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Гранкина Наталья Александровна

NEVER GIVE UP - Motivational Video

To mess up – запутаться (a mess - беспорядок ) не понимать ч.л
To lose a fight – проиграть битву
To keep falling down – падать и падать
To keep making mistakes - постоянно совершать ошибки
To keep on hitting the ground - падать с небес на землю
To give up = to leave = to quit – бросить ч.л., сдаться
To fail – потерпеть неудачу
To beat yourself up – корить себя, заниматься самобичеванием
To get up – вставать, подниматься
To try (again and again) – пытаться, стараться
To come far - далеко зайти
To do enough – сделать достаточно
Enough is enough – достаточно значит достаточно
To do\try my best – (постараться) сделать все от меня зависящее

A motivational speech!
The most important seven words in any speech anywhere are: ‘Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up’. The great people didn’t. So… I now have a responsibility to also not ever give up. I’m not special. There are some times in life where you fall down and you feel like you don’t have the strength to get up.
I’ll try 100 times to get up, and if I fail 100 times. If I fail and I give up do you think that I’m going to get up? No. But if I fail I try again… again… again… For as long as I try, there is always that chance of getting up. No matter what you might be going through don’t quit. The secret is in not giving up. Everybody who has done something great they were not that deep. /…./ All the greats they didn’t quit. No matter how impossible your situation may seem stay on course.
I guarantee you can not pass it if you quit. I guarantee you’re going to fail. But you don’t know what is going to happen if you keep going.
I’m afraid. I feel pain. I hurt. I open my eyes. I crave victory. I don’t give up. I feel no fear. I fear no man. I create. I conquer. I hold the power.
Make a choice, just decide what is going to be, who you are going to be? How you are going to do… just decide. ///
we can’t have another bad year. Get the moment when enough is enough. It’s much easier to come up with excuses of why you can’t do it.
If you do what is easy, your life will be hard. . If you do what is easy, complain about your situation and give up on your dreams and become depressed and angry… anybody can do that. If you do what is easy, your life will be hard. .
If you do what is hard… keep coming back again and again, get up dressed everyday. Take life ON. Take the life by the collar /// you say YES! I will do it! I can do this ///// It’s my time! /// it’s hard! It’s worth it! I will do it whatever it takes//// I’m going to do it! And you do it over and over again…. Your life will be easy.

Гранкина Наталья Александровна

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Гранкина Наталья Александровна

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