he was  a survival of a past generation.

Dr. Winter trained also at a time when instruments were in a rudimentary state, and when men learned to trust more to their own fingers. He has a model surgical hand, muscular in the palm, tapering in the fingers, "with an eye at the end of each." It happened  that the epidemic of influenza broke out. .

One morning I met Patterson on my round, and found him looking rather pale and fagged out. He made the same remark about me. I was, in fact, feeling far from well, and I lay upon the sofa all the afternoon with a splitting headache and pains in every joint.

As evening closed in, I could no longer disguise the fact that the scourge was upon me, and I felt that I should have medical advice without delay. It was of  Patterson, naturally, that I thought, but somehow the idea of him had suddenly become repugnant to me.  I thought of his cold, critical attitude, of his endless questions, of his tests and his tappings. I wanted something more soothing —something more genial.

"Mrs. Hudson," said I to my housekeeper,

Would you kindly run along to old Dr. Winter and tell him that I should be obliged to him if he would step round?"

She was back with an answer presently.

 "Dr. Winter will come round in an hour or so, sir; but he has just been called in to attend Dr. Patterson

Conan Doyle showed that a good doctor must be attentive, treats his patients with care and hearty attitude.


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