Is it cool to play truant

Ефремова Оксана Анатольевна



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Слайд 1

Is it cool to play truant? выполнена учащимися МБОУ «Комсомольская СОШ №1» Соловьевой Яной и Адиевой Лейсан Руководитель: Ефремова О.А.

Слайд 2

Every day million of students play truant and miss their classes. Truancy is the great problem of our society

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In some countries criminal actions among young people are increasing. We think that the problem of skipping classes must be solved.

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Definition TRUANT A lazy , idle person. A pupil who stays away from school without permission. TO PLAY TRUANT – stay away from school, be absent.

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Why do students play truan t? Child. Low self- esteem. Low academics. Socially isolated. Childhood depression. To escape bulling at school. Fear of school, teachers and administrators. The truant has no interest at school. Family. Ineffective parenting. Familial instability. Financial difficulties. Alcoholic parent . School. Poor pupil- teacher relationships. Lack of parents- school communication. Community. Lack of support for school. Negative peer influences.

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Truancy in the USA More than a million children a year play truant from school. 66,000 pupils play truant every day .

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To cut truancy the government introduced electronic registration and regular sweeps of town centers by police and education welfare staff.

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Parents can be fined up/or be put in prison to three months.

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The consequences of truancy. Truancy is a gateway to serious violent and nonviolent crime. The missing school children are often making the first steps towards the life of problems. The average age of such students is 15 years old.

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Combating Truancy e lectronic registration welfare staff officers

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Truancy in Russian schools Officially, truancy is not a problem in Russia

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Today, the government of our country pays great attention to the problems of school and the youth. To solve the problems of neglect and homelessness we must prevent children from skipping lessons.

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Truancy in My school 95 % of students think the truancy is bad. There are students in each class who skipped lessons and girls play truant more often than boys. 30 % of the students never skip school without good reason.

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Electronic Diary 45% of truanting pupils are sure their parents knew they were absent. 15% of students think that truancy hasn’t led to more serious problems. 40 % of students think that teachers should inform parents if the child is absent.

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Conclusion Spring comes. Are you going to play truant?