Мухачева Юлия Павловна

Предварительный просмотр:

Pushkin Gymnazia

Исследовательская работа по английскому языку

«Extreme kinds of sport. Do they have more

benefit or harm?»

Экстремальные виды спорта. Польза или вред?

Работу выполнила ученица 6 б класса

Кузнецова Наталия

Учитель - Мухачева Ю.П.

Shakhunya 2016


  1. Intro. “What do we know about extreme sports?”
  2. Part I. “Extreme sports characteristics”
  3. Part II. “Positive and negative aspects of extreme sports for people”
  4. Part III.  “The opinion of people about the extreme

Intro. “What do we know about extreme sports?”

In recent days the number of fans of extreme sports is growing rapidly. Extremal is a person who has a great physical form and wish to resist the natural forces of nature. As a rule, extreme lovers are very brave, fearless and adventurous people. But is the risk they taking worth it?

People in extreme sports compete against a lot of things: weather, weakness of their body, other people, and difficulties of these types of sports. 

There are many extreme sports that take place in air, land, and water. For example there are some of them:

  • ski jumping,
  • sky diving,
  • sky surfing,
  • sky flying,
  • indoor climbing,
  • mountain biking,
  • mountain boarding,
  • skateboarding,
  • snowboarding,
  • powerboat racing,
  • surfing,
  • whitewater kayaking,
  • windsurfing. 

All these sports need to have special equipment and glasses. We can be sure that many new extreme sports will appear soon. Every year more and more people are interested in extreme sports and take active part in them. I'm sure that soon extreme sports will be on a high level

Новизна исследования:  В 2015 году все больше молодых людей  выбирают для себя экстремальные виды спорта. С каждым днем появляются новые занятия, связанные с высоким уровнем опасности (руфинг, ходьба по канату, дайвинг с акулами). Кто-то смотрит на экстремалов с восхищением и восторгом, кто-то с осуждением, считая, что их риск не оправдан, а кто-то с большой долей непонимания. В любом случае равнодушных к этим занятиям людей почти не осталось, и пришла пора разобраться «Почему люди выбирают экстремальные виды спорта? Какие качества человека они развивают? Чем отличаются экстремальные виды спорта от обычных состязаний?»

Актуальность исследования:

Тема данного исследования была навеяна многими факторами. Они были объединены  в три группы и названы степенями актуальности:

  1. Во-первых, актуальность и современность выбранной  темы подтверждается тем, что с каждым годом в мире проводится все больше чемпионатов по мотогонкам, экстремальному сплаву, горным лыжам, парашютингу, дайвингу и другим опасным видам спорта. В России, не отстающей от других крупных держав, с каждым годом увеличивается число спортсменов, которые завоёвывают награды в сноуборде, горных лыжах, в гонках (ралли). В 2015 году город Сочи стал спортивной площадкой для проведения всемирных гонок Формулы 1 и собрал экстремалов со всего мира.
  2. Во-вторых,  исследуя видео-ролики по теме «Спорт» на Интернет канале youtube.com  обнаруживаем, что за последние несколько лет появились новые виды экстремальных занятий, максимально связанных с риском для жизни (руфинг, паркур, скайсерфинг, параглайдинг – Eng. ) Экстремальные направления не просто развиваются, их число увеличивается с каждым годом.
  3. Для Шахуньи экстрим также  имеет достаточно большое значение. Многие подростки занимаются паркуром, велоспортом. С каждым годом появляется все больше ребят турникменов и скейтбордистов.

The aim of my research is to find out the reasons of extreme sports’ high popularity, which is increasing among people all over the world. I need to find out the attitude of our local people to extreme.

My hypothesis is extreme sports bring more joy and benefit to man, it is worth people risking their health and life, and will achieve the same popularity as usual kinds of sport soon.

The tasks:

• To find out what extreme sports there are in the world now and in which countries are developed;

To find out how extreme sports differ from usual kinds of sport;

• Find out how many people prefer extreme sports and why;

• What the most popular kinds of extreme sports are now;

• Consider positive and negative aspects of extreme sports;

• Make conclusion about advantages and disadvantages of  ES;

• To organize and conduct the online survey among users of the Internet

1) "How do you feel about extreme sports"

2) " What extreme sport would you like to do"

Part I. “Extreme sports characteristics”

“Extreme sports” is a name to activities characterized by having a high level of danger. They involve height, speed and high physical power.

All the extreme sports can be divided into two large groups:

  • vehicle sports;
  • non-vehicle sports.

Vehicle Extreme Sports

These kinds of sports are done with the use of vehicles (parachute, ski, surfboard, wingsuit). If the activity is ‘gliding’ it means one needs to glide over snow, air, water or ice. If the vehicle activity is ‘rolling’ it supposes the use of vehicles with wheels.

This category can be divided into:

  • motorized (gliding and rolling sports: wakeboarding, offshore racing, air racing, waterskiing and rallying, motocross)
  • non-motorized (gliding and rolling sports: windsurfing, surfing, skiing, kiteboarding, parachuting, snowboarding, sailing, skateboarding, free-style biking).

Non-Vehicle Extreme Sports

As for the non-vehicle sports – they don’t use any kind of vehicle. They are canoeing, free climbing, parkour, ice climbing are in this group.

Extreme Sports Characteristics

Extreme sports are very different. People need a lot of things to start doing them. Firstly, beginners should know where to start trainings, because each kind of extreme sports needs special conditions. It’s also very important to choose the right time of the year and type of weather, because extreme sports are dangerous. Special equipment is also necessary to buy. And knowing of techniques is obligatory.

There are a lot of information about it in the Internet. It was combined and grouped according to four questions:

 1. When? 2. Where? 3. What?  4. How?

Snowboarding (motherland – the USA)http://tapety.imoje.pl/file/887/2560x1600/crop/sport-wallpapers-imoje-pl8223855.jpg

When? You do it in winter, autumn or early spring.

Where? You do it in the mountain slopes.

What? You need a special board called snowboard.

How? You ride on the mountain slopes fast doing some movementsand using different techniques.

Rally (motherland – France)https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6a/Petter_Solberg_-_2006_Cyprus_Rally.jpg/250px-Petter_Solberg_-_2006_Cyprus_Rally.jpg

When? You can race the whole year, mostly in warm seasons.

Where? You do it on private roads – motorways with speed sections.

What? You need a specially built car.

How? You drive from one special stage to another observing all traffic rules and for time period.

Parachuting (motherland – China)

When? You can do it in warm seasons, only in good weather conditions. http://vpleny.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/%D0%9F%D1%80%D1%8B%D0%B6%D0%BE%D0%BA-%D1%81-%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%88%D1%8E%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BC.jpg

Where? You do it with the help of sport centers of skydiving.

What? You need parachuting equipment.

How? You do skydiving with various freestyle elements.

Skateboarding (motherland – California)http://good-extreme.ru/sites/default/files/Skateboarding_1.jpg

When? You do it in autumn, summer or late spring.                

Where? You do it on straight roads. You do it in town, village and parks.

What? You need a special board called skateboard.

How? You ride on the straight road and using different techniques.

Rock climbing (motherland – France)http://go3.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=75a7e980e8a248da&mb=imgdb_preview_727

When? You do it at any time of the year but only in a special sport centers.

Where? You do it with the help of sport centers of     rock climbing.

What? You need a special device. 

How? You are climbing on natural (rocks) or artificial (climbing wall) relief.                                                                                      

Zorbing (motherland – New Zealand)

When? You do it in autumn, summer or late spring.                http://cafe-maska.com/upload/information_system_23/6/3/8/item_638/information_items_638.jpg

Where? You do it on a small hillside.

What? You need a special in a transparent ball — the zorb.

How?  You attached to the zorb and you roll off the mountain.

Diving (motherland – the Philippines)

When? You do it usually in the summer in large countries where there are seas and oceans with the help of sport centers.http://yanter.ru/sites/default/files/u8/maldives.jpg

Where? You do it in the beautiful seas and oceans.

What? You need a special device: scuba, fins. 

How?  You are in the water for some time and explore the underwater world.

Kite surfing (motherland – the Hawaii)Кайтсерфинг

When? You do it usually in the summer

Where? You do it on water. 

What? You need a special board with bindings and kite.

How?  You need to get to handle a snake and glide over the waves.                                                                                       

Part II. Positive and negative aspects of extreme sports for people.

Why do people choose extreme sports?

The popularity of extreme sports can be explained by inducing an adrenaline rush in participants. People that do not get enough adrenaline buzz in their ordinary life, but want it find it in such activities. If you choose any of extreme sports you should understand the risks, because such activities can be extremely dangerous and lead to serious injuries and even death.  

The number of extreme sports has grown a lot over the last few decades. Extreme sports like surfing, rock climbing, parachuting, mountain biking, scuba diving or bungee jumping are adventurous. More and more people individually or in teams compete in championships and set records. Perhaps, they find ordinary sports too boring and unexciting. It is also known that extreme sports help to build character and form a strong personality.

But are they worth the risk involved?

To begin with, extreme sports are not for everyone. First of all, they are connected with a high level of danger. There is a risk that your may fail and get  serious injuries. Secondly, extreme sports need brilliant physical shape, strength and a strong mental character. What is more, you will need a certain amount of money to pay for highly specialized gear and a professional instructor.

Extreme sports are not for the faint-hearted. They require more athletic ability and courage than ordinary sports. Those who are involved in extreme sports often play with death in order to experience both fear and pleasure.

However, some avid thrill seekers say that extreme sports get the adrenaline going and allow them to test their survival skills, to compete against nature and to overcome their fears. In addition, extreme sports enable a sportsman to relieve stress and to break the monotony of everyday life. Those who are involved in extreme sports say that the experience is fantastic. 

Table 1. The reasons of extreme sports’ high popularity.





  • breathtaking emotions and sensations
  • injuries, life and health risk
  • the opportunity to prove extraordinary abilities of body
  • financial expenses
  • participation in world Championships and winning awards
  • hard training
  • a brilliant shape of body
  • great fear
  • popularity, recognition among other people, fame
  • lack of free time
  • travelling  all over the world

  • meeting new people

  • individual records

Table 2. Comparing positive and negative aspects on the example of ‘Climbing’



  • in the mountains people feel free and alone
  • the risk of falling down
  • a good way to keep muscles fit
  • legs and arms can get cold because of the wind
  • self-control
  • fear
  • enjoyment of nature beauty

  • record-breaking

  • fame

Conclusion of the Part 1.

Comparing results of  tables we can say that doing extreme sports have MORE benefits than harm for people. They learn how to overcome difficult situations and how to be strong and brave. They also develop best traits of character like  patience and self-control, and helps to control your fear. More importantly, they give unforgettable sense of achieving something.


Part III. The opinion of people about the extreme.

I conducted a survey among my classmates, students of other classes and schools «How do you feel about Extreme Sports? », «What extreme sports would you like to do?» Then I analyzed the results of my survey, built a table and filled it.

Survey 1. «What do you think of Extreme Sports? »

I am fond of extreme sports

I would not risk doing it

I’ve never thought about it

Classmates (24)




Students of other classes (10)




Relatives (4)




Total (38)




Conclusion: In my survey 38 people took part. 24 of them are my classmates. 10 are students of other classes. 4 are my relatives.

  • I have found that 22 classmates, 5 students of other classes and only 1 relative like extreme sports. It is 73, 7 %.
  • I have found that 2 classmates, 1 student of other classes and 2 relatives would not risk doing extreme sports. It is 13,2 %.
  • I have also found that none of my classmates, 4 students of other classes and 4 relatives have never thought about doing sports. It is 13, 2 %.

F:\исследовательская работа\_dIBKI2QpCw.jpg

Survey 2. «What extreme sports would you like to do?»



Rock climbing





River rock rafting

Rock ski


Classmates (24)











Students of other classes(15)











Relatives (4)











Total (43)











Conclusion: In my survey 43 people took part. 24 of them are my classmates. 15 are students of other classes. 4 are my relatives.

  • I have found that 3 classmates, 2 students of other classes and only 1 relative would like to do snowboarding. It is 14%.
  • I have found that 0 classmates, 1students of other classes and 0 relatives would like to do rally. It is 2, 3%.
  • I have found that 1 classmates, 3 students of other classes and 1 relative would like to do rock climbing. It is 11, 6%.
  • I have found that 12 classmates, 5 students of other classes and only 1 relative would like to do parachuting. It is 41, 9%.
  • I have found that 3 classmates, only 1students of other classes and 0 relatives would like to do skateboarding. It is 9, 3%.
  • I have found that 2 classmates, 1students of other classes and 0 relatives would like to do diving. It is 7%.
  • I have found that all people which took part in my survey wouldn’t like to do zorbing. Of course, it is 0%.
  • I have found that 0 classmates, 1 students of other classes and 0 relatives would like to do river rock rafting. It is 2, 3%.
  • I have found that 2 classmates, 1students of other classes and 1 relative would like to do rock ski. It is 9, 3%.
  • I have found that 1classmates, 0 students of other classes and 0 relative would like to do kite. It is 2, 3%.

F:\исследовательская работа\GcIAAJy1C8Y.jpg

Conclusion of Part 2.

In our native town a lot people are fond of extreme sports and could start doing them. The biggest part of voters are teenagers. They want to try parachuting, snowboarding and climbing. Zorbing, kitesurfing and rafting are rather unfamiliar to Shakhunya and are not really popular.


The hypothesis was proved. According to the research in Part 2 we have learnt that extreme sports bring more joy and benefit to man, it is worth people risking their health and life. The number of pros is bigger.

The survey in Part 3 showed that these kinds of sports will achieve the same popularity as usual kinds of sport soon. They are popular even in small towns as Shakhunya.