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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок в 6 классе

Животные в зоопарке.

Цель: Развивать коммуникативную, языковую компетенцию

Задачи :


 совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки говорения (тема «Animals»);

 расширить лексический запас учащихся;

 развивать умение говорить на уровне неподготовленного монологического высказывания по теме «Animals in the zoo»;

Развивающие :

Развивать умение систематизировать новые знания и применять их на практике;

 развивать умение работать в группе;

способствовать развитию познавательного интереса;

учить работать в сотрудничестве;

Воспитательные задачи:

воспитывать любовь к животным;

внимательно слушать говорящего;

формировать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование и учебные пособия:

Учебник М.З.Биболетовой Enjoy English  5-6  класс,

 компьютер, проектор


раздаточный материал


  1. Организационный момент.

T: : Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.  Let’s begin our lesson with the song “How are you, my friend”.

         Ch: How are you my friend

               How are you today?

               Will you, please, come in

               Cha-la-la la la

T: Now, boys and girls, look at the blackboard. Here you can see a puzzle. Please, try to find some words.  

What words have you found?

Guess what are we going to speak about today?

What is the theme of our lesson?

P: I think we are going to speak about animals.

T: Yes, you are right. Are we going to speak about domestic animals or wild animals?

P: I think we are going to speak about wild animals.

T: Today we’ll speak about wild animals and about the place where we can see them. You’ll visit London zoo. You’ll be guides at London zoo and you will work there.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

 But first let's practice English sounds and words.  Let’s train our tounges.  Repeat after me.










 Open your books and find ex. 2.p 103.  Listen and repeat one by one.

(Учащиеся повторяют слова за диктором по цепочке по одному).

  1. Речевая разминка.

T: If we are going to speak about animals we should meet the animals.

Can you name animals in English? Then let’s meet them. But you  should  put  articles a or an. Let’s remember when do we put the article a and when do we put the article an?

.  (слайд шоу  «Животные», учащиеся называют животных)

     P1:  a tiger

P2:  an eagle…

T: Divide them into 2 groups: domestic and wild.

P1: Domestic animals ….

P2: Wild animals …

T: Let’s play the game “Snowball”.  Use only wild animals. Good for you.

T:  Boys and girls, let’s remember the plural form of nouns and let’s count them.

A panda – pandas

A crocodile – crocodiles

But    a goose – geese

          A mouse – mice

          A sheep – sheep

4.  Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков.

T: Answer my questions, please:

Do you like animals?

Do you like wild animals or domestic animals?

    T: Do you know where   animals live?  You have to make up sentences:


Camels                                      in the seas and oceans

Eagles                                        in the rivers

Whales                                      in the forests

Dolphins            live                in the desert

Sheep                                       in the mountains

Horses                                       in the zoo

Monkeys                                 on a farm

Pandas                                       in the country




P1: Wolves live in the …

P2:camels live in …

Teacher:. The next task is  to guess the animals. Read the riddles and try to guess what animal it is (работают в группах из 3-х учащихся) Получают задания  на карточках и работают в группах, приклеивают зверей к заданиям)

Please, be very attentive, we shall check your answers on the screen.

It is long and green. It lives in the rivers and eats fish and birds. It has four legs and a long tail. This animal has a lot of teeth. What is it?

It lives in the forest. It is big. It likes to eat honey, fish and berries. It likes to sleep in winter. What is it?

It is red, green and blue. It has a very nice tail. It can fly. It can talk. It is very funny. What is it? What is it?

It is the biggest animal in the world. It lives in the ocean. It swims very well and sings to his family.

What is it?

This animal is very unusual. It cannot walk, it cannot run, it cannot fly, it can only jump. It has a front pocket  and it carries a baby. It lives in Australia. What is it?

P1 I think it is a …

5. Развитие навыков устной речи


P1:Have you ever been to London zoo?

P2: No, I haven’t.

P1:What  kind of animals would you like to see there?

P2: I would like to see …, ….,…

T: Now, imagine that you are speaking to visitors to London Zoo over the radio. Listen to the text of the Ex.1.and look at the text  (ex.1) and divide it into smaller parts. Who is the best speaker?

P: Dear visitors, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Attention , please.

T: The best speaker is …

T: Here are some letters the zoo has received from children all over the world. Let’s try to answer some of the questions asked in these letters ex.6. Let’s work in groups.

     What kind of animals can we see at the zoo?

Can I take my dog into the zoo?

I like monkeys very much. Can I  see  them at your zoo?

Are there any big animals at the zoo?

What is the Zoological Society of London? What is its address?

We want to help to save endangered animals. How can we join the Zoological Society of London?

Can visitors of the zoo see the animals at feeding time?

Can I take any of the baby animals home with me?


T: Imagine  that we work at London Zoo. We are taking care of a dolphin. Give some information about it.

I am taking care  of   a ________

It’s name is ________

It is _____(возраст)

It is ____ (big, small)

It is ____ (aggressive, kind, cruel, funny, lazy)

It  likes  to eat ____  (fish, meat, honey, bananas)

It likes  to play (to swim, to run, to jump)


T: The lesson is over. Did you like the lesson? What have you learnt?