Открытый урок-праздник "Путешествие Христофора Колумба"

Васильева Ольга Леоновна

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Предварительный просмотр:

Васильева О.Л.

Разработка праздника

«День Колумба»

на уроке английского языка.

Смещение акцента активной деятельности учителя на активную деятельность учащихся является основным принципом повышения эффективности обучения школьников.

Праздник проходит в форме спектакля, так как драматизация (English Through Drama) давно и хорошо зарекомендовала себя как комплексный метод обучения иностранному языку и культуре, который активизирует лексику и коммуникативные навыки ребёнка, привлекает предметы творческого цикла, такие, как театр, музыка, рисование. Здесь же открывается широкое поле для осуществления принципа сотрудничества и сотворчества. Участие в спектакле даёт ученикам возможность искать собственные пути и средства самовыражения, задействуя при этом большую часть их навыков и способностей.

Одним из способов активного обучения является, также, и погружение в ситуацию. Здесь представляется интересным с помощью праздников и представлений, имитирующих аутентичные празднования в США, побудить детей самих пережить эти праздники так, чтобы впоследствии приобретённые таким образом знания оформились как личный ситуативный (и, в определённом смысле, страноведческий) опыт.

Цель урока: совершенствование ранее приобретённых навыков и знаний устной речи; использование дополнительных материалов, проработанных самостоятельно; расширение кругозора учащихся; повышение кросс-культурной грамотности; стремление вызвать интерес к истории страны изучаемого языка.

Форма урока.

Урок-праздник в виде костюмированного представления.

Между учащимися распределяют роли: Христофор Колумб — мореплаватель; Эдуардо — его друг; Донья Фелипа — жена Колумба; Капитаны — Мартин Алонсо Пинзон, Висенте Янес Пинзон; Король Испании; Королева Изабелла; Казначей; Испанские гранда, грандессы; народ.

В классе приготовлены два трона для короля и королевы. Из стульев сделаны три корабля, готовых к отплытию.

Учащиеся представляют, что они находятся то в королевском дворце, то на площади у причала, то у неизвестных берегов и т. д. Принимают участие все ученики класса.

Предлагаемый материал прорабатывался в группах 6 класса.

Columbus's Day.

The teacher: It's a great day in the life of our class today. We have an unusual lesson. It is dedicated to one of the greatest navigator of all times who discovered a new continent — America — to Christopher Columbus. I hope you will enjoy doing it for our guests. So, let's begin. Let's go to America together with Columbus and his men.

One of the pupils: On October the 12th in 1492 Christopher Columbus found the new world. We now believe that he was not the first explorer to find American land, but settlement began after his voyage.

Pupil 2: He had three ships in his company: The Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. It took 72 days to journey to an island, named San Salvador which is South-East of Florida.

Poem I (chorus).

In fourteen hundred and ninety-two

Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

For seventy two days he headed west

Then the new land was sighted from the crow's nest.

Long years ago the showed he was brave

On this special day his memory we save.

Pupil 3:  Christopher Columbus is known as the discovery of America. He sailed from Spain, trying to find a new sea route to the Indies. The Indies are the countries of the Far East in Asia: Chine, India and Japan.

Pupil 4: As many European explorers, he wanted for his country to trade for the Orient's gold, silk, bone china, medicines, precious stones, spices and other wonderful things.

Pupil 5: Spices were especially prized, because they flavored food and preserved it. Red and black pepper, nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon, saffron, ginger, cloves, dry mustard brought high prices in the West.

Pupil 6: So,  Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain to find a new sea route to the Indies. Instead he discovered the New World in 1942. now let's see how everything began.

Pupil 7:  Christopher (a boy): Hello! I am  Christopher Columbus and I was born long ago in 1451 in Guano, Italy. My father is a wool weaver as well as my mother is. I have three brothers — Bartolommeo, Giovanni and Diego; and one sister Bianchinetta. I'm eldest son in the family. You know, our town is situated on the share of the Mediterranean Sea and I loved the sea from my early childhood. I love to look at the sea, to listen to the sound of the sea.

A song «Down By The Bay»

Down by the bay >2
Where the water melons grow >2
Back to my home >2
I dare not go >2
My mother will say: >2
«Did you ever see a bear
Combing his hair?
Down by the bay!»

«Did you ever see a bee
with a sun burnt knee?»...

«Did you ever see a moose
Kissing a goose?»...

«Did you ever see a whale
With a polka dot tail?»...

I love to watch the Sun on the horizon, to watch the wares. I love to watch the ships that come from many parts of the world. It's so interesting to watch the sailors how they unload the monkeys, the bright parrots, the elephant tusks and many other wonderful things. One day I rushed to the Docks again and met my friend Eduardo, who was fishing by the Dock.

Eduardo and Christopher (a talk).

Christopher: Hi, Eduardo!

Eduardo: Hi, Christie! I see you've come here again to greet the sailors and to listen to their stories about their sea adventures and about dangers they had met with when they were sailing to Asia around Africa.

Christopher: You are right, Eduardo. I say, some day I'm going to be a sailor too. And I might even get to be the captain of my very own ship.

Eduardo: But,  Christopher, your father wants you to be a wool weaver like hi is and like your grandfather was.

Christopher: I think there is more for me to see in this world than just what is here in Genoa. You and I have both heard sailors speak of their travels to other cities and foreign countries. I must see these places for myself.

Eduardo: Let your dreams come true, Christopher!

Pupil 8: Time flew quickly.  Christopher learned how to make maps and he became very clever at this work. At last he felt that he could not stay at home any longer and when he was 14 years old he went off to sea.

Christopher (a navigator):

When 19 I shall never forget my trip to England. We were attacked by an enemy ship. I was wounded and our ship sank. I grabbed a large oar and jumped into the sea. How I was to stay afloat until I reached the shore.

Captain Brave

                                Music by Isaac Dunayevsky.

Once there lived the captain brave

And he crossed the ocean wave

And he called on many lands on his way

Fifteen times he tried to sink

Sharks could catch on his brink

But we never really never, gave a wink

And in trouble,

And in war,

Always sang the captain brave

On sea and shore:

Captain brave >2

Give a smile, sir!

For a smile is like the flag of a ship!

        Captain brave >2

        Cheer up, sir!

        For the sea surrenders

        Only the quick!

Christopher: In the meantime I married Dona Felipa a fine Portuguese woman.

Dona Felipa: We were greatly pleased when our little son was born. We called him Diego. I tried my best to help husband in his idea of sailing to the Indies.

Pupil 9: One day Christopher Columbus decided to visit King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain and to ask them to help him to fulfill his dream.

The palace of the Spanish king.

Music and dancing.

King, Queen, Christopher Columbus, the Court Treasurer:

Christopher Columbus: Your Highest! Educated men support my theory. For instance, this map by Toscanelli, the famous scientist of Florence, as well as this globe illustrate that a voyage West across the Ocean – is the shortest route to the Indies.

King: Do you really think so? But as for me, I’m not convinced at all.

Queen: And there are so many dangers in the sea you can meet with when sailing.

Christopher Columbus: But if I do get there, I will claim the lands for Spain. You will have lands of gold and valuable spice. Your country will become wealthy!

Count-Treasurer: Your Highness! (to the Queen) Our Spanish treasury is full of money. And risk is a noble thing. What if you have greater riches then you have now?

Queen: Let it be so, as u say, Columbus. You are a navigator and a good mapmaker. We hope you will become an explorer too. So, you have our blessing. We shall give you money. Take what ships and men you need.

(Christopher Columbus is bowing)

Pupil 10: In three months the men, the ships – the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria and provisions for the long voyage were ready.

Pupil 11: On the 3rd of August 1492 the three ships with Columbus, his friend Eduardo and his men were going to sail West from the port Palos.

(Square in the port Palos)

Pupil 12: Many people came to see them off. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella came too. They believed in Columbus.

King to Queen: If he succeeds, Spain will be rich!

Pupil 13: Christopher Columbus and his men landed on a shore of an island. He proudly held the flag of Spain. A number of native people stood on the beach watching them. They looked strange. Some of them had painted their bodies red, others had blue faces. They were wearing gold rings.

Pupil 14: Christopher Columbus set his flag in the sandy beach and said:” I am here by take possession of this land for the King and Queen of Spain. I call this island San Salvador (Holy Savior)”.

Pupil 15: The Natives were friendly. They were drumming and singing: (and dancing)

        Chorus:  Breezes are blowing

        Blowing clouds of water

                    Breezes are blowing

        Blowing clouds of water

        On my face raining

        Raining from the ocean

                    Breezes are blowing

        Blowing clouds of water!

Pupil 16: Christopher Columbus and his men saw strange trees, plants, animals and birds as well.

Christopher Columbus called the natives Indians because he thought it was India. The Indians have never seen men with swords and many other things.

Pupil 17: Christopher Columbus gave the Indians shiny beads and tiny bells. The Indians gave Christopher Columbus and his men gold rings, soft clothes made of cotton and colourful birds.

Pupil 18: One morning a strong wind drove the Santa Maria around. The ship was wrecked and sank.

Christopher Columbus moved to the Nina.

Pupil 19: They sailed back to Spain in two ships which were loaded with many new kinds of food – corn, potatoes, peanuts, papayas, avocados. Christopher Columbus took six Indians because people in Spain have never seen Indians.

Pupil 20: On the way home the weather in the ocean changed. All the time it was windy. Huge waves washed over the decks. Even Christopher Columbus was afraid of sinking.

Pupil 21: On the 15th of March 1493 Christopher Columbus and his men finally reached Spain. The voyage lasted 32 weeks.

Pupil 22: Christopher Columbus rode on a mule to visit the King and the Queen. Everywhere along the way people gathered to cheer him and to see what he had brought back.

                       At the Palace. The King and the Queen are sitting on their thrones.

Christopher Columbus: Your Highness! I’m happy to inform you that our dream came true. I found the new rout to the Indies. I have brought Glory and Wealth to Spain.

The King: Christopher Columbus! We are proud to hear it! You are a Hero of Spain. Since this day you are Admiral of the Ocean Sea.

Pupil 23: They believed that Christopher Columbus had found the new rout to the Indies. Neither King nor Queen of Spain, nor Christopher Columbus never knew that Columbus visited the other part of the world. For the rest of his life Christopher Columbus never knew how truly great his discovery was.

Pupil 24: He really found a new world – a World that no one in Europe knew about. He never knew that

he had discovered a new continent though he made several more voyages across the Atlantic Ocean.

 Pupil 25: But thanks to Columbus we have known that two continents lie between Europe and the Far East. These are: North America and South America. And what was thought to be one Vast Ocean Sea we now know is actually two oceans: the Atlantic and the Pacific separated by the Americas.

 Pupil 26: A few years later after Christopher Columbus Amerigo Vespucci sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and explored the lands which Christopher Columbus had discovered. He found out that it was not India.

Later people gave these lands the name of America after Amerigo Vespucci.

Pupil 27: Glory to Columbus!

Chorus:  Glory to Columbus!

        Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!