
Learning English

Профессия: учитель

Профессиональные интересы: работа

Увлечения: работа

Регион: Санкт-Петербург

Место работы: гимназия


Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:

I'm teaching and I'm learning.

О себе

I'm still learning...

Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир

Овод, Drei Kameraden etc.

Мои достижения

ученик сдал ЕГЭ на 78 баллов.

Моё портфолио

Primary school English tesching

Ten Golden Rules for English Teachers in 1-4 forms
1.  Use English as much as possible. Support what you say with facial expressions, gestures and actions. The children will understand the actions and transfer their understanding to the language. Don't demand that children speak to you in English until they are ready.
2.  Don't go on too long! Children have short concentration spans and get bored easily. When they get bored they become disruptive.
3.  Keep them active! Children are doers, not thinkers. They can concentrate for longer when they are active.
4.  The devil makes work for idle hands. The child with 'nothing to do' is a potential troublemaker.
5.  Balance you settlers and stirrers. Stirrers are activities, which tend to make the children very excited, settlers tend to calm them down. You lessons should not contain too many stirrers or settlers.
6.  Let the children move. Children find it very difficult to sit still for long periods. They need to move and interact with other children.
7.  Remember that children get tired! One hour may be a reasonable time for an adolescent or adult to study a foreign language but it is a long time for a child. Use drawing, colouring, constructing activities to make the pressure off the foreign language.
8.  Encourage children to play and be creative. Children only learn if they are happy and relaxed. Don't try to pressure them to learn because you will always fail.
9.  Don't ask 'Do you understand?' If you keep asking children if they understand they will think that they should have understood more than they have. The question does not help the teachers or children and only creates anxiety.
10. Don't lose your own sense of fun. Teaching children is a great responsibility and is very tiring but if done well it should also be satisfying and enjoyable.
                   So we all use these rules
 Dos and Don'ts for helping your children
 with their Brilliant English homework
 trust the teachers at your child's English school
 provide a quiet place for them to study
 sit with them while they are doing their English homework
 show interest in what they are doing
 look at the pictures in the book with them
 show and express enjoyment in their learning
 be encouraging
 flick through their books to make sure they have done all their homework tasks
 offer small rewards for progress ( stickers/ a new pencil etc)
 let them have the television or radio on while they are doing their homework
 ask them to translate the lesson
 ask them to translate things in English which they hear on the television
 make them do extra exercises
 insist that they learn all the words in the Companion
 punish or scold or discourage
 correct pronunciation ( they will learn it in time- slowly)


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