Ещё материалы к урокам английского языка

Ерохина Елена Анатольевна

Материалы для подготовки к ЕГЭ в 11 классе и интересные материалы о праздновании нового года в странах англосферы


Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка  в 11 классе

Тема:”How to find the right accommodation living away from home

Цель: подготовка к написанию эссе”A lot of students live on a campus and think it is better than to rent an accommodation” What is your opinion? Where would you like to live?


1. Развивать лексико-грамматические навыки по теме.

2. Выявить преимущества и недостатки жизни в общежитии и на частной квартире, развивая навыки аудирования.

3. Развивать умение выделять главное, делать обобщение, логично строить высказывания, выражая собственное мнение.

Ход урока:

1. Постановка цели: Soon you will leave your homes. You’ll have to decide what is more comfortable for you to live on the campus or to rent an accommodation.Today we should consider two points of view, summarise all the advantages and disadvantages and be ready to give your opinion. We’ll prepare for writing the essay.

2.  Повторение лексики.

Give English equivalents for the following expressions

Бесплатный интернет, платить за отопление и горячую воду, снимать частное жильё, иметь мало денег, личное пространство, дополнительная плата, отвечать за оплату счетов, предоставлять услуги, общественная жизнь, устанавливать правила, обмениваться полезной информацией, жить в ограниченном пространстве, быть в центре событий, соседи.

3. Предтекстовый этап.

Choose all the arguments  for living on a campus ,then for private accommodation. You can add your ideas.(предложения даны на таблицах)

 You can choose your own housemates

 It’s a place where you can make friends for life

 Life is quieter

 You set your own rules and regulations

 You feel looked after

 You have less responsibilities.

 You can invite your guests whenever you like.

 You learn how to share limited space with others.

 You are in the midst of everything.

 It makes people grow up quicker.

 You become more responsible, active and independendent.

 You feel protected.

 You can live here even if you are short of money.

4. Текстовый этап.

Listen to two university students, complete the sentences with a suitable word or expressions.

Summarize their positions in a single sentence (one for each student)

Agree ,housemates ,advantage, frustration (расстройство), fights ,invite, organize the party, solve (решать), bills independent, active, choose, easer, similar (одинаковые) interests, prepare, cultural activities, fun activity, the weather, walking distance, concentrate.

5. Послетекстовый этап. Контроль.

Let’s check completed sentences.

Summarize the position of each student .Give two main reasons for each position.

6. Обсуждение другой точки зрения.

The advantages for one person can become disadvantages for another.

Review all the benefits and give 1-2 arguments against:

1. living on a campus

2. renting a private accommodation.

7. Обобщение с высказыванием собственного мнения.

Now sum everything up .Give your own opinion where would you like to live, prove it.

8. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.

Today we’ve considered two points of view. I hope you’ve made up your own mind on accommodation, that’s why your home task is to write your essay on the topic ”A lot of students live on a campus and think that it’s better than to rent an accommodation. What’s your opinion?”

Though you’ve worked well at the lesson, you’ll get your grades for the essays


Предварительный просмотр:


(Мастер-класс на РМО учителей иностранного языка)

В реальном общении нам приходится много слушать, и то, насколько точно и полно мы воспринимаем полученную информацию, может определить наши последующие действия. Научить учащихся понимать звучащую речь – одна из важнейших целей обучения. Давайте вспомним, в каких ситуациях реального общения мы сталкиваемся с аудированием как совершенно самостоятельным видом речевой деятельности? Это происходит, когда мы слушаем: различные объявления, новости радио и телевидения, различные инструкции и поручения, лекции, рассказы собеседников, актёров в пьесах и в кино, телефон и др.

Часто помимо восприятия речи со слуха мы выполняем и другие действия – наблюдаем, говорим, пишем и т.д., но, как правило, для того, чтобы адекватно действовать в конкретной ситуации, необходимо понимать то, что слышишь.

Невозможно формировать только речевой или только языковой навык. Работая с аудиотекстами, мы параллельно отрабатываем лексические, грамматические, фонетические навыки. Аудиотексты дают информацию для обсуждения, что в свою очередь предполагает дальнейшее развитие навыков говорения и письма.

Предлагаем путь работы с аутентичными текстами с помощью комплекса последовательных упражнений. Работа проводится на основе аудитивного текста:

Presenter; Joрту, you ’re  one  of very few major designers
who are publicly committed to being fur-free.

John: I haven't used fur in my collections for over 16 years.
I haven't used leather for probably almost as long.

Presenter: What's your opinion about using artificial animal products, like fur and leather, for example? They look so much like real fur that people might get the wrong idea.

John: You're absolutely right. The technology has advanced so much that you're able to get the look and feel of real fur. And also leather — with leather, even more than with fur, the technological alternative is so obvious that there is no
argument about it. It's more durable and the price..., well, it varies a lot, sometimes it can cost as much as real leather. But the problem is that you're propagating the idea that fur is acceptable by wearing it, because a lot of people can't tell what is real and what is not real. You know, I'd refuse to use even artificial fur, but I can't because of my clients, for whom fur is
a status symbol.

Presenter: Is fur still a big deal in fashion? It seemed to go out of fashion for a while.

John: 1 know. I just got back Irom an appointment uptown. The weather was so nice I decided to walk down Fifth Avenue. The amount of furs that I saw on people and the amount of fur trim — whether on men's jackets or baubles
hanging from hats to full length coats — is surprising. And as an expert in this field, I can tell what is fake and what's not, and the amount of real fur out there is shocking.

Presenter: I think your fight for cruelty-free fashion is really tough. What about your opponents?

John: There are a lot of them. For example, the Scandinavian fur industry is one of many. It keeps trying to bring furs back into fashion. They educate young designers about the different animal furs available, giving them furs free, and helping them integrate fur into their designs. I'm actively engaging with young designers as well but in a different manner. In addition to my own participation in the 'Cool vs. Cruel' design contests, I'm a guest lecturer at some very prestigious city design schools. This semester I'm challenging students to create a collection
'without any animal products' at all.

Presenter: So are only industries like the Scandinavian fur one responsible for fur in fashion or are there any other reasons?

John: Of course, there*s a financial aspect to it. You know, I could have got millions of dollars in fur licensing by now. I could be rich. I would be able to live a much better lifestyle than I'm living right now if I had taken these offers. But I sleep in peace at night knowing that I'm not part of that. Then there's
also this, you know, 'well why should I worry about animals' attitude with a lot of people who are in fashion. I think this is a major problem here. They only think about themselves, and their reputations. They are self-obsessed. They are the worst!

Presenter: What do you think are some ways we can get the fashion-wearing public and designers to care?

John: I think just constantly making them aware of the cruelty involved. Just a continuous bombardment with information. I believe in protesting without violence, of course, that's exactly what we're trying to fight against —
violence against animals. It's a slow process which could be compared, maybe to..., for example, to the long-lasting fight of black people for their rights. A  undred years ago people also thought that black people shouldn't have the rights of white people. And 30 years ago people thought that smoking
was okay for you. It's all a matter of becoming a more advanced society and more caring individuals.

Presenter: John, are you a vegetarian?

John: You know, I'm trying to become a vegetarian. But having been brought up in a traditional way, it's always a battle. I eat red meat once in a while. Now and then I also have chicken. I think today vegetarian food is available not
only for well-to-do people but for everybody. The problem is dietary habits you have had since your early childhood. They are difficult to change. I know it's a slow process, but I hope by the end of this year I'll have completely cut meat out.

Presenter: John, what first made you aware of the cruelty involved in fur?

John: I think any intelligent person, no matter how old he or she is, realizes there's death involved with this type of fashion. And you read about it and just become aware of how savage this industry is. When I was a young designer, I had
a bunch of fur, which I used in one of my collections. And I thought, 'Oh how beautiful, how fabulous!' My clients also admired the collection. But then I  became aware of what goes on, and I guess, more mature as an individual and a ore of a caring person about the environment and the lives of  helpless animals. It's really depressing to realize that we aren't doing enough to protect the environment. Maybe I even shouldn't be showing fake fur. With the technology today artificial fur looks so real that by wearing it you are advertising it. I would like to help as much as I can with any of the organizations that want to help protect animals, including vocal protests as well as financially.

         Выбор данного текста обусловлен тем, что он является подлинно аутентичным материалом и посвящен актуальной проблеме экологии. При работе с этим материалом предлагаем использование следующей методики:

1.Предтекстовый этап.

          Цель данного этапа заключается в создании ситуации и мотива общения, в формулировке коммуникативной задачи, а так же в преодолении трудностей восприятия и понимания сообщения.

           Today we are going to discuss one of the most urgent problems of our society. What is the problem you’ll try to guess after doing some exercises before listening to the text.

 1.Match the words and their definitions

1.  aware                              a. not natural

2. fur                                    b. decoration

3. artificial                           c. cruel  

4. leather                              d. move forward

5. trim                                  e. know

6. savage                              f. animal skin

7. advance                            g. animal hair

8.realize                                h. give up

9. well to do                          I. understand

10. cut out                             j. rich

11.in a while                         k. seldom

2.Find the original word:

         Argument, death, acceptable, artificial, Scandinavian, lecturer, collection, awareness, helpless, organization, cruality

         Эти упражнения направлены на снятие лексических трудностей ,при  этом  отрабатывается словообразование, замена лексических единиц синонимичными, что  необходимо при выполнении заданий ЕГЭ.

         Следующее задание направлено на обучение умению прогнозирования.

3. Can you predict what problem we’ll deal with? What do you think?

1.Why does John use only artificial fur and leather?

2.Why cannot  designers refuse to use natural fur and leather?

3.How can people be encouraged not to wear natural fur and leather?

2.Текстовый этап направлен на восприятие и понимание текста и извлечение нужной информации. Во время слушания текста учащиеся выполняют задание «Complete the sentences»:

       Listen to the interview ,choose the right ending  to complete the sentences.

      1. I haven’t used fur in my collection for…

      2. And also leather-with leather, even more then with fur, the technological alternative is so obvious…

      3. They educate young designers about the different animal furs available, giving them furs free, and…

      4. This semester I’m challenging students to create…

      5. I think  just constantly making them aware of…

      6. You know,I’m trying to…

      7. It’s really depressing to realize that we aren’t doing enough…

a. that there is no argument about it.

b. over 16 years.

c. a collection “without any animal products at all.”

d. become a vegetarian.

e. helping them integrate fur into their designs.

f. the cruelty involved.

      g. to protect the environment.

3.Послетекстовый этап.

         На этом этапе учащимся предлагается задание на множественный выбор, что собственно и входит в тестирование ЕГЭ. Но кроме этого учащиеся должны подтвердить свои варианты ответов ключевыми словами. Такое задание направлено на развитие умения выделять ключевые слова, а следовательно,  и нужную информацию.

          Choose the correct answer to each question. Support it with the key words or expressions.

1. John has to use artificial fur because

a. it makes clothes look better

b..it is less expensive than the real one

c. his clients want to wear it

2. Walking down Fifth Avenue one day, John realized that

a. a lot of fur people wear was not artificial.

b. he could hardly see people wearing fur.

c. clothers with fur trim had gone out of fashion

3. What does John do in his fight for cruelty-free fashion?

a. He accuses publicly the Scandinavian fur industry of killing animals for fur.

b. He encourages students to get away from real fur in their designs.

c. He supports  designers who participate in cruelty-free design contest.

4. John thinks that the main reason why many designers still work with fur is because

a. it’s a good way to invest money

b. people want to show off

c. a lot of people are selfish and uncaring.

5. What does John mean comparing the fight against racism to that for cruelty-free fashion?

a. Fighting for justice always involves violence.

b. People’s outlook on different things changes gradually.

c. Both problems are equally important.

6. John thinks that it would be easier for him to become a vegetarian if

a. he had been raised in a family of vegetarians.

b. more vegetarian products were available

c. he ate only chicken rather than red meat.

7. What is John going to do to protect animals from being  killed  for their  fur?

a. He is going to persuade his clients not to buy fur clothers.

b. He is thinking of refusing to use artificial fur in his collections.

c. He is thinking of heading up some animal protection organization

       Затем предлагается ответить на предтекстовые вопросы.

       Далее обсуждается следующая проблема; “Can people refuse to use such animal products as meat and fur at all

       При обсуждении проблемы проводится  ролевая игра, в которой часть учащихся представляет “Green Peace”,вторая группа - доктора, доказывающие необходимость присутствия в рационе человека мясных продуктов, третья группа - модные дизайнеры, четвертая - обычные люди, обыватели.

        Каждая группа доказывает свою точку зрения.

        На основе представленных аргументов предлагается написать эссе по этой теме с аргументацией «За» и «Против» и высказыванием собственного мнения.

        Таким образом на основе прослушанного текста можно развивать лексико-грамматические навыки, навыки устной речи и письма и навыки аудирования, варьируя упражнения. При этом аудирование выступает и как цель и как средство обучения.
