
Куварова Ольга Владимировна

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Предварительный просмотр:

Where are you going to, my little cat?

 I'm going to town to buy a hat.

 What!? A hat for a cat? A cat in a hat?

 Who ever saw a cat in a hat?

Spades for digging, pens for writing,

 Ears for hearing,teeth for biting,

 Eyes for seeing, legs for walking,

 Tongues for tasting and for talking.

Whether the weather is cold,

 Or whether the weather is hot,

 We' ll be together whatever the weather

 Wether we like it or not.

 Why do you cry, Willy?

 Why do you cry?

 Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why?

 If many men knew

 What many men know,

 If many men went

 Where many men go,

 If many men did

 What many men do,

 The world would be better -

 I think so, don' t you?

Lion Leo likes lemons.

 Mike and Mary, cheese and cherry.

 (Е. Левко. I like English, кн.2)

 Big bells ring a long full song,

 Ding-dong, ding-dong!

 Here the ringing, here the song,

 Ting-a-ling, ding-ding, ding-dong.

 Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread.

 Can you retell ten texts in twelve seconds?

 Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better.

 Billy will fill the bill.

 Which witch wishes which wicked fish?

 Ithought a thought but the thought I thought was not the thought I thought I thought.

 There's where they're wrong.

 Twelves twins twirled twelve twigs.

 (Д.М. Каркусова. Учим английскому языку играя)

A thick thimble is for a thick finger.

 A thin thimble is for a thin finger.

 Thick thimbles are for thick fingers.

 Thin thiimbles are for thin fingers.

 Thick for the thick and thin for the thin.

She sells sea shell on the sea shore

 the shells shesells are surely seashells

 So if she sells sea shore shels

 I'm sure she sells sea shore shells!

Betty bought a bit of butter,

but the butter betty bought was bitter/

 Bety bought another bit of butter to make the bitter butter better,

but the butter Betty bought was also bitter!

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,

 A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked.

 If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,

 Where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?

How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

 Seventy seven benevolent elephants

 I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

 Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep.

 The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed shilly-shallied south.

 These sheep shouldn't sleep in a shack;

 Sheep should sleep in a shed.

 The myth of Miss Muffet.

 Tim, the thin twin tinsmith