Контрольная работа по теме: "Настоящее продолженное время"

Минаева Римма Владимировна

Контрольная работа представляет собой тест по теме "Present Progressive".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Present Progressive  


  1. Fill in “am”, “is”, or “are”.
  1. _____you going to the zoo now?
  2. _____the cat eating meat now?
  3. _____ the girls playing with their dolls now?
  4. _____ Bill watching a video film now?
  5. _____ they listening to the opera now?

  1. Write the sentences   a) in the negative; b) in the interrogative.
  1. It is getting dark now.
  2. I am cooking soup now.
  3. The birds are singing now.
  4. Granny is making a cake now.
  5. The children are putting their toys into the box now.

  1. Ask questions with the word(s) in brackets.
  1. The dolphins are swimming in the sea now. (Who, Where, What).
  2. I am opening the windows now. (Who, What).
  3.  Granny is walking across a street now. (Who, What).

  1. Form sentences from the words.
  1. now, a literature lesson, we, having, are.
  2. isn’t, now, he, a detective story, reading.
  3. a disco club, now, Al and Kate, going, are, to.
  4. the boys, in the yard, playing , are, hide – and – seek, now?
  5. are, her parents, where, now, going?

  1. Translate from Russian into English.
  1. Они идут в кино сейчас.
  2. Ученик делает упражнение сейчас.
  3. Мой дедушка не работает в саду сейчас.
  4. Мы не смотрим телевизор сейчас.
  5. Её тётя слушает музыку сейчас.
  6. Идет снег сейчас.