Тест по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса технических специальностей

Шагатова Рамиля Гайсаевна

тесты на степени сравнения прилагательных,времена группы Indefinite (Active and Passive),to be, модальные глаголы


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Предварительный просмотр:

1 курс.зачетный тест.


1.In winter the days are______ than in summer.

a) longer                b) larger                      c) shorter                           d) warmer

2.Bananas are______________ than apples.

a) tasty                   b) tastyer                    c) tastier                             d) more tastier

3. There _____________ many sweets in the vase.

a) is                        b) are                           c) be                                  d) been

4. There ___________ some butter in the fridge.

a) is                        b) are                           c) be                                   d) been

5. Nick’s car is _________________ than Mike’s car.

a) good                   b) gooder                    c) better                               d) the best

6. This book is ______________ than that book.

a) worse                 b) the worst                 c) bad                                   d)badly

7. It often _________________ in spring.

a) is raining            b) rains                        c) rain                                 d) raining

8. __________ you put on a new dress tomorrow?

a) do                       b) are                            c) will                                d) did

9. My brother and I ____________ at the Zoo yesterday.

a) are                      b) is                               c) was                                d) were

10. He ____________ English well.

a) speaks                 b) speak                        c) does speak                    d) is speak

11. Where _________ you live?

a) do                       b) does                          c) are                               d) is

12. Where _________________ now?

a) do you go             b) are you going           c) is  you going              d) are you go

13.You ___________ the results of your test next week.

a) will know            b) know                       c) knew                            d) shall know

14. Bob __________ us yesterday.

a) didn’t helped        b) did help                   c) didn’t help                   d) doesn’t help

15. ________________ the new film?

a) Did you see          b) Did you saw             c) Have you saw             d) Have you seen

16. Mail _________ every day from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m.

a) are delivered         b) is delivered              c) has been delivered      d) delivered

17. This shop _______________ yesterday.

a) is closed                 b) was closed                c) has closed                 d) closed

18. Open the book on page____________ and read _____________ text.

a) ten,two                   b) tenth, second             c) ten, the second          d) tenth, two

19. People ___________ help each other.

a) can                          b) should                       c) need                           d) must

20. This market ____________ in our city.

a) the biggest              b) bigger                        c) big                            d) more bigger

21._____________ I take this book?

a) can                         b) may                            c) must                          d) should

22. Look! Kate _____________ well.

a) dance                      b) dances                        c) is dancing                 d) will dance