info 4g 4 e

Драндрова Анна Валентиновна

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

THE STONE FLOWER This presentation was made by the teacher of gymnasium 295 of Saint Petersburg Anna Valentinovna Drandrova

Слайд 2

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Слайд 4


Слайд 5

Listening 1. He is an orphan boy. He is a dreamer and loves walking in the mountains. He wants to make the best vase in the world. 2. He is a famous craftsman. He is the best craftsman in the Urals. He takes Danila to his home and loves him like a son. He teaches Danila. 3. She lives on Copper mountain, in the Magic Garden. She is beautiful and clever. Her hair is black. Her eyes are big and bright. 4. The girl is pretty, nice, kind, friendly, shy. Danila loves her. 5. It’s amazing. It is the most beautiful thing in the world. It is in the Magic Garden. If you see it – you will understand the beauty of stone.

Слайд 6

HEROES The Mistress of Copper Mountain Danila Prokopych Katya The Stone Flower

Слайд 7

Can you guess???? ??????????QESTION????????????????????????

Слайд 11


Слайд 12

Words translation 1. close to the nature 2.talented 3 teach 4 treat 5 know 6 grow 7 handsome 8 tell 9 Copper Mountain 10 world 11 own 12 understand 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Слайд 13

Слайд 14

Your choice 1. Danila is 2. He is 3.Procopych A) a teacher B) a dreamer C) a policeman A) happy B) talented C) old A) playes B) reads C) teaches

Слайд 15

Your choice 4. One day Prokopich tells him about 5. The Mistress of Copper Mountain owns 6. Flower is A) the Stone B) the Stone Flower C) the Rainbow A) the palace B) the gold C) the flower A) in the forest B) in the Magic Garden C) in the palace

Слайд 16

Your choice 7. If you see the flower , you will understand A) the birds B) the people C) the beauty of stone

Слайд 17

PUT THE EVENTS IN THE CORRECT ORDER 1 2 3 4 A) Danila dreams of seeing the Stone Flower. B) Danila loves walking in the mountain. C) Danila grows into a very handsome young man D) Prokopych teaches him everything he knows.

Слайд 18

WHAT DID WE LEARN TODAY? We must! Listen carefully Read aloud Answer the question We can We can guess We can write words We can read We can speak English We can understand the teacher We can correct mistakes

Слайд 19