Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку «Брейн-ринг».

Ринчиндоржиева Майя Федоровна



·         закрепление изученного материала в игровой форме

·          расширение кругозора по страноведению

·         поддержание интереса к изучению иностранного языка


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Предварительный просмотр:

Автономное учреждение РС (Я)

«Алданский политехнический техникум».

Методическая разработка

внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку


                                                                 Подготовили: Хомустахова Ю. Г.,

                                                                                       Ринчиндоржиева М. Ф.




Алдан, 2012 г.


  1. закрепление изученного материала в игровой форме
  2.  расширение кругозора по страноведению
  3. поддержание интереса к изучению иностранного языка


  1. карточки с заданиями, игральный кубик.

  1. Конкурс «Уроки вежливости»
  1. As you know, the English people are very polite. Now you will get the task and choose the suitable variant of your answer in each situation.
  2. Каждая команда получает задание на карточках. На выполнение отводится 20 минут. Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение данного задания – 6 баллов.

Задание для команд (choose the suitable reply):

  1. Can I speak to Sam, please?
  1. No problem.
  2. Hold the line, please.
  3. He’s fine. Thank you.
  1. Hello, Walter! What’s up?
  1. Someone has stolen my bike.
  2. It’s nice to see you.
  3. The same to you.
  1. Let’s have lunch together.
  1. That’s doesn’t matter.
  2. OK. Where shall we meet?
  3. Yes, I’d love one.
  1. Would you mind telling me why he doesn’t go to the cinema?
  1. I have no idea, I’m afraid.
  2. You’re welcome.
  3. He looks wonderful.
  1. How’s your Dad?
  1. Thanks, you too.
  2. Fine. And how are you?
  3. Nice to hear that.
  1. We’ve won the football game!
  1. Thank you, I will.
  2. It’s not a problem.
  3. Congratulations.
  1. I’m cold.
  1. Shall I close the window?
  2. Is it my turn?
  3. Do you really like it?
  1. I suppose there are few good shows on television.
  1. Just so.
  2. No, thank you. I’ve had a lot.
  3. My best wishes.
  1. Have a nice weekend.
  1. Tastes differ.
  2. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
  3. Thanks. The same to you.
  1. I’m awfully sorry. I’ve torn your book.
  1. You are welcome.
  2. That doesn’t matter.
  3. I don’t like reading now.
  1. Do you like coffee or lemonade?
  1. Yes, I do.
  2. Both of them.
  3. I like tea.
  1. He doesn’t buy dairy products at the supermarket.
  1. Neither do I.
  2. So do I.
  3. My brother does.
  1. Thanks a lot, officer.
  1. I’ awfully sorry.
  2. Anytime.
  3. Sure.
  1. Excuse my being late.
  1. Don’t worry about it.
  2. I’m sorry.
  3. You are very kind.
  1. You look great!
  1. He’s fine, thank you.
  2. Well, have a good trip.
  3. So do you.
  1. It’s cold outside. It’s bitter cold.
  1. Is it going to snow?
  2. How’s the weather?
  3. It certainly does.
  1. Do you like it when it rains?
  1. I like snowy weather.
  2. No, I don’t. I can’t stand it.
  3. It certainly does.
  1. I would like tomato soup, turkey and chicken for dinner tonight.
  1. I think, I’ll have the same.
  2. Yes, here you are.
  3. Certainly. I like eggs very much.
  1. Oh, Mary. You’ve done so much for me. Thanks a lot for everything.
  1. It’s nice to see you.
  2. Congratulations.
  3. It was my pleasure, Bill.
  1. We are going to an art exhibition after classes. Would you like to join us?
  1. I wish I could but I’m afraid I can’t.
  2. Come at 6, if you can.
  3. Meet my sister Helen.
  1. May I help you?
  1. Wait for a moment, please.
  2. Well, have a good trip.
  3. I have a reservation for tonight.
  1. It might be an idea to go to the cinema.
  1. Great!
  2. What’s the matter?
  3. Take it easy.
  1. It’s so nice to see you again, dear.
  1. You must have some more salad.
  2. It’s nice to see you too.
  3. That doesn’t matter.
  1. Can you speak English?
  1. Yes, please.
  2. I can speak it fluently.
  3. My mother can speak English.

  1. Конкурс «Грамматический калейдоскоп»

 - Выпишите предложения, в которых нет ошибок в употреблении артиклей. За каждый правильный ответ начисляется один балл. Время выполнения 15 мин.

 - Write out the sentences which contain no errors in using the articles. You’ll get one point for   each correct answer.

  1. After the Mississippi I’m going to visit the Lake Victoria.
  2. The longer you leave it, the worse it’ll get.
  3. Did you know that she plays the violin?
  4. From my work I usually go by bus.

- Определите, в каких предложениях необходимо вставить или заменить предлог. В ответ запишите правильные ответы.

- State the sentences in which are necessary to insert or change the preposition. Put down the correct answers.

  1. The bus station is right the next corner.
  2. I thought about going to the meeting on car.
  3. Do not interfere in my work.
  4. She entered the room.

  1. This part of our competion is called “ Big – endians” (перевёртыши). Try to turn the words over to make a new word.

Каждой команде предоставляются карточки с заданиями. Время выполнения 15 минут. За каждое правильно составленное слово – 1 балл.


Change Eat into a drink

Change Tone into a brief letter

Change Bleat into a piece of furniture

Change Beard into something to eat

Change Sore into a flower

Change Heart into world

Change Rat into something in a museum

Change Sent into a bird`s home

Change Hose into footwear

Change Ape into a green vegetable

2.Решите «змейку»: в ней последняя буква каждого слова является началом следующего. Из выделенных букв составьте ключевое слово. Время выполнения 15 мин.

1. Глагол « пересекать».

2. Статуя.

3. Страна с пирамидами.

4. Чайник для заварки.

5. Местоимение « там,туда».

  1. Конкурс « Эрудит». За каждый правильный ответ команда получает жетон ( 1 балл)  Время выполнения 20 мин.

  1. Who was looking for gold in Alaska?
  1. Mark Twain        c) Ernest Hemingway
  2. Ray Bradbury        d) Jack London

2.        Where is the Statue of Liberty located?

  1. New York        c) Massachusetts
  2. California        d) Atlanta

3.        The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of...

a) Italy        b) England

c)        Russia        d) France

 4.        Who built the first mass produced car?

a) Benjamin Franklin        b) Henri Ford

c) Alexander Bell        d) Norman Rockwell

      5.   Which  of these  characters wasn, t created by  Walt   Disney?

a) Mickey Mouse        b) Bugs Bunny

c) Donald Duck        d) Pluto

6.        The American flag has ...

a) 13 stripes        b) 50 stripes

c) 30 stripes        d) 51 stripes

 7.        His real name was Samuel Clements

  1. Jack London        c) Ray Bradbury
  2. Mark Twain        d) Ernest Hemingway

8.        Where is the tallest building in the 'world located ?

a) Canada        b) Emirates

c)        The USA        d) Russia

 9.        Elvis Presley was known as the " King of..."

a) Jazz        b) Heavy metal

c) Rock-n-roll        d) Pop music

10.        What is the family name of the present royal family?

  1. Smith        c) Stuart
  2. Tudor        d) Windsor

11.        How many children does Queen Elizabeth II have?

a) 1        b) 2

c)        3        d) 4

     12.        Who is her husband ?

a) Prince Charles        b) Prince Philip

c) Prince Andrew        c) Prince George

      13.        What are the Queen s favourite animals?        

           a) cats                                       b) hamsters    

           c)dogs                                               d)snakes

    14.          Which city did Princes Diana die in ?

  1. London        c) Madrid
  2. Paris                d) Rome