Демоверсии промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку на 2018-2019 учебный год

Демоверсии промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку


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Предварительный просмотр:

Материалы для промежуточной аттестации в 3 классе к УМО “Spotlight” (Английский в фокусе)

Вариант 2

№1. Послушай рассказ и определи о ком он. (1 балл)

http://im1-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=153599235-34-72&n=21             http://www.detochki.su/malishi/30046_550_799.jpg                 http://www.disegnidacoloraregratis.it/foto/sport/calcio/calcio_03.JPG


№2 Прочитай текст и напиши Yes или No. (7 баллов)

 Max is a nice Russian boy. He is nine. He doesn’t like to paint pictures, but he likes to play computer games. Max likes to go to school. His favourite subject is Maths. Max has got a ball. He likes to go to the park and play soccer there.

Max likes to visit his grandpa. He visits his grandpa on Fridays. They play and read books.

Max likes to eat. His favourite food is pizza. He doesn’t like soup.

  1. Max is from Russia. __________
  2. Max is 10. __________
  3. Max likes to paint pictures. __________
  4. Max visits his grandpa on Fridays. __________
  5. They fly a kite. __________
  6. Max likes to eat. __________
  7. His favourite food is sausages. __________

№3 Отметь треугольником предложения в Present Simple, кругом – в Present Continuous.  (4 балла)

  1. I ride a bike on Fridays.
  2. She is driving  a car now.
  3. They have lunch at 2 o’clock.
  4. We are having fun!

 №4 Вставь am, is, are: (4 балла)

  1. She ______ sleeping now.
  2. You _____watching TV now.
  3. I _____playing tennis now.
  4. A cat_____eating now.

№5 Напиши множественное число следующих существительных:

(4 балла)

  1. School - ____________
  2.  Foot -___________
  3. Shelf- _________
  4. Glass - ______________

№6  Выбери правильное слово и подчеркни его: (3 балла)

  1. I’ve got some/any water in the glass.
  2. We haven’t got some/any chairs in the room.
  3. Has he got some/any toys in his bedroom?

№7 Вставь артикль а или an. (4 балла)

  1. _______mouse
  2. _______ear
  3. ________desk
  4. __________armchair

№8 Вставь there is или there are: (4 балла)

  1. _________________ a fridge in the kitchen.
  2. _________________three toy-soldiers in the toy box.
  3. _________________a sofa in the living-room.
  4. _________________two chairs in my bedroom. 

№9 Выбери и обведи подходящий перевод к предложению. (2 балла)

  1. The girls’ ball  is yellow.
  1. Мячики девочек желтые.
  2. Мячик девочки желтый.
  3. Мячик девочек желтый.
  1. The sister’s pen is blue.
  1. Ручка сестры синяя.
  2. Ручка сестер синяя.
  3. Ручки сестер синие.

№10 Комплексное задание. Устная речь (повышенный уровень)

(6 баллов)

   Расскажи своим одноклассникам о себе (Как зовут, сколько лет, что умеешь и не умеешь делать, где живешь и с кем, что любишь и не любишь есть)

Всего 39 баллов


Лист для учителя. Ответы к тесту.

Текст для аудирования

     I have got a friend. His name is Mike. He is ten. He is from Great Britain. My friend is slim and brave. Mike has got big ears and a small nose. He is always merry and happy. Mike can run very well but he can’t sing and dance. He has got a pet. It’s a funny grey cat. Its name is Pussy.Pussy and Mike like to go to the river to fish together.




  1. Yes;  2- No;  3- No;  4- Yes;  5- No;  6- Yes; 7- No.


1 -        2-        3-         4-


  1. - is;  2- are;  3- am;  4 –is


1. Schools;   2.Feet;   3. Shelves; 4.Glasses


  1. some;   2. any;   3. any


  1. a;  2 an;  3 a ; 4 an


  1. there is;  2. there are;  3. there is;  4. there are


  1. c;  2. a

Пояснительная записка

     Итоговая контрольная работа во 3 классе по УМО “Spotlight” состоит 10 заданий.

Задание №1 проверяет умение учащихся понимать текст на слух на английском языке, построенный на знакомом лексическом материале.

Задание №2 проверяет навыки чтения с полным пониманием текста.

Задание №3 проверяет знание  признаков времен Present Simple и Present Continuous.

Задание №4 проверяет умение учащихся правильно употреблять глаголы to be.

Задание №5 проверяет умение учащихся образовывать множественное число существительных в английском языке

Задание №6 проверяет умение учащихся правильно употреблять количественные местоимения some, any.

Задание №7  проверяет знание учащимися гласных и согласных букв и правильное употребление неопределенных артиклей.

Задание №8 проверяет знание учащимися оборотов there is/are и умение правильно применять их на практике.

Задание №9 проверяет знание учащимися притяжательного падежа и умение правильно переводить предложения в данном падеже.

Задание №10 направлено на проверку умения составлять монологическое высказывание о себе.

Используемый источник: УМО “Spotlight” 3 класс (Английский в фокусе)

Порядок выполнения работы:

1. Сначала учащиеся выполняют задание по аудированию.

2. Далее выполнять задания можно в любой последовательности.

3.Работу можно выполнять 2 урока.

Оценивание работы:

«5» - 100 – 75%           «4» - 74– 66%

«3» - 65 – 50%            «2» - менее 50%                                         

Предварительный просмотр:

Материалы для промежуточной аттестации  по английскому языку для 4 класса

II вариант

             1.Выбери нужное слово и заполни пропуски: drink, play, count, write, do, have, answer, learn.

  1. We must ________ our homework every day.
  2.  Children ________ a good time at school.
  3.  They __________ new words in the English lesson.
  4.  I  __________ teacher’s questions every day.
  5.  We________ many poems by heart.
  6. My little sister can _________ from 1 to20.
  7.  During the break we ________ orange juice.
  8. Mary and Ben don’t ________ computer games at school.

  1. Какое слово лишнее?
  1. dress,  sweater, boots, shirt.
  2.  board, desk, boy, bookshelf
  3. Maths, PE, daughter, Reading, Russian.
  4. ruler, dictionary, horse, pencil
  5. white, yellow, long, red, black

  1. Раскрой скобки, употребив прилагательное в правильной форме.
  1. My sister  is the  ( good) pupil in her class.
  2. It is a very ( funny) English book.
  3.  In the city  rivers  are ( dirty)  than in the country.
  4.  Tigers are ( big ) than dogs.
  5.  Nick is the ( bad)  pupil  in  our class.
  6. I think dolphins are the (beautiful)  animals.
  7. Winter  is a  ( cold ) season. I like it.

  1. Раскрой скобки, поставив глаголы в Past Simple.
  1. Kate ( get ) up at 6 o’ clock.
  2.  She ( wash ) her face and hands.
  3.  Then she ( have ) breakfast with her mum, dad and sister Ann.
  4.  After breakfast she ( go) to school.
  5.  After school Kate ( do ) her homework and ( walk) with her friends in the street.
  6. In  the evening she ( take) her  pet  for a walk and ( watch ) TV.
  7. I ( make ) a cake with my mum yesterday.

  1. Вставь there is или there are.
  1. ________books on my shelf.
  2. _______ a large window in his room.
  3. ______two  computers on the table.
  4. ________ many posters and pictures on the wall.
  5. ________ a desk in my bedroom.

  1. Выбери верный вспомогательный глагол
  1. ( do, did, does)  your mum   help  you to  do  your homework yesterday?
  2.  Where ( will, did, do) he go next year?
  3.  My friend usually ( writes, wrote, will write) letters on Sundays.
  4.  Where ( are, were) they last summer?
  5. I always ( help, helped, helps) my mum .
  6. They ( buy, will buy, bought) a new car two days ago.
  7.  Her sister ( will make, made, makes) a cake tomorrow.
  8. She asked  a lot of questions  ( last lesson, every lesson).

             7.  Напиши вопросы к предложениям.

                1) She met her friend at school  yesterday. ( Where?)

                2)  Tim reads books every evening. ( When?)

                3) We went shopping  last week.  ( Who?)

                4) They will watch TV tomorrow. (What?)

          8. Вставь нужный предлог : on, in, with ( 2), next to, at.

            1) There are  a lot  of  toys  ____the box.

            2) There is a  teacher’s table   ____ the window.

            3) There are five posters ________the wall.

            4) They walked ________their friends in the park.

            5) There is a big box with  toys ________the table.

             6) I share my room _______my little brother.


Предварительный просмотр:

Материалы для промежуточной аттестации

5 класс

Вариант 2

Контрольная работа состоит из 4 частей. На выполнение проверочной работы учащимся отводится 45 минут: Аудирование  (5 мин), Чтение (10 мин), Лексика и грамматика (20 мин), Письмо (10 мин)

        В проверочной работе используются следующие типы заданий:

  1. Задания на установление соответствий
  2. Задания с выбором ответа из нескольких вариантов.
  3. Задания с кратким ответом в виде одного слова на дополнение предложения или связного текста.
  4. Задания открытого типа, требующие записи развёрнутого ответа

        Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение заданий –42  (36 + 6 за письмо)

Если ученик набрал менее 20 баллов – это низкий уровень работы – оценка «2»

От 21 до 28 баллов -  средний уровень  выполнения работы – оценка «3»

От 29 до 36 баллов – хороший уровень выполнения работы – оценка «4»

От 37до 42 баллов - высокий уровень выполнения работы - оценка «5»

 Текст для аудирования звучит для учащихся 1 и 2 вариантов один общий, далее задания выполняются по вариантам.


                                                                          Вариант № 2

Раздел 1 Аудирование

Listen to the text and mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). (Прослу-шайте текст и отметьте утверждения как верные (T) или неверные F.)

   Mr.Smith is Kate and Sam’s teacher. He lives far from school. He gives them French lessons and he speaks French very well. When the children know their lessons well, Mr.Smith gives them good marks. Kate has got an A for his French dictation. That is the highest mark. Sam has got a D for the dictation. That’s the lowest mark. Sam always makes a lot of mistakes in his dictations. The dictation was very long. There were twenty-two lines in it. There were a lot of difficult words in the dictation. Kate is glad that she wrote it well. Sam isn’t very happy that he made so many mistakes.

1.Mr.Smith is an English teacher.

2.Mr.Smith always gives the children good marks.

3.Kim got the lowest mark for the dictation.

4.Sam didn’t get the highest mark for the dictation.

5.There were twenty-two words in the dictation.

6.The dictation was difficult.

7.Kate isn’t very happy about the dictation.

8.Sam never writes dictations well.


                                     Раздел 2 Чтение  

Read the text. Mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). (Прочитайте  текст. Отметьте утверждения как верные (Т) или неверные (F).)

   Dear Carol,

          Thank you for your letter. We are having a fantastic holiday. Oakwood is a little village in the south of  England with a park, a castle and some lovely gardens. People here are really friendly. The lady we are staying with is about fifty-five but she is very energetic. She is really nice.

           I think we are lucky. This is our second holiday this year and we are doing just what we want to do: sleeping, eating and playing games. The sea is rather cold so we don’t swim often but we spend a lot of time on the beach. The food is lovely, too. We will be back on Tuesday, June, 21.

           Best wishes,


    Задание к тексту:

1. Mary is in Oakwood now.

2.  There is a park in Oakwood .

3.  They aren’t staying at a hotel.

4.  They don’t play games.

5. Oakwood is near the sea.

6. They swim a lot.

7. Mary doesn’t know when they return.

                              Раздел 3 Лексика и Грамматика

Сhoose the correct form of the verbs. (Выберите правильную форму глаго-ла.)

I…(16)…in  the park and…(17)….my notes at the moment. It…(18)…hot. I…(19)…hot  weather.  I ... not …(20)… to sit here. But  Roger …(21)… tennis with his friend. They …(22)… and …(23)... . They…(24)… neither ice cream nor cold lemonade. They …(25)… fun. They …(26)… this weather

sit, write

be,  hate,   want, play, run, laugh,  need, have,  


Add the appropriate ending to create the tag-question. ( Добавьте нужное окончание, чтобы получился разделительный вопрос.)

It is a lovely evening,…(27).

Her parents aren’t from Italy,…(28).

You will go there again,…(29).

My students don’t need any help,…(30).

Ann knows my family,…(31).

Choose the appropriate word. (Выберите подходящее по смыслу cлово.)

32. Our …. school would like to invite a group of foreign students.

      a) typical      b) social           c)sociable           d) local

33. The Tower Bridge is one of the famous ….in London.

     a) place of interest    b)building   c) bridges  d) museum

34. The Queen of Britain lives in …

     a) Westminster Abbey  b) Tower of London  c) Buckingham Palace

35. This political meeting takes …near the Houses of Parliament.

     a) place   b) care  c) part   d) off

36. Children like to take …… of their pets

     a) place   b) care  c) part   d) off

                                              Раздел 4 Письмо

Write a letter to your pen friend from Great Britain. Tell him/her about your family and hobbies, your school. Don’t forget about the rules of writing a letter. (Напишите письмо своему другу по переписке в Великобританию. Расскажите ему о своей семье, своих увлечениях, школе. Не забудьте про правила написания письма).


1. F

9. +

16. am sitting

27. isn’t it

2. F

10. +

17. writing

28. are they

3. F

11. +

18. is

29. won’t you

4. T

12. -

19. hate

30. do they

5. F

13. +

20. do not want

31. doesn’t she

6. T

14. -

21. is playing

32.  c

7. F

15. -

22. are running

33.  c

8. T

23. laughing

34.  b

24. need

35.  a

25. have

36.  d

26. like

37 – 43 личное письмо

Предварительный просмотр:

Материалы  промежуточной аттестации

по английскому языку для учащихся 6 классов

В работе учащимся предложено 26 заданий с выбором одного правильного ответа. Работа состоит из двух вариантов. Время выполнения – 45 минут.

В работу включены задания по следующим темам:

  1. Лондон и его достопримечательности.
  2. Дикие и домашние животные.
  3. Семья. Семейные праздники.
  4. Любимые занятия англичан.
  5. Грамматика: употребление времён английского глагола (настоящее простое, прошедшее простое, настоящее завершённое, простое будущее).
  6. Грамматика: существительные в притяжательном падеже.

Нормы оценивания:

Отметка «5» ставится за верное выполнение 23 – 26 заданий

Отметка «4» ставится за верное выполнение 18 – 22 заданий

Отметка «3» ставится за верное выполнение 13 – 17 заданий

Отметка «2» ставится за верное выполнение до 12 заданий.

II Вариант

  1. Выбери лишнее слово в данной группе слов:
  1. crocodiles, camels, eagles, rhino, pandas.
  2. a whale, a hen, a giraffe,  a tiger, a lion.
  3. themountains,  the zoo, the desert, the tree, the  house.        


  1. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.

1. Your mother's son is your...

a) brother        b)  husband        c) grandfather

2. Your father is your mother's…

        a)husband        b ) daughter    c ) nephew

3.A female parent is your...

a) father          b) cousinc) mother

4. My father  …  smoking two months ago.

 a) get rid of           b) gave up        c)  stand  up

5.Do you get … with your elder brother?        

a) ready        b) rid ofc) along


a) my relatives’ houseb) my relative’s house        c)  my relatives` houses              

7. детскаякомната

        a) children’ room           b) childrens’ room  c) children’s room                

  1. Заполни пропуски.

1. Next year my family … the Zoological Society of London.

                        a) joined          b) has joined                c) is going to join

2. Look at his dirty shirt! He  … just … with Nick.

                        a) watched                 b)  has had a fight       c) came

3. It often … here.

                        a) rains                      b) rain                c) raining

4. I…  my mother about the house now.

a)  am helping            b)         helping        c) help                        


  1. Выбери правильную форму глагола.

1.  I (have been / was) to so many interesting places in Britain!

2.  The Tower of London, for example. They (build / built) it 900 years ago.

3.  Look at the picture. My father (is taking / takes) part in the famous marathon in London.

4.   It is not my first trip to Britain. I (visited / will visit) London and Edinburg two years ago.        

  1. Выбери правильный вариант перевода.

1.Have you ever been to an ancient castle? a) Вы когда-нибудь бывали в старинном замке?

b) Вы когда-нибудь собираетесь побывать в старинном замке?

2. Mynieceisfeedingherlittlekitten.        a) Моя племянница покормила своего маленького котенка.

b) Моя племянница кормит своего маленького котенка.

3. Вечером она убрала со стола, подмела пол и легла спать.

a) In the evening she has cleared the table, swept the floor and gone to bed.

b) In the evening she cleared the table, swept the floor and went to bed.

4.My friends have made this model ship themselves.

a) Мои друзья сделали эту модель корабля для себя.

b) Мои друзья сделали эту модель корабля сами.        

  1. Прочитайте текст и укажите, являются ли предложения после него верными (True) или неверными (False).

In England on the 1st of January people don’t go to work and children don’t go to school, but New Year’s Day is not a big holiday. Very many people go to bed before 12 o’clock on New Year’s Eve. But some families celebrate this evening at home. They organize a party or a dance.

 At 12 o’clock in the night the young people go out into the streets. In London they go to Trafalgar Square. There they see a great tree brightly decorated with little lamps. The people of Norway send a tree every year to the people of England.

1.        In England New Year’s Day is a big holiday.

2.        On New Year’s Eve many people go to bed before 12 o’clock.

3.        At 12 o’clock in the night the young people go out into the streets.

4.        In London they go to Trafalgar street.                                                        


II вариант

  1.         1.rhino

2.  a hen

3. the house

1.2.        1. a

        2. a

        3. c

        4. b

        5. c

        6. a

        7. c

1.3.        1. c

        2. b

        3. a

        4. a

1.4.        1. have been

        2. built

        3. is taking

        4. visited

1.5.        1. a

        2. b

        3. b

        4. b

1.6.        1. False

        2. True

        3. True

        4. False

Предварительный просмотр:

Материалы для промежуточной аттестации

7 класс

II вариант

1. Прочитайте текст. Определите верными (True) или неверными (False) являются следующие утверждения.

Around the Clock with Bob Ellis

Bob Ellis, 29, is a dolphin trainer. "I like my job a lot because I love working with animals. It is tiring though, as I work long hours," he says.  

Bob is an early bird. His day starts at live o'clock in the morning. He gets up, has a shower, and then he gets dressed. After breakfast, at about six I o'clock, he catches the bus to work. He arrives at the aquarium at half past six and feeds the dolphins. After that, they practise for the show until lunch-time. Bob has a break for lunch from half past twelve till half past one, then the show starts. At five o'clock in the afternoon, he feeds the dolphins again and then he goes home. In the evening, Bob usually watches TV. He doesn't go out very often during the week because he goes to bed early.

And what does Bob do in his free time? He loves going for long walks in the countryside with his dog, Jack. Bob also likes swimming at the pool, but he never swims in the sea because he's afraid of sharks!        

"I feel very satisfied with my life at the moment," says Bob. "I've got a great job and I enjoy my free time. Who could ask for more?"        

  1. "I like my job a lot."
  2. "I work long hours."
  3. His day starts at six o'clock in the morning.        
  4. He catches the train to work.        
  5. In the evening, Bob usually watches TV.
  6. He loves going for long walks in the countryside.

2.  Complete each sentence with one of the words below. One word is odd out.

ill   healthy   competition   support   necessary   injury   mascot   keep fit   sore   luck    practise

1. Jason should take part in the swimming … .

2. I … my skills every day in the garden or down in the fields.

3. And I feel bad, I’ve got a … throat.

4. Becky always looks really … .She must get lots of exercises.

5. That’s why I try to do my best not to get … - I take vitamins, in spring and autumn especially, and do sports to keep fit.

6. The choice of a … for the 1st World Youth Games in Moscow was a very difficult problem.

7. Vitamin C is … for building bones and teeth.

8. We did our best but lost it. We were out of … .

9. About 20 million people fill the stadiums every year to … their favourite players.

10. People of all ages and types do exercises at home to improve their health and to … .

3.  Complete the sentences.

1. James can speak German quite … (fluent / fluently), and his language is … (correct / correctly).

2. He returned again to his … (day / daily) routine on the farm.

3. “Why are you speaking very … (loud / loudly)?” – “Because how beautiful is here!”

4. When I was 22 years old, I came home from work, put a leash on my dog and went for my … (usual / usually) walk.

5. My mother opened the door … (careful / carefully), and she loaded the laundry into the machine.

6. We stop for a … (quick / quickly) commercial break, and then we come back to the traditional systems.

4.  Complete the sentences.

1. Tim came home very … (late / lately) yesterday. His parents worried about him a lot.

2. They … (hard / hardly) ever make mistakes.

3. In South Korea and Indonesia women own … (near / nearly) half a million firms.

4. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables. It’s … (high / highly) useful for you.

5. You haven’t been to the gym … (late / lately). Are you all right?

5.  Complete the sentences: put the adjectives or adverbs in brackets in appropriate form.

1. This is … (short) way to the station.

2. Mr Smith is not so … (talented) as Mr Jack’s son.

3. I can’t hear you. Could you speak a little … (loud), please.

4. Everyone in the race ran fast, but John ran … (fast) of all.

5. Could you explain the point … (clear)?

6. Please hang the picture … (high).

7. Tom’s dictation was good. But mine was … (bad) in the class.

6.  Answer the questions.

1. Do you go in for sports?

2. What do you do / should you do to keep fit?

3. Why do people need vitamins?

4. Have you ever visited a doctor? What problem(s) did you have?

5. What is the symbol of the Olympic Games? What does this symbol mean?

Предварительный просмотр:

Материалы для промежуточной аттестации

8 класс

Вариант 2

Part I. Reading.

1. Read the text about Yuri Gagarin. Below the text there are seven statements about it. Decide if each sentence is “True” or “False”. If the sentence is true, put a letter “T”, if it is false, put letter “F” into the answer sheet.

It was on the 12th of April, 1961, when the first flight by man into cosmic space took place. Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the world, was a 27-year old Air Force pilot at that time.

The spaceship flew at the speed of 300 miles a minute. His flight lasted 108 minutes.

It was a brilliant achievement of our scientists and technologists, and of Yuri Gagarin who risked his life to achieve a victory for his country and mankind.

Yuri Gagarin said at the press conference: «On my flight the ‘day’ side of the Earth was clearly seen: the continents, islands, seas, and big rivers. Flying over the land I could clearly see the big fields, and it was possible to distinguish which was meadow and which was forest.

I did not see the Moon. In space the sun shines ten times more brightly than on the Earth. The stars can be seen very well.

I felt excellent. When weightlessness developed, everything was easier to do. My legs and arms weighed nothing. Objects swam in the cabin».

  1. Yuri Gagarin was born on 12 April 1961.
  2. Yuri Gagarin was twenty-seven when he flew to the space for the first time.
  3. Yuri Gagarin flew 300 miles from the Earth to the Moon.
  4. It was difficult to distinguish forests and fields flying over the Earth.
  5. Yuri Gagarin could not see the Moon, but he saw the stars.
  6. Yuri Gagarin felt bad in space.
  7. When weightlessness developed it was not difficult to move with legs and arms.

Part II. Language in use.

2. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

1. ambition

a) independence b) lack c) purpose

2. to bully

a) to pick on b) to allow c) to convince

3. jealous

a) sick b) patient c) successful

4. profession

a) occupation b) threat c) person

5. to create

a) to earn b) to produce c) to argue

3. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

congratulations defend wedding tolerant earn obey sick obey lack victims owns

1. When her mother fell …, she said, “Sunitha, you have so much of contacts”.

2. He could not complain of any … of attention.

3. I think everyone should be … towards all religious beliefs.

4. Please accept our heartiest … on the marriage of your son.

5. What would fashion week be without fashion … .

6. She owns a chain of restaurants and café houses.

7. It is my duty to … you everywhere.

8. She really wants to see you at the … day.

9. America is a lovely place to be if you are here to … money.

10. I give you commands and you must … them.

4. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way

Example: COURAGE

Her mother encouraged her to try her luck in the competition.


He may … to break with Rome, but I don’t think he will ever do so.


It was one of his few … ventures (предприятий).


Teenagers and younger children should learn to be … as they should learn to be confident in their adult life.


But … , it has opportunities and a lot of potential.


If you are a … doctor you can achieve the greater success.

5. Complete the sentences, using Conditionals.

  1. If I … (be) you, I … (visit) the old man.
  2. If the girl… (lay) the table, her aunt …not (be) angry with her.
  3. Ann … (behave) well if you … (take) her to the party.
  4. 1) If I ………….    (know) his number, I would phone him.
  5. 2) I ..................   (not / buy) that computer if I were you.
  6. 3) If the weather is fine, we ……… (have) a picnic tomorrow.

6.  Write the statements in REPORTED SPEECH. Use the words in brackets.

  1. Ben said to me: ''I love you''. (say)
  2. She said to Sam:  ''What are you doing?'' (ask)
  3. She said to me:” Have you seen this film before?” (wonder)
  4. “Jack, eat your breakfast!” said his grandma. (remind)
  5. Susan said: «My brother works here.» (explain)

7. Complete the sentences. Fill in to if necessary.

1. Margaret asked the girl … close the window.

2. “If you want … cross it, give me your pocket money.”

3. My brother let me … play the computer game till 10 pm.

4. The policeman asked the boys not … talk very loudly.

5. Our teacher made me … take part in the literary competition.

Предварительный просмотр:

Материалы для промежуточной аттестации

9 класс

Вариант 2

  1. Read the information about some accommodation options for people who study abroad.  Choose the right answers: True, False, Not given.

When studying abroad, lots of students live in homestay accommodation. Homestay means staying with a local family, which gives students a very good opportunity to learn and practise their English in everyday situations. Daily communication with local people also helps you understand the culture of the country. If you stay with a family, you have a private room with necessary furniture: a bed, a table or a desk, and a wardrobe for your clothes. You have meals (breakfast and dinner) with the family.

It's natural that when you stay with a family, you have to observe some rules of co-existence. They could be like these:

  1. Behave like a member of the family (which means you should keep your room tidy and help with housework),
  2. Wash and iron your clothes. And don't forget to ask your hosts if you can use the washing machine,
  3. Do not use the bathroom for too long. If you use the kitchen, do not forget to wash the dishes after it.
  4. Speak English as much as possible. Be polite and friendly with everyone in the family,
  5. Never invite your friends without asking for permission.
  6. Remember that you should come home by the appointed hour in the evening. Don't stay out till late hours.

Staying in a youth hostel is another option for students studying abroad. You can have a single room or can share a room with one or two other students.

The kitchen and the bathroom are usually used on a shared basis. That's why it's very important to keep them clean and tidy. You can cook meals yourself or eat in a students' cafe.

In the youth hostel you can meet lots of new friends from different countries. They'll possibly help you with your lessons and you can have lots of fun together. Youth hostels also tend to have more of a party atmosphere and often organise entertainment to help you make friends and enjoy your stay. There are usually opportunities for doing sports. For example, you can hire a bicycle or play games in the sports grounds. Staying in a youth hostel is usually less expensive than other options.

1. One of the advantages of homestay accommodation is the opportunity to learn about local peoples culture and lifestyle.

2. Pets are never allowed in homestay accommodation.

3. The host family must provide the student with a private room and unecessary furniture.

4. Someone from the host family cooks breakfast and dinner for the student, washes up, washes and irons the student’s clothes.

5. If a student chooses homestay accommodation, he or she cannot invite friends into the house.

6. Students who live in youth hostels may live in single rooms but they usually share the kitchen and the bathroom.

7. Most students prefer youth hostels to homestay accommodation.

2 .Choose the right option. Write the correct letter in each gap. Transfer your answers to the table.

Sharks have always been depicted as cruel and murderous creatures. Lots of feature films___ (1) to demonstrate how dangerous to people they are. Though some kinds of sharks can really attack people, the number of people___ (2) or killed by sharks is very small. Marine biologists insist that most sharks are____ (3) to people. Along with that, the shark is one of the most ancient creatures of the world, and it should___ (4) by all countries.

One of the sharks which has recently been added to the Red List is the dog-fish or the dumb gulper shark. It is one of Australia’s rarest deepwater sharks. The average length of an adult shark is one meter forty centimeters,___ (5) it can live up to forty years. It is not dangerous to people____ (6) people are a real danger to it. The dog-fish population___ (7) down by 99 percent over the past 20 years.

The trouble of the shark is that its oil (fat) is widely used in cosmetics for producing face and hand creams and in dietary food. People fish it illegally for the oil. Scientists say that if fishing is not stopped immediately, the dog- fish___  (8) into the list of extinct creatures very soon.

1 a) shoot

b) shot

c) have shot

d) have been shot

2 a) injure

b) injured

c) injuring

d) injury

3 a) harm

b) harmed

c) harmless

d) unharmed

4 a) protect

b) be protected

c) was protected

d) will be protected

5 a) and

b) that

c) or

d) though

6 a) and

b) besides

c) because

d) but

7 a) falls

b) fell

c) has fallen

d) had fallen

8 a) will include

b) will be included

c) has been included

d) was included

Предварительный просмотр:

Материалы для промежуточной аттестации

10 класс

Вариант 2


Listen to six airport announcements and match their number (1-6) with the statements (A-G). There is one statement you will not need.

  1. The speaker greets the passengers on board.                                                                                                    
  2. The speaker offers the passengers money and free meals as a compensation for the delay.
  3. The speaker encourages some passengers to take a later flight.
  4. The speaker explains some behaviour rules at the airport.
  5. The speaker talks about safety rules at the airport.
  6. The speaker says that the passengers will have to fly later than planned.
  7. The speaker talks about the safety rules on board the plane.

Use of English

Use the words in the appropriate forms.

Contemporary society is much more dynamic than it was a couple of centuries ago. It’s not a great deal now to move from one town to another if you find a good job there or if it’s good for career prospects and___(1. promote) opportunities. Ability to move__ (2. easy) is true for students  too. In many countries young people take a gap year to gain life experience. On completing the school they don’t go straight to universities but work and travel. They choose the most__ (3. economy) ways of travelling: budget, airlines, coaches, or hitchhiking and even cycling. They stay in students hostels and backpackers’ hostels, which is much__ (4. cheap) than any other accommodation, and they often do occasional__(5. skill) jobs, which earns their living and further travelling. A friend of mine travelled in Europe a couple of years ago. Everyone was__ (6. astonish) when he said that his main means of transport was his bicycle. That was unbelievable, but he had cycled though several        __ (7. Europe) countries. He is a real__ (8.adventure) and now he is getting ready for a new trip. He says that he will buy a new bicycle for it.


Comment on the following opinion.

When you travel to another country, it's useful to get as much information about it as possible before your trip.

Use the guidelines:

  • state to what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion
  • present your arguments “for”
  • present your arguments “against” if any
  • write your conclusion.


         For some reason his name is not widely known though he could join the company of the most famous scholars like Edison and Newton. He achieved remarkable results in mechanics, engineering, electricity, magnetism, and energy transmitting. His researches and his astonishing discoveries could have accelerated the science and technological progress tremendously, but they didn’t. The bulk of his theories and drafts were never implemented. Lots of his theoretical and engineering works were either never published, or lost, or just vanished and even the family weren’t able to trace the track of the papers. The oblivion and rare references in scientific and popular science journals could have been caused by different reasons, his complicated and controversial personality included, but anyone who is keen on physics is very well familiar with his name — Tesla is the unit to measure magnetic induction or magnetic flux, and is used to define the intensity of magnetic fields.

Nicola Tesla was born in 1856 and died in 1943. Serbian by origin, he spent most of his life in the United States and his life there was very diverse. He did unskilled jobs to feed himself and to generate money for research. He was vice president of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. He cherished his friendship with Mark Twain and argued severely with Edison. He had a photographic memory, was fluent in about eight languages and was claimed to suffer from mental disorder at the end of his life. Data about him is rather controversial. According to some documents, it was he who invented the radio and designed radio controlled devices. There is evidence that at the very end of the nineteenth century Tesla demonstrated a radio-controlled boat at the electrical exhibition in the United States, though radio-controlled devices were not used till the middle of the twentieth century. Even more stunning and unbelievable were Tesla’s experiments with electricity.

Tesla supposed that it was possible to generate electricity from atmosphere and to transmit it wirelessly over huge distances. He had a specially equipped laboratory in Colorado Springs, State Colorado, the USA, where he experimented with electricity. According to his biographers the results were astonishing. Tesla was able to create artificial lightning, much more powerful than the natural thing, and made it move in a certain direction, to a precisely calculated destination. If that had been true, it would make the most powerful and disastrous weapon mankind has ever known. There is a hypothesis, by the way, that the Tungus meteorite or Tunguska event, which happened in remote Siberia forests in 1908, was not a natural space body which exploded near the surface of the earth, but it was the effect of Tesla testing his directed energy weapon.

1. The author believes that the scientist

a. was as talented as his contemporary Edison.

b. was less talented than his contemporary Edison.

c. was absolutely unknown to the public.

d. was Edison’s and Newton’s friend.

2. The scientist’s name is not often mentioned because

a. he researched in a very narrow scientific field.

b. his researches were not important for science.

c. his family didn’t want to publish his papers.

d. there were some reasons the author is not well aware of.  

3. According to the author, Nicola Tesla

a. never did any other job but researching into physics.

b. was good at languages and literature.

c. never had any friends.

d. inherited a fortune from his Serbian relatives.

4. The author says that Tesla’s radio-controlled boat

a. was never shown to public.

b. was re-designed in the middle of the twentieth century.

c. was technologically far ahead of its time.

d. was sold after the electrical exhibition.

5. There’s some evidence that Tesla experimented with electricity

a. and made some remarkable discoveries.

b. but didn’t get any results due to poor equipment.

c. but the experiments were banned by the authorities.

d. and his artificial lightning damaged his laboratory.

6.  The author

a. is sure that Tesla succeeded in creating artificial lightning.

b. doubts that Tesla succeeded in creating artificial lightning.

c. is absolutely sure that it’s impossible to create artificial lightning.

d. believes they Tungus meteorite was actually Tesla’s artificial lightning.

Предварительный просмотр:

Материалы для промежуточной аттестации в 11 классе

Вариант 2


Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer: True, False, Not  stated.

  1. Franc and Kate decided to go to the cinema together.
  2. The French comedy which they show at the nearest cinema house is the best film of the year.
  3. Kate had to send for the doctor because her brother had fallen ill.
  4. Kate's mother had to go abroad on business.
  5. Kate doesn't know how long her brother will have to stay in bed.
  6. A new sport club has been built not far from the supermarket.
  7. Kate suggests going to the swimming pool on Sunday in case the weather is fine.


Read the text and fill in the gaps (1-6) with phrases A - G. There is one phrase you do not need.

     The need for ever more qualified specialists is growing geometrically. The world is getting more and more complex and today’s graduates are expected to know a lot and to be able to work with loads of information. The information they get may be highly controversial and to assess it, young people need to understand the interconnections between politics, cultures,  economies and technologies around the world. Due to globalisation, education has practically ceased to function as a local system which trains workers for local industries. Today national education systems have to be changed (1).

Languages awareness is one of the essential requirements to a graduate today. Whatever field you are going to work in, you’ll have to communicate with colleagues, partners, providers or clients all over the world. To do it effectively you need sufficiently developed communication skills, (2). Lots of people understand the importance of foreign languages (3). If you have already left school, is it still possible to acquire necessary language skills and make up for opportunities missed in school years? Most teachers would say “yes”, you can learn languages in any age and get impressive results (4).

The innovations are particularly helpful to people who don’t have much time and cannot spend days in the language classroom. Over recent years computers have become increasingly important for learning languages. Computer technologies and the internet enable students to learn languages (5). IT technologies save time and it’s the main reason why e-learning and various online courses are getting more and more popular. From home, or while commuting they can practise vocabulary, grammar or write essays (6). There are special pieces of software that can record the students’ speech and programmes for work on pronunciation. Motivation for learning languages is increasing too. The internet, as the greatest technological advance, has brought the most essential thing into language learning — live communication across continents and cultures.

A   which can be instantly e-mailed to the tutor

B   due to new technologies and innovative approaches to language teaching

C   because the internet courses are becoming very popular

D   so that they could meet unified global standards

E   in other words you need to speak and write well enough to be understood

F   but unfortunately they don’t know how to improve their level

G   without too much effort

Use of English

Read the following opinions and use the words in the appropriate form.

I’m convinced that we shouldn’t ignore politics. If young people are___ (1. difference) to it, they can’t influence it. Someone else is shaping their future and they will have to accept the results, whatever they are.  I’m not saying that we should take part in all kinds of___ (2. move). Politics is a very___ (3. controversy) thing and it’s often very difficult to say who is right and who is wrong. I never support people who protest___(4. aggression), no matter how good their ___ (5. intend) are. I think we should analyse ___ (6. inform) and think for ourselves.

Предварительный просмотр:

Материалы для промежуточной аттестации

2 класс

Вариант 2

1) Выпиши лишнее слово в каждой строке.

1. a table, a chair, a chimp, a lamp, a bath.

2. two, three, four, five, he.

3. a horse, a kangaroo, a mouse, a ballerina, a snake.

4. yellow, white, sad, brown, orange.

5. a toy soldier, a girl, a teddy bear, a ballerina.

2) Read and match. Прочитай вопрос и найди ответ.

1. What is your name? ___ a. Pizza.

2. What is your favorite food? ___ b. I’m 8.

3. Where is Larry? ___ c. My name is Lulu.

4. How old are you? ___ d. In the kitchen.

3) Choose the correct column. Распредели слова по столбикам.

Ballerina, fox, sister, eggs, teddy bear, brother, milk, dolphin, ball, cake, daddy, flag, chocolate, cat, grandma, mouse, orange juice, horse, puppet, grandpa.



Animals (животные)

Toys (игрушки)



4)  Напиши текст, вставив пропущенные слова: soldier, nose, jeans, jacket, eyes, it.

        Look at my toy … . It’s got two black … and a big … . It’s wearing a red … and blue … . I like … .

5) Поставь слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения. Запиши полученные предложения.

1. like, don't, I, snakes.

2. eight, I'm.

3. got, I've, eyes, blue.

4. can, He, jump.

5. name, is, My, Lulu.

6. dog, My, black, is.

6 ) Прочитай текст и напиши правдивы (+) или ложны(-) предложения ниже.

My name is Liza. This is my family. This is my grandma and grandpa. This is my sister. Her name is Jenny. We are in the kitchen. Look at my dog. Its name is Bobo. Bobo is brown and white.

1. The girl’s name is Mary.

2. This is her brother. His name is Jenny.

3. They are in the kitchen.

4. Bobo is a cat.

5. The dog is brown and white.