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Предварительный просмотр:

'It's Only Me'

After her husband had gone to work, Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. She was too excited to do any 
______ that morning, because in the evening she would be going to a fancy dress party with her husband. She intended to dress up as a ghost and she had ______ her costume the night before. Now she was ______ to try it on. Though the costume consisted only of a sheet, it was very effective. MrsRichards put it 4 ______, looked in the mirror, smiled and went downstairs. She wanted to find out whether it would be ______ to wear.

Just as Mrs Richards was entering the dining-room, there was a  ______ on the front door. She knew that it must be the baker. She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the kitchen table. Not wanting to ______ the poor man, Mrs Richards quickly hid in the small store-room under the stairs. She heard the front door open and heavy footsteps in the hall. Suddenly the door of the store-room was opened and a man entered. Mrs Richards realized that it must be the man from the Electricity Board who had come to read the meter. She tried to ______ the situation, saying 'It's only me', but it was too late. The man let out a cry and jumped back several paces. When MrsRichards walked towards him, he ran away, slamming the door behind him.

1. А) homework; Б) household; В) housework; Г) housewife

2. А) did; Б) made; В) built; Г) created

3. А) nervous; Б) restless; В) ill at ease; Г) impatient

4. А) up; Б) on; В) over; Г) down

5. А) attractive; Б) exciting; В) comfortable; Г) cozy

6. А) knock; Б) kick; В) hit; Г) crash

7. А) fear; Б) worry; В) disturb; Г) frighten

8. А) describe; Б) explain; В) interpret; Г) clear

The Great Discovery

In ancient times people lived on whatever food they could find. As the early people ______ in numbers, they had to wander and search for wild fruits and seeds of wild plants or hunt for small animals.

Then one of these early people ______ a great discovery. A great genius discovered the meaning of seeds. He may have noticed that where some seeds had fallen on the ground, new plants grew. Perhaps he was ______ enough to put some seeds in the ground to see what would happen. No one knows how it happened, but man ______ that if he put a seed into the soil it could grow into a plant which might yield hundreds or even thousands of seeds!

He was free of the need to be in a constant ______ of his food!

Early man could now ______ seeds in the spring and wait for them to grow.

In the fall he could gather a harvest of seeds. There would be enough to 
______ himself and his family all through the winter, with some left over for planting when spring came.

This discovery was the beginning of ______ and the most important change that ever happened to people on earth.

 1. А) decreased; Б) increased; В) developed; Г) improved

2. А) fulfilled; Б) did; В) made; Г) conducted

3. А) curious; Б) questioning; В) surprised; Г) puzzled

4. А) disclosed; Б) opened; В) discovered; Г) exposed

5. А) investigation; Б) exploration; В) look; Г) search

6. А) put; Б) plant; В) deliver; Г) lay

7. А) feed; Б) food; В) provide; Г) nourish

8. А) gardening; Б) cropping; В) cultivation; Г) farming

Light from the Past

When you stand and look at the stars, you are really looking at past history. The light from Alkaid, the end star in the handle of the Big Dipper, has taken about 210 years to ______ your eyes. If Alkaid stopped 
______ today, people on earth would still see it ______ about 210 years. Some of the stars you see here tonight may have stopped existing several thousand years ago. The light from some ______ stars right now will not be seen on earth until thousands, or even millions, of years from now!

It’s ______ breathtaking, and it ______ to the great mystery about the nature of light. Think about water waves. They get smaller and smaller in amplitude as they travel. Their energy is lost in friction among the water molecules. Think of sound waves in air. They too get weaker and weaker because of friction among the air molecules.

But light waves stop only if they strike something, and their energy is transferred ______ another form. 8______, they can go on and on, at the same terrific speed, with no loss of energy, forever!

1. A) approach; Б) reach; В) hit; Г) achieve

2. A) burning; Б) flashing; В) blushing; Г) shining

3. A) after; Б) through; В) for; Г) at

4. A) farewell; Б) faraway; В) far; Г) fair

5. A) quit; Б) quick; В) quiet; Г) quite

6. A) enlarges; Б) increases; В) adds; Г) multiplies

7. A) into; Б) onto; В) for; Г) at

8. A) although; Б) otherwise; В) whatever; Г) either

The First Day at School

Do you remember your first day at school? It was probably 1 ____ confusing. Now, to ____ this confusion, many primary schools in England have a special teacher who welcomes new pupils. She is 3____ a reception class teacher. The children are ____ with the idea of school and if they have been good, they can’t understand why they have to go to school. They imagine that school is optional. When the child goes to school on his first day and watches his mother leaving he thinks that she is deserting him. The teacher must ____ him that at the end of the day his mother will be back and take him home. The children are not the only people that are disturbed by going to school. The teacher sometimes has as much difficulty in ____ with the mothers. They hang around and dislike leaving the child without their protection.

The best way to ____ with the situation is to get the child used to the idea of school. Before the beginning of term, the mother should take her child to see the teacher and to look ____ the school. The first day should be something to emphasize the regularity of school.

1. А) enough; Б) rarely; В) rather; Г) equally

2. A) escape; Б) defeat; В) beat; Г) avoid

3. A) named; Б) called; В) said; Г) told

4. A) afraid; Б) threatened; В) endangered; Г) risked

5. A) convince; Б) prove; В) explain; Г) announce

6. A) managing; Б) guiding; В) coping; Г) handling

7. A) face; Б) deal; В) touch; Г) consider

8. A) through; Б) about; В) after; Г) round

Your Future World

What will you be doing in 2025? Will you be living in an undersea research station? Will you be the chief engineer ______ a bridge across the Atlantic Ocean? Will you be leading an ______ to the planet Mars? Will you be …?

You can daydream, of course, but nobody knows exactly what the world will be ______. But scientists have made some guesses.

Based on the advances made, they believe people will be healthier. Diphtheria, malaria, tuberculosis, polio and many other killers are under control now. These diseases are on the way out, ______ to germ-killing chemicals, new ways of finding out about our bodies, and new ways of providing clean, safe ______ and water.

Healthier people live longer, so we can expect the world’s population to ______ sharply. It may double in the next forty years! This brings up a serious problem: how will we find food, water, and minerals for such a huge population?

Scientists are at work on some ______. From the ocean they hope to get new fertilizers to increase the yield of the soil; new chemicals to kill crop-destroying insects without ______ other animals, new sources of water or supplies of food.

1. A) inventing; Б) designing; В) scheming; Г) doing

2. A) exploration; Б) expenditure; В) expedition; Г) exhibit

3. A) like; Б) alike; В) likely; Г) likable

4. A) as a result; Б) because; В) on account; Г) thanks

5. A) eat; Б) feed; В) food; Г) cooking

6. A) decrease; Б) distract; В) dissolve; Г) increase

7. A) solutions; Б) alternatives; В) preferences; Г) questions

8. A) hurting; Б) harming; В) injuring; Г) wounding


The first Europeans to visit what is now called Alaska were Russian sailors led by Captain Bering. The 1______ was funded by Russian czar Peter the Great. In 1728 Bering and his crew ______ through the strait that is now named after him, between the easternmost part of Asia and the westernmost part of the Americas. Their journey ______ that Asia was not connected to North America; however, due to the heavy fog, they never actually saw the nearby land of North America. In 1741 Bering headed further south, landing on tiny Kayak Island off the ______ of what is now the southeastern part of the state.

In the 1780s and 1790s Russians began small colonies, first on Kodiak Island and later on the mainland. In 1799 the Russian-American Company was established to ______ Russian interests. For the next 68 years the company provided the only form of government for the European colonists, ______ never numbered more than a few hundred. The Russians ruled the ______ until the late 1860s, when they sold it to the United States for $7.2 million dollars.

The ______ of gold in 1896 in the Yukon Territory started a huge gold rush that brought thousands of settlers.

1. A) travel; Б) trip; В) journey; Г) expedition

2. A) paddled; Б) sailed; В) travelled; Г) rowed

3. A) proved; Б) convinced; В) persuaded; Г) appeared

4. A) bank; Б) beach; В) shore; Г) sea-side

5. A) look after; Б) look at; В) look for; Г) look away

6. A) which; Б) whose; В) what; Г) who

7. A) country; Б) area; В) ground; Г) earth

8. A) discovery; Б) detection; В) exploration; Г) innovation


“Ordinary” was the worst word she could find for anything. She and I would argue fiercely because I wanted to be ordinary as desperately as my mother wanted to be ______ .

“I can’t ______ that hair-do”, she said when I went to the hairdresser with my friend and came back with a pageboy haircut straight out of Seventeen magazine, “It’s so terribly ordinary”. Not ugly, not unsuitable. But ordinary.

Her ______ of ordinariness came out most strongly in her clothes.

“Couldn’t you please ______ something else?” I asked her when she was dressing for Parents’ Day in tight-fitting pants and a bright pink sweater, with a Mexican cape.

“What’s wrong with my outfit?”

What wasn’t wrong with it!

“It’s just that I wish it would be something more plain,” I said sheepishly, “something that people won’t 5______ at.”

She looked at me angrily and drew herself ______ to her full height of five feet ten inches.

“Are you ______ of your own mother? Because if you are, Isadora, I feel ______ for you. I really do.”

1. A) uncommon; Б) unusual; В) odd; Г) peculiar

2. A) stand; Б) approve; В) agree; Г) vote

3. A) worry; Б) trouble; В) panic; Г) fear

4. A) dress; Б) put; В) wear; Г) clothe

5. A) watch; Б) stare; В) glance; Г) peep

6. A) up; Б) on; В) over; Г) at

7. A) sorry; Б) shamed; В) ashamed; Г) angry

8. A) regretful; Б) sorry; В) guilty; Г) unhappy

In ancient Greece there were many temples built for Apollo. He was the god of youth, beauty, music and poetry. Besides, Apollo had one very special skill - he could see the future. The Temple in Troy was one of the __________________ of all Apollo's Temples.





One day, having nothing better to do, Apollo came to the temple in Troy. Among other __________________ he saw Cassandra, a young and beautiful priestess, who worked at the temple.



Apollo __________________ by her grace.



The minute Apollo saw Cassandra, he __________________ in love. It was love at first sight.

Apollo offered her a deal. He would give Cassandra the gift of being able to see the future, if she gave him a kiss. Cassandra agreed.



With a laugh, Apollo gave her the gift, __________________ about the reward. Instantly, Cassandra could see the future. She saw Apollo, in the future, helping the Greeks destroy Troy. When Apollo bent his head to gently kiss her, she angrily spat in his face.   



Apollo got very angry. He __________________ take away his gift, but he was able to add to it. So, whatever Cassandra said, no one would believe her. That was his second gift.



When Cassandra begged her people in Troy to watch out for the Trojan horse, they __________________ her. And that was the end of Troy.



The world’s language

The English language is famous for the richness of its vocabulary. Webster’s New International Dictionary lists 450,000 words, and the new Oxford English Dictionary has 615,000, but that is only part of the total. Technical and __________________ terms would add millions more.




The wealth of existing synonyms means that __________________ of English have two words for something denoted by one word in a different language. The French, for instance, do not distinguish betweenhouse and home, between mind and brain. The Spanish cannot differentiate a chairman from a president.



In Russia, there are no native words for efficiencychallenge andengagement ring. Of course, every language has areas in which it needs, for __________________ purposes, to be more expressive than others.


he Eskimos have fifty words for types of snow, though there is no word for just plain snow. __________________, African languages have no native word for snow.


Nowadays, globalization influences the __________________ of languages.



Some native words __________________, giving way to international terms.



Предварительный просмотр:

You have 40 minutes to do this task.

Comment on the following statement.

Some people think that extreme sports help to build character.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200–250 words.

Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

         − make a conclusion restating your position

Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad.


Some people think that you can have only one true friend.

Some people think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money.

Some people think that young people should follow in their parents' footsteps when choosing a profession.

Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills.

In any occupation discipline is more important than talent.

Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear.

A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter.

A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it.

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jane who writes:

… Yesterday my Mum asked me to help her about the house. We were very busy with cleaning up after the birthday party the whole morning. I got quite tired and even missed my fitness class. What are your family duties, if any? Is there anything you especially like or dislike about house work? Do you find helping your parents necessary, why or why not?

Oh, I have some great news! I got a lovely kitten for my birthday...

Write a letter to Jane.

In your letter

-       answer her questions

-       ask 3 questions about her kitten

Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

… I have just returned from our school volleyball competition. I played for my class team and we won! What sport competitions are held in your school, if any? How can you become a member of your school sport team? Is it an easy thing to do? What kind of sport sections can you attend at school or in town?

Oh, I have some more good news! My sister had a great birthday party yesterday!

Write a letter to Jane.

In your letter

-       answer her questions

-       ask 3 questions about her sister’s birthday party

Last summer my parents and I went hiking to the mountains. We spent the whole week together and enjoyed it very much. How often do you take active holidays? Who do you think is the best company for you? What extreme sports would you like to try, if any, and why?

Last month our English class got an interesting project. We wrote a paper about interesting events in the past of our country …

Write a letter to Tom.


In your letter

-       answer his questions

-       ask 3 questions about his project paper

… In our city we have an annual competition for teenagers who make their own short films. This year I got the second prize for a film about my grandparents. Do you think it’s important to record family history? Who do you think should do it? How can it be done best?

This month is my mom’s birthday and now I am thinking about a gift for her. I want it to be very special…

Write a letter to Tom.


In your letter

-       − answer his questions

-       − ask 3 questions about his mom

Last month our class went to Washington to visit the National Museum of American History. It was my first visit there and it was fun! How often do you go to museums with your class, if at all? Which museum is your favourite or what museum would you like to visit? Why do you think people should go there?

This summer we plan to go hiking with my parents.

Write a letter to Tom.

In your letter

-       answer his questions

-       ask 3 questions about his summer plans

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Tom who writes:


…Last week our family went to the famous Niagara Falls. It was my first visit there and it was fun! We enjoyed the weather and the splashes of falling water on our faces. It reminded us of our last rafting trip. Where can you see beautiful water sights in Russia, if at all? Have you ever gone rafting? What do you think about extreme sports in general?

By the way, we are going to Greece this summer…


Write a letter to Tom.

In your letter

– answer his questions

– ask 3 questions about his trip to Greece


Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend John who writes:

…Last week my mom went to New York to help my aunt with her new baby. My dad and I had to do all the housework ourselves. What kind of family chores do you normally have, if at all? What would you cook for yourself, if you had to? Do you think boys should be able to cook and to keep house, and why?

Next weekend I’m going hiking with my classmates…

Write a letter to John.

In your letter

-       answer his questions

-       ask 3 questions about his hiking plans

Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Robert who writes:

…We’ve moved to a new town. It’s small and green. My neighbours say that it hasn’t changed a bit for the last two centuries. Have you noticed any recent changes in your city? What are they? Do you like or dislike them? Why?

Yesterday my mum won a cooking competition…

Write a letter to Robert.

In your letter

-       answer his questions

-       ask 3 questions about the cooking competition

Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Nick who writes:

…I’m going to do a project on reading in different countries. Could you help me? Do young people read as much as old people in your country? Do you prefer to read E-books or traditional books? Why? How much time do you and your friends spend reading daily?

As for the latest news, I have just joined a sport club…

Write a letter to Nick.

In your letter

-       answer his questions

-       ask 3 questions about Nick’s sport club

Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jane who writes:

…Last weekend was my mom’s anniversary and we had a family gathering. We entertained more than 25 people and lived on leftovers for 2 days after the event. What do you usually cook for special occasions? How often do you entertain people in your family? Do you normally celebrate your family holidays at home, or go to a café or to a club? Why?

 Oh, before I forget, my middle brother won our school tennis tournament…

Write a letter to Jane.

In your letter

-       answer her questions

-       ask 3 questions about her middle brother

Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

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