КИМы к УМК "Spotlight 6" (Английский в фокусе)

Семянникова Ирина Михайловна

Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку к УМК "Английский в фокусе 6"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________                                   Date: _________________

Class: _________________                                               Marks: _________ / 85

Тест по английскому языку за I триместр в 6 классе

Базовый уровень


1. Listen to two people talking about the town where they live and circle the correct answer A, B or C.

e.g. Bill’s flat is on the

A.   3rd floor.

B.  4th floor.

©. 5th floor.

1. Martha can find the

A. bank.

B. supermarket.

C. post office.

2. The supermarket is on

A. Maple Avenue.

B. Beech Drive.

C. Birch Drive.

3. Martha has got

A. three children.

B. four little girls.

C. two little boys.

4. The town has got

A. one park.

B. two parks.

C. four parks.

5. It is

A. morning.

B. afternoon.

C. night.

Marks: __________ (5*2)


2. Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

Bicycle Helmets

Tom, a friend of mine, a college student, loves riding his bicycle at weekends. He especially enjoys taking long rides in the city. To my surprise, I found he never wears a helmet but it is very dangerous!

It is not always easy to get a friend to wear a bicycle helmet. Be patient! Give your friend time to come to his or her own decision about wearing one. Invite your friend to take a bicycle ride with you. Without saying anything, put your helmet on quietly. If you stop at a store during your bike ride, keep your helmet on. This will send a message that you are comfortable wearing a helmet both on and off your bike. If you remove it too quickly, your friend may think wearing a helmet is not very nice.

Each person needs to reach his or her own conclusions about safety and how to protect the body.

1. You should decide for yourself to wear or not to wear a bicycle

helmet.                                                                                                  ___T___                                                                                                                  

2. Tom goes to university by bike.                                                        ______

3. He loves riding in the country.                                                           ______

4. Riding a bicycle without a helmet is very dangerous.                       ______

5. Bicycle helmets are not expensive.                                                    ______

6.   If you set an example it’ll help your friend start wearing

      a bicycle helmet.                                                                              _______                                                                                                              


Marks: __________ (5*2)


3. Match the words.

e.g. traffic


A. crossing

1. seat


B. driver

2. bike


C. lanes

3. racing


D. belt

4. zebra


E. warden

5. yellow


F. zone

6. parking


G. lines

               7. traffic


H. signs

Marks: ___________(7*1)

4. Complete with the correct verb.

look,  talk, walk,  lean,  wave,  wear,  push

Road Safety Instructions

  • When in the car, don’t e.g. lean out of the window.
  • When on the bus, don’t 1) ………………… to the driver.
  • When you enter the bus, don’t 2) ……………… others.
  • When you ride your bike, 3) ………………… a bicycle helmet.
  • When on the street, 4) ………………… both ways before crossing.
  • When on the bus, don’t 5) ………………. out of the window.
  • When going to school, 6) …………………… on the pavement.

Marks:_________ (6*1)


5. Choose the correct item.

e.g. There are two paintings ……on………….. the wall.

A  in                           × B on

1. Michael sits ………………….. the computer all day.

A  in                           B in front of

2. I put the flowers …………………… a vase.

A  opposite                 B in

3. “Where’s the newspaper?”  “It’s ……………… the table.”

A  on                           B behind

4. Julie sits ………………. Kate in class. They are good friends.

A  on                           B next to

5. “Where’s the dog?” “He’s ………………. the table.”

A  under                      B between

Marks:_________ (5*1)

6. Underline the correct item.

Marks:_________ (4*1)

Everyday English

7. Choose the correct response.

e.g. Is there a cinema near here?


A. No, you turn left.

1. Thanks very much.


B. Not really.

2. Do you know where the bank is?


C. Yes, there’s one on the corner.

3. Is it far?


D. Don’t mention it.

4. Is there a café around here?


E. Yes. There is a nice one on Beech Street.

5. Do I turn right at the supermarket?


F. Yes, it’s next to the sports centre.

Marks: ___________(5*1)


8. Look at the map and the e-mail from your friend Jenny inviting you to her party.

Dear Anne,

How are you? I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party on Saturday!

My address is 23, King Street. Here are directions to my house. Drive up Queen Street  and  turn right into Prince Street at the post office. Turn left into Duke Road. Then  turn left into Palace Road by the bank. At the traffic lights turn left again. My house is on your right. It is opposite the library.

See you at the party!


You are having a party soon. Write an e-mail to your friend using the example and the map below (25- 50 words).  In your letter write:

  • when the party is
  • where the party is
  • directions.

Marks: ___________(10)

Повышенный уровень

Use of English

9. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of capitalized words.

The London Underground is over 140 years old. Its 1) construction 2) _______________ in 1860.

It was the 3) _____ underground system in the world. It was not very deep and steam trains were used. In 1890 the electric railway was opened.

4) ______________ called this system the Tube and it is still a very popular name for the London Underground. Some of its deep stations were used for 5) _____________ of the citizens during the

6) _____________ World War. A great number of people use the underground system every day because it connects nearly all the parts  of this magnificent city. It is not only the 7) ____________     and the 8) _____________ in the world, but it is one of the most modern and efficient systems with its eleven lines which cover London.



3. ONE



6. TWO

7. OLD

8. BIG

Marks: ___________(7*2)


10. Match the words and their definitions.

e.g. pedestrian


A. part of the road marked for buses

1. pavement


B. the edge of the pavement

2. vehicle


C. a place at the side of the road where people walk

3. kerb


D. a person who walks

4. bus lane


E. a pathway under the road

5. traffic lights

F. anything which travels along the road on wheels

6. pedestrian subway


G. red, yellow and green lights which tell the traffic when to stop and when to go


                                       Marks: ________(6 *1)  

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. Read the text and choose the right option.

Malta is a small 1) country in the Mediterranean. It is south of Sicily. It is an island country 2) ________ no lakes and rivers. About four hundred 3) _________ people live in Malta. The country has two 4) ________ , Maltese and English, but many people also speak 5) ________ . The capital city Valetta is on the east 6) ________ . Malts is 7) ________ and dry in the summer, and the winters are also quite warm. There are many 8) ________ in Malta.

A large number of tourists 9) _______ Malta every year.

1.  a) country

b) city

c) village

2.  a) and

b) with

c) without

3.  a) thousand

b) thousands

c) million

4.  a) languages

b) countries

c) islands

5.  a) Italy

b) Italian

c) Italic

6.  a) coast

b) beach

c) sea

7. a) hot

b) cold

c) wet

8. a) camps

b) resorts

c) theatres

9.  a) go

b) come

c) visit

Marks: ___________(8*1)

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________                                   Date: _________________

Class: _________________                                               Marks: _________ /86

Тест по английскому языку за II триместр в 6 классе

Базовый уровень


1. Listen to Kenneth talking to a new friend about his free-time activities. What does he usually do each day? Match the activities to the days (46-50). There are two extra that you do not need.

e.g. 1. Monday


A  goes cycling

2. Tuesday


B  goes to the cinema

3. Wednesday


C  watches TV

4. Thursday


D  goes swimming

5. Friday


E  plays football

6. Saturday


F  reads

G  goes shopping

H  plays basketball

Marks: __________ (5*2)


2. Underline the correct word.

e.g. I think hamburgers are delicious/boring.

1. Kelly and Susan often go/do camping at weekends.

2. Police officers usually wear suits/uniforms.

3. Some school children sleep in a dungeon/dormitory.

4. Pop music is not really my programme/thing.

5. My favourite thriller is on/at TV tonight.

Marks: __________ (5*1)

3. Use –ist, - or, - er to form nouns.

e.g. write – writer

1. play - ……………………

2. cycle - ……………………

3. direct - ……………………

4. football - …………………..

5. art - ………………………

6. paint - ……………………..

Marks: __________ (6*1)


4. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

e.g. to/Peter/going/the/festival/is.

Peter is going to the festival.

1. is/wearing/what/she?


2. watching/not/Susan/is/a/film.


3. you/enjoying/your/holiday/are?


4. is/drums/not/Cynthia/today/playing/the.


5. the/eating/are/why/not/sandwiches/they?


Marks: __________ (5*1)

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Simple form.

e.g. Bob goes (go) to the cinema on Sundays.

1. ………………………………………….. (he/like) watching TV?

2. He ………………………………….. (not/play) football very often.

3. Harriet ……………………………………………. (study) a lot at the weekend.

4. What time ……………………………………… (they/come) home from school?

5. My little brother often …………………………………… (cry) at night.

Marks: __________ (5*2)

6. Underline the correct item.

e.g. Mum is cooking/cooks at the moment.

1. Pete and I are playing/play Scrabble at the moment.

2. My sister meets/is meeting her friends every afternoon.

3. He is not having/doesn’t have a shower right now.

4. I go/am going to see my grandparents every Saturday morning.

5. George is learning/learns to windsurf these days.

Marks: __________ (5*1)

Everyday English

7. Match the questions to the responses.

e.g. Are you having fun?


A Yes, please. I have it ready.

1. Do you like the party?

B A dozen white roses.

2. What do you have in mind?

C Yes, it’s fantastic.

3. Would you like to include a card?

D No, not really.

4. What are the sandwiches like?

E They’re horrible.

5. Are you doing anything at the moment?

F Yes, we are.

Marks: __________ (5*1)


8. Read the email and choose the best word A, B or C for each space.


Hi! Thanks for e.g. your email. I hope you are well. I want to tell you about my hobbies and interests. During the week, I do my homework 1) …………. the evenings and after 2) ………….. I watch TV. I like watching sitcoms and reality shows but I don’t really like talk shows. Sometimes my friends 3) …………. around and we watch a DVD.

At the weekend, I do some sports. On Saturday morning, I play football with the school team and in the afternoon I go shopping. I always go to the cinema 4) ……….. friends on Saturday night. On Sunday, I relax at home and read a book or 5) ………… go cycling.

Tell me what you like doing in your next email.




A you

B your ×

C our


A at

B on

C in


A that

B it

C them


A come

B comes

C coming


A by

B with

C for


A always

B never

C sometimes

Marks: __________ (5*1)


9. Write an email to your friend and tell him/her about your hobbies and interests. Write 50-60 words. Use the exercise of the Reading section as an example.

Marks: __________ (10)

Повышенный уровень.


10. Match the words and their definitions.

e.g. solve


a) to give/offer an idea or a plan for someone to think over

1. design

b) to cover something by putting paper or cloth round it

2. invent

c) to create a thing or process that didn’t exist before

3. lose

d) to find an answer how to deal with something that caused difficulty or find an explanation for something

4. suggest

e) to defeat everyone by being the best or finish first in the competition

5. win

f) to decide how something will be made as well as the way how it will work and look

6. wrap

g) to stop having something; to be defeated in a game or sport

Marks: __________ (6*2)


11. Read the text and choose the right option.

Americans celebrate Thanksgiving e.g. on the fourth Thursday 1) ……………. November. Children 2) …………… go to school and businesses close for four days. It is a special day for families, and people travel great distances just to be with 3) …………….. families for this occasion.

Today the traditional Thanksgiving meal is similar to the first one they had nearly 400 years 4) ……………… . People eat roast turkey 5) …………….. cranberry sauce, potatoes and pumpkin pie. Many organizations also prepare a free meal 6) ………….. poor people in their towns or cities.

In New York, there are also parades and more 7) …………… two million people go to see it every year.


a) at

b) on

c) in


a) of

b) in

c) on


a) didn’t

b) aren’t

c) don’t


a) them

b) they

c) their


a) ago

b) later

c) past


a) without

b) for

c) with


a) with

b) for

c) without


a) over

b) then

c) than

Marks: __________ (7*1)

12. Put the words in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

e.g. Joy goes (go) jogging in the mornings.

1. Peter …………….…………………….. (like) playing board games.

2. Jess …………………………………….. (love) reading. It’s her favourite activity.

3. John …………………………………… (run) around in the garden at the moment.

4. “What are you doing?” “I ………………………………….. (look) at my hair in the mirror.”

5. Ken ………………………………………….. (have) a shower right now.

6. Bob …………………………………………… (play) basketball on Fridays.

Marks: __________ (6*2)

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________                                   Date: _________________

Class: _________________                                               Marks: _________ /

Тест по английскому языку за III триместр в 6 классе

Базовый уровень


1. You will hear two people talking about the food their guests like. Listen and complete questions 1-5.

e.g. Sally


A  banana ice cream

1. George


B  apple muffins

2. Kate


C  chocolate cake

3. Alex


D  pepperoni pizza

4. Joy


E  French fries

5. Roger


F  lemon pie

G  vanilla ice cream

H  cream cheese sandwiches

Marks: __________ (5*2)


2. Fill in the correct word.

restaurant, cottage, palace, library, sports, park, loaf, bar, piece, kilo, bottle, jar

e.g. Bill and Joy go for a walk in the park on Sundays.

1. The Queen lives in a big ………………………….. .

2. Timothy is keeping fit at the ………………………………. centre.

3. I’m taking this book back to the …………………………………. .

4. They live in a ………………………………. in the country.

5. I’m hungry. Can we go to a fast food …………………………….. ?

6. We eat a ……………………. of bread a day in our house.

7. How can you lose weight if you eat a ………………….. of chocolate every day?

8. Would you like a …………………… of cake with your tea?

9. I can’t open this ……………………. of strawberry jam.

10. Oh, what a mess! I dropped the …………………….. of olive oil on the floor.

Marks: __________ (10*1)


3. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1. When ………………………… Mike (come) to school yesterday?

2. Walt Disney …………………………. (die) in 1966.

3. How much ………………………………… you (spend) on a new dictionary?

4. My parents ………………………………. (decide) to take a few days off work and paint the house

5. Mark …………………………………. (not/sing) at the karaoke last night.

6. Our teacher …………………………… (say) that the class was very good during the History lesson.

7. Peter …………………………. (shout) at his sister that morning.

8. My grandparents ……………………………. (meet) during the war.

9. Be careful. We …………………………….. (pay) a lot of money for that vase.

10. I’m sorry. I ………………………………… (not/do) my homework last night.

Marks: __________ (10*1)

4. Underline the correct item.

e.g. You must/mustn’t talk during the test. It’s against the rules.

1. You must/can’t have a party in here. It’s not allowed.

2. He must/mustn’t park his car here. It’s not allowed.

3. You must/can’t do your homework. That’s the rule.

4.  You must/can’t wear a seatbelt when you’re in a car. That’s the law.

5. You must/mustn’t eat in the library. It’s forbidden.

Marks: __________ (5*1)

5. Complete the text with some or any.

Hanna:  Is there 1) any  milk left?

Katherine: Yes, there is 2) ____________________ in the bottle on the table.

Hanna: What are you going to drink?

Katherine: I’ll have 3) __________________ orange juice, please.

Hanna: Sure. There is 4) ___________________ in the fridge.

Katherine: Would you like a piece of cake?

Hanna: No, thanks, I’ll take 5) ___________________ bread and butter.

Katherine: Is there 6) __________________ fruit in the fridge?

Hanna: I think there are 7) ____________ apples, 8) ____________ grapes,                       9) __________ pears, a pineapple and a grapefruit but there aren’t 10) ___________ strawberries and 11) _________________ cherries.

Marks: __________ (10*1)

Everyday English

6. Choose the correct response.

e.g. What was in it?


A Yes. What can I do for you?

1. Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s Office?

B You’re welcome.

2. Here you are.

C Some money and a camera.

3. Do any of these look familiar?

D Thank you.

4. Thank you very much.

E It’s black with a silver handle.

5. What does it look like?

F Yes, the one in the corner is mine.

Marks: __________ (5*1)


7. Read the recipes and put the instructions in the correct order for each recipe.

Greek Salad


250g cherry tomatoes

1 medium onion

1 medium cucumber

150g Feta cheese

3 tablespoons of olive oil

1tablespoon of vinegar

1 chopped garlic

salt and pepper


_________ a) Mix oil, vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper, pour it over the vegetables.

_________ b) Add crushed Feta cheese on top. Your salad is ready to serve.

_____1____ c) Cut tomatoes in Halves, peel and dice the cucumber and slice the onion and place them in a bowl

Shortbread (песочное печенье)


150g plain flour

100g butter or margarine

50g caster sugar (сахарная пудра)


_________ a) Put it on the baking tray.

_________ b) Put the flour, sugar and butter into the bowl.

_________ c) Remove from oven and let it cool down.

________ d) Stir together firmly until it is mixed well.

________ e) Bake it for 10-15 minutes or until it is golden brown.

________ f) Place the dough (тесто) on a floured surface and roll out a flat circle.

________ g) Place the baking tray into a hot oven.

________ h) Preheat oven to 170 degrees C.

Marks: __________ (10*1)


8. Write an e-mail to your English friend about your favourite dish, its ingredients and how to cook it. Write 70-80 words. You can use the instructions in ex.7 as an example.

Marks: __________ (10*1)


Повышенный уровень.


9. Match the nouns and their definitions.

e.g. park


a) a small amount of food that you eat between meals

1. aquarium

b) a building where people can go to look at fish and other water animals

2. cinema

c) a public building where you can look at paintings and other works of art

3. department store

d) an open public area with grass and trees, places for children, often with a sports field

4. hotel

e) a building where you pay to go and watch films

5. gallery

f) a large building usually without a roof where people watch sports events

6. snack

g) a building where you pay to stay in a room and have meals

7. stadium

h) a large shop divided into sections, each selling a different type of thing

Marks: __________ (7*2)


10. Write the correct form of the adjective in brackets.

This is Tony Pratt and his sister, Fiona. Tony is e.g. 1) taller (tall) than Fiona, but he is not as 2) ____________ (old) as her. She is the 3) ___________ (old)  student in her class. They both like running, but Tony is 4) ____________ (fast) than Fiona. In fact, Tony is the 5) ___________ (fast) boy in their school. But Fiona is 6) ________ (good) than Tony in drawing. Sometimes they argue, but Tony thinks Fiona is the 7) _______________ (good) sister in the world.

Marks: __________ (6*1)

11. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

e.g. to/go/school/has/Tracy/to.

       Tracy has to go to school.

1. uniform/wear/to/I/have/a.


2. washing up/needn’t/the/You/do.


3. house/keep/to/They/have/the/clean.


4. early/wake/have/don’t/to/We/up.


5. her/has/make/bed/She/to.


Marks: __________ (5*1)

12. Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming capitalized words.

As a child I liked books very much. They e.g. 1) taught so many lessons that are the best at an early age. They helped me to enter a whole new world that was always full of magic and 2) __________ creatures, where the good always 3) _____________over the evil. There were many 4) ____________ stories and these stories were 5) ___________ with a touch of humour. Reading these stories you learn a new lesson that helps you to be a 6) ___________ person tomorrow.



3. WIN




Marks: __________ (5*1)




1. B

2. G

3. D

4. E

5. C



1. palace

2. sports

3. library

4. cottage

5 restaurant

6. loaf

7. bar

8. piece

9. jar

10. bottle



1. did Mike come?

2. died

3. did you spend?

4. decided

5. didn’t sing

6. said

7. shouted

8. met

9. paid

10. didn’t do


1. can’t

2. mustn’t

3. must

4. must

5. mustn’t


2. some

3. some

4. some

5. some

6. any

7. some

8. some

9. some

10. any

11. any

Everyday English


1. A

2. D

3. F

4. B

5. E



1) 2. a

3. 6

2) 1. b

2. d

3. f

4. a

5. h

6. g

7. e

8. c

Повышенный уровень



1. b

2. e

3. h

4. g

5. c

6. a

7. f



2. old

3. oldest

4. faster

5. fastest

6. best


1. I have to wear a uniform.

2. You needn’t do the washing up.

3. They have to keep the house clean.

4. We don’t have to wake up early.

5. She has to make her bed.


2. fantastic

3. wins

4. children

5. interesting

6. better