Демкина Вера Владимировна

Ход урока 1. Организационный момент. Приветствие класса: Good morning. How are you today? I’m glad to see you again. Проверка отсутствующих в классе: Let me know, who is absent today? Дата: What date is it today? What’s the weather like today? 2. Определение темы урока. Let’s work in small groups of 3 pupils and one group of 2 who presents the reader, Ann Green. After the listening pupils will name the main topic of the lesson and fill the card. 1. Ann mostly reads science-fiction novels. 2. The novel is one of a series. 3. The main character is accused of a crime. 4. Ann thought the characters were poorly- developed. 5. A previous job helps the author to write well. Teacher: - The next task for you is to prove that a book can be a good present for everyone. Share your ideas, please. You’ll have a stick for each statement. Примерные утверждения учащихся: Reading books is useful and interesting. A lot of people are fond of reading nowadays. Books help us to solve the problems of our life. We learn a lot of new facts about famous people, lands and countries from the books. Books help us to make new friends Books are useful because they learn us to plan our time and life. Reading books is a popular hobby of people of different ages. Books have beautiful pictures and photos. Books are not very expensive. Books help pupils to study better. Etc. The small groups of 3 pupils will make up the questions to group of 2 pupils who will answer, presenting the reader, Ann Green. 2.1. Объявление темы урока: Now you should guess what our theme is. «Types of books». You are absolutely right! Write it down in your copybooks. 2.2. eх.2 p.78. You have heard the young woman talking about a book she has recently read. Check the statements from 1 to 5 for T (true) or F (false). 1. Ann mostly reads science-fiction novels. T F 2. The novels is one of a series. T F 3. The main character is accsed of a crime. T F 4. Ann thought the characters were poorly- developed. T F 5. A previous job helps the author to write well. T F №3. Answer my questions. Skills of speaking. • What’s Ann’s favourite type of book? • Whom does Ann recommend reading this book? • Do you like reading? • What books do you prefer reading? • What’s benefit of reading? -pupils tell their ideas. Thank you! Now let’s watch a Video about benefits of reading. Be attentive, please. So, what is the famous saying? “Reading gives you superpower”. What can we feel while reading? We can feel all the details ourselves by using our imagination instead of watching TV for example. Let’s make a conclusion! The more we read, the more we use our imagination. The more we use our imagination, the more powerful we become. Imagination is the great superpower of all. №4. Let’s remember the types of book. Can you characterize any type of book ? Types of books on the board. All types of books are defined 1. Classic novel 2. Crime thriller 3. Biography 4. Horror 5. Adventure 6. Romance 7. Science fiction 8. Fantasy Can you guess the main character and the book? -one pupil tells about the book, others try to guess It and name the book 4.1. Минутка отдыха. Now please stand up, look at the screen! Let’s have a rest and have fun! Let’ continue. What is your favorite book and what is it about? № 5. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE/LEAST FAVOURITE TYPES OF BOOKS? Use the next adjectives. P.78 ex.3 Make up the dialogue, the first group presents the positive opinion, the second will perform against, will give negative view. № 6. Complete the sentences. One member of any group presents the results. Rest of pupils send me their results. №7. Let’s meet the adjectives which are used for describing of plot, characters, beginning, ending. Take the student’s book and look at the page 78 exercise3. Choose positive, negative, neutral adjectives. Who is the first? Further, scan the dialogue and ask each other about plot, characters of your favourite books. №7. Hometask. Finally, look at the slide, at the spidergram. Tell about your favourite book using this plan. №8. To sum up. What are the result of our lesson? Nowadays reading books is very important for every intelligent person. It gives you the opportunity to develop your personal skills, Improves Your Focus and Concentration, It improves Your Imagination, it lets you Discover and Create Yourself. We have also found out what different types of books exist. I hope some of you will be interested in new types of books we have studied today. I have known….. I’m interested in ….. It’s the most interesting for me to make the dialogue. 8.1. The lesson is over. I enjoyed your work. It’s a pity that we’ve got so little time. It’s a real pleasure to communicate with you. Some of you impressed me greatly. I’d like to appreciate you. Your marks are.... Thank you. See you next time. Технологическая карта урока. Приложение №1 Таблица. Использование педагогических технологий на этапах урока № Этап урока Педагогичес кое действие Внедряемые УУД Используемая педагогическая технология 1. Определение главной темы урока Работа в небольших группах (метод “Карта согласия”) Развитие лексических единиц Технология, базирующаяся на сотрудничестве 2. Обсуждение важности главной темы урока Рассмотрение проблемы чтения в современном мире. Рассмотрение важности чтения. Формирование личной позиции ученика. Привитие интереса учащегося к чтению литературы, изучаемому предмету и учебе в целом. Технология интегрированного обучения 3 Обсуждение главной темы урока, освоение новых лексических единиц Презентация по теме урока. Использование аудирования Угадывание книги по устному и визуальному описанию. Определение жанра книги Интерактивная лекция с использованием аудио/видео материалов, схем, графиков Ролевые и образовательные игры. Работа с наглядными пособиями. Информационно-коммуникационная технология Игровая технология 4 Физминутка Физ. минутка Здоровьесберегающие технология 5 Закрепление изученного материала Приём “Взаимоопрос” Работа в малых группах “Каждый учит каждого” Технология критического мышления 6 Общий вывод. Обобщение учебных знаний Метод дискуссии Формирование личной позиции ученика. Привитие интереса учащегося к чтению литературы, изучаемому предмету и учебе в целом. Самооценка и оценка другими членами коллектива. Технология критического мышления

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