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Предварительный просмотр:

Задание по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

Преподаватель: З.Ф.Медведева

для студентов 1 курса (группы: 1К1, 1В1, 1П1, 1Э1)

  1. Написать сочинение с использованием оборота there is/ there are на тему: «Устройство персонального компьютера», для группы 1Э1 «Город моей мечты» (не менее 20 предложений»)
  2.  Выполнение проектной работы за II семестр по теме: «Страноведение».

для студентов 2 курса (группы: 2В1, 2В2)

  1. Составление письменно диалогов на темы: «Заказ еды в ресторане», «На приеме у врача».
  2. Чтение текста по специальности. Письменный перевод иностранного текста на русский язык, выписать текста профессиональные термины.

для студентов 2 курса (группа 2К1)

  1. Выполнение грамматических упражнений по теме: «Времена пассивного залога»
  2. Выполнение проектной работы за II семестр по теме: «Структура компании» (группа 2К1)

для студентов 2 курса (группы: 2Э1)

  1. Чтение текста по специальности. Письменный перевод иностранного текста на русский язык, выписать текста профессиональные термины.
  2. Выполнение упражнений с профессиональными терминами.

для студентов 3 курса (группы: 3С1, 3Б1, 3Д1)

  1. Выполнение письменно грамматических упр.339, стр.278, упр.341, стр.279 сб. упр. автор Ю. Голицынский по теме «Перевод предложений из прямой речи в косвенную»
  2. Чтение текста по специальности. Письменный перевод иностранного текста на русский язык, выписать текста профессиональные термины. Выполнить упражнения по содержанию текста.

для студентов 4 курса (группы: 4С1, 4Э1)

  1. Составить и выучить диалоги на темы: «Как найти дорогу», «Покупка продуктов», «Покупка одежды».
  2. Чтение текстов по специальности. Выполнить упражнения по содержанию текста.

Практическое задание №1 для студентов 2 курса (группы: 2В1, 2В2)

Заказ еды в ресторане

  • Good morning, sir. Would you like to sit over there, near the window?
  • Yes, thank you. May I look at the menu, please?
  • Of course. Here it is.
  • Well, as a starter I’ll have some cabbage salad.
  • I see. Have you chosen anything as a main course?
  • Frankly speaking, I can’t make a choice. I’m not sure. Could you help me out?
  • If I were you, I would order our specialty of the day. It is worth tasting.
  • What exactly is this dish?
  • Pork with mushrooms.
  • I am afraid pork is not very good for me.
  • So I’d like to recommend fish under white sauce with vegetables.
  • It suits me. And I am going to take some fruit salad for dessert. I like fruit. Is there such a dish in the menu?

Oh, yes.

  • What about drinks?
  • Thanks. Well, I’ll have some apple juice. And some drinking water, please.
  • Here is your order. Bon appetite!
  • Waiter! I am paying.
  • Yes, sir. Do you want the bill?
  • How much is it?
  • Thirty dollars, sir.
  • Do you take “American Express”?
  • Of course.
  • Here is your tip.

На приёме у врача

D: Good morning, what's the matter?

В.: I've got a terrible sore throat. And I've got a headache too. And my muscles ache. I just haven't got any energy at all. I feel really weak.

D.: Let me have a look at your throat. Have you had a temperature?

B.: Yes, I have. Last night it was thirty-nine.

D.: Well. I’ll just take your temperature again. Mmm, you’re right, you have got a temperature. I’m afraid you’ve got a flu. There’s a lot of it around at the moment. You’ll have to stay in bed for a couple of days and take aspirin. And you must drink a lot of liquid. That’s very important, lots of lemon or orange juice.

B.: Thank you, doctor.

 Практическое задание №2 для студентов 2 курса (группы: 2В1, 2В2)

What is the difference between Save and Save As?

In many situations, you may need to save a file. Whether you are creating a web page in Dreamweaver or typing a school paper in Microsoft Word, the save function is a handy way to make sure you don't lose your work. Even though they have very similar names, "Save" and "Save As" have a few subtle differences in certain instances. The sections below provide details about both options.

New work or documents

In most programs that create files, the Save and Save As functions work identically on the initial save. That is, when you select either option for the first time, the program will prompt you to name the file, and then choose its format and the location in which you want to save it.

Existing work or documents

With existing work (work that has already been named and saved at least once) these two functions behave differently. Save, updates your work by replacing the last version with what you currently see on your screen. The Save As function provides users with the ability to renamea file, change its extension, or create a new version (a new file exclusive with the previous save).

Downloading files

Save As is a function that is sometimes referred to with different text. For example, when you right-click on a particular file, hyperlink, or image on the Internet or in an e-mail, you may see options like Download As, Save As, or Save Link As. Though the wording is somewhat different, the functionality remains virtually the same. The basic Save function is not used with downloads.

Практическое задание №2 для студентов 2 курса (группа 2K1)

Ex.1 Подчеркните сказуемое двумя чертами, напишите время пассивного залога. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

1)The program is changed.

2) The program is being changed.

3) The program has been changed.

4) Modern computers are widely used nowadays by small and big firms.

5) The young engineer has been offered a new job by the company.

6) The lab is being equipped with new devices.

7) We were shown some new models.

8) The data are referred to in the press.

9) New types of devices are being made use of in the lab.

10) The test was followed by the experiments.

Выберите правильную форму сказуемого в предложении

  1. All the letters …  tomorrow.
  1. will be answered   b) shall be answered   c) has been answered

  1. The dinner … by my sister from 5 till 6 o’clock in the evening yesterday.
  1. is being prepared b) are being prepared c) was being prepared

3. The secondary school (to finish) by him last year.

a) was finished    b) is finished     c) were finished

4. The computer (to input) always by my brother.

a) are inputed   b) is inputed    c) is inputing

5. The floor (to clean) already by the girl.

a) has been clearned    b) have been clearned     c) had been clearn

Выберите правильный вариант перевода предложений на русский язык

Many graphics programs are controlled by a mouse or some other device.

а) Многие графические программы контролируют мышь и другие устройства.

в) Многие графические программы контролируются мышью и другими устройствами.

с) Многие графические программы контролировались мышью и другими устройствами.

Составьте предложение со сказуемым в пассивном залоге

A heavy box (to carry) by the workers.

Our native town (to destroy) by the fashists.

This book often (to) read.

This exercise (to write) by him  from 5 till 6 o’clock yesterday.

Практическое задание №1 для студентов 2 курса (группа 2Э1)

Чтение текста по специальности. Письменный перевод иностранного текста на русский язык, выписать текста профессиональные термины

1 The science of economics studies business, production, trade, inflation, unemployment and the decisions that governments, companies and we take every day.

2 While microeconomics studies how companies and households run their business, macroeconomics looks at the economy of a country as a whole.

3 Economic resources include both material things such as raw materials, housing and others, as well as non-material things, for example, time.

4 Every day we make many decisions and each is a trade-off between different resources.

5 Economists collect data and on the basis of this data they create economic models.

6 Economic models show relationships between different processes in the economy.

7 Adam Smith, 'the father of modern economics', considered that a nation's wealth depended on its ability to produce goods.

8 Economists test theories using empirical evidence. It is evidence that can be collected and measured.

9 This theory deals with factors such as inflation, taxes, salaries and unemployment.

10 Governments, companies and academics use econometrics to make correct decisions, find out relationships between variables, etc.

11 Some variables are considered over a period of time. Such analysis is called time-series.

12 According to the law of demand as the price for the good rises, the demand for it falls.

13 Price elasticity, the price/demand relationship, helps to set prices at the correct level in the given market for a particular time.

14 Some other factors apart from price affect demand, and that causes a shift in the demand curve.

Практическое задание №2 для студентов 2 курса (группа 2Э1)

Ex 1. Fill the gaps with the following words:

to study, use, since, efficient, deals with, equipment, resources

Economics (1) the problems of scarcity and choice that have faced societies and nations throughout history, but the development of modern economics began in 17th century. (2) the time economics have developed methods for studying and explaining how individuals, businesses and nations (3) their available economic (4). Large corporations use economists (5) the ways they do business and to suggest methods for making more (6) use of their employees, (7), factories and other resources.

Ex 2. Translate into English and mach with English equivalents:

  1. Проблемы дефицита
  2. Делать выбор
  3. Тратить деньги налогоплательщика
  4. Ни общество, ни каждый из его членов
  5. Государственные ресурсы
  6. Удовлетворить потребности
  7. Сталкиваться с проблемой дефицита
  8. Производители
  9. Доступные экономические ресурсы
  10.  Товары и услуги
  1. neither individuals, not society
  2. is faced with the problem of scarcity
  3. to satisfy
  4. scarcity problem
  5. to make choice
  6. available economic resources
  7. nation resources
  8. business
  9. to spend taxpayer’s money
  10. goods and services

Ex 3. Match with English and Russian equivalents:

  1. entrepreneurship
  2. wildlife and timber resources
  3. goods and services
  4. output
  5. macroeconomics
  6. economic system
  7. to consume
  8. to produce
  9. factors of productions
  10.  to allocate
  1. макроэкономика
  2. живая природа и древесина
  3. предпринимательство
  4. товары и услуги
  5. размещать
  6. факторы производства
  7. экономическая система
  8. производить
  9. выпуск продукции
  10. потреблять

Практическое задание №1 для студентов 3 курса (группы: 3С1, 3Б1, 3Д1)

Упражнение 339

Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. The teacher said to us, "You will have to work hard tomorrow." 2. My girlfriend said to me, "I shall not be able to go for a walk with you today, because I am very busy." 3. She said to me, "How long are you going to stay in the country?" 4. He said to me, "I like to go to the canteen during the break." 5. He asked me, "When will you go to the canteen?" 6. John said, "I met them at the airport yesterday." 7. He said, "I shall come to the party if I am free tomorrow." 8. She said, "I shall go to the cinema in the evening if I am not very tired." 9. My mother said to me, "It will be difficult for you to get up tomorrow if you don't go to bed at once." 10. Nina said, "I like music and I listen to it every evening before going to bed." 11. My aunt said, "I shall not be thirsty if I eat some grapes." 12. Mother said to us, "Don't go out before I return." 13. My sister said, "I shall be neither hungry nor thirsty if I have a cup of tea with a sandwich." 14. Mary said, "Don't switch the TV, Fred, I am working."

Упражнение 341

Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

  1. Не said to me, "Come at nine o'clock, I shall be free at that time and we shall have a nice cup of coffee." 2. Nina asked her friend, "What did the professor speak about in his lecture?" 3. Ann said, "He is one of the best speakers I have ever heard." 4. He said, "I haven't yet seen the film you are talking about." 5. He said, "I seldom went to see my friend in May as I was very busy." 6. She asked her brother, "Will you manage to get tickets to the Philharmonic on Sunday?" 7. My friend said, "We arrived in Kiev on Saturday and the next day we went to look round the city." 8. She said to me, "Did you live in St. Petersburg ten years ago?" 9. She said to me, "Are you going to leave St. Petersburg for the summer?" 10. My friend said to me, "The discussion will still be going on when you return." 11. He said, "I am proud of my brother who took the first prize at the competition." 12. She asked me, "How long have you been living in St. Petersburg?" 13. She said, "He has just left." 14. He asked me, "When will your parents arrive in St. Petersburg?" 15. She said to me, "Were you present at the meeting yesterday?"

  1. Практическое задание №2 для студентов 3 курса, группа 3С1

Read the following text. Tick (ν) the statements below if they are true and cross (x) them if they are false. (20 points)

Most computers use floppy disks. Floppies conform to a standard and you can use them to carry data from one place to another. They are also very cheap, but they are slow and have a limited capacity.

Almost all desktop computers have hard disks. They are fast and can store much greater amounts of data than floppies, but they are fixed inside the computer and you cannot use them to transfer data.

You can move data from place to place using removable hard disks. They are almost as fast as fixed hard disks and also have high capacities, but they are relatively expensive. They do not all conform to one standard and they are not very common.

CD-ROM disks are very common and conform to a standard. They are removable and can hold about 640MB.They are also cheap to make. However, they are usually read-only. You cannot change the information on them. They are also slow compared to hard disks.

Magneto-optical disks are like CD-ROMs, but you can write data on to them. They are removable, have large capacities, and last for a long time, but they are expensive and do not all conform to one standard. For this reason they are not very common.

Magnetic tape is a cheap medium. You can use it to store very large amounts of data, but it does not allow random access. Every time you read or write a piece of data, you start at the beginning of the tape. Tape drives are slow. Therefore, it is only suitable for doing backups.

1. Floppies don’t conform to a standard and you can use them to carry data from one place to another.

2. Floppies are cheap and can store a large amount of data.

3. Almost all desktop computers have hard disks.

4. They are fast and removable.

5. You can move data from place to place using removable hard disks.

6. Removable hard disks do not all conform to one standard and they are not very common.

7. CD-ROM disks are very common and conform to a standard.

8. They are removable and can hold about 2MB.

9. You can write data on to magneto-optical disks.

10. Magnetic tape is a cheap medium and you can use it to store very large amounts of data, but it does not allow serial access.

Практическое задание №2 для студентов 3 курса, группа: 3Б1

Чтение текста по специальности. Письменный перевод иностранного текста на русский язык, выписать текста профессиональные термины, ответить письменно на вопросы по содержанию текста.

The work of bank centers around money and financial services

Virtually any actively involving money or advice about financial matters is undertaken by all the commercial banks. The immediate service offered by the bank is the receipt for deposit of coins, notes and cheques and (he cashing of cheques, through current accounts. Coins and notes in circulation have the stalus of "legal lender" lhat is to say they must be laken in payment of a debt although the extenl to which this applies in the case of coins is deliberately restricted for the sake of convenience.

The most common means of payment, particularly for significant sums of money, is the cheque since it is both safer and more convenient than using cash. However, it is not legal tender and creditors can refuse to accept it if they wish. Normally both national cheques and traveller's cheques arc readily negotiable if the bearer has some means of proving his identity and the creditor can be sure that the cheque will be «honoured». To assist the use of cheques banks now provide their customers with bankers cards which, when used in association with a cheque, will guarantee it up to a stated maximum. If a customer wishes to make payments of large amounts of money by cheque and is not known to the creditor, then he may obtain a «certified cheque» from his bank. Such a cheque is signed by the bank and therefore payment is guaranteed.

Those trading overseas, or in conditions where there may be a significant time lapse between sending out goods and their receipt by the customer, may use a Bill of Exchange as a means of payment. This is really a post dated cheque which assures the creditor payment but also gives the buyer opportunity to inspect the goods before the transaction is completed. Those whose credit standing is unknown may have to get the Bill «accepted» before a creditor will take it. Such a process guarantees payment and most work of this kind is undertaken by the merchant banks. Because Bills arc post dated creditors may have to wait some time for their money. They can overcome this problem by endorsing the Bill and then cither discounting it with a Discount House or a bank or passing it on to another trader in settlement of a debt of their own. By the time it comes to maturity a Bill may have passed through several hands and on each occasion it must be endorsed. The commercial banks participate in this activity in two ways: in part by lending money to the discount houses and in part by discounting bills for their own customers.

Questions on the text:

  1. What forms of money are called legal tender?
  2. Why are cheques a common form of exchange?
  3. What is the main purpose of a banker's card?
  4.  The special feature of a certified cheque?
  5. What is the main use of a Bill of Exchange?
  6. Why does a Bill sometimes have to be "accepted"?
  7. In which two ways might a creditor who needed the money the special feature of a certified cheque?
  8. What is the main use of a Bill of Exchange?
  9. Why does a Bill sometimes have to be "accepted"?
  10.  In which two ways might a creditor who needed the money dispose of a Bill?

Практическое задание №2 для студентов 3 курса, группа 3Д1

Составление письменно диалогов на темы по образцам:

«Заказ еды в ресторане», «Оставить сообщение»

Заказ еды в ресторане

  • Good morning, sir. Would you like to sit over there, near the window?
  • Yes, thank you. May I look at the menu, please?
  • Of course. Here it is.
  • Well, as a starter I’ll have some cabbage salad.
  • I see. Have you chosen anything as a main course?
  • Frankly speaking, I can’t make a choice. I’m not sure. Could you help me out?

-    If I were you, I would order our specialty of the day. It is worth tasting.

  • What exactly is this dish?
  • Pork with mushrooms.
  • I am afraid pork is not very good for me.
  • So I’d like to recommend fish under white sauce with vegetables.

-    It suits me. And I am going to take some fruit salad for dessert. I like fruit.

Is there such a dish in the menu? Oh, yes.

  • What about drinks?
  • Thanks. Well, I’ll have some apple juice. And some drinking water, please.

-     Here is your order. Bon appetite!

    -      Waiter! I am paying.

  • Yes, sir. Do you want the bill?
  • How much is it?
  • Thirty dollars, sir.
  • Do you take “American Express”?
  • Of course.
  • Here is your tip.

Leaving a message

Susan Small is on the phone with a secretary

S. Small: Hello, I'd like to speak to John Whitman, please.

S.: I'll see if he's there... I'm afraid that he's out of the office at the moment. Can 1 take a message?

S. Small:  Yes please. Could you tell him that Susan Small rang. We met at a trade fair in Hanover. He asked me to ring when I was in Paris. When will he be back?

S.:  Not until tomorrow. I'm afraid.

S. Small: Could you ask him to call me back?

S:  Yes, certainly,        

S. Small:  Thank you very much. Goodbye.

S. Thank you for calling. Goodbye.  

Susan Small tries again the next day.

S. Small: Hello, this is Susan Small. I rang yesterday to speak to John Whitman.      

S.:  Oh yes, Mrs Small. I passed on your message to Mr Whitman. I'm afraid he's in a meeting until lunchtime.

S. Small:        Could I leave a message, please?        

S.: Certainly. Go ahead.        

S. Small:       Please tell him that I am in Paris until Friday, and I would like to meet him to discuss the launch date of our new albums before I go back to the States. I really need to contact him.

S.:                Of course, Mrs Small. I'll make sure he gets the message and I'll ask him to ring you back as soon as he can.

S. Small:         Thank you very much.      

S.:                      You're welcome.        

Практическое задание №2 для студентов 3 курса, группа 3Д1

Read the text with a dictionary.
                                           PAPERLESS OFFICE
A paperless office is a work environment in which the use of paper is eliminated or greatly reduced. This is done by converting documents and other papers into digital form. Proponents claim that "going paperless" can save money, boost productivity, save space, make documentation and information sharing easier, keep personal information more secure, and help the environment.
The "paperless office" was a publicist's slogan, intended to describe the office of the future. The idea was that office automation would make paper redundant for routine tasks such as record-keeping and bookkeeping, and it came to prominence with the introduction of the personal computer. While the prediction of a PC on every desk was remarkably prophetic, the "paperless office" was not. Improvements in printers and photocopiers have made it much easier to reproduce documents in bulk, causing the worldwide use of office paper to more than double from 1980 to 2000. This has been attributed to the increased ease of document production and widespread use of electronic communication, which has resulted in users receiving large numbers of documents that are often printed out. However, since about 2000, the global use of office paper has leveled off and is now decreasing, which has been attributed to a generation shift; younger people print out less documents, and prefer to read them on a full-color interactive display screen.
The key aspect of the paperless office philosophy is the conversion of paper documents, photos, engineering plans, microfiche and all the other paper based systems to digital documents. Technologies that may be used for this include scanners, digital mail solutions, book copiers, wide format scanners (for engineering drawings), microfiche scanners, fax to PDF conversion, online post offices, multifunction printers and document management systems.
A major difficulty in "going paperless" is that much of a business's communication is with other businesses and individuals, as opposed to just being internal. Electronic communication requires both the sender and the recipient to have easy access to appropriate software and hardware. There may be costs and temporary productivity losses when converting to a paperless office. Government regulations and business policy may also slow down the change. Businesses may encounter technological difficulties such as file format compatibility, longevity of digital documents, system stability, and employees and clients not having appropriate technological skills.
b) True or false? Correct the false statements.
1. A paperless office is an office that has paper-based filing systems, which may
include filing cabinets, folders, shelves, all of which require maintenance,
equipment, and considerable space.
2. "Going paperless" means converting paper documents, photos, engineering plans, microfiche and all the other paper based systems to digital documents.
3. The conversion of paper documents to digital documents requires different
scanners, copiers, printers, and document management systems.
4. Improvements in printers and photocopiers have helped make paper redundant.
5. The idea of the "paperless office" was introduced by scientists.
6. The idea of the "paperless office" came with the introduction of the personal
7.  Technological difficulties such as file format compatibility, longevity of digital
documents, system stability boost the paperless office idea.
8. The "paperless office" requires that employees and clients should have appropriate
technological skills.
9. Converting to a paperless office can save money, boost productivity, save space.
10. "Going paperless" is easy, as it requires that communicating businesses should
have easy access to appropriate software and hardware.
11. The widespread use of electronic communication reduced the use of office paper
from 1980 to 2000 worldwide.
12. Younger people print out less documents than the older generation, they prefer to
read them on a full-color interactive display screen.

Questions on the text:

  1. What forms of money are called legal tender?
  2. Why are cheques a common form of exchange?
  3. What is the main purpose of a banker's card?
  4. What is the special feature of a certified cheque?
  5. What is the main use of a Bill of Exchange?
  6. Why does a Bill sometimes have to be "accepted"?
  7. In which two ways might a creditor who needed the money
    dispose of a Bill?

Практическое задание №2 для студентов 4 курса (группы: 4С1, 4Э1)

  1. Расположите пропущенные предложения в таком порядке, чтобы получился связный текст.

1_______. Based on capacity, speed and reliability they can be divided into three categories of computers:
1. The mainframe computers are computers used by large organizations like meteorological surveys and statistical institutes for performing bulk mathematical computations. 
2. The microcomputers are the most frequently used computers better known by the name of “personal computers”. 
3. The minicomputers like the mainframe computers are used by business organization. 

  1. The difference being that minicomputer can support the simultaneous working of up to 100 users and is usually maintained in business organizations for the maintenance of accounts and finances.
  2. The mainframe computers are core computers, which are used for desktop functions of over one hundred people simultaneously.
  3. Microcomputer is the type of computer meant for public use.
  4. Computers are categorized on the basis of physical structures and the purpose of their use.

B.  Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.
Buying and using a modem used to be relatively easy. Not too long ago, almost all modems transferred data at a 1_______ of 2400 Bps (bits per second). Today, modems not only run faster, they are also loaded with features like error control and data compression. So, in addition to converting and interpreting signals, 2_______ also act like traffic cops, monitoring and regulating the flow of 3_______. That way, one computer doesn’t send information until the receiving computer is ready for it. Each of these features, modulation, error control, and data compression, requires a separate kind of 4_______ and that’s what some of those terms you see like V.32, V.32bis, V.42bis and MNP5 refer to.

  1. rate   2. Information 3. Modems  4. Protocol

C.  Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими словами и фразами:
1_______ to either InterNIC (www.internic.com) or 2_______ such as www.register.com and 3_______ to make sure the domain you want to establish is available.
2. After confirming the availability of your domain name, complete the online registration form 

  1. perform a name search
  2. a name registration service
  3. Go onlin
  4. to secure your name


G.  Дополните диалог:
Dima: Yesterday I read 1_______ on the history of computers by N. D. Miller. Did you read it?
Alice: No, I didn’t. What does it deal with?
Dima: It deals with powers of computers and 2_______.
Alice: I see.
Dima: You are interested 3_______, aren’t you?
Alice: Yes, I am.
Dima: Then, 4_______.
Alice: Certainly, with pleasure!

  1. a very interesting book
  2.  their basic capabilities
  3.  read this book
  4.  read this book in computer systems

H.  Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими словами и фразами:
The modem does not dial the number. Your hardware may be connected improperly, or the incorrect COM port is specified. 
1. Make sure the correct cables are attached to the modem and phone jack, and between 
2. Make sure 
3_______ is specified in the Communications dialog box. 4_______ from the Settings menu in Terminal to see how the Connector option is set.

  1. Use this checklist  
  2.  the proper COM port
  3. the two computers
  4. Choose the Communications command

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