Watch the video about one famous British woman, Florence Nightingale.

Загреба Ольга Николаевна

Watch the video about one famous British woman, Florence Nightingale.

You should watch the video about one famous British woman, Florence Nightingale ( ) and cоmplete the sentences with the verbs in Past Simple”.

1) Florence Nightingale (be) a nurse who (save) many lives in the 19th century.

2) In 1851, Florence (go) to Germany and (learn) all about nursing.

3) Florence (work) 20 hours a day to make the army hospital a cleaner and safer place.

4) She (bring) the men fresh food, she (clean) the hospital beds and she (use) clean bandages on the wounded soldiers.

5) She (talk) to the injured soldiers and (help) the men to write letters to their families.