7 класс

The writer likes peace and quiet, but doesn’t like crowded cities and heavy traffic.

I don’t mind the peace and quiet of the country, but I can/t stand feeling isolated. I feel lonely and stressed. I’m a city mouse.

A high quality lifestyle is very important to me. I like fresh air and beautiful landscapes. I feel happy and relaxed. I think I’m a country mouse.

Shops, cinemas and theatres are very important to me, but I can’t stand constant heavy traffic. It makes me feel worried. I think I’m a country mouse.

I’m a city mouse. Convenient public transport to me and crowded streets are very important to me. Then I feel free and confident.






This Russian folk fairy tale is about a peasant family. The main characters are Old Man (Dedka), his wife (Babka), their Granddaughter (Vnuchka), their pets Dog (Zhuchka), Cat (Murka) and Little Mouse. One day Dedka goes to the kitchen garden to see a huge turnip. He can’t pull it out. So he calls his wife to help him. They try and try but they can’t pull it out. So they call Vnuchka. They still are too weak to do it. Only when they are all together with their pets and Little Mouse come to help they manage to pull the turnip out.

The moral is: it is important to be friendly and helpful in the family, especially in difficult situations.


Ecological problems

In the world there are environmental problems. People and their actions cause air, water and soil pollution.

Cars burn petrol. Power stations emit toxic fumes. This pollution is gathered in the clouds and lands on trees. It poisons trees and wipes fish in the sea.

We should do something to solve the ecological problems. We can…

sort out rubbish!

use public transport!

clean up after our dogs!

turn off water when we don`t use it!

turn off light when we leave the room!

reuse old things!


Books are our friends. We meet them when we are very small and can't read, but we remember our mother read them for us. We learn very much from books. Books make our life more interesting. People read both for knowledge and for pleasure. Different people read different books. There are a lot of kinds of books: fairy tales, adventure stories, fantasy books… Many people enjoy so-called "easy reading"- detectives, amusing, humorous stories, fantastic. But so many people, so many tastes.

As for me, I prefer to read _________,


London, the capital of Great Britain, is situated on the Thames River. It is divided into four parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. The City is the business and commercial heart of London. London has many places of interest. One of them is the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government. There one can see the famous Big Ben, the symbol of London. Another place of interest is Buckingham Palace. It’s the residence of the Queen.

There are many other places of interest in London: Trafalgar Square, Regent’s Park, Westminster Abbey and, of course, the British Museum. It’s impossible to describe all places of interest.

My day off

I go to school five days a week, so I have two days off — Saturday and Sunday . During the week I am very busy, so I like to have a rest on weekend.

I enjoy staying in bed.  We have late breakfast at 10 and watch TV. If the weather is fine, I usually do not stay indoors, If the weather is rainy and gloomy, I stay at home and watch videos, listen to music, read  books. After dinner we go visit our grandparents or relatives.

Sometimes on weekends I go to an art exhibition, to the theatre, to the concert. I like weekends very much, because I can rest and gain some energy for the next week.

Mikhail Lomonosov

Lomonosov was born in 1711 in Arhangelsk province. He liked to spend his timefishing with his father.  He wanted to study andwhen he was 19 he went by foot to Moscow.

Lomonosov worked hard and he became a great scientist. He was a physicist, apainter and astronomer, a geographer, a historian and a statesman. 

Lomonosov made a telescope; he  wrote the first scientific grammar of Russian languageand many poems. Lomonosov build a factory near Petersburg. He made a portrait of Peter I of pieces of glass.Lomonosov was the founder of the first Russian University in Moscow.