Дистанционное обучение

Материалы для 5-7 классов


Файл Материал для 5 класса. Школьные предметы, сентябрь846.77 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon 12582_present_simple.doc358.5 КБ
Файл Материал для 5 класса. Модальные глаголы, октябрь1001.45 КБ
Файл Степени сравнения прилагательных - 6 класс, сентябрь17.04 КБ
Файл Материал для 7 класса. Сложное дополнение, ноябрь15.29 КБ
Файл Материал для 6 класса. Описание человека, октябрь594.72 КБ
Файл 5класс 4-15 декабря Личное письмо82.43 КБ
Файл 5-7 класс 18-28 декабря "My day" 16.21 КБ
Файл 5-7 класс 11-13 января "Holidays"20.65 КБ
Файл 5-7 класс 15-19 января "My friend"16.58 КБ
Файл 5-7 22-26 января "School"16.82 КБ
Файл 7 класс январь Словообразование27.63 КБ
Файл 5 класс январь Past Progressive17.67 КБ
Файл 7 класс 29.01.- 05.02. What I look for in a friend. (listening)13.25 КБ
Файл 6 класс 05-09 февраля A trip to hospital (listening) 12.9 КБ
Файл 5 класс 05-12 февраля - отработка Past Progressive14.51 КБ
Файл 5 класс 7-9 февраля Reading16.9 КБ
Файл 5 класс 7-12 февраля Reading15.02 КБ
Файл 7 класс 12-16 февраля Reading16.7 КБ
Файл 5 класс 12-16 февраля Reading15.23 КБ
Файл 6 класс 26.02. - 09.03 First Conditional17.12 КБ
Файл 5 класс 12.03-16.03 London2.38 МБ
Файл 7 класс 19/03-23/03 Reading and speaking 16.41 КБ
Файл 5 класс 26.03-30.03 Some facts from the history of Moscow17.28 КБ
Файл 5 класс 02.04.- 06.04. Reading and speaking14.01 КБ
Файл 6 класс 02.04.-06.04. A funny thing happened on the way to school12.81 КБ
Файл 7 класс 16-20.04 -ing and -ed adjectives16.55 КБ
Файл 6 класс 16-20.04 Modal verbs17.44 КБ
Файл 7 класс 23.04.- 28.04. Free time activities15.68 КБ
Файл 5 класс 23.04.-28.04 Present Continuous17.21 КБ
Файл 7 класс 30.04 - 04.05. So do I/Neither do I19.29 КБ
Файл 5-7 30/04 - 04/05 Future Simple/to be going to17.9 КБ
Файл 6-7 30.04-04.05 Past Perfect/Past Simple19.29 КБ
Файл 5-6 класс 14.05-19.05 Present Perfect/ Past Simple17.17 КБ
Файл 7 класс 14.05.- 19.05 Passive Voice15.79 КБ
Файл 7 класс 21.05 - 25.05 Чтение26.72 КБ
Файл 5 класс Повторение 28- КБ
Файл 6 класс Повторение 25.05. Задания по чтению 18.21 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon 7 класс Повторение 25.05. Задания по чтению40.5 КБ
Файл 7 класс Повторение грамматического материала 29.05.1820.45 КБ
Файл 6 класс Повторение 29.05.18. Чтение17.19 КБ
Файл 5 класс Чтение 31.05.1815.43 КБ
Файл 7 класс Чтение 31.05.1815.75 КБ
Файл 6 класс Чтение 17.09.- 22.09.1813.33 КБ
Файл 8 класс Словообразование 17.09.- 22.09.1822.6 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The Present Simple Tense V ( глагол) - s, - es Affirmative sentences The boy to school every day. go es he she it I you we they I go to school every day.

Слайд 2

Adding the ending - s, - es s, ss , sh , ch , tch , x tea ch c r y - c r i es stu d y - stud i es g o es es es es - es -s like - like s d o fini sh с огл . y i + es

Слайд 3

Negative sentences Jack like learning . s Tom doesn`t like learning. do (does) not don`t doesn`t Tom Jack Maths + V

Слайд 4

Interrogative sentences do/does s ubject ( подлеж .) V …? Does he like studying? Do you like studying?

Слайд 5

Speech signals о ften - часто usually - обычно sometimes - иногда always - всегда every day - каждый день seldom - редко every week – каждую неделю every month – каждый месяц every year – каждый год

Слайд 6

Look, think and say correctly Ann like volleyball. s Do Tom often play football? es The children does sports. - Yes , he does . ( No , he doesn`t .)

Предварительный просмотр:


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Modal verbs can, may, could and should способность разрешение просьба совет can I can write. Я умею писать. May I come in? Можно мне войти? may

Слайд 2

просьба Modal verbs can, may, could and should способность разрешение совет could should Не могли бы Вы мне помочь? You should be more attentive. Тебе следует быть внимательным. Could you help me, please?

Слайд 3

Negative and interrogative sentences modal verb + not cannot = can`t may not could not = couldn`t should not = shouldn`t You shouldn`t be late. modal verb before the subject Should he apologize? (извиниться)

Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнение 1. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень для следующих прилагательных:











































Упражнение 2. Вставьте подходящее прилагательное в нужной степени.

  1. A train is ___________ than a bus.
  2. This text is the ___________ of all.
  3. I was ill last week but today I am________
  4. Park Street is _______ than Market Street.
  5. This jacket is small for me. Show me a ________ one.
  6. What is the __________ thing in life?
  7. A crocodile is _________ than a water snake.
  8. Helen is the ________  girl in our class.

Упражнение 3. Упражнение Раскройте скобки, поставив предложенное прилагательное в нужной степени.

  1. Jill’s a far________ (intelligent) person than my brother.
  2. Kate was the_________ (practical) of the family.
  3. Greg felt __________ (bad) yesterday than the day before.
  4. This wine is the ____________ (good) I’ve ever tasted.
  5. Jack was the________ (tall) of the two.
  6. Jack is the__________ (clever) of the three brothers.
  7. If you need any ___________ (far) information, please contact our head office.
  8.  The sinking of Titanic is one of _____________ (famous) shipwreck stories of all time.
  9. Please, send the books back without_________ (far) delay.
  10. The deposits of oil in Russia are by far the __________ (rich) in the world.
  11. Could you come a bit _______ (early) tomorrow?
  12. I like this song _________ (well) than the previous one.
  13. Which of these two performances did you enjoy ________ (much)?
  14. The fire was put out _________ (quickly) than we expected.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте more или less.

  1. People are______ intelligent than monkeys.
  2. Summer holidays are ____ splendid than winter holidays.
  3. Maths is _____ important than English.
  4.  Books are ______ interesting than films.
  5. Writing in English is_____ difficult than speaking.
  6. Parents are_______ helpful than teachers.
  7. Reading is_______ useful than watching TV.
  8. Food is _____ expensive than clothes.

Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнения "Сложное дополнение" (Complex object)

1. Раскройте скобки, используя сложное дополнение. Переведите.

  1. I want (she) to be my friend.
  2. My brother taught ( I ) to swim and dive.
  3. They would like (we) to read aloud.
  4. Bob advised (she) to stay for another week.
  5. We expect (he) to arrive at noon.
  6. I heard (you) open the door.
  7. Dad always makes ( I ) go fishing with him every weekend.
  8. Our parents expect (we) to stop quarreling.
  9. Sara never lets (he) drive her car.
  10. I saw (you) cross the street.

2. Поставьте «to» там, где необходимо.

  1. We heard the lorry … stop near the house.
  2. I want my elder sister … take me to the zoo.
  3. I believe the Internet … be the greatest invention ever.
  4. The teacher doesn’t let us … use our mobile phones.
  5. They didn’t expect her … be late.
  6. The police officer made him … tell the truth.
  7. I would like you … admit your fault.
  8. Swan believes Vicky … be the best manager in our store.
  9. Nick persuaded me … go in for sports.
  10. We saw Jacob … break the window.
  11. I consider this sculpture … be a masterpiece.
  12. She noticed Mary suddenly … turn pale.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

ea , ee – sea, tea, tree, street our, oor – four, door, floor or – corn, horse, fork ar – park, car, smart ir , er – shirt, skirt, her oo – boots, cool, look Reading rules

Слайд 2

Careful, helpful, careless, beautiful. Nose, dark, curly, long . A blouse, a top, a T-shirt, a skirt. Sociable, talkative, boastful, brave. Jeans, shoes, shorts, dress. Blue, comfortable, green, grey. Cool, super, awful, smart. Name the different word :

Слайд 3

Brave, a blouse, funny, curly, jeans, plump, trousers, smart, honest , a cap, bossy, turned-up, a T-shirt, a top, slim, polite.

Слайд 4

CARD 1 Phil always says ”Good morning! How are you?” He is a class president. He likes to give orders. His favourite subjects are history and maths . He takes care of his classmates and friends. He likes to watch TV.

Слайд 5

CARD 2 Nick doesn`t like to go to school. He likes to play football with his friends. Also he likes jokes and interesting stories. He defends girls and doesn`t afraid of anything.

Слайд 6

CARD 3 Tom likes to chat over the telephone. He has got a lot of friends. He likes English, maths , literature and Russian. He studies well. He has got excellent marks. He helps his father and mother about the house.

Слайд 7

CARD 4 Ann is 14. She likes to chat with her friends and to dance at the disco. She is interested in many things. Ann is good at music and arts. She likes to sleep and listen to music. Ann never cleans her room. Her mother does it.

Слайд 8

CARD 5 Sam likes to travel. He always travels on a bicycle. It is his favourite transport. He likes to be along and he has not got any friends. But he likes animals and takes care of them. Sam always tells the truth and never call names.

Слайд 9

Age……………………. Height…………………… Appearance……………….. Hair………………………… Nose……………………. Build……………………… Clothes…………………… Likes ………………………. Dislikes……………………. Заполните анкету:

Слайд 10

Homework: Tell about people, using the given forms 

Предварительный просмотр:

Фразы — клише 5 класс (с переводом)

  1. It was nice to hear from you! — Приятно от тебя услышать!
  2. In your letter you ask me about …  — В своем письме ты спрашиваешь меня о …
  3. Well, …  — Ну, …(это слово придает письму разговорный стиль)
  4. You know, …  — Знаешь ли, …(это выражение придает письму разговорный стиль)
  5. By the way, … — Кстати, … (это вводное слово придает письму разговорный стиль)
  6. Write back soon! — Пиши!
  7. Lots of love, — С любовью

Личное письмо 5- 6 класс (образец)

Предварительный просмотр:

My Day. Английские слова для изучения. Список №1 по теме «Распорядок дня»

  1. get up early / late – вставать рано/ поздно
  2. go to bed early / late — ложиться спать рано/ поздно
  3. make the bed — заправлять кровать
  4. take a shower – принимать душ
  5. take a bath — принимать ванну
  6. dress (get dressed) — одеваться
  7. wash my face  — умываться
  8. clean my teeth — чистить зубы
  9. shave myself — бриться
  10. have breakfast — завтракать
  11. have lunch — перекусывать
  12. have dinner — обедать (ужинать)
  13. have …. for breakfast — есть на завтрак
  14. go to work — ходить на работу
  15. leave home for work — уходить из дома на работу
  16. come home from work — приходить домой с работы
  17. have English lessons — заниматься английским языком
  18. read books — читать книги
  19. watch TV — смотреть телевизор
  20. surf the Net — быть в сети
  21. do the cooking — готовить еду
  22. cook breakfast (lunch, dinner)  — готовить завтрак (ланч, обед)
  23. do the washing — стирать
  24. do the ironing — гладить
  25. wash up – мыть посуду
  26. do housework – делать что-либо по хозяйству
  27. clean the flat — убирать квартиру
  28. do homework — делать домашнюю работу
  29. feed the dog — кормить собаку
  30. go for a walk — гулять
  31. take the dog out — выводить собаку гулять
  32. go out – ходить куда-либо, проводить время вне дома
  33. go shopping – ходить по магазинам
  34. have a rest — отдыхать
  35. go to see smb – навещать кого-либо

Предварительный просмотр:

Holidays. Английские слова по теме «Как я провел летние / зимние каникулы » / How I Spent my Summer Holidays (Vacation)

General Phrases / Общие фразы

  1. be on holiday (on vacation) — быть в отпуске
  2. make friends — подружиться
  3. have a wonderful time — замечательно провести время
  4. take pictures of — фотографировать
  5. enjoy … — наслаждаться …
  6. visit  — посещать

A. Sightseeing Holidays / Путешествия в каникулы

  1. travel round Europe (Russia, Great Britain) — путешествовать по Европе (России, Великобритании)
  2. travel by car (plane, train, bus) — путешествовать на машине (самолётом, поездом, автобусом)
  3. go abroad — ездить за границу
  4. go on a trip  — совершить короткую поездку
  5. take pictures of … — фотографировать …
  6. walk the streets of … — гулять по улицам …
  7. visit some places on the way to… — посетить … по дороге в …
  8. see interesting places — осматривать достопримечательности
  9. meet different people — встречать разных людей
  10. visit museums and art galleries  — посещать музеи и художественные галереи
  11. stay at a hotel  — останавливаться в отеле
  12. enjoy the beauty of the scenery (countryside) — наслаждаться красотой пейзажа (окрестностей)

B. Seaside Holidays / Каникулы на побережье

  1. go to the beach — ходить на пляж
  2. go to the seaside — ездить на побережье
  3. sit on the sand — сидеть на песке
  4. look at the sea — смотреть на море
  5. look at the clouds floating in the sky —  смотреть на облака, плывущие по небу
  6. spend a lot of time on the beach — проводить много времени на пляже
  7. bathe in the river — купаться в реке
  8. lie in the sun — загорать
  9. play football, volleyball — играть в футбол (волейбол)
  10. fly a kite – запускать воздушного змея
  11. build sand castles — строить замки из пески
  12. play about (dig) in the sand — играть в песке
  13. look for shells — искать ракушки

С. Holidays at my Grandparents’ / Каникулы на даче у бабушки с дедушкой

  1. go for a walk in the forest — ходить в лес на прогулку
  2. pick up berries (mushrooms) — собирать ягоды (грибы)
  3. ride a horse  — кататься верхом на лошади
  4. ride a bicycle  — кататься на велосипеде
  5. go boating — кататься на лодке
  6. go fishing – ходить на рыбалку
  7. catch fish  — поймать рыбу
  8. sit on a bench under a tree and read a book — сидеть на скамейке под деревом и читать книгу
  9. take long walks with my friends — совершать длительные прогулки с друзьями
  10. help my grandparents in the garden — помогать бабушке и дедушке
  11. dig the ground — копать землю
  12. pull out the weeds — выпалывать сорняки
  13. pick up fruit — собирать фрукты
  14. take care of domestic animals — ухаживать за домашними животными
  15. eat healthy food  — есть здоровую пищу
  16. spend a lot of time outdoors — проводить много времени на свежем воздухе

D. Camping Holidays/ Каникулы в лагере

  1. go to a summer camp in … — поехать в лагерь в …
  2. go camping — ходить в поход
  3. go boating — кататься на лодке
  4. climb the mountains — подниматься в горы
  5. fish by the river — ловить рыбу у реки
  6. make a campfire – разжигать большой костер
  7. sit round the fire – сидеть вокруг костра
  8. roast sausages on the open fire – жарить сосиски на костре
  9. swim in the river (in the lake) – плавать в реке (в озере)
  10. pick up mushrooms – собирать грибы

Предварительный просмотр:

My Friends. Список английских по теме «Мои друзья» №1

  1. make friends — подружиться
  2. friends forever — друзья навсегда
  3. see each other — видеть друг друга
  4. miss each other — скучать друг без друга
  5. meet each other — встречаться друг с лругом
  6. enjoy doing …. together — делать что-то вместе с удовольствием
  7. have much in common — иметь много общего
  8. share ideas — делиться идеями
  9. phone each other — звонить друг другу
  10. help in trouble (in need) — помогать друг другу в беде
  11. keep secrets

My best friend is my classmate. His name is Dima. He is a tall boy with short dark hair. He has blue eyes and wears glasses. He is brave and strong. Dima is a very optimistic person. He is never sad. He knows a lot of jokes and often makes me laugh. We made friends in the first form and since then we have a deep friendship.

We often go for a walk together and talk about different things. Dima is my close friend and I can tell him about my problems. He also shares his ideas with me. I can’t say that we have much in common but we have the same hobby. We like playing chess.

We always help each other in need. I think we will be friends forever.

I keep a hamster as a pet.  — Я держу дома хомяка.

Список слов по теме «Pets»

  1. run around — бегать по
  2. keep — держать (дома)
  3. feed — кормить
  4. brush — причесывать
  5. clean (after) — убирать (за)
  6. take care of — заботиться
  7. take … out twice a day — выводить гулять 2 раза в день

Предварительный просмотр:

School. Английские слова по теме «Школа»

Я хожу в школу. — I go to school. 

Я учусь в школе №9. — I study at school number 9.

  1. do homework — делать домашнюю работу
  2. mark in Maths — отметка по математике
  3. get good (bad) marks — получать отметки
  4. give marks — ставить отметки
  5. make new friends — заводить новых друзей
  6. have 5 or 6 lessons a day — иметь 5 или 6 уроков в день
  7. learn new things — узнавать новое
  8. learn by heart — учить наизусть
  9. ask questions —  задавать вопросы
  10. answer questions — отвечать на вопросы
  11. get smarter — становиться умнее
  12. have fun during breaks — веселиться на переменах
  13. recite poems — рассказывать стихи
  14. enjoy school parties — развлекаться на школьных вечеринках
  15. study — учиться
  16. do my best — очень стараться
  17. lesson —  урок
  18. English lesson — урок английского языка
  19. subject — предмет
  20. at the lesson  — на уроке
  21. at school — на занятиях в школе
  22. (in) timetable —  в расписании
  23. lunch break — большая перемена
  24. (wear) a uniform — (носить) форму
  25. learn by heart — учить наизусть

School Subjects. Школьные предметы

  1. Maths — математика
  2. Literature — литература
  3. Russian  — русский язык
  4. Nature Study — природоведение
  5. Science — предметы научного цикла
  6. Geography — география
  7. History — история
  8. PE (Physical Education) — физкультура
  9. IT (Information Technology) — информатика
  10. Art — рисование
  11. a foreign language — иностранный язык

Предварительный просмотр:

Суффиксы существительных

  • -er / -or – этот суффикс образовывает существительные от глагола и обозначает того, кто осуществляет действие: player — игрок, swimmer (swim- плавать ) — пловец, visitor(s) (visit — посещать) — посетитель, speaker (speak — говорить)- говорящий, оратор, adviser (advise — советовать) — советник,invent –inventor(изобретатель), work-worker, read-reader, found-founder (основатель),write-writer, teach-teacher, sing-singer, dance-dancer, run-runner,
  • actor актер
  • advisor советник, консультант
  • collector коллекционер
  • competitor конкурент, соперник
  • conductor кондуктор; проводник, гид; дирижер
  • creator творец, создатель; автор, разработчик
  • director директор, руководитель
  • inspector инспектор
  • instructor инструктор
  • inventor изобретатель
  • narrator рассказчик
  • operator оператор, механик
  • possessor владелец, хозяин
  • protector защитник, покровитель
  • sailor матрос, моряк
  • spectator зритель, наблюдатель
  • supervisor руководитель, контролер
  • visitor посетитель;

  • -ing – суффикс отглагольного существительного – beginning (begin — начинать) — начало, feeling (feel — чувствовать) — чувство, opening (open — открывать) — открытие, read-reading, build-building(здание, строение), interest-interesting, write-writing, sing-singing, swim-swimming,
  • -ment  — develop- development(развитие), excite-excitement(волнение),  movement (move — двигать) — движение ,  announcement (announce — объявлять) – объявление,  agreement (agree — соглашаться) — согласие
  • -dom – freedom (free — свободный) — свобода, boredom (boring — скучный) — скука, kingdom (king — король) — королевство
  • -ion/ -tion / -sion / -ssion – competition (compete — соревноваться) — соревнование, celebration (celebrate — праздновать) — празднование,invite-invitation(приглашение), construct- construction, inform-information, direct-direction(направление), protect-protection(защита), attract(привлекать)-attraction(аттракцион), pollute-pollution(загрязнение), educate- education(образование),  revision (revise — пересматривать) — пересмотр,decorate-decoration(украшение),translate-translation(перевод), admission (admit — признавать) — признание,
  • — hood – childhood (child — ребенок) – детство, brotherhood (brother — брат) – братство, neighbourhood (neighbour — сосед) соседство
  • -ship – partnership (partner- партнер) партнерство,  ownership (owner — собственник) — собственность, hardship (hard — трудный) — трудность
  • — ist —tour-tourist(s), artist (art — искусство), science(наука) - scientist(ученый), pianist (piano- пианино) — пианист, type(печатать)-typist, idealist (ideal — идеал) — идеалист,.
  • -ance/-ence – importance (important — важный) — важность, perform –performance(представление), disappearance (disappear — исчезать)- исчезновение,  presence (present- присутствовать) – присутствие, silence (silent — безмолвный) — молчание


Суффиксы прилагательных

  • -able / -ible – eatable (eat — есть) — съедобный, unbreakable (un+break – ломать, разбивать) – небьющийся, changeable (change — менять) — переменчивый
  • — less – обозначает отсутствие, в русском языке часто соответствует приставке без-:  expressionless (expression- выражение) – невыразительный, без выражения, cloudless (cloud — облако)- безоблачный, toothless (tooth — зуб) — беззубый, careless (care — забота) — беззаботный
  • — ous – dangerous (danger- опасность) опасный, famous (fame — слава) –знаменитый, vigorous (vigour – сила, энергия) – сильный, энергичный
  • — ful – наличие качества: forgetful (forget — забывать) – забывчивый,  watchful (watch — наблюдать) — наблюдательный, doubtful (doubt- сомнение) – сомнительный, thoughtful (thought — мысль) задумчивый, beauty- beautiful, hope-hopeful, success- successful,careful(заботливый)
  • -y – windy (wind — ветер) ветреный, stormy (storm — буря) – бурный, soapy (soap — мыло) — мыльный, sun-sunny, fog-foggy, snow-snowy, cloud- cloudy.
  • — ic – philosophic (philosophy- философия) — философический, scientific (science — наука) — научный, democratic (democracy- демократия) — демократический
  • -ive – expressive (expression — выражение) выразительный, progressive (progress — прогресс) — прогрессивный, active (act – действовать) – активный (тот, кто много действует)

Суффикс наречия

  • -ly — calmly (calm — спокойный) — спокойно, occasionally (occasional — случайный) случайно, quickly (quick — быстрый) — быстро serious- seriously, carefully, quietly

При словообразовании, если прилагательное оканчивалось на -e, эта буква сохраняется перед суффиксом -ly:  polite → politely;  extreme → extremely;  absolute → absolutely.

Если прилагательное оканчивается на -le (simple, terrible), наречие будет оканчиваться на -ply, -bly:  simple → simply;    terrible → terribly;    reasonable → reasonably.

badly скверно, дурно, плохо

clearly четко, понятно

easily легко

equally равно, в равной степени

exactly в точности; точно; как раз, совершенно, полностью,именно так

finally в конечном счете, в конце концов

frequently часто

happily счастливо

immediately немедленно, тотчас же, сразу

naturally конечно, как и следовало ожидать, естественно

obviously очевидно

quickly быстро

recently недавно

seriously серьезно

slowly медленно

suddenly внезапно

  •  Прилагательные совпадают по форме с наречиями

 low (низкий, низко)
friendly (дружелюбный, дружелюбно)
daily (ежедневный, ежедневно)
early (ранний, рано)
fast (быстрый, быстро)
straight (прямой, прямо)
silly (глупый, глупо)
lonely (одинокий, одиноко)
fatherly (по-отечески)
far (далёкий, далеко)

Предварительный просмотр:

Задание 1. Закончите предложения, поставив глагол в скобках в правильное время - Past Simple или Past Continuous.

  1. Yesterday my friend ... his exam. (pass)
  2. What ... he ... at 11 o'clock last night? (do)
  3. Sam ... over the phone when someone called his name. (talk)
  4. Last week I ... him a letter. (write)
  5. Last time I ... them was a few years ago. (see)

Задание 2. Составьте отрицательные предложения, поставив глагол в скобках в правильном времени - Past Simple или Past Continuous.

  1. I ... there when the accident happened. (be)
  2. My TV is broken. I ... any news at 8 o'clock last night. (watch)
  3. Jemma ... yesterday. She was ill. (work)
  4. Tourists ... the museum yesterday because it was closed. (visit)
  5. They ... golf at 10 o'clock this morning. (play)

Задание 3. Закончите предложения, поставив глаголы в правильном времени. Все предложения являются утвердительными.

  1. I ... (break) my arm when I ... (ski) in the Alps.
  2. She ... (drive) a car when her phone ... (ring).
  3. The cat ... (sleep) on the chair and the dog ... (sit) next to it.
  4. Fiona ... (clean) the room, ... (iron) her clothes and ... (make) the bed.
  5. He ... (read) a book when he suddenly ... (hear) a strange noise.

Задание 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Past Simple или Past Continuous.

  1. Я не разговаривала с Джеймсом вчера.
  2. Дети играли на улице, когда начался дождь.
  3. В 10 часов утра студенты писали тест.
  4. Он читал газету, пока она смотрела телевизор.
  5. Она потеряла ключи в прошлую среду.

Упражнение 5. Используйте слова в скобках для образования предложений в Past Simple. Обратите внимание, в какой форме должно стоять предложение (утвердительной, вопросительной или отрицательной).

  1. They _____ football at the institute. (to play)
    2) She _____ emails. (not / to write)
    3) ____ you____ English? (to speak)
    4) My mother ____ fish. (not / to like)
    5) ____ Ann ____ any friends? (to have)
    6) His brother _____ in an office. (to work)
    7) She ___ very fast. (cannot / to read)
    8) ____ they ____ the flowers every 3 days? (to water)
    9) His wife _____ a motorbike. (not / to ride)
    10) ____ Elizabeth_____ coffee? (to drink)

Предварительный просмотр:

What I Look for in a Friend. Тренируем аудирование.


Предварительный просмотр:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=magLhIlW3gw&t=60s       A trip to the hospital

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. She (to cook) yesterday.

2. She (to cook) at three o'clock yesterday.

3. She (to cook) from two till four yesterday.

4. I (not to read) at five o'clock.

5. I (not to read) when you came in.

6. What he (to do) when I came?

7. What he (to do) the whole day yesterday?

8. Pete (to water) flowers in the garden yesterday.

9. Pete (to water) flowers in the garden at five o'clock yesterday.

10. What Pete (to do) when I came to see him?

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. When my father (to come) home, I (to have) dinner.

2. When Alice (to return), I (to listen) to the radio.

3. When mother (to enter) his room, he (to draw) a picture.

4. When my sister (to come in), I (to do) my lessons.

5. When her aunt (to air) the room, she (to catch) cold.

6. When I (to meet) her, she (to go) to the office.

7. He (to wash) his face when somebody (to knock) at the door.

8. The young people (to dance) when I (to come) to the party.

9. When he (to wash) the dishes, he (to break) a plate.

10. What they (to do) when you (to see) them?

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. Не (not to open) the window before classes yesterday.

2. I (to hurry) to the library when I (to meet) him.

3. She (to translate) a lot of articles at the office last week.

4. We (to smoke) in the room when he (to see) us.

5. We (to pack) our things when our taxi (to come).

6. The day before yesterday he (to finish) his work at seven o'clock.

7. What he (to do) ten years ago? – He (to study) at school.

8. Yesterday I (to ask) my friend not to ring me.

9. My father (to write) a very interesting article last month.

10. She (to come) home at eleven o'clock that's why she (not to call) you.

Предварительный просмотр:

Reading test.


The Greens are a British family. Mr. Green is a builder and Mrs. Green is a housewife. There are three children in the family: a son and two daughters. Mike is thirteen years old, Sandy is twelve and Kate is ten.

All the three children are pupils. Mike is at the boys’ school; his sisters are at a school for girls. Mike is a tall boy. He is clever. He is a very good pupil.

Sandy has dark hair and hazel eyes. She is a pretty girl, she is clever and a good pupil. Her sister Kate is a nice girl with long fair hair and large blue eyes. She is good at music.

The Greens are in Australia now. Mr. Green’s uncle is a farmer. His house and farm in Australia are in a village. The Greens are in their uncle’s house now.

The house is big. It is on a hill. It is summer now. In Australia January, February, March and April are summer months.

The school in the village is small. In fact, it is a one-room school. There is only one teacher for all the pupils. The garden around the school is very beautiful. The Greens are fond of the farm and the school in the village.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.

  1. What is Mr. Green?

a) He is a teacher.

b) He is a doctor.

c) He is a builder.

2. How old is Mike?

a) He is twelve.

b) He is thirteen.

c) He is ten years old.

3. Where is the uncle’s house?

a) on a hill

b) in a big city

c) on the bank of a river

4. What is the village school like?

a) It is big.

b) It is small.

c) It is very old.

Exercise 2.  Continue the sentences.

  1. All the three children in the Greens family are

a) students.

b) pupils.

c) farmers.

2. Now the Greens are in

a) Africa.

b) America.

c) Australia.

3. In Australia January, February, March and April are

a) winter months.

b) spring months.

c) summer months.

4. All the pupils in the village school have

a) one teacher.

b) many teachers.

c) two teachers.

Exercise 3. Say if the sentences are true or false.

  1. Mike is a small boy.
  2. Sandy is not a good pupil.
  3. Mr. Green’s uncle is a builder.
  4. The Greens are happy in Australia.
  5. There is no garden round the school.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

  1. Where are the Greens from?
  2. How many children are there in the family?
  3. What are summer months in Australia?
  4. What are summer months in your country?
  5. How many rooms are there at school?

Exercise 5. Describe your school (use 5 sentences).

Предварительный просмотр:

My Family

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

My name is Polly. I am ten. I am a schoolgirl. I go to school. I like learning English and playing puzzles. I would like to tell you about my family. It is neither big nor small. There are four of us.

I have got a mother. Her name is Jane. She is a teacher. She is very responsible and creative. She likes her work. Her hobbies are singing and shopping. My mother is fond of reading detective stories.

I have got a father. His name is Jack.  He is a doctor. He is clever and hardworking. My father likes playing golf. He goes in for sport to be healthy and strong. He is fond of fishing too.

My brother Nick is small. He is only four. He likes playing toys. Usually we get on well with him, but sometimes he is very naughty.

On Saturdays and Sundays we like to be together. Last Sunday we went to the country. We had a good rest.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. Polly’s mother is a doctor.
  2. Polly has got a younger brother.
  3. Her brother Nick is a pupil.
  4. Polly is ten.
  5. There are five people in Polly’s family.
  6. Polly`s father is clever and hardworking..
  7. Last Sunday Polly’s family went to the Zoo.
  8. Last Sunday Polly’s family had a good rest.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. What does the girl like?
  2. What is Polly’s father fond of?
  3. What did they do last Sunday?

Предварительный просмотр:

My New School Is Fantastic

Rita Nelson is fourteen, and she has changed her school because her parents moved to another town this summer.

“Let me tell you about my new school. I’m having a great time. All pupils are very friendly, but it’s very different from my old school. I can tell you! First of all school starts at 8.00 here, a whole, hour before it did in that school. This morning I forgot about it and got to school ten minutes late, so the teacher put a note into my record-book. I was really angry!

There are a lot of other differences in this school, of course. We have seven lessons here almost every day. What else? The school day is different, too. In my former school we finished school at 3.00, and then most pupils went home. Here we finish lessons at 3.30, and then most pupils go to sports practice. Well, they love sports here.

I joined gymnastics and football clubs here. A lot of girls play football in this school. I had my first practice yesterday, and I feel tired today.

Another important thing here is learning to do practical things. Their metal and wood shops are like small factories, and we are taught to drive as well. It’s fantastic. I had my first lesson in driving a tractor yesterday.”

Задания к тексту.

Exercise 1. Choose the right answer.

Rita Nelson is _______

a) 13    b) 14         c) 15

Lessons in Rita’s previous school started at

a) 7 o’clock      b) 8 o’clock    c) 9 o’clock

Rita has _______ lessons every day.

a) 5            b) 6               c) 7

Rita’s lessons are over at

a) 3. 00       b) 3.30       c) 4.00

After lessons most pupils go

a) to sports practice b) home     c) for a walk

Exercise 2. Name the things in Rita’s new school that are different from her previous school.

  1. Number of pupils in Rita’s class.
  2. Time when the lessons begin
  3. Time when the lessons end
  4. Number of subjects in the curriculum (расписание)
  5. Number of lessons every day

Exercise 3. True or false?

  1. Rita doesn’t like her new school.
  2. Today Rita came to school in time.
  3. Student don’t love sports in the new school.
  4. Many girls play football in the new school.
  5. Rita likes to drive a tractor.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions on the text "My New School Is Fantastic”.

  1. Why has Rita changed her school?
  2. When do the lessons begin?
  3. Why did the teacher put a note into Rita’s record-book?
  4. What clubs did she join?
  5. What games do girls play in her new school?
  6. What practical things are the children taught?

Exercise 5. Write about practical things that you are taught to do in your school.

Предварительный просмотр:

My Mother’s Birthday

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

My name is Kate. My family is a typical Russian family. There are four of us. I have got a mother. Her name is Ann. She is a teacher. She is very kind. Her hobbies are singing and shopping. My mother is fond of reading detective stories.

My father`s name is Peter.  He is a driver. He is clever and sporty. My father is fond of fishing. My brother Nick is small. He is only four. He likes playing with his toys.

We are a close and friendly family. We like to spend time and holidays together.

Tomorrow it will be my mother’s birthday. My brother and I will go shopping together with our father. We are going to buy our mum a birthday present. It will be a nice scarf. She would like to have a white one. And we shall buy flowers for her, too.

Tomorrow my brother and I will clean the flat. We won’t be lazy. Father will help us. Then we’ll make our kitchen clean and bright. Tomorrow we will lay the table. We would like our mother to be happy.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. There are five people in Kate’s family.
  2. Kate’s father is helpful.
  3. Tomorrow it will be Kate’s birthday.
  4. Kate will get a present tomorrow.
  5. Kate’s mother will get a red scarf for her birthday.
  6. Tomorrow Kate and her brother will clean the flat.
  7. Kate and her brother won’t be lazy tomorrow.
  8. Tomorrow the family will lay the table.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. Whose birthday will the family celebrate tomorrow?
  2. What present will mother get for her birthday?
  3. Do you think Kate’s family is friendly? Why?

Предварительный просмотр:

First Conditional Exercises.

Ex 1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Future Indefinite.

  1. If Peter __________ (come) to my place, we__________  (go) to play in the yard.
  2. If Peter__________ (not  come) to my place, I __________ (watch) TV.
  3. If Frank’s parents__________ (have) their holidays in summer, they __________ (go) to the seaside.
  4. If they __________ (have) their holidays in winter, they __________ (stay) at home.
  5. If the fog _______ (thicken), Harold _______ (put up) the tent for the night.
  6. When I _______ (finish) my work, I_______ (go) to the cinema.
  7. We_______ (buy) this book as soon as our mother_______ (give) us some money.
  8. When we _______ (come) to your place you_______ (show) us your present.
  9. I_______ (return) you your ring when you_______ (ask) me.
  10. I_______ (wait) for my friend until he_______ (come) from the shop.
  11. My father_______ (start) writing before the sun _______ (rise).
  12. As soon as you _______ (finish) your study I_______ (present) you with a new flat. 


Ex 2. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense to form the First Conditional.

Maria is a girl from your country. She is studying English and she'd like to visit an English-speaking country.

If Maria (go) abroad, she (go) to England or America. She (visit) London if she (go) to England. If she (stay) in London, she (spend) much money. She (not be able) to stay for long if she (spend) all her money. If her holiday (be) very short, she (not practice) her English. It (be) a pity if she (not try) to speak English.

Упражнение 3. Make up conditional 1 sentences with if-clauses.

Example: Molly leave now / catch the bus .    —   If Molly leaves now, she’ll catch the bus.

  1. stay in bed / feel better
  2. work hard / get a job
  3. go shopping / spend much money
  4. ride a bike / get there quickly —
  5. eat carrots/see well in the dark .
  6. come now/go out together


Ex 4. Connect the sentences with when or if to form the first conditional.

Jack will come. We shall play chess. — When Jack comes, we shall play chess.

  1. All the pupils will come to school tomorrow. We shall write a test then.
  2. I’ll meet Ann after school. I’ll give her my album.
  3. You’ll not do your homework. The teacher will be angry.
  4. Mike won’t come today. We’ll play football without him.
  5. I’ll finish school with good marks. My father will take me to the seaside. .
  6. My school record may not be very good. Mom will be very upset.


Ex 5. Continue the chain stories. Use conditional 1.


If Brian has a lot of money, he’ll buy a bike.

If he buys a bike, he’ll ...

If he rides it ...

If …


If you don’t do well at school, you’ll become a bad pupil.

If you become a bad pupil, you’ll stay ...

If you stay ...

If ...


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Places of interest in London

Слайд 2

London is the capital of Britain.

Слайд 4

Музей галерея театр кино Стадион парк правительство история площадь такси радио символ аббатство настоящий памятник

Слайд 5

’Window on britain ’

Слайд 7

The British Museum

Слайд 8

Big Ben

Слайд 9

The river Thames

Слайд 10

Westminster Abbey

Слайд 11

Buckingham Palace

Слайд 12

The Houses of Parliament

Слайд 13

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 14

The Tower of London

Слайд 15

Let's rest

Слайд 17

Do you agree or disagree? 1.London is the capital of Spain. 2. Big Ben is a famous street. 3. Buckingham Palace is the home for the Queen. 4. The Thames is the main river in London. 5. London Eye is the monument in London. 6. Queen Elizabeth 2 lives in Westminster Abbey. 7. Trafalgar Square is a popular place for tourists. 8. Piccadilly circus is a square.

Слайд 18

make up dialogues. A student “A” has come to London to visit a friend and ask about the city and places of interest. A student “ B” advises what to see in London.

Слайд 19

Let’s relax

Слайд 20

Homework: to make a cluster: what associations do you have when you think of London.

Предварительный просмотр:

Famous people

Mark Twain is a famous American writer and a journalist. His real name was Samuel Clemens. Hewas born in 1835 in Florida. Mark Twain started his literary career rather late. He worked as ajournalist in newspapers in Nevada and California during the years of the Civil War. His father diedwhen the boy was only 12 years old. Twain had to start working with his brother. In 1857 hebecame a sailor on the Mississippi. After the Civil War he worked as a reporter for the “TerritorialEnterprise” in Virginia City. His witty style, characterizing all his following works, was formed duringhis work in that newspaper. Soon after his first stories had been published he received the fame ofthe first humourist of America. “The Gilded Age”, “My Watch”, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”appeared during this period in Twain’s literary career. The characteristic features of Americancomical folklore found their place in Twain’s creative works. He ignores all the rules of the “true” artand laughs at the European civilization. As the Americans of his times he believes in democraticAmerica, creating a new culture, ignoring all previous experience of mankind. His removal to NewYork and his marriage to a daughter of a coal tycoon changed a lot in his life. He tried to become abusinessman, but ruined himself and had to deliver lectures. In the 1870s he wrote “Life onMississippi”, and in 1885 — “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. “The Prince and the Pauper”,and “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” were also published during this time. In hisworks of that period Mark Twain showed racial prejudices, clash of humanism with antihumanmaterialism of bourgeois world. His works of the period greatly influenced American literature. Thelast period of his creative work is the time of pamphlet, which became his most favorite genre

                                        Mikhail Lomonosov

Mikhail Lomonosov is the father of the Russian sciences and outstanding poet, the founder ofRussian literature. Lomonosov was born in 1711 in Arhangelsk province. He liked to spend his timefishing with his father. He began to read himself then he was a little boy. He wanted to study andwhen he was 19 he went by foot to Moscow. He decided to enter the Slavic-Greek-Latin academy.He entered it and six years later in 1736 he was sent abroad to complete his studies in chemistryand mining. Lomonosov worked hard and he became a great scientist. He was a physicist, apainter and astronomer, a geographer, a historian and a statesman. Lomonosov made a telescope;he observed a lot of stars and planets with his telescope. Lomonosov wrote the first scientificgrammar of Russian language. He wrote many poems. Lomonosov build a factory near Petersburg.It was a factory where glass was produced. He made a portrait of Peter I of pieces of glass.Lomonosov was the founder of the first Russian University. This University is named afterLomonosov and it is situated in Moscow. Lomonosov died in 1765 but people still know andremember him.

Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling is one of the outstanding British writers. He was born in 1865 in the family of anEnglishman in India. He got his education in England but returned to India in 1882. There he spent6 years working in colonial English press. There he published his first literary works. In 1890 hepublished his first novel “The Light that Failed”, which brought him fame. He was one of the mostpopular writers of his time. During his life he visited South Africa, Australia, New Zealand andJapan. “Plain Tales from the Plain Hills”, “Barrack Room Ballads”, “Naulakka” enjoyed greatpopularity. During the years of Anglo-Boer War Kipling used to visit the English Army. His novel“Kim” was written under the impressions of the War. In October 1902 his “Just so Stories for LittleChildren” were published. His fairy-tales from the book were rather unusual for the British literatureof that period. One can find the influence of Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” in Kipling’s work.But this influence didn’t prevent Kipling from creating absolutely new, unusual fairy-tales. Theunusual effect of his tales is reached by the rhythm and the music of words. Those who were luckyto listen to Kipling reading his fairy-tales noted that they always sounded truthful. Besides, not onlychildren but even adults were very fond of “Just so Stories”. Together with “The Jungle Book” it stillenjoys great popularity. Every year the children in “Kipling Society” write continuation to his fairy-tales. In 1907 Kipling was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Предварительный просмотр:

Some Facts from the History of Moscow:

Moscow was founded in 1147 by prince Yuri Dolgoruky.

Moscow became the capital in the 13th century as a center of Tatar Yoke.

Moscow was the most important Russian city since the 15th century.

In 1812 Moscow was captured and burnt by Napoleon.

Moscow remained the second capital from 1712 till 1917.

Sightseeing in Moscow

List of Moscow Sights and Places of Interest:

  1. Red Square
  1. the Kremlin — Кремль
  2. the Mausoleum — Мавзолей
  3. the Kremlin Palace — Кремлевский дворец
  4. the St. Basil Cathedral — Собор Василия Блаженного
  1. The Moscow Underground
  2. Moscow churches and monasteries
  1. the Novodyevitchi Convent  — Новодевичий монастырь
  2. the Danilov Monastery — Даниловский монастырь
  3. the Temple of Christ the Savour — Храм Христа Спасителя
  1.  Museums
  1. the State Tretyakov Gallery  — Государственная Третьяковская галерея (famous for its collections of paintings, sculpture, drawings, icons)
  2. the Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin  — Музей изобразительных искусств имени Пушкина (the second after the Hermitage in Russia)
  3. the Shilov Gallery — Галерея Шилова
  4. The Kremlin Armoury /Oruzheynaya Palata  — Оружейная Палата (famous for its collections of royal plates and dishes, arms and armour, state symbols such as thrones,  the crowns, etc.)
  5. the Diamond Fund  — Алмазный Фонд (has the exhibition of unique precious stones)
  1. Moscow Theatres
  1. The Bolshoi Theatre — Большой театр
  2. The Maly Theatre — Малый театр
  3. the Moscow Art Theatre (the MkhAT) — МХАТ
  4. The Operetta Theatre — Театр оперетты
  1. The Moscow University — Московский государственный университет
  2. The State Library — Государственная библиотека им. Ленина
  3. Parks and Gardens
  1. Gorky Park — Парк Горького
  2. Sokolniky Park — Парк Сокольники
  3. Ismailovsky Park — Измайловский парк
  1. Estate Museums — Музеи — усадьбы
  1. Tsaritsino — Царицино
  2. Kolomenskoye — Коломенское
  3. Kuskovo — Кусково

Предварительный просмотр:

Text «Outings and Sightseeing in Moscow»

Before reading the text, make sure that you know the words: outings, amusement parks, estate museums, get acquainted with, performance, exhibition, be sure to know, be worth visiting, artifacts, sculpture, historic pieces.

Try to remember the adjectives: world-famous, the most visited, various, brilliant, valuable, commercial

Remember the phrase: There is no need to rack one’s brains — Не стоит ломать голову …

There is no need to rack one’s brains about outings in Moscow as it has a lot of world-famous theatres and galleries, amusement parks and estate museums.

Let us start getting acquainted with the Moscow city with its theatres. The most famous of them, the Bolshoi and Maly Theatre, are just in the centre, in Teatralnaya Square. One more popular theatre, Moscow Art Theatre (the MkhAT), is just round the corner. Altogether in Moscow there are about ninety theatres, where you can find performances to every taste from classical to modern ones.

Also in Moscow there are more than seventy museums and a lot of exhibitions of all kinds.

As for the galleries, any foreigner is sure to know the most popular gallery in Moscow. It is the Tretyakov Gallery, which is the center of Russian cultural life. It houses various exhibitions and it is the most visited gallery in the city. Also the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the Shilov Gallery are definitely worth visiting because there you will enjoy not only paintings by brilliant artists but also a collections of different artifacts, sculpture and other valuable historic pieces.

Tastes differ, you know. But in summer Moscow’s shady amusement parks are waiting for everybody. The most popular of them are Gorky Park, Sokolniky Park and Ismailovsky Park, to say nothing of the great estate museums such as Tsaritsino, Kolomenskoye or Kuskovo. They may not be at the top of the list of Moscow entertainment, but promise great enjoyment for a person of any age and background.

Предварительный просмотр:


A funny thing happened on the way to school

Предварительный просмотр:

Правило, когда употреблять прилагательное на -ED/-ING:

Прилагательное на -ED характеризует СОСТОЯНИЕ предмета (человека):

ПРИМЕР. interested — заинтересованный, tired — уставший,

Прилагательное на -ING характеризует КАЧЕСТВО предмета (человека):

ПРИМЕР. interesting -интересный, tiring — утомляющий

Упражнение 1. Make up sentences from the given words.

  1. was, I, boring, because, bored, the book, was
  2. My parents, worrying, the situation, because, is, are, worried
  3. was, He, excited, because, the party, exciting, was
  4. was, They, tiring, because, tired, the trip (поездка) , were
  5. My classmates, interesting, the lesson, because, were, was, interested
  6. I, relaxing, the music, because, is, am, relaxed
  7. We, excited, the match, because, are, is, exciting
  8. They, bored, the film, because, were, was, boring

* * *

Упражнение 2.  Choose the correct word.

1. I’m interesting/interested in collecting stamps.
2. Everyone is 
depressed/depressing by the awful weather.
3. I think that airports are 
exciting/excited places.
4. I’m 
tired/tiring. I think I’ll go to bed.
5. The journey was 
6. It’s not 
surprising/surprised that she’s busy. She’s got six children.
1. The teacher was 
annoying/annoyed because I had forgotten to do my homework.
8. He loved the museum — he thought it was 
9. We went to the cinema but I was very 
boring/bored because I had seen the film before.
10. I like this monkey. It is very 

* * *

Упражнение 3. Put an adjective from the box into each gap.

interesting surprised boring interested surprising bored exciting disappointed amusing

1. What programme are you watching? Is it____?
2. ‘I’m going on a safari in Africa!’ ‘Really? How____!’
3. What time did you get home last night? I didn’t know where you were. I was very ______ about you.
4. The children are____and they don’t know what to do.
5. It was quite___ that he has passed the exam.
6. I was____ with the film. I expected it to be much better.
7. I don’t want to read this book. It is _______.
8. The cartoon was very _______. I laughed a lot.
9. I don’t want to go to the match. I’m not ________in football.
10. We were very ________when we heard the news.

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Поставьте must или mustn’t.

  1. You look pale. I think you … see the doctor.
  2. It’s very slippery outside. You … run there.
  3. You … throw litter on the pavement.
  4. Children … look neat and clean at school.
  5. You … make noise in the library.
  6. You … brush your teeth before going to bed.
  7. You … fasten your seatbelt in a car.
  8. Children … watch TV a lot.
  9. You … light a fire in the forest.
  10. You … be friendly to other people.

2. Составьте вопросительные предложения, начиная с предлагаемых в скобках слов.

  1. We must hurry. (Why …?)
  2. They must meet as soon as possible. (Where … ?)
  3. I had to work hard last week. (When … ?)
  4. Sally will have to explain the details. (Why … ?)
  5. Granddad must stay in bed for a few days. (How long … ?)
  6. She has to be careful with that device. (Why … ?)
  7. They have to tell me the truth. (What … ?)
  8. Mum will have to make a lot of snacks for the party. (How many … ?)
  9. We had to stay in hospital till midnight. (Where … ?)
  10. He has to go to Paris next week. (Who … ?)

3. Поставьте mustn’t или don’t have to.

  1. You … leave your kids unattended at the airport.
  2. You … be late for the interview.
  3. You … eat the soup if you don’t want to.
  4. You … shout at us.
  5. We … run. We have plenty of time before the concert.
  6. You … pay now. You can pay online later.
  7. This museum is free. We … buy any tickets.
  8. This is my dad’s pen. You … lose it.
  9. You … make much noise. Little Tim is sleeping.
  10. It’s Sunday tomorrow. I … get up early.

4. Измените предложения в настоящем времени на будущее или прошедшее, используя модальный глагол have to.

  1. I must fly to India now. (next month)
  2. We must go and buy some painkillers. (last night)
  3. Drake must sign the contract today. (tomorrow)
  4. I must water the plants now. (yesterday)
  5. He must mend a broken window. (tomorrow morning)
  6. You must pay the rent today. (last Friday)

Предварительный просмотр:

General Free Time Activities

Go to the cinema - to see Hollywood blockbuster movies, Bollywood movies (from India), art films, animated films. You can also say go to the movies.

Some film categories are: Comedy, Drama, Horror, Thriller, Action, Science Fiction (Sci-Fi), Fantasy, Documentary, Musical.

Watch TV - Different types of television programs are: The News, Soap Operas, Criminal Investigation Dramas, Medical Dramas, Reality TV, Situation Comedies (Sit-Coms), Talk Shows, Documentaries, Cartoons, Game Shows, Sports programs, Movies, Political programs, Religious programs.

Spend time with family - You can do many things with your family. Usually, the fact that you are together is more important than the activity.

Go out with friends - You can also do many things with your friends, like go out to a bar, go dancing at a club, have dinner at a restaurant, play a sport, sit down and talk, go out for a coffee, have a barbecue, or any other activity that you all enjoy. Or sometimes when you don't do anything specific, you can say hang out with friends.

Surf the internet - On the internet, you can research a topic you are interested in using a search engine, visit your favourite websites, watch music videos, create your own video and upload it for other people to see, maintain contact with your friends using a social networking site, write your thoughts in a blog, learn what is happening in the world by reading news websites, etc.

Play video games - You can play games on your computer or on a game consoles, like PlayStation, X-Box, Wii, PSP, Gameboy, etc. You can play on your own or with your friends or family.

Play a musical instrument - Learn to play the piano, guitar, violin, cello, flute, piano accordion, mouth organ, panpipes, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, etc. You can play on your own or with a group, such as a band or an orchestra.

Listen to music - Turn up the volume and listen to your favourite type of music, such as pop, rock, hip hop, rhythm & blues, blues, jazz, classical, soul, heavy metal.

Read - Many people love to read both fiction and non-fiction books and magazines. If you like fiction, you can read novels, short stories, crime fiction, romance, etc. If you like non-fiction, you can read biographies, autobiographies, or books on history, science, philosophy, religion, or any other topic you are interested in.

Write - Many people like to write in their diary. Another name for a diary is a journal. You can also write many other things, such as poetry, novels, letters, short stories, etc. (See under Read for more options).

Go to the park - You can go to the park alone, with family or with friends. You can take a picnic rug and a picnic basket and have a picnic. You can read, sleep, kick a football around, climb trees or play on the children's playground.

Go to cultural locations and events - There are many types of cultural locations and events. You can go to the museum, to an art gallery or to the zoo to see animals from around the world. You can go to concerts, plays, musicals, dance recitals and opera performances.

Go shopping - Many people like to go to shopping malls and areas of the city that are known for shopping to buy clothes or items for their houses and gardens.

Cook - Many people like to cook different types of food. You can make meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can bake cakes, cookies, slices and pastries in the oven. Some people boast that they have a special recipe - ask them to cook it for you!

Study something - There are many things that you can study just because you find it interesting! You can study a language; you can learn a skill, such as cooking or making furniture; or you can even study the hieroglyphs of the ancient Egyptians, if you want to!

Art and crafts - There are many, many arts and crafts that you can learn and practice. You can paint, draw, sew, crochet, knit, sculpt, engrave, make furniture, make jewelry, or you can even create your own new art form!

Gardening - You can plant flowers, vegetables or herbs and maintain your garden by watering it, pulling the weeds and feeding it with fertilizer.

Exercise and play a sport - To stay fit and healthy, you can do exercise alone, such as swimming or working out at a gym, or you can play a team sport, such as football or basketball. For more information on sports and exercise, go to our Sports Page.


Предварительный просмотр:

Present Continuous    Упражнения по грамматике  

Add the ending "-ing"

1. camp __

2. swim __

3. travel __

4. walk __

5. have __

6. write __

7. cook __

8. shop __

Complete the sentences

1. His dad and brother __ (cycle) to the shops.

2. We __ (not travel) in Japan.

3. I __ (sunbathe) on the beach.

4. She __ (not watch) TV.

5. They __ (not swim) in the sea.

6. Sue __ (stay) at home today.

Write the questions and the short answers

1. your dad / work / today /?


Yes, __

2. you / have a good time / on holiday / ?


Yes, __

3. your mum / cook dinner / now / ?


Yes, __

4. your friends / play football / ?


Yes, __

Complete the dialogues

1. a. I´m going on holiday.

b. Where __ ?

2. a. He´s cooking dinner.

b. What __ ?

3. a. My sister is going to England.

b. Who __ ?

4. a. We aren´t staying in a hotel.

b. Where __ ? 

Complete the sentences


1. I __ (watch) a reality show on TV.

2. My favourite team __ (win)!

3. Someone __ (swim) in the sea.

4. Two people __ (cook) dinner on the beach.

5. We __ (not watch) a soap opera.

6. I __ (not do) my homework.

7. Mum __ (read) a magazine.

8. My brother __ (not listen) to the radio.

9. Dad __ (not cook) dinner.

10. Tara __ (talk) by phone.

11. Joe __ (play) on the computer.

12. Who __(watch) TV?

13. Tina __ (do) grammar exercises.

14. I __ (eat) a pizza.

15. We __ (sit) in the classroom.

16. I __ (not write) an email.

17. Amy __ (not go) to school today.

18. We __ (not have) fun today.

19. My team __ (not win) the match.

20. My parents __ (drive) to work now.

21. __ they __ (read) magazines? Yes, they are.

22. __ you __ (learn) English? Yes I am.

23. __ Helen __ (write) a letter? No, she isn´t.

24. __ Sarah __ (play) the guitar? Yes, she is.

25. We __ (not play) basketball.


1. Trina __ (walk) past the supermarket.

2. Where are you? We __ (wait) for you!

3. I´m on a bus and it __ (not move).

4. When __ you __ (come) to see me?

5. I __ (sit) on a bus.

6. Pete´s mother __ (not have) a burger.

7. John´s friends __ (play) football at the Sports Centre.

8. My best friend __ (sit) next to me.

9. I __ (not wear) something blue.

10. My teacher __ (not stand) behind me.


1. I __ (learn) how to swim.

2. I __ (eat) my lunch.

3. I __ (watch) television.

4. She __ (read) a book.

5. Dad __ (bake) a cake.

6. My sister __ (listen) to music.

7. Peter __ (clean) his car.

8. The dog __ (bark) in the garden.

9. We __ (sing) our favourite song.

10. My brother and I __ (play) a computer game.

11. The teachers __ (show) us a film.

12. They __ (bring) a TV in the classroom.

13. She´s bored. Her friend __ (watch) TV again.

14. Martin´s excited. Chelsea __ (win) the match.

15. I´m scared. A big dog __ (stand) in front of me.

16. She´s happy. She __ (not work) today.

17. I´m worried. It __ (rain) and I haven´t got an umbrella.

18. The teacher is annoyed. We __ (not listen).

19. What __ you __ (wait) for? I´m __ (wait) for John.

20. __ it __ (snow)? No, it __ (rain).

21. What __ you __ (do) today? We __ (go) to the park.

22. __ you __ (listen) to me? No, I __ (listen) to the radio.

23. __ you __ (watch) TV? No, we __ (study).

24. What __ you __ (do)? I __ (do) my homework.

25. __ they __ (sleep)? Yes, they are.


Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнения "Ответы типа So do I. Neither do I."

1. Подставьте в краткие ответы So или Neither.

  1. We really enjoyed the film. - … did I. (Нам очень понравился фильм. – И мне тоже.)
  2. I haven’t seen her for ages. - … have I. (Я не видела ее целую вечность. – И я тоже.)
  3. I don’t like our Biology teacher. - … do we. (Мне не нравится наш учитель биологии. – И нам тоже.)
  4. My sister can’t drive. - … can I. (Моя сестра не умеет водить машину. – И я тоже.)
  5. He lives in the centre of Paris. - … does she. (Он живет в центре Парижа. – И она тоже.)
  6. I have been waiting for them. - … has he. (Я жду их. – И он тоже.)
  7. Mother will send him a birthday card. - … will I. (Мама отправит ему открытку ко Дню рождения. – И я тоже.)
  8. I am so nervous today. - … am I. (Я так нервничаю сегодня. – И я тоже.)
  9. Helen isn’t fat at all. - … is he. (Хелен совсем не полная. – И он тоже.)
  10. Ted didn’t eat his fish. - … did I. (Тэд не съел свою рыбу. – И я тоже.)

2. Дайте краткие ответы о себе, используя So или Neither. Обратите внимание на форму глагола.

  1. I have got a small apartment. (У меня маленькая квартира.)
  2. He can’t speak Italian. (Я не умею разговаривать по-итальянски.)
  3. My car is very old. (Моя машина очень старая.)
  4. We are going to drink some coffee. (Мы собираемся попить кофе.)
  5. I have never been to the USA. (Я никогда не был в США.)
  6. I didn’t pass the exam. (Я не сдал экзамен.)
  7. They don’t work on Saturdays. (Они не работают по субботам.)
  8. She loves pine-apples. (Она любит ананасы.)
  9. We’ll visit China next year. (В следующем году мы посетим Китай.)
  10. I wasn’t invited to the party. (Меня не приглашали на вечеринку.)


So + вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее

I like dancing. So do I. – Я люблю танцевать. Я тоже.
He went to the library yesterday. So did Olga. – Он ходил в библиотеку вчера. Ольга тоже.
I have been working here since 2008. So have I. – Я работаю здесь с 2008 года. Я тоже.
I have a question. So do I. – У меня есть вопрос. У меня тоже.

Вспомогательный глагол берется тот же самый, который используется в первом предложении. Если в первом предложении вспомогательного глагола нет (время Present Simple, Past Simple), используйте вспомогательный глагол do (does, did) в зависимости от времени. Если в первом предложении несколько вспомогательных глаголов, используйте первый из них.

2. Отрицательный ответ на отрицательное предложение. 
Neither do I.

Neither + вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее

I don’t want to sleep. Neither does he. – Я не хочу спать. Он тоже. 
I can’t speak German. Neither can they. – Я не говорю на немецком. Они тоже.
I wasn’t there last night. Neither was Alex. – Меня там не было вчера вечером. Алекса тоже.


Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, используя Future Simple или be going to. Choose between Future Simple and be going to.

Becky: What _________ (1 you do)  this weekend?

Liam: I _________ (2 help) my dad on Saturday. What about you?

Becky: Well, I _________ (3 not help) my dad! My grandparents live in Wales. I _________ (4 visit) them.

Liam: That sounds great! Have you got any plans for Sunday?

Becky: I _________ (5 play) volleyball on Sunday at three o'clock. I play for a team. We've got some good players. I think we _________ (6 win). Would you like to come and watch?

Liam: OK, great idea! I _________ (7 see) you at the sports centre at three.

Helen: I  _________  (8 go) to the  shops this afternoon with my mum.

Mark: Oh, really? (9 you buy) _________ a birthday present for Jackie?

Helen: Yes, I am. I _________ (10 look)  for a new skirt  for her party too.

Mark: Mmm. I'd like to go shopping. Can I come with you?

Helen: Of course! I _________ (11 ask) my mum.


Упражнение 2. Complete the conversation. Use 'm going to, 're going to, ‘ll or won't.

A: (1) I ___________ play tennis this afternoon.

В: Great! (2) I ___________  come with you.

A: But you haven't got a tennis racket.

В: (3) I ___________ borrow my brother's racket.

A: And you don't know how to play tennis.

В: (4) I ___________ practise first.

A: But (5) I ___________  play with Phil and after the match (6) we ___________ have lunch with his parents.

В: Oh! Well, then (7)  I ___________  come with you. (8) I ___________ do my homework.


Упражнение 3. Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of will or going to.

Tom: (1 you watch) ____________TV tonight?

Ann: No. I've just bought some new CDs. I _______________ (2 listen)  to them. What about you?

Tom: I ___________ (3 watch) the new Brad Pitt film. It's on at 7.30.

Ann: Oh, really? I didn't know about that. I think I _____________ (4 watch)  it, too. I _____________ (5 listen)  to my CDs tomorrow.

Tom: Let's watch the film together. I_______________ (6 buy) some drinks and snacks.

Ann: Oh, thanks. That's a great idea.


Упражнение 4. Use the correct form of will or going to.

  1. My friend is travelling to the airport. She 'll /'s going to catch a plane.
  2. In the future we won't travel by plane. We're going to / 'll travel by spaceship.
  3. It's raining outside so we 'll / 're going to get wet.
  4. In 2050 every person in the world will/ is going to have a mobile phone.
  5. We're going to / 'll discover life on other planets in the future.


Упражнение 5. Choose the correct form of will or going to.

  1. My dad's got a new job in London. We'll / ‘re going to move there in July.
  2. I’ll / I'm going to visit France next month Mum's already bought our tickets.
  3. 'It's hot in here!' ‘ I’ll / I'm going to open the window.'
  4. They booked their summer holiday last week. They will  /  're going to stay with their uncle.
  5. 'It's a secret.' 'OK. I won't / 'm not going to tell anyone.'
  6.  'Would you like cola or orange juice?' 'I 'll / 'm going to have cola, please.' 

Упражнение 6. Choose the correct form of will or going to.

Pete: What (1 you do) ______________  this weekend?

Sara: I (2 go) _____________ to Paul's house on Saturday to watch a video. What about you?

Pete: Well, I (3 not go) ______________ to Paul's house because it's my mum's birthday. But I (4 play) __________ football on Sunday morning.

Sara: Oh really? I (5 come) ______________ and watch!

Pete: OK. I (6 see) ____________  you there.

Will: I think I (7 go)  ___________ swimming. Do you want to come?

Sue: I can't. I (8 visit) ______________ my grandparents. What (9 you do) ___________ tomorrow?

Will: I (10 see) ___________ a film with Andy and Jill. Do you want to come too?    

Sue:  Yes, great! I (11 meet) _____________ you  outside the cinema.


Предварительный просмотр:

1. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Past Simple или Past Perfect.

  1. Simon ... (be) very glad to see that his brother ... (do) the homework. (Саймон очень обрадовался, когда увидел, что его брат сделал уроки.)
  2. By the time the film ... (end), she ... (fall asleep). (К тому времени, когда закончился фильм, она уснула.)
  3. I really ... (feel) sick last night because I ... (eat) too much raw fish. (Мне было очень плохо прошлой ночью оттого, что я съел слишком много сырой рыбы.)
  4. When Richard ... (arrive) at the station he ... (find) that his wife just ... (leave). (Когда Ричард приехал на вокзал, он обнаружил, что его жена только что уехала.)
  5. First he ... (make) a toast, then he ... (sit down) and ... (drink) a white coffee. (Сначала он приготовил тост, затем присел и выпил кофе с молоком.)
  6. Kate ... (walk) home because she ... (miss) the last bus. (Кейт пошла домой пешком, потому что не успела на последний автобус.)
  7. By the time we ... (get) to Brazil, we already ... (spend) all our money. (К тому времени, когда мы добрались до Бразилии, мы уже потратили все наши деньги.)
  8. I ... (decide) to become a fireman by the time I ... (be) eight. (Я решил стать пожарным к тому времени, когда мне исполнилось 8 лет.)
  9. She … (sign) the contract before we ... (come). (Она подписала контракт до того, как мы пришли.)
  10. I ... (phone) my son and ... (say) that Bob ... (see) him in the pub. (Я позвонила своему сыну и сказала, что Боб видел его в пивной.)

2. Найдите и исправьте в предложениях ошибки во временной форме глаголов.

  1. They were late but the lecture didn’t start yet. (Они опоздали, но лекция еще не началась.)
  2. I had remembered that I left the iron switched on. (Я вспомнила, что оставила утюг включенным.)
  3. The floor was slippery because Tom spilt some juice on it. (Пол был скользким, потому что Том пролил на него немного сока.)
  4. Mary had given me the book I hadn’t read before. (Мэри дала мне книгу, которую я раньше не читал.)
  5. He returned home because he didn’t lock the door. (Он вернулся домой, потому что не запер дверь)
  6. Before the pupils had started the exam, they had switched their mobiles off. (Перед тем, как ученики начали сдавать экзамен, они выключили свои мобильные телефоны.)
  7. Fred gave me the car back after he used it. (Фред отдал мне машину обратно после того, как попользовался ею.)
  8. The concert had finished and we had gone to a nice restaurant. (Концерт закончился, и мы пошли в хороший ресторан.)
  9. I didn’t recognize Henry because he lost much weight and grew a moustache. (Я не узнал Генри, потому что он сильно похудел и отрастил усы.)
  10. I visited so many beautiful places in China before I had come to the Great Wall. ( Я посетил так много прекрасных мест в Китае до того, как добрался до Великой Стены.)


Упражнение 1. Use Past Simple or Past Perfect.

  1. When Lisa _______ (arrive) at the airport she ____________ (discover) she _________ (forget) her passport.
  2. After visiting the library Nelly __________ (buy) some milk and __________ (go) home.
  3. Zoe ________ (open) her handbag and ___________ (find) out that she _________ (forget) her credit card.
  4. They ____________ (get) home to find that somebody __________ (break) into their house.
  5. Lisa ___________ (know) her husband for two years when they ____________ (get) married.
  6. Jillian ____________ (be) very pleased to see that Jack ______________ (clean) the kitchen.
  7. When Neil ___________ (arrive) at the party he __________ (learn) that Judith ___________ (just / leave).
  8. Bill ___________ (feel) sick last night because he __________ (eat) too many cakes at the party.
  9. First I __________ (tidy) the flat, then I _____________ (sit) down and _________ (have) a cup of tea.
  10. When Molly ________ (open) the curtains she________ (see) that the ground ________ (be) white.

Упражнение 2. Найдите и исправьте ошибки в употреблении времен.

  1. My sister Molly lived in London before she had Moved to New Zealand.
  2. After Nick ate the sandwiches, he drank some juice.
  3. Nick had eaten all the sandwiches, had drunk all the juice and had gone to work.
  4. As Neil had missed the bus, he walked home.
  5. Sandy just started to watch TV when the phone rang.

Упражнение 3. Use Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1.       I (be) sorry that I (not be) nicer to him.

2.       Nobody (come) to the meeting because Angela (forget) to tell people about it.

3.       I (see) her before somewhere - I (know).

4.       Because he (not check) the oil for so long, the car (break) down. [for so long - так долго]

5.       She couldn't find the book that I (lend) her.

6.       All the people that we (invite) turned up, and some that we (not invite).

7.       They (never find) where he (hide) the money.

8.       It was a firm that I (never hear) of.

9.       When she (come) in, we all knew where she (be).

10.    The lesson already (start) when I (arrive).



Предварительный просмотр:

Past Simple or Present Perfect. Exercises.

Упражнение 1. Complete the pairs of sentences. Use the Present Perfect in one sentence and the Past Simple in the other.

  1. I (know)  _______ her for six years.

I (know) _______  him when I was at school.

  1. He (live) _______  in Paris from 1997 to 2000.

He (live) _______  in New York since 2001.

  1. Where's Pete? I (not see) _______  him for ages.

I (not see) _______  Pete last night.

  1. We (be) _______  at primary school from 1993 to 1998.

We (be) _______ in this class since September.

  1. I (not watch) _______  this video yet.

I (not watch) _______ a video at the weekend.

Упражнение 2. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1.  I ________ (never/ be) to the USA. I ______ (want) to go there last summer but I couldn’t.

2.  He _______ (live) in this street all his life.

3.  His father ________ (come back) to London last Sunday.

4.  Yan __________ (write) a letter to Nick two days ago.

5.  He ________ (send) his letter yesterday.

6.  They  ________  (just/ buy) some postcards.   

Упражнение 3. Fill in last night, ever, ago, just, yet, always in the right place.

1.  Nick’s uncle went to Russia 3 years.

2.  Mr. Rambler has come back from Belarus.

3.  Nick has wanted to visit Belarus.

4.  Mr. Rambler saw Yan.

5.  They haven’t visited this old castle.

6. Have you been to England?

Упражнение 4. Choose the correct option.

  1. She has /‘s had a moped since she was 15.
  2. We took /‘ve taken a taxi to town that morning.
  3. We played /'ve played volleyball last night
  4. I'm really hungry. I didn’t eat / haven’t eaten since last night.
  5. They visited/ ‘ve visited Colorado last summer.

Упражнение 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1. Maria (get) ______ some bad news last week. She (be) ______ sad since she (get) ______  the bad news.

2. I  (start) ______  school when I was five years old. I (be) ______  at school since I (be) ______  five years old.

3. I  (change) ______ my job three times this year.

4. I  (change) ______  my job three times last year.

5.  The weather was hot and dry for many weeks. But two days ago it (rain) ______.

6.  Tom (break) ______  his leg five days ago. He’s in hospital. He (be) ______  in hospital since he (break) ______  his leg.

7.  Are you going to finish your work before you go to bed? — I (finish) ______  it (already). I (finish) ______  my work two hours ago.

Упражнение 6.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1. I (have, just) ______   a nice pot of coffee. Would you like a cup?

2. I (see, not) ______   Steve this morning yet.

3.  Carol and I are old friends. I (know) ______   her since I (be) ______   a freshman in high school.

4.  Maria (have) ______   a lot of problems since she (come) ______   to this country.

5. I  (go) ______  to Paris in 2003 and 2006.

6.  A car came round the corner and I (jump) ______   out of the way.

7.  Don’t throw the paper away because I (not to read) ______   it yet.

8.  Is Jim going to eat lunch with us today? — No. He (eat) ______   (already).He (eat) ______   lunch an hour ago.

9.  Since we (start) ______   doing this exercise, we (complete) ______  some sentences.

10. I (be) ______   never to Italy.

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Прочитайте текст. Отделите актив от пассива. Разгруппируйте все виды пассива на четыре колонки: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect Passive.

Different fruits and vegetables are grown in many countries. They are rich in vitamins and make us healthy. We eat fruit for lunch or between meals. Vegetables are used for salads. I can cook salads myself. A lot of salads are cooked on special days. On my last birthday there were a lot of salads on the table. They were cooked by my mother. Two fruit salads were cooked by me. Next time I will be able to cook more dishes. I hope that healthy food will be admired by my guests. Everything that has been learnt by me in cookery will be turned into a good family tradition.

2. Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму глагола «to be». 

1. Travel tickets (are/ were) bought the whole year round.  2. A new sport section will (is/be) opened soon. 3. Good advice has just (be/been) given to me. 4. New bags (were/are) not bought for the last trip. 5. Special equipment has not (be/been) brought yet. 6. She will not (is/be) taught to swim today It is too cold. 7. The cat (has been/was) not cured at home. It (was/be) taken to the vet. 8. The room has not (be/been) prepared for operations yet.

3. Поставьте общие вопросы к данным предложениям.  Задайте специальные вопросы к подчеркнутым словам в данных предложениях.

 1. Fancy dress is usually bought for New Year parties. 2. A new school bag will be bought because the old one is too small. 3. A big raft was built for travelling along the river last week. 4. Some milk has already been mixed with vanilla in a good way.

4. Выберите   и подчеркните правильный вариант ответа  из скобок:

 1. She (told/was told) us something new. 2. Good marks (gave/were given) to the class. 3. The children (take/ are taken) care of their toys. 4. The children (take/ are taken) care of by their parents. 5. Was /will a new film (made/ be made) soon? 6. Do/ will these things (take/ be taken) with us for a trip? 7. The dog house (does/is) not (live/lived in). 8. The dog (lives/lived in) in a dog house. 9. Did/Have the questions (ask/ been asked) yet? 10. Has /does he (ask/ asked) all the questions? 4.2. Переведите данную фразу из актива в пассив

5. Вставьте на свои места все недостающие элементы в предложениях: 

1. Sour cream  made from milk. It made from butter. 2. Different jokes played by people on their friends. 3. A new play be shown on the stage of the theatre next season. 4 The key to the garage  not been found yet. 5. The garage  not closed yesterday. 6. this story be told to us? 7. Who this book written by? 8. Who the postcard sent for yesterday?


Предварительный просмотр:

 The Great Romantic

Lord Byron (1788-1824) didn’t live a long life. He was an aristocrat and a fashionable man. But he loved freedom (свободу) and a simple country life. His personality attracted Britain and all Europe. He brought to his poetry romanticism of his times. He was talented and handsome, noble and brave. London admired him.

 George Gordon Byron was born on January 22nd, 1788. He was the son of John Byron and his wife, Catherine, whose ancestors (предки) were of the royal house of Stuart. He spent his early years outside the capital. He lived in the north. Later his mother took him to Aberdeen. There they lived for several years. George went to Aberdeen Grammar School and there is a monument to him outside the school. Now it is a museum and art gallery. Later he studied at   Harrow School and the University of Cambridge.

When Byron was 19, he came to London. One day the poet wrote, “I woke up (проснулся) and found myself (обнаружил, что я) famous.”  It happened after the publication of his autobiographic poem “Childe Harold” in 1812.

 The fact is that from 1809 to 1811 he had traveled in different parts of Europe and in the poem he described everything that had happened to him.

In the summer of 1816 Byron left Britain forever (навсегда). He traveled around Europe and soon he became a member of the Greek liberation movement (освободительное движение), for which he died. But he did not lead the Greeks in battle as he wished. He died of fever (лихорадка). (262 words)

I. Переведите на английский язык.

1) Он любил свободу и простую сельскую жизнь.

2) Он принес в свою поэзию романтизм того времени.

3) Сейчас это музей и галерея искусства.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1) When and where was G. Byron born?

2) Where did he study?  

3) What did he describe in the poem?

4) When did he die?



         The 25th of December is Christmas Day. It’s a happy holiday for many people in different countries.

         Some week before Christmas English people are busy. They send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. You can buy Christmas cards or you can make them. Many children make their cards at school.

         People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights.

         On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the tree. When children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds.

         At night Father Christmas comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children. He puts the presents in the children’s stockings.

         Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London, in Trafalgar Square. This is a present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain. They send it to Londoners every year and Londoners decorate the Christmas tree.

         In the evening before Christmas people like to come to Trafalgar Square to look at the tree. On Christmas Eve streets in London are decorated, too.

         The shops are very busy at Christmas. People want to buy presents for their family and friends (for their nearest and dearest). And they buy a lot of food and drink for all the Christmas parties.

         People open their presents on Christmas morning and they all are happy with what they get.

         For Christmas lunch people eat turkey, potatoes and green vegetables. Then they have the Christmas pudding. At five o’clock it’s time for tea and Christmas cake.

           On Christmas people wish their nearest and dearest a merry Christmas.

         The day after Christmas is Boxing Day. People usually visit their relatives and friends. They do not work on that day.

1.   Answer the questions.

      1) Why are people busy some weeks before Christmas?

2) Where can people get Christmas cards?

     3)  Where is a Christmas tree from?

     4) What are the traditional Christmas dishes?

     5) What is Boxing Day?

     6) Do English people like Christmas?

2. Complete the sentences

1. Many children make their cards at …….

2. Father Christmas puts the presents in the children’s ………..

3. There is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of ………

4. On Christmas people wish their nearest and dearest a ……….

5. They do not………. on that day.

Прочитайте текст                  

                       Monsters of the sea?

         People have always been afraid of sharks. Films like “ Jaws” have shown them as monsters. But now these animals are in danger, like many others.

In recent years, shark meat has become a popular food in America. Too much fishing has begun to reduce the numbers of some kinds of shark. Some people say this is a good thing. Sharks kill about twenty-five people a year near the world’s beaches. Are we going to help sharks, or are they going to become extinct?

      It’s hard to solve the sharks’ “ image” problem and change people’s minds about them. Sharks are hunters and so they naturally kill. But actually elephants kill more people than sharks every year – and every–one likes elephants.

       Sharks are very important for the world’s oceans. They eat unhealthy fish and keep the numbers of different kinds of sea animals in balance. Now scientists are trying to find way to protect these animals. They have been in the oceans for 350 million years. Perhaps they can survive a little longer.

Выберите соответствующие содержанию текста  предложения.

  1. Films have shown sharks as monsters.
  2. Sharks are in danger like others.
  3. Shark meat has become a popular food only in Canada.
  4. The number of some kinds of shark has reduced because of much fishing.
  5. All people say this is good  that a number of some kinds of sharks has reduced.
  6. Sharks are not monsters because they don’t kill anybody.
  7. It’s not hard to solve sharks ‘image’ problem.
  8. Sharks are hunters so they naturally kill.
  9. Elephants kill less people than sharks, so people like  them .

10.Sharks are very important for the world’s oceans because they kill unhealthy fish.

11.Sharks have been in the oceans for 200 years.

                                PACKING by Jerome K. Jerome

      Holiday time was near now, and we, that is, Harris and George and I met to discuss our plans. Harris said that the first thing was to discuss what to take with us. He also said that we couldn't take the whole world in a boat. They could take what they really needed.

     "It is very important," Harris said, "to have everything we need for a long swim every morning before breakfast." He also said that a long swim always gave him fine appetite. "If you're going to eat more than you usually do," George said, "I think we'll let you go swimming not more than once in three or four days. If you go swimming every day, we'll never have enough food for you. We won't be able to carry so much in the boat. "

      So we discussed the food question. "Begin with breakfast," George said. "For breakfast we must have a tea-pot," Harris said, "ham, eggs, bread and butter and jam. It's easy to prepare breakfast with such things. And for lunch — cold meat, bread and butter and jam — but no cheese. "

        We agreed. Cheese in a boat in summer, little by little becomes the master of all the food. You may think you're eating sausage or meat and potatoes or cake, but it all seems to be cheese.

Test A

Choose the right variant        

1.        George, Harris and Jerome decided to discuss ....

a) future holidays b) the weather   c) the newspaper article

2.        It happened in ....

a) summer        b) spring        c) winter

3.        Harris liked ... very much.

a) boating        b) swimming     c) playing football

4.        He wanted to ... after swimming.

a) eat        b) drink        c) sleep

5.        They decided ... cheese.

a) not to take       b) to take        c) to buy

Test В

Answer the questions:

  1. What is the text about?
  2. Where did the friends want to go?
  3. What could give Harris a good appetite?
  4. Why was cheese the "master" of all food in summer?
  5. Whose idea was to take few clothes?

                                        The Earth.

We live on the Earth. It is very, very big. There is a lot of water on the Earth. It is in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it.

The Earth is full of wonders. Different animals live on the Earth. Different plants grow on it. The Earth is beautiful.

There are large countries and small countries. There are warm countries and cold countries. There are some countries where there are four seasons in a year and some countries where there are only two.

When it is day in one country it is night in another country.

When the sun shines it is day, when the sun does not shine it is night. You can see the moon and the stars in the sky at night.

People live in different countries. They speak different languages.

Our country is Russia. Russia is the largest country in the world. Our country is so large that when it is morning in the east, it is evening in the west. When it is winter in the north it is summer in the south.

There are a lot of long rivers, beautiful lakes, large forests and fields and high mountains in Russia.

People who live in Russia speak more1 than one hundred different languages but they can speak Russian too.

2)  Answer the questions.

1.Where do people live?

2.Is the Earth big or small?

3.What is there on the Earth?

4. Where is there water on the Earth?

5.The Earth is beautiful, isn't it?

6.Why do we say that the Earth is full of wonders?

7.Why  do people speak different languages.?

Every nation and every country has its own traditions and customs. In Britain traditions play a more important role in the life of people than in other countries. They say British people are very conservative . They are proud of their traditions  and carefully keep them up. But when we speak about British traditions we always remember that there are four parts in Britain — England,  Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Traditions are different in these parts of the country.

You already know some of the English traditions and holidays. We hope you remember St. Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Hallowe'en which have also become traditional American holidays. Here are some more facts about old English traditions.

    One of the old English legends  says that London can be the capital of the country, rich and great until twelve black ravens live in the Tower of London. Each has got its name and the keepers carefully look after them. If one of the birds dies, another younger raven takes its place. Londoners believe this legend and always bring some food to give to the birds when they come to the Tower. The keepers cut the birds' wings a bit as they are afraid that they may fly away.

Another old English tradition is Guy Fawkes Day. Children go out into the streets on the 5th of November with figures  like scarecrows. They stand in the streets and squares asking for the usual "Penny for the Guy". Then with the money they have collected they buy fireworks and burn the guy (the figure like a scarecrow) on their bonfire.

People watch fireworks and some people go to parties in the evening.

 Though different countries have different traditions and holidays people all over the world know some of them. They are — Easter, Christmas and New Year.

I.     True  or  False.

  1. Every country has its own traditions and customs.
  2. There are no common traditions all over the world.
  3. English people celebrate Maslenitsa.
  1. There are some common holidays in  England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  2. London  can  be  great  until   10  black  ravens  live in the Tower.
  3. English people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day on the 5th of November.

II. Choose the best title for the text.




     3.  GUY FAWKES DAY.

 III.  Match the words from the left column with their Russian equivalents from the right column.

  1. look after                         a.   фейерверк                                          
  2. scarecrow                        b.   обычай
  3. firework                           c.   заботиться
  4. custom                             d.   костер
  5. bonfire                             e.   чучело

A. Read the text.


      Although Scotland forms a part of the United Kingdom, it has a distinct character of its own. In area it is more than half as big as England. Its population is, however, only one-eighth as great — about 5 200 000.

      Scotland is a land of romance and it has had a most eventful history. The Picts and Celts lived there before the coming of the Romans to Britain. Those Northern tribes worried the Romans so much that the Great Wall was built to protect the Roman camps in the Northern part of England.

      It was in the 11th century that the Normans began to settle in Scotland. Almost all of Scotland's history is accociated with and reflected in many castles and forts that are to be seen all over the country. They are very picturesque, having retained their medieval features: stern, proud, impressive, perched high on a rock or at a hillside. Mary, Queen of Scots, the beautiful Mary Stuart was married in one of them, her son James (who was to become James I of England) was born in another.

      And now some words about the Highlands. For centuries the Highlands were a strange land, where the king's law common to all the rest of the country, wasn't even known, where wild people spoke a language no one could understand. Long after the rest of Britain adopted modern ways they kept to the old life.

      In 1603 King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England too, and from then onwards the countries were under the same monarch, though the Act of Union was not passed until 1707. This Act incorporated Scotland with England in the United Kingdom, but the Scots kept their own legal system, religion and administration, centred in Edinburgh.

      Edinburgh – the capital of Scotland has always been admired as one of the most beautiful cities. Glasgow – its second city – always had a bad reputation. It was too often seen as a dirty, run-down urban area. But no longer. The buildings have been cleaned up, the streets are tidy and the people now take an obvious pride in their city. Glasgow was chosen to be the cultural capital of Europe 1890.

Not far from Glasgow there is one of the most famous of Scotland's many lakes (called «lochs»), Loch Lomond. Scottish numerous valleys are known as «glens». Scotland is a country with an intense and living national tradition of a kind only too rare in the modern world. It has its distinctive national dress, the kilt, worn only by men. It also has its own typical musical instruments (the pipes, sometimes called «the bagpipes»), its own national form of dancing, its own songs, language, traditions and education. Scotland has even its own national drink, a fact so widely known that one need only ask for «Scotch».


       The Picts and Celts – пикты и кельты (племена)

       tribe — племя

       camp — лагерь

       to pass the Act — принять Акт/Закон (в парламенте)

В. Comprehension Check. Complete the sentences.

     1. Scotland forms...

a) a part of England;

b) a part of the United States;

c) a part of the United Kingdom.

     2. The Northern tribes...

a) began to settle in Scotland in the 11th century;

b) lived in Scotland before the coming of the Romans;

c) came to Scotland together with the Normans.

     3. Mary Stuart...

a) was a Queen of the United Kingdom;

b) was the Queen of Scots;

c) was not a queen.

     4. The kilt...

a) is a musical instrument;

b) is a form of national dancing;

c) is a type of national dress.

C. Answer the questions.

      1. What is the population of Scotland?

      2. Why was the Great Wall built?

      3. Why are there so many castles in the country?

      4. What have you learnt about the Highlands?

      5. When was the Act of Union passed?

      6. What's the country's second city?

      7. What do they call Scottish valleys and lakes?

      8. Are national traditions still alive in Scotland?

Предварительный просмотр:

   C:\Users\Anna\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\CWTLLSRS\MP900405328[1].jpg                                                  

5 f.  Reader 1.4.    Прочитайте тексты (1-5)  и найдите их соответствие с вопросами (А-Е). Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. London is the capital of Great Britain, which stands on the river Thames.         The West End is the center of London. There are a lot of theatres, cinemas, galleries and museums there.

2. The City of London is the oldest part of London. There are many banks, offices and firms in this part of London. It’s the financial center of the UK.

3. Tourists from all the countries of the world go shopping to Oxford Street, which is in the West End of London. They can buy all the things they want in its famous shops.

4. The East End of London is the district for the working people. There are many factories, workshops and docks (корабельные мастерские).

5. The political centre of London is Westminster. You can find many places of interest there. A long grey building with towers is the Houses of Parliament. The large clock in one of the towers is Big Ben. Big Ben is the name of the clock and the bell of the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. People can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London.

Which part of London can be called…?

A. the hands of London

B. the time of London

C. the money of London

D. the goods (товары) of London

E.  the culture of London.






 5 f.   Grammar  1.10.  Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски соответствующими по смыслу словами и фразами (a, b, c, d, e). Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

a) London Bridge

b) have home

c) St. Paul’s Cathedral

d) city

e) houses

 In the old city of London there were narrow streets with wooden houses. It was a dirty (1) ______. 75,000 Londoners died from Plaque in 1665.

   On the second of September, 1666 there was a strong wind from the river and a big fire began. It started in the house of the king’s baker near (2) ______.  After a long summer the wooden (3) _____ were dry. Soon the next house started burning and then the next and the next …

   The fire burned for four days. It destroyed 80% of the city. More than 250 thousand people didn’t (4) ______ any more. But nobody died in the fire.

   The people of London built a new city. The houses were made of brick or stone, not wood. The new streets became wider and cleaner. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt (5) ______.






Narrow (узкий); wooden (деревянный); Plaque (чума)

                         C:\Users\Anna\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\Y5LU7JFQ\MP900434103[1].jpg

Предварительный просмотр:

Задания по чтению для 6 класса

Sydney Wildlife World is an Australian zoo. Although it was opened in 2006, the zoo has become famous all over the world.

The Australian zoo consists of 10 parts where visitors can see different kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and insects. In fact, there are more than 6000 creatures in the zoo. Some of them belong to the most endangered species on the planet.

In Sydney Wildlife World visitors can watch kangaroos, touch a snake, make friends with koala bears and meet Rex, who is the biggest salt water crocodile in captivity in the world.

There is always something happening in the zoo- exhibitions, shows, festivals. Visitors can take part in various activities and have a lot of fun.

Sydney Wildlife World is open every day except for Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve.

  1. Переведи слова с английского на русский










  1. Закончи предложения
  1. The Australian zoo was opened in……………………………………
  2. In fact, there are more than……………………………………………
  3. Rex is the biggest salt water crocodile in………………………………
  4. Visitors can take part in various activities and…………………………
  5. The zoo has become famous all over ……………………………………

  1. Составь словосочетания

1.kinds of

a) part

2. have

b) friends

3. take

c) animals


d)a lot of fun

  1. Пользуясь текстом, переведите фразы на английский язык
  1. состоит из-
  2. разные виды животных
  3. принимать участие-

2.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1. When was the zoo opened?

  1. What can people do in Australian zoo?


  1. How many animals are there in the zoo?


  1. Who is Rex?


  1. What is happening in the zoo?


  1. When does the zoo open?


3. Выберите верное утверждение.

  1. Отметьте верные(T) и неверные(F) утверждения

1. The zoo hasn’t become famous all over the world.

  1. Some of creatures belong to the most endangered species on the planet.
  2. Rex is the biggest dog in the world.
  3. Visitors can have a lot of fun in the zoo.
  4. There are many exhibitions, shows, festivals in the zoo.
  5. The Australian zoo consists of 10 parts and has more than 2006 creatures.

  1. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке и перескажите текст

__a) There are different kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and insects in the zoo.

__b) Also people can take part in various activities and have a lot of fun.

__c) This zoo was opened in 2006.

__d) People can watch kangaroos, touch a snake and make friends with koala bears there.

__e) Sydney Wildlife World is an Australian zoo.

__f) It is worth visiting.

Предварительный просмотр:

Name ________________________________       Name _______________________________

Раздел 2 (задания по чтению).


Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs.

A. The vitamins make your bones hard.

B. Tastes differ.

C. You can’t live without food.

D. Vitamins and the ABC.

Healthy food.


Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy savoury foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that it gets the things it needs to work properly.


Food helps us to keep warm, gives us the energy to walk, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to grow and stay healthy.


Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the letters of the alphabet. All of them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C.


Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight.  But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk, butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills or tablets vitamins. But most of us get more than enough of them from our food.











2. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. When we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well. ______

2. To get vitamins you need to buy pills. _______

3. Vitamin C is important for our skin. _______

4. You can get vitamin D only when eating special food. ________

                                 True or False:









Раздел 2 (задания по чтению)


Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs.

A. The vitamins make your bones hard.

B. Tastes differ.

C. You can’t live without food.

D. Vitamins and the ABC.

Healthy food.


Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy savoury foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that it gets the things it needs to work properly.


Food helps us to keep warm, gives us the energy to walk, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to grow and stay healthy.


Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the letters of the alphabet. All of them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C.


Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight.  But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk, butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills or tablets vitamins. But most of us get more than enough of them from our food.











2. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. When we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well. ______

2. To get vitamins you need to buy pills. _______

3. Vitamin C is important for our skin. _______

4. You can get vitamin D only when eating special food. ________

                                 True or False:









Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени активного залога.

  1. Sandy (read) historic books every day.
  2. What Liza (do) now? — Liza (write) a letter.
  3. Kate (meet) with her friends 10 minutes ago.
  4. When Jill (come) to the office tomorrow?
  5. Simon (buy) a ticket yesterday.
  6. Mary (read) the text while Ann (translate) the words.
  7. Charlotte (do) her homework while her friend Megan (read) the text.
  8. The Ivanovs (go) to the Hermitage last week.
  9. The sun (rise) yet, but the sky (get) lighter every minute.
  10. Sandy (not go) to the shopping mall yesterday.
  11. Sandy (go) to the shopping mall tomorrow.
  12. Samuel just (go) out.
  13. How long Gretta (drive) a car? — Gretta (drive) for 5 years
  14. When Alice (go) to the cinema?— Alice  (go) to the cinema last Sunday.
  15. How long father (repair) the car? — He (repair) the car all day.
  16. When I  (grow) up, I (not go) to bed early.
  17. Yesterday at this time I (cook) dinner.
  18. Bob (look) for his shoes when I came in.

Упражнение 2. Дополните вопросы.

1._____Nelly come to school yesterday?

2.____ Nick a good pupil?

3._____Greg’s mother make a cake tomorrow?

4._____Jillian working in the garden now?

5._____Mike do the homework yesterday?

Упражнение 3. Вставьте do / have / will /does где необходимо.

  1. Why you bought so much sugar?
  2. What text you just read?
  3. Where you go on holiday?
  4. What Nick do every day?
  5. What Nick do at school tomorrow?

Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык, использовав следующие грамматические правила.

Present Simple

  1. Моя бабушка живет в деревне недалеко от Минска.
  2. Я не смотрю телевизор ночью.
  3. Ты часто ходишь в бассейн?
  4. Отец Джона работает в крупной компании.
  5. Я увлекаюсь дайвингом.

Past Simple.

  1. Она не могла разговаривать по-английски, когда ей было 10.
  2. Молли посмотрела этот фильм вчера.
  3. Когда пришли ваши друзья?
  4. Салли не видела Грега вчера.
  5. В прошлом году Элис исполнилось 15.

Passive Voice.

  1. Книга была куплена вчера.
  2. Почему ты не хочешь пойти в кино?
  3. Этого писателя знает весь мир.
  4. Дом построили строители.
  5. Картина была нарисована в прошлом году.

Упражнение 5. Исправьте грамматические ошибки.

  1. Let’s meet in five o’clock.
  2. They have dinner now.
  3. Do you go to the library after classes tomorrow?
  4. Do you get up this morning at 7 o’clock?
  5. I didn’t met my best friend yesterday.
  6. I has already done my household duties.
  7. He did not visited the British Museum.
  8. We were talking about famous writers now.
  9. We have already come there yet.
  10. When I shall return, I shall call you then.

Упражнение 6. Choose the correct option.

  1. He was offered the job because he was (good, better,the best)
  2. My doctor (recommended / had recommended) me yesterday to take a week off work.
  3. Next week I’m going (on, at, of, in) a. school trip to a museum.
  4. He has a party every day, (doesn’t he, hasn’t he)?
  5. She is (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) than her brother.
  6. He is (good, better, the best) at football than his brother.
  7. We go to the cinema (another, every, other) day.
  8. He knows about the news, (doesn’t he, does he)?
  9. don’t need (any, some) information.
  10. I rarely go out  (by, at, of, in) the evening.

Упражнение 7. Put articles where necessary.

  1. My mother works at school.
  1. There’s nice garden near house.
  1. Аpple a day is good for you.
  1. That is beautiful flower.
  1. Milk is good for children.

Упражнение 8. Put in prepositions where necessary.

  1. I am interested computers.
  2. My mother is fond collecting stamps.
  3. My friend goes school with pleasure.
  4. He is a member a photography club.
  5. I am crazy animals.

Предварительный просмотр:

Healthy Food

Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy savoury foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that is gets the things it needs to work properly.

Food helps us to keep warm, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to grow and stay healthy.

Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the alphabet. All of them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C.

Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight. But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk, butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills and tablets containing vitamins. But most of us get more than enough of them from our food.

  1. Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs.
  1. The vitamin to make your hard.
  2. Tastes differ.
  3. You can’t live without food.
  4. Vitamins and the ABC.
  1. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
  1. When we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well. ______
  2. To get vitamins you need to buy pills. ______
  3. Vitamin C is important for our skin. ______
  4. You can get vitamin D only when eating special food. ______

Stress: What is it?

Although we all talk about stress, it often isn't clear what stress is really about. Many people consider stress to be something that happens to them, an event such as an injury or a promotion. Others think that stress is what happens to our bodies, minds and behaviours in response to an event (e.g. heart pounding, anxiety, or nail biting). While stress does involve events and our response to them, these are not the most important factors. Our thoughts about the situations in which we find ourselves a re the critical factor.

When something happens to us, we automatically evaluate the situation mentally. We decide if it is threatening to us, how we need to deal with the situation, and what skills we can use. If we decide that the demands of the situation outweigh the skills we have, then we label the situation as "stressful" and react with the classic "stress response". If we decide that our coping skills outweigh the demands of the situation, then we don't see it as "stressful".

Everyone sees situations differently and has different coping skills. For this reason, no two people will respond exactly the same way to a given situation.

Additionally, not all situations that are labeled "stressful" are negative. The birth of a child, being promoted or moving to a new home may not be perceived as threatening. However, we may feel that situations are "stressful" because we don't feel fully prepared to deal with them.

Some situations in life are stress-provoking, but it is our thoughts about situations that determine whether they are a problem to us.

How we perceive a stress-provoking event and how we react to it determines its impact on our health. We may be motivated and invigorated by the events in our lives, or we may see some as "stressful" and respond in a manner that may have a negative effect on our physical, mental and social well-being. If we always respond in a negative way our health and happiness may suffer. By understanding ourselves and our reactions to stress-provoking situations, we can learn to handle stress more effectively. We hope that this booklet will help you to build better coping skills for managing stress.

  1. What is the main idea of this text?
  2. Make some questions.
  3. Make short summery.

I think that …

I agree with …

Besides (кроме того) …

I’ve learnt some interesting things. For example, …

At the end of my summery I want to tell you…

Предварительный просмотр:

A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

      At 12: 30 pm was time for lunch. I was very hungry! I sat down at the table feeling very happy because the Latin lessons were over. And then I saw what was for lunch: meat pie, boiled potatoes and cabbage. I hate vegetables! But I ate a little, because I was so hungry.

      Then I went into the playground with my friends Pete Sharp and John Ford and we played football.

      After lunch we had a history lesson. I don’t usually like history, but I liked this lesson very much. We learned about the Battle of Hastings in 1066. We were on holiday in Hastings last summer. I said I would bring some photographs of our holiday to school the next week.

      At three o’clock it was time for my favourite lesson of the week: games. We played a very exciting game of football but it ended in a draw.

 After school at four o’clock, Pete and I bought some sweets and I went to his house to listen to music.

    Mum was angry because I didn’t arrive home till half past seven. She doesn`t like when I come home late. My supper was cold.

 I did my French homework but I didn’t do my history homework. There was an interesting programme on television.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. He had pancakes with caviar and cream for lunch.
  2. He hates vegetables.
  3. Simon liked a history lesson very much.
  4. He played football with Pete Sharp and John Ford.

5. At two o’clock was his favourite lesson.

6. They played a very exciting game of cricket.

        7Simon went to Pete`s house to play computer games.

8. He did his math homework.

       Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. What is Simon`s favourite lesson?
  2. Why was Simon`s mum angry?
  3. Did he do his history homework? Why?

Предварительный просмотр:

Read the text «How We Kept Mother’s Day». Some sentences are incomplete. Choose A,B,C to complete the text.

How We Kept Mother’s Day

I think celebrating «Mother’s Day» once a year is a very good idea. So we decided to have a special celebration of ........(1). We thought it a fine idea. We knew how much Mother did for us and so we decided that we should do everything we could to make Mother happy. We decided .......(2).We asked Mother to arrange the decoration because she always does it on holidays. My sisters got new hats for such an important day. We wanted to buy ........(3) for Mother too, but she said that she liked her old hat better and didn’t want a new one.

Well, after breakfast we decided to take Mother for a beautiful drive away into the country. Mother is never able to go to the country because she.........(4).

But then we changed the plan a little. Father decided to take Mother fishing. When everything was ready for the trip we asked Mother to prepare ......(5). Well, when the car came to the door, we saw that there was not enough room in it for us all. Father said that he could stay at home and work in the garden. Then the two girls, Anne and Mary, said that they could stay at home, but as they had new hats, it would be a pity if no one looked at them.

In the end it was decided that Mother could stay at home and make dinner. Mother doesn’t like fishing.

So we all drove away, and Mother stood and watched us from the verandah as long as she could see us.

Well, we had a very nice day .....(6). Father caught ......(7). The girls met some friends and they talked about hats. It was quite late when we got back.

At last everything was ready and we sat down to a wonderful dinner. Mother got up and down many times during dinner; she brought things from the kitchen and......(8). When the dinner was over all of us wanted to help Mother to wash the dishes. But .......(9) that she could do it herself, and so we let her because we wanted to make her happy.

It was quite late when it was all over, and when we all kissed Mother before going to bed, she said it had been the most..... (10).

  1. A. ......Halloween B......Mother’s Day C.......Guy Fawkes Day
  2. A......to decorate the house with flowers B......to go to Spain in summer C......to buy a new car
  3. A......a little cat B......a new hat C......a nice dress
  4. A......doesn’t like to go abroad B......didn’t drive any more C.....is busy in the house nearly all the time.
  5. A.....some soup B......for the party C..... some sandwiches.
  6. A..... in the country B.....in the village C.....at the seaside
  7. A......a very large shark B...... a lot of big fish C.....his shirt on a nail
  8. A.....wore her best dress B......laid the table C..... carried the dishes away
  9. A..... Mother said B.....Father said C......the girls said
  10. A..... happiest day in her life B.....best day in her life C...... wonderful day in her life

Предварительный просмотр:


My neighbour Alex is 18 years old and he is a student. Alex is quite good looking. He is not very tall. He is well-built and has got broad shoulders, and strong back. His neck is quite short

Alex is very sporty; he does karate and goes running every day. That is why he has got well-developed muscles. His arms and legs are quite short, but they are very firm, his fingers are stumpy and his feet are not very large. Alex is very strong; he can lift heavy things easily.

Alex is pale-skinned. His hair is red. It is of medium length, curly and very thick. He has got handsome roundish face. His forehead is quite low; he has got thick eyebrows. Alex has got bright green almond-shaped eyes. His nose is not very big and it is a little snub. He has got small ears. His lips are neither full nor thin.

Alex usually wears casual or sports clothes. He likes wearing jeans very much. He prefers wide blue jeans. He enjoys wearing sports shoes too. He often chooses clothes of brown, green or blue colours. These colours suit him very well.

Предварительный просмотр:


1. Обозначение количества или единиц измерения

-ful употребляется для образования новых существительных от уже имеющихся в языке, которые обозначают предметы, содержащие, переносящие или вмещающие в себя другие предметы. Существительные, образованные таким способом, указывают количества, которые могут содержаться в соответствующей таре или предмете. Например, teaspoonful «полная чайная ложечка» означает количество жидкости или порошка, помещающихся в одной чайной ложке, a armful «охапка» означает количество, которое вы можете унести в одной или двух руках. e.g. My school-teacher gave me a bagful of sweets.

Примеры слов сданным значением:

armful охапка

bagful (полный) мешок

bottleful полная бутылка (чего-либо)

 boxful полная коробка

 bucketful полная корзина cupful полная чашка (чего-либо)

glassful (полный) стакан

handful пригоршня; горсть

mouthful полный рот (чего-либо); кусок; глоток

plateful полная тарелка

pocketful полный карман (чего-либо)

 roomful полная комната

spoonful полная ложка (чего-либо)

 tablespoonful полная столовая ложка

 teaspoonful полная чайная ложечка

2. Обозначение качеств и свойств

-ful употребляется также для образования прилагательных от существительных, указывающих на особые свойства или качества. Прилагательные, образованные таким способом, подчеркивают, что какой-либо одушевленный или неодушевленный предмет обладает ярко выраженными соответствующими качествами и свойствами. Например, когда говорится о чем-то или ком-то «прекрасном» beautiful, это означает, что данный предмет или лицо привлекательны и на них приятно смотреть, a deceitful «неискренний, лживый» указывает на склонность человека ко лжи. e.g. ... a shocking and shameful story.

Список слов с данным значением:

 beautiful прекрасный;

cheerful радостный, веселый, живой, энергичный, неунывающий

delightful восхитительный, красивый, очаровательный

harmful вредный, пагубный, губительный; тлетворный

helpful полезный, нужный

hopeful обнадеживающий надеющийся

 joyful : радостный, счастливый; довольный

merciful милосердный, милостивый

painful мучительный, тягостный, тяжелый; неприятный, причиняющий боль

peaceful мирный, миролюбивый

 powerful крепкий, могучий, мощный, сильный

shameful постыдный позорный, зазорный

 successful успешный удачливый

tactful тактичный

thankful благодарный

useful полезный

                       -еr    Указание на вид занятий или времяпрепровождение

Суффикс -еr употребляется для образования существительных от глаголов. Существительные, образованные таким способом, обозначают людей, совершающих действия, выраженные исходными глаголами, как правило, по причине того, что это является их работой.

Например, baker «булочник, пекарь» — тот, кто выпекает и продает хлеб, a leader «руководитель, глава» - человек, стоящий во главе какой-либо организации или группы людей. e.g. Не sometimes helped Mr Mueller in the kitchen as a cook and baker.

Список слов с данным значением:

baker пекарь, булочник

driver водитель

employer работодатель

farmer фермер

leader лидер

lecturer лектор

 manager менеджер

observer наблюдатель, эксперт

 painter живописец; маляр

 player игрок

producer производитель

 reader читатель

 reporter репортер

runner бегун

speaker оратор, спикер

teacher учитель

waiter официант

 winner победитель

 worker рабочий

 writer писатель

Суффикс -ег употребляется также для образования существительных от глаголов для обозначения преимущественно предметов, а не людей. Например, computer «компьютер» - электронное устройство для проведения расчетов и обработки информации. e.g. The entire operation is done by computer.

Примеры слов сданным значением: computer компьютер cooker печка, плита printer принтер recorder магнитофон

Обратите внимание, что достаточно большое количество существительных, образованных от глаголов с таким значением, чаще оканчиваются на -ог, чем на -ег. Смотрите рубрику –or

2. Обозначение рода занятий или вида научной деятельности

Суффикс -ist употребляется для образования новых существительных от уже имеющихся в языке. Вновь образованные слова обозначают замятия или научную деятельность, объектом которых являются понятия, выраженные исходными существительными. Например, novelist «писатель-романист» - это человек, который пишет романы, a scientist «ученый» - человек, работающий в определенной области науки, e.g. A good cartoonist can capture a face in a few lines.

Список слов с данным значением:

dentist зубной врач, дантист

dramatist драматург

economist экономист

pharmacist аптекарь, фармацевт

physicist физик

scientist ученый

tourist путешественник, турист

typist машинистка

Суффикс -ist в таких значениях употребляется также для образования новых слов от существительных, оканчивающихся на -oiogy. e.g. ...an ancient burial site discovered by archaeologists.

список слов, имеющих данное значение:

biologist биолог

ecologist эколог

 meteorologist метеоролог

 psychologist психолог

3. Обозначение людей, играющих на музыкальных инструментах

Суффикс -ist также употребляется для образования новых существительных от существительных, обозначающих музыкальные инструменты. Слова, образованные таким способом, указывают на людей, играющих на данных музыкальных инструментах.

Например, guitarist «гитарист» - это человек, играющий на гитаре,

a pianist «пианист» - на пианино. e.g. His father, a violinist, obtained work in small orchestras.

Список слов с данным значением:

guitarist гитарист

pianist пианист

violinist скрипач

Слова, имеющие иное значение:

chemist аптекарь, фармацевт

cyclist велосипедист

naturalist естествоиспытатель, натуралист

specialist знаток, специалист


Суффикс -tion употребляется для образования существительных от глаголов. Существительные, образованные таким способом, обозначают состояния или процессы, описанные соответствующими глаголами. Например, protection «защита» говорит о том, что обеспечивается безопасность от нежелательных действий, a explanation «разъяснение» - это выявление причины определенных событий. Орфографический комментарии: встречается много вариантов написания слов, образованных при помощи суффикса -tion. Наиболее распространено написание слов с употреблением ‘ation’, ‘ition’, ‘sion’, ‘tion Ниже приводятся соответствующие примеры. e.g... It was the realization of how close I had been to death.

Список слов с данным значением:             

action действие, акция

addition добавление, дополнение, прибавление

collection коллекция

connection связь, связывание, соединение

contribution вклад creation создание; созидание

decision решение; урегулирование

direction руководство, управление

education образование; обучение

examination осмотр, обследование exhibition выставка, показ, демонстрация

explanation разъяснение

imagination воображение; фантазия

information информация, сообщения, сведения

operation деятельность, работа, приведение в действие

organization организация, устройство, формирование

production производство

protection защита

realization осуществление; выполнение; претворение в жизнь

reduction снижение, понижение, сокращение