план-конспект урока 8-9 класс " St. Valentine's Day"


План – конспект урока по теме «St. Valentine’s Day» 

Тема: Where can we find our love? What is Speed Dating?

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цели урока:


1.Развитие умений поискового чтения.

2.Развитие умений иноязычного монологического высказывания.

3.Развитие умений восприятия иноязычной речи на слух.


1.Развитие умений сравнения и сопоставления.

2.Развитие памяти, внимания, мышления.


1.Воспитание интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

2.Воспитание культуры общения на занятиях и в повседневной жизни.

Задачи урока:

1.Совершенствование грамматических навыков.

2.Введение нового лексического материала и формирование навыков его использования в рамках изучаемой темы

3.Совершенствование произносительных навыков

Языковой материал/ лексические единицы:

Существительные: a dating, a date, a speed dating, a couple

Прилагательные: immediately, the most… least popular, awful

Выражения: to turn off, to look for, a bit down to Earth,

Глаголы: to talk to, to broke up

Формы работы с классом:

-фронтальный опрос;

- групповая работа;

- парная работа.

Технологическая карта урока.

Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся

Организационный момент. Настрой учащихся на положительное восприятие , активную деятельность.

Good morning boys and girls, good morning our dear guests! We start our lesson with a lovely song, we hope that you’ll like it. The song is about love and we’ll speak today about it. (учитель озвучивает вскользь тему урока)

song (поют песню, заранее подготовленную по выбору учащихся)

Фонетическая зарядка


(наводящие вопросы) Yes, our topic today is love, but why do we talk about it today? What date is it today? Is it a holiday? Let’s guess what holiday is it? Look at the picture and name the first letter, after it you’ll have the answer.


Pp: today is The 14th of February.

(называют дату, разгадывают ребус)

imageV -           - vase

imageA -           - an apple

imageL -           - lion

imageE -           - eleven

imageN -           - nut

imageT -           - time

imageI -            - ice-cream

imageN -           - nut

imageE -           - eleven

Речевая зарядка

Актуализация имеющихся знании – стадия Вызов

Good, what do we know about this holiday?

This holiday is for people who love each other but where can we find love?


Pp: people celebrate this holiday on the 14th of February, it was the anniversary of valentine’s death. We decorate our houses with white and red paper hearts.

(отвечают на вопросы, вспоминают то что им известно о празднике, составляют кластер «где можно встретить любимого?»

Ø  in cafe

Ø  in cinema

Ø  in e-net

Ø  in the street


Работа с текстом (Приложение 1)


Do you know what a speed dating is?
a daitin – свидание

a date  - a person with whom you have a dating.

*(открытие нового знания) Speed dating – the idea is simple, your dream partner in five minutes. Five men and five women are introduced to each other. It is given five minutes to get to know each other

(смотрят видео http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hwHp9czZg4


разбирают новый материал, записывают новые лексические единицы, отвечают на наводящие вопросы по теме, читают текст, заполняют таблицу, находят совпавшую пару, наиболее популярного мужчину/женщину, менее популярного мужчину/женщину.

Открытие нового знания

So, can we add

Ø  speed dating ?

What do you think about speed dating? Is it a good way to find a date?

возвращаются к кластеру, добавляют speed dating, как один из способов найти вторую половинку.

Pp: In my opinion..(подводят итоги, отвечают на вопросы)


Sure we can meet our date anywhere and anytime, our children made projects : love in any age.


презентация проектов «любовь в разном возрасте». Учащиеся заранее подготовили мини рассказ на тему и готовы презентовать его гостям (работа в группе метод проекта)

Gr 1 -  my first love

Gr  2-  teenager’s love

Gr 3 -  my family

Gr 4 -  about love


To sum up, what is love?


Thank you for your good work. Now you may be free. Good bye!


Pp:Love is…(оформление совместной газеты вкладышами )



Приложение 1

a daitin – свидание

a date  - a person with whom you have a dating.

Speed dating – the idea is simple, your dream partner in five minutes. Five men and five women are introduced to each other. It is given five minutes to get to know each other.

Ø  What is the minimum time you need to spend with somebody to know if you are attracted – привлекателен  to them?

Ø  What can you say about somebody from the clothes (одежда) they wear and the way they talk(разговор)?

Ø  What would turn you off (отвернуть) somebody immediately?

Ø  If you could ask three questions what would your questions be?

Ø  What do you think speed dating is?

Read the text about speed dating and complete the tables. Then answer the questions.


best date

worst date


best date

worst date

















a)      Who were the most (более) and least(менее) popular men?

b)      Who were the most and least popular women?

c)      Which couple(пара) fell in love?



Craig, 21: a student

Ideal date: I’m looking for someone who makes me laugh and someone I can learn something from. She has to be brunette.

best date: Claire – she’s a brunette. I’d like to see her again.

worst date: Erica – ugh! Awful manners and jokes.


Kevin, 31: a salesman

Ideal date: My ideal date is a lively pretty girl, who is good to talk to.

best date: Sindy – I would like to see her again

worst date: Lara – she is not from our planet.


Adam, 21: a party planner

ideal date: I broke up with my girlfriend a year ago. Now I’m going to find someone like my ex-girlfriend.

best date : Karen – very attractive.I’d like to see her again.

worst date: Erica – I prefer someone a bit down –to- earth.


Jim, 25: a computer consultant

ideal date: I wouldn’t use this technique to find my future girlfriend.

best date: Sindy – she is fun. I’d like her to meet my parents.

worst date: Claire – not interested. She didn’t ask any questions about me. Five minutes went by very slowly.


Tony, 23: a journalist

ideal date: I’m quite shy. I’d like to meet someone who’s good fun and easy to chat to.

best date: Sindy – lovely girl. I felt really comfortable with her. I’d like to see her again.

worst date: Lara – spoke too much about Ireland.


Karen,26: a student

ideal date: My ideal date is someone with intelligence, good looks, a family man. I’m looking for the ideal man.

best date: Craig – really cute, young, friendly and good-looking.

worst date: Tony – he is boring.


Lara, 23: a music teacher

ideal date: I’d like to find a good person

best date: Adam – He is charming.

worst date: Jim – he was polite but too fro me.


Sindy, 23: a florist

ideal date: My ideal mas is someone interesting, full of life.

best date: Tony – wonderful, interesting and fun.

worst date: Adam – too young.


Erica,22: an actress and singer

ideal date: he must be older then I

best date: Adam – he is lively and friendly

worst date: Kevin – too young for me


Claire, 25 an assistant

ideal date: I’m just looking for fun

best date: Adam – a really pretty boy, Yes!

worst date: Tony – I don’t like him.







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Предварительный просмотр:

План – конспект урока по теме «St. Valentine’s Day»  

Тема: Where can we find our love? What is Speed Dating?

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цели урока:


1.Развитие умений поискового чтения.

2.Развитие умений иноязычного монологического высказывания.

3.Развитие умений восприятия иноязычной речи на слух.


1.Развитие умений сравнения и сопоставления.

2.Развитие памяти, внимания, мышления.


1.Воспитание интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

2.Воспитание культуры общения на занятиях и в повседневной жизни.

Задачи урока:

1.Совершенствование грамматических навыков.

2.Введение нового лексического материала и формирование навыков его использования в рамках изучаемой темы

3.Совершенствование произносительных навыков

Языковой материал/ лексические единицы:

Существительные: a dating, a date, a speed dating, a couple

Прилагательные: immediately, the most… least popular, awful

Выражения: to turn off, to look for, a bit down to Earth,

Глаголы: to talk to, to broke up

Формы работы с классом:

-фронтальный опрос;

- групповая работа;

- парная работа.

Технологическая карта урока.

Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся

Организационный момент. Настрой учащихся на положительное восприятие , активную деятельность.

Good morning boys and girls, good morning our dear guests! We start our lesson with a lovely song, we hope that you’ll like it. The song is about love and we’ll speak today about it. (учитель озвучивает вскользь тему урока)

song (поют песню, заранее подготовленную по выбору учащихся)

Фонетическая зарядка

(наводящие вопросы) Yes, our topic today is love, but why do we talk about it today? What date is it today? Is it a holiday? Let’s guess what holiday is it? Look at the picture and name the first letter, after it you’ll have the answer.

Pp: today is The 14th of February.

(называют дату, разгадывают ребус)

V -        - vase

A -         - an apple

L -          - lion

E -         - eleven

N -         - nut

T -         - time

I -         - ice-cream

N -         - nut

E -         - eleven

Речевая зарядка

Актуализация имеющихся знании – стадия Вызов

Good, what do we know about this holiday?

This holiday is for people who love each other but where can we find love?

Pp: people celebrate this holiday on the 14th of February, it was the anniversary of valentine’s death. We decorate our houses with white and red paper hearts.

(отвечают на вопросы, вспоминают то что им известно о празднике, составляют кластер «где можно встретить любимого?»

  • in cafe
  • in cinema
  • in e-net
  • in the street

Работа с текстом (Приложение 1)

Do you know what a speed dating is?
a daitin – свидание

a date  - a person with whom you have a dating.

*(открытие нового знания) Speed dating – the idea is simple, your dream partner in five minutes. Five men and five women are introduced to each other. It is given five minutes to get to know each other

(смотрят видео http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hwHp9czZg4


разбирают новый материал, записывают новые лексические единицы, отвечают на наводящие вопросы по теме, читают текст, заполняют таблицу, находят совпавшую пару, наиболее популярного мужчину/женщину, менее популярного мужчину/женщину.

Открытие нового знания

So, can we add

  • speed dating ?

What do you think about speed dating? Is it a good way to find a date?

возвращаются к кластеру, добавляют speed dating, как один из способов найти вторую половинку.

Pp: In my opinion..(подводят итоги, отвечают на вопросы)

Sure we can meet our date anywhere and anytime, our children made projects : love in any age.

презентация проектов «любовь в разном возрасте». Учащиеся заранее подготовили мини рассказ на тему и готовы презентовать его гостям (работа в группе метод проекта)

Gr 1 -  my first love

Gr  2-  teenager’s love

Gr 3 -  my family

Gr 4 -  about love


To sum up, what is love?

Thank you for your good work. Now you may be free. Good bye!

Pp:Love is…(оформление совместной газеты вкладышами )

Приложение 1

a daitin – свидание

a date  - a person with whom you have a dating.

Speed dating – the idea is simple, your dream partner in five minutes. Five men and five women are introduced to each other. It is given five minutes to get to know each other.

  • What is the minimum time you need to spend with somebody to know if you are attracted – привлекателен  to them?
  • What can you say about somebody from the clothes (одежда) they wear and the way they talk(разговор)?
  • What would turn you off (отвернуть) somebody immediately?
  • If you could ask three questions what would your questions be?
  • What do you think speed dating is?

Read the text about speed dating and complete the tables. Then answer the questions.

best date

worst date

best date

worst date











  1. Who were the most (более) and least(менее) popular men?
  2. Who were the most and least popular women?
  3. Which couple(пара) fell in love?

Craig, 21: a student

Ideal date: I’m looking for someone who makes me laugh and someone I can learn something from. She has to be brunette.

best date: Claire – she’s a brunette. I’d like to see her again.

worst date: Erica – ugh! Awful manners and jokes.

Kevin, 31: a salesman

Ideal date: My ideal date is a lively pretty girl, who is good to talk to.

best date: Sindy – I would like to see her again

worst date: Lara – she is not from our planet.

Adam, 21: a party planner

ideal date: I broke up with my girlfriend a year ago. Now I’m going to find someone like my ex-girlfriend.

best date : Karen – very attractive.I’d like to see her again.

worst date: Erica – I prefer someone a bit down –to- earth.

Jim, 25: a computer consultant

ideal date: I wouldn’t use this technique to find my future girlfriend.

best date: Sindy – she is fun. I’d like her to meet my parents.

worst date: Claire – not interested. She didn’t ask any questions about me. Five minutes went by very slowly.

Tony, 23: a journalist

ideal date: I’m quite shy. I’d like to meet someone who’s good fun and easy to chat to.

best date: Sindy – lovely girl. I felt really comfortable with her. I’d like to see her again.

worst date: Lara – spoke too much about Ireland.

Karen,26: a student

ideal date: My ideal date is someone with intelligence, good looks, a family man. I’m looking for the ideal man.

best date: Craig – really cute, young, friendly and good-looking.

worst date: Tony – he is boring.

Lara, 23: a music teacher

ideal date: I’d like to find a good person

best date: Adam – He is charming.

worst date: Jim – he was polite but too fro me.

Sindy, 23: a florist

ideal date: My ideal mas is someone interesting, full of life.

best date: Tony – wonderful, interesting and fun.

worst date: Adam – too young.

Erica,22: an actress and singer

ideal date: he must be older then I

best date: Adam – he is lively and friendly

worst date: Kevin – too young for me

Claire, 25 an assistant

ideal date: I’m just looking for fun

best date: Adam – a really pretty boy, Yes!

worst date: Tony – I don’t like him.