Сборник лексических игр и упражнений к учебнику «Spotlight 5» 9 модуль

Хомушку Сайсу Орлановна



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Сборник лексических игр и упражнений

к учебнику «Spotlight 5»

Module 9. (стр.106)

Вставьте слова и словосочетания в таблицу, чтобы получились предложения

At the Bakery

I can buy

At the Supermarket

I can buy

At the Cafe

I can order

At the Newsagent’s

I can buy

At the Florist’s

I can buy

At the Bookshop

I can buy

At the Art Gallery

At the Music Shop

I can buy

At the Clothes Shop

I can buy

At the Fast Food Restaurant

I can eat

At the Chemist’s

I can buy

At the Greengrocer’s

I can buy

At the Toy Shop

I can buy

At the Cinema

I can watch

At the Shoe Shop

I can buy

skirt, flowers, pictures, films, newspapers, s sugar, aspirin, bread, onions, trousers, pizza, doll, pasta, books, rice, CDs, magazines, boots, hotdog, postcards, chicken, trainers, pasta, vitamins, sculptures, tomatoes, teddy-bear