мтриалы к изучению раздела "В поисках работы" 9 класс (2)

Цветкова  Алла  Николаевна

Вторая папка –продолжение

“Proverbs and sayings” – пословицы о труде для разминки.

“ Глагол get “

  “союзы” – грамматика раздела

“Career options”-  опора для организации  диалога-обсуждения «работать или учиться»

““Useful phrases’- лексика раздела.

обобщающий урок» -презентация к уроку


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Подписи к слайдам:

CAREER OPTIONS Whether you would like
To continue educationI’d like to continue my education to succeed in life and have a prestigeous job.
To work OK! But plenty of people get a good job without studying at the university.
I personally think only good education makes it possible to earn a good living. Let it be, if it`s your cup of tea. As for me I don`t want to be unemployed especially within economic crisis, because non-qualified personal is the first to be fired.
I disagree. You can make a lot of money and have BMW without studying, just being self-employed. Well, I agree, but it`s pretty boring to study at college like at scool as usual. I also find it scary to study for the next 5 or 6 years.
I am sure of the benefits of studying. It will help you not to fail in life and not to become a looser. In fact the better educated the person is the more chance for success he has. Well. It depends. As for me I`d rather get a degree and then decide what to do.
Oh no. If I were you I would get some useful experience before I go to study.