Контроль навыка устной речи для 5 класса

Молчанова-Соболева Мария Евгеньевна

будет проходить с 18 по 22 февраля.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Темы для зачета по устной речи 5 класс

  1. Native Americans
  2. Russia
  3. Famous people ( 1 Russian and 1 foreign)
  4. Continents and countries
  5. Foreign languages

Foreign  languages.

№ 23 p. 106


  1. What English-speaking countries do you know?
  2. What language is an international nowadays?
  3. What foreign languages are popular in Russia?
  4. Do you know American equivalents for the British words “biscuits”, “sweets”, “autumn”?

Continents and countries.

№19 p. 88


  1. What is the name of the planet we live on?
  2. How many oceans are there on our planet?
  3. How many continents are there on our planet? What are they?
  4. What is the largest country in the world?

Famous people.

№ 6 p. 34, № 17 p. 72


  1. Who was the first Russian cosmonaut?
  2. Who was the first Russian Academician?
  3. What was James Cook?
  4. What did James Cook discover?
  5. Who was the greatest American humorist?
  6. Where was Mark Twain from?


Textbook 4 part 4. № 12 p. 66


  1. What mountains divide Russia into two parts?
  2. What is Russia rich in?
  3. What symbols of Russia do you know?
  4. What seas and oceans wash Russia?

Native Americans.

Textbook 4 part 4 № 17 p. 24


  1. Where did Native Americans live?
  2. What did they eat?
  3. What did Native Americans believe in?
  4. Where do most Native Americans live now?