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Слайд 1

Made by Natalya Berezina School 28 Balakovo Passive Voice

Слайд 2

Действительный залог ( Active voice ): Страдательный залог ( Passive voice ): Kate sent a letter last week. — Катя послала письмо на прошлой неделе. The letter was sent by Kate last week . — Письмо было послано Катей на прошлой неделе. Active & Passive Voice Залог — это форма глагола, которая показывает: сам предмет или лицо производит действие (действительный залог) или действие производится над предметом или лицом (страдательный залог). В страдательном залоге часто не упоминается, кем или с помощью чего было совершено действие, но если такая информация нужна, то использу­ются предлоги by (кем) или with (с помощью чего). Например : The job was done by Ann. — Работа была сделана Аней . The letter was written with a pen. — Письмо было написано ручкой . Berezina N. P.

Слайд 3

Passive Voice to be + V 3 Время Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect Progressive Present am is are am being is being are being have been has been ─ to be in Present Perfect Past was were was being were being had been ─ to be in Past Perfect Future will be ─ to be in Future Simple will have been ─ to be in Future Perfect Berezina N. P.

Слайд 4

Passive Voice Tense Example Translation Present Simple A lot of books are printed every year. Много книг печатается каждый год. Past Simple This book was printed in 1905. Эта книга была напечатана в 1905 году. Future Simple This book will be printed next year. Эта книга будет напечатана в следующем году. Present Progressive Page 10 is being printed at the moment. Страница 10 печатается в данный момент. Past Progressive When the author phoned, his book was being printed. Когда автор позвонил, его книга печаталась. Present Perfect This book has already been printed twice this year. Эта книга уже напечатана в этом году дважды. Past Perfect This document had been printed before the police arrived. Этот документ был напе­чатан до того, как прибыла полиция. Berezina N. P.

Слайд 5

Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в страдательном залоге Время Утвердительное предложение Present Simple The room is cleaned every day. Комнату моют каждый день . Past Simple The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage in 1823. Первый компьютер был изобретен Чарльзом Бэбиджем в 1823 году. Future Simple The students will be tested in May. Студентов будут экзаменовать в мае. Present Progressive The dog is being walked now. Собаку сейчас выгуливают . Past Progressive The problem was being discussed when he phoned. Проблема обсуждалась, когда он позвонил. Present Perfect The work has just been finished . Работа только что закончена. Past Perfect The robber had been caught before the police arrived. Грабителя поймали до того, как приехала полиция. Berezina N. P.

Слайд 6

Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в страдательном залоге Время Общий вопрос Специальный вопрос Отрицательное предложение Present Simple Is the room cleaned every day? When is the room cleaned? That room is not cleaned every day. Past Simple Was the first computer invented by Charles Babbage in 1823? Who was the first computer invented by? The first computer was not invented by Newton . Future Simple Will the students be tested in May? When will the students be tested? The students will not be tested in May. Present Progressive Is the dog being walked now? What is being done now? The dog is not being walked now . Past Progressive Was the problem being discussed when he phoned? When was the problem being discussed? The problem was not being discussed when he phoned. Present Perfect Has the work just been finished? What has just been finished? The work has not been finished yet . Past Perfect Had the robber been caught before the police arrived? Who had been caught before the police arrived? The robber had not been caught before the police arrived .

Слайд 7

Способы перевода предложений в страдательном залоге на русский язык ― с помощью глагола быть и краткой формы причастия страдательного залога. ― неопределенно-личными предложениями ― с помощью глаголов , которые оканчиваются на - ся , если предложения употребляются в Present Progressive Passive и Past Progressive Passive The letter is written. — Письмо написано . The letter was written. — Письмо было написано . The letter will be written . — Письмо будет написано. The room is cleaned every day.— Комнату моют каждый день. The room was cleaned every day . — Комнату мыли каждый день. The room will be cleaned every day. – Комнату будут мыть каждый день . The house is being built. — Дом строится . The house was being built. — Дом строился . The house will be built. — Дом построят . Berezina N. P.

Слайд 8

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be. Match the pictures and the sentences. 1. The bench ... painted every year. 2. The bench … just … painted. 3. The bench ... painted a long time ago. 4. The bench ... painted tomorrow. 5. The bench ... painted now. Berezina N. P.