Материалы к урокам английского языка

Инкина Инна Ильинична

Страница содержит различные задания, упражнения, тесты для выполнения на уроках английского языка. Преподавание ведется в 10 классе по УМК New Millenium, в начальной и средней школе - УМК Enjoy English.


Microsoft Office document icon 10-Past_Simple.doc35.5 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon Unit1A-test.doc25 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon Unit1B-test.doc25 КБ
Файл Countable_Nouns.docx11.09 КБ
Файл Family_issues.docx11.92 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 1

Past Simple.

1.Fill in one of these verbs: buy, teach, fall, sell, hurt.

  1. Nick _____ down the stairs this morning and _____ his leg.
  2. I was hungry, so I ______ something to eat in the shop.
  3. Tom’s father ______ him how to drive when he was 17.

We needed some money so we ______ our car.

2.Write questions.

  1. go alone?
  2. how long / stay there?
  3. the weather / fine?

3.Write negatives.

a) I(not/go)to work yesterday because I(not/be) very well.

b) I(not/rush)because I(not/be) in a hurry.

c) Bob(not/listen)to the news yesterday because he(not/have)time.

Modal Verbs.

 Fill in can, may, mustn’t.

  1. Hello, _____ I speak to Tom, please?
  2. You ____ smoke if you like.
  3. ______ I borrow your camera?
  4. You ____ tell anyone what I said.
  5. _____ I smoke here?

Used to.

Complete the sentences with used to.

  1. The baby doesn’t cry so much now but she ______ every night.
  2. She ______ my best friend but we aren’t friends any longer.
  3. We live in Sochy now but we _____ in Moscow.

Form adjectives from the nouns.

1 excitement

2 delight

3 nervousness

4 confusion

5 enthusiasm

6 inspiration

Variant 2

Past Simple.

1.Fill in one of these verbs: buy, teach, fall, sell, hurt.

  1. She was a teacher then and _______ English at school.
  2. Bob _____ in the garden and ______ his arm.
  3. The house was too big for her, so she _____ it and ______ a smaller one.

2.Write questions.

  1. meet any interesting people?
  2. what / do in the evening?
  3. the trip / exciting?

3.Write the negatives.

  1. Tom(not/shave)this morning because he(not/have)time.
  2. She(not/be)interested in the book because she(not/understand)it.
  3. We(not/eat)anything because we(not/be) hungry.

Modal Verbs.

Fill in can, must, can’t.

  1. _____ I use your telephone?
  2. You _____ drive for a year in Britain with an international license.
  3. _____ I give you a lift?
  4. You _____ have a passport to visit most foreign countries.
  5. If you are under 17, you _____ drive a car in Britain.

 Used to.

Complete the sentences with used to.

  1. When I was a child I _____ ice-cream but I don’t like it now.
  2. Now Tom has got a car, he _____ a motorcycle.
  3. He lives in Samara now but he ______ in the country when a child.

Form adjectives from the nouns.

1 pride

2 boredom

3 anxiety

4 confidence

5 cheerfulness

6 frusration

Предварительный просмотр:



Past Simple.

1.Fill in one of these verbs: buy, teach, fall, sell, hurt.

  1. Nick _____ down the stairs this morning and _____ his leg.
  2. I was hungry, so I ______ something to eat in the shop.
  3. Tom’s father ______ him how to drive when he was 17.

We needed some money so we ______ our car.

2.Write questions.

  1. go alone?
  2. how long / stay there?
  3. the weather / fine?

3.Write negatives.

a) I(not/go)to work yesterday because I(not/be) very well.

b) I(not/rush)because I(not/be) in a hurry.

c) Bob(not/listen)to the news yesterday because he(not/have)time.

Modal Verbs.

 Fill in can, may, mustn’t.

  1. Hello, _____ I speak to Tom, please?
  2. You ____ smoke if you like.
  3. ______ I borrow your camera?
  4. You ____ tell anyone what I said.
  5. _____ I smoke here?

Used to.

Complete the sentences with used to.

  1. The baby doesn’t cry so much now but she ______ every night.
  2. She ______ my best friend but we aren’t friends any longer.
  3. We live in Sochy now but we _____ in Moscow.

Form adjectives from the nouns.

1 excitement

2 delight

3 nervousness

4 confusion

5 enthusiasm

6 inspiration

Предварительный просмотр:



Past Simple.

1.Fill in one of these verbs: buy, teach, fall, sell, hurt.

  1. She was a teacher then and _______ English at school.
  2. Bob _____ in the garden and ______ his arm.
  3. The house was too big for her, so she _____ it and ______ a smaller one.

2.Write questions.

  1. meet any interesting people?
  2. what / do in the evening?
  3. the trip / exciting?

3.Write the negatives.

  1. Tom(not/shave)this morning because he(not/have)time.
  2. She(not/be)interested in the book because she(not/understand)it.
  3. We(not/eat)anything because we(not/be) hungry.

Modal Verbs.

Fill in can, must, can’t.

  1. _____ I use your telephone?
  2. You _____ drive for a year in Britain with an international license.
  3. _____ I give you a lift?
  4. You _____ have a passport to visit most foreign countries.
  5. If you are under 17, you _____ drive a car in Britain.

 Used to.

Complete the sentences with used to.

  1. When I was a child I _____ ice-cream but I don’t like it now.
  2. Now Tom has got a car, he _____ a motorcycle.
  3. He lives in Samara now but he ______ in the country when a child.

Form adjectives from the nouns.

1 pride

2 boredom

3 anxiety

4 confidence

5 cheerfulness

6 frusstration

Предварительный просмотр:

Выпишите существительные в 2 столбика: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые

Furniture, coffee, leaf, food, computer, list, blood, job, work, language, country, advice, information, money, progress, permission, baggage, luggage, beach, traffic, weather, window, knowledge, air, water, holiday, damage, accommodation, scenery, scene, pigeon, bread, mountain, luck, news, accident, laugh, flour, laughter.

Выпишите существительные в 2 столбика: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые

Furniture, coffee, leaf, food, computer, list, blood, job, work, language, country, advice, information, money, progress, permission, baggage, luggage, beach, traffic, weather, window, knowledge, air, water, holiday, damage, accommodation, scenery, scene, pigeon, bread, mountain, luck, news, accident, laugh, flour, laughter.

Выпишите существительные в 2 столбика: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые

Furniture, coffee, leaf, food, computer, list, blood, job, work, language, country, advice, information, money, progress, permission, baggage, luggage, beach, traffic, weather, window, knowledge, air, water, holiday, damage, accommodation, scenery, scene, pigeon, bread, mountain, luck, news, accident, laugh, flour, laughter.

Выпишите существительные в 2 столбика: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые

Furniture, coffee, leaf, food, computer, list, blood, job, work, language, country, advice, information, money, progress, permission, baggage, luggage, beach, traffic, weather, window, knowledge, air, water, holiday, damage, accommodation, scenery, scene, pigeon, bread, mountain, luck, news, accident, laugh, flour, laughter.

Выпишите существительные в 2 столбика: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые

Furniture, coffee, leaf, food, computer, list, blood, job, work, language, country, advice, information, money, progress, permission, baggage, luggage, beach, traffic, weather, window, knowledge, air, water, holiday, damage, accommodation, scenery, scene, pigeon, bread, mountain, luck, news, accident, laugh, flour, laughter.

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. In America it is now ______ for men to cook. (more common, less common, very popular)
  2. As men get older they tend to ______ . (cook less, cook more, not change)
  3. Who did most of the cooking at Todd's house? (his mother, his father, Todd)
  4. As a kid, Todd _______. (learn to cook from his dad, from his mum, never lerned to cook)
  5. How does Buddhi rate her cooking? (pretty good, just average, not that good)