Технологическая карта урока 5 класс

Кащаева Ольга Владимировна

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Предварительный просмотр:

Кащаева О.В.

Дата: 30.09.2016г.

Класс: 5г

Тема урока: A really busy day

Тип урока: введение новых знаний

Форма проведения урока:  

Базовый учебник: Ю.А. Комарова и др. «Английский язык»

Оборудование урока: компьютер, CD, интерактивная доска, учебник.



Содержание урока

Используемые методы



Формируемые УУД

Результат сотрудничества

Средства обучения






  1. Организация начала занятия

Stand in a circle. I’ll whisper the topic of today’s lesson School to one student who then  whispers it to the student next to them clockwise, and so on round the circle. The word is a secret until it gets to the last student in the circle, who says it out loud. If they are correct, I’ll clap my hands.

Ss stand in a circle.  They whisper   the secret  word to the student next to them clockwise until it gets to the last student in the circle,  who says it out loud.


Личностные УУД:

-положительное отношение к предмету «Иностранный язык»;

- осознание себя как индивидуальности и как члена общества;

- осознание себя как гражданина, как представителя определенного народа, определенной культуры; интерес и уважение к другим народам, проявление толерантности к проявлению иной культуры.

Регулятивные УУД:

- целеполагание;

- контроль;

- коррекция;

- оценка;

- волевая саморегуляция.

Познавательные УУД:

- умение строить высказывание;

-структурирование знаний;

- поиск информации;

- смысловое чтение;

- рефлексия.

  1. Усвоение новых знаний и способов действий

So today we are going to talk about school. Look at the clocks and listen and repeat the times. Listen to the CD. Look at the clock face and change positions of the clock hands to explain/elicit the words: o’clock, quarter, half past, past, to and drill their pronunciation.  In English we say half past, thirty minutes past a certain hour and compare it with our language.

Using the example What time is it? and It’s… Ask and answer questions about the clocks.

Who wants to demonstrate the task and to be a volunteer.

Read and listen to the words.  Listen to the CD. Make guesses about the words you don’t know.

The English use an abbreviation for PE and IT in their language. In English we usually write names of school subjects with capital letters.

In British schools most Ss do Science for GCSE (an exam at 15/16), then a specialist science like Biology, Physics or Chemistry if they do sciences for A level (Advanced level exam at 17/18).

Ss look at the clocks and listen and repeat the times.

Ss ask and answer questions about the clocks.

Ss read and listen to the words, listen to the CD, make guesses about the words they don’t know.

Репродуктивный, объяснительно-иллюстративный



CD, интерактивная доска

2.2. Первичная проверка понимания

Play Bingo with the clocks.

Look at the photographs in Ex.3 and try to name objects which are related to the subjects, eg, a map.

Each student prepares twelve scraps of paper and with three of these covers any three clocks in Exercise 1. As you are reading out the times on the clocks in random order, Ss cover the corresponding clocks with the scraps. The first student who has covered all the clocks calls out:  Bingo.

Ss try to name objects which are related to the subjects, eg, a map.




2.3. Закрепление знаний и способов действий

Look at the girl in the photograph. Her name is Rosie. She’s eleven. She’s from England. Listen to Rosie describing her school day. Look at the pictures and the clocks as these will help you to understand the text. Remember the meaning of I’ve got. The full form is I have got. We use have got with I, you, we, they. Point to the right pictures as Rosie is naming her activities.

Ss listen to Rosie describing her school day, look at the pictures and the clocks as these will help them to understand the text. Ss remember the meaning of I’ve got.

Ss point to the right pictures as Rosie is naming her activities.



CD, интерактивная доска

2.4. Обобщение и систематизация знаний

See Student’s book Ex.5, read the text to yourself.

Ss see Student’s book Ex.5, read the text.



Student’s book

2.5. Контроль и самопроверка знаний

Can you guess the following phrases: a really busy day, just the morning, at lunchtime, in the afternoon, after school.

Look at the phrases below the text and decide if they are true or false.

Ss try to guess the following phrases: a really busy day, just the morning, at lunchtime, in the afternoon, after school.

Ss look at the phrases below the text and decide if they are true or false.



Student’s book

3.1. Подведение итогов занятия

Do you have any questions today?

Ss ask their questions.


3.2. Рефлексия

Continue the phrases Now I know … Now I can…

Ss continue the phrases Now I know … Now I can…


3.3. Информация о домашнем задании

Draw five different clocks and describe the time shown.