Конспект урока по теме "Citizenship" УМК "Starlight " 6 класс"

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Конспект открытого црока по теме "Citizenship"  УМК "Starlight " 6 класс"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок по теме «how to be a responsible camper»

УМК «Starlight 6 » Student's Book (Баранова, Дули) 6 класс

Module 4i Citizenship

How to be a responsible camper

Тип урока: .



Основная задача:

ознакомление с новой в лексикой по теме «how to be a responsible camper» и тренировка ее до уровня репродукции в предложениях на основе уру.

Образовательные: систематизировать знания учащихся об плохом и хорошем


Способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, восприятия, мышления


Воспитать бережное отношение к природе, как правильно себя вести на природе.

Оснащение урока: доска, аудиозапись, student`s book, workbook, presentation

Ход урока:

 I. Вводный этап (10 мин.)

1.1. Организационный момент

Т:Hello, boys and girls!

S: Hello, teacher!

T: Sit down, please. I`m very glad to see you!

S: ученики отвечают

T: How are you?

S: (ученики отвечают и задают тот же вопрос у учителя)

Т:I`m fine, thank you. How is the weather?

S: ученики отвечают

1.2 Речевая зарядка

T:  The weather is nice. It`s spring. It`s high time to go camping. Do you like camping?

St1, 2, 3 …

T: Why do you like to go camping?

St: …

T: what is good in camping

S: (possible answers)You can pick up berries and mushrooms.

S2You can cook food on a campfire.

S3 You can spend time with your friends.

T: That`s really wonderful. Thank you for your answers.

1.3 Установка Now let`s pretend that we`re in Nottingham village.

Slide 1. I’m glad to see you in Nottingham village. Our village is quiet and peaceful,

Slide 2. but yesterday night somebody forget the rules of good camper and he left all the trash near the river. Now we want to find him because he broke all the rules of good camper. So let`s try to catch him. People saw him while he was running away but they couldn’t catch him. At present time I ask for your help, because I know that you’re smart and bright-headed!

T: By the way do you want to help me?

Cl are answering

II. Ознакомление с лексикой по теме how to be a responsible camper, тренировать в ее употреблении до уровня репродукции в предложениях на основе УРУ

2. Ознакомление с лексикой:

In order to know the difference between a good and a bad camper let`s refresh our memory.

Slide 3-18.

Explore (v): to travel around to see what somewhere is like

dangers (n, pl): things or people that can harm you.

Protect (v): to prevent from being damaged

Safe (adj): unharmed

Prepare (v):to get ready

Emergency equipment: things helpful to use in unexpected or dangerous situations such as an accident

Compass (n): an instrument used for finding directions

Forecast (n): a statement of what will happen in the future

Postpone (v): to delay an event to take place at a latter time

Hassle (n): difficult situation that involves problems

Stream (n): small narrow river

Seal (v): to cover in order to prevent air, liquid or other material getting in or out

Spoil (v): to be no longer good to eat

Put out (phr v): stop a fire, flame, burning etc

Leave alone (phr v): not bother

Leftovers (n, pl): food that`s not been eaten after a meal.

Раздать листочки с переводом слов и отчитать слова!

2.1 Проверка понимания Slide 19. Crossword

Now we start looking for a bad camper. Each task will bring you a part of his name. Let’s get started! Do the crossword which has the words that you’ve just learned. After doing the crossword I’ll give you the first two letters of the name.

2.2. Упражнения на трансформацию Balloon Buster

Each balloon contains words. The task is to make sentence using this words. Each correct sentence will bring you a letter of the bad camper`s name.

1. .when it is windy, a fire can get out of control.

2. The summer heat can quickly spoil food.

3. Be careful what you eat.

4. Don`t eat wild fruits or berries.

5. Look after fires.

6. Keep some water near the fire.

Slide 20.2.3. Упражнение на заполнение пропусков Gap filling

You work hard and you get the rules of a good camper. But some words are unreadable. Try to guess them and find the surname.

Fill the gaps with the given words: postpone, emergency, prepares, sealed, aid kit, put out, spoil, leave, forecast

The rules of a good camper.

The responsible camper 1)……………………prepares his/her trip. They usually bring 2)…………………..emergency equipment with them especially 3)…………….aid kit. Also they bring food in 4)…………….sealed containers in an icebox because the summer heat can quickly 5)……………spoil food. Besides they make sure they 6)…………… put out fires properly  and 7)…………..leave wild animals alone. Moreover, a responsible camper must check the weather 8)…………….forecast. If bad weather is coming, It is wiser to 9)………………. postpone  trip.

Т:You did a great job! You finally find a bad camper. His name is: Peter Peas! The police of Nottingham are grateful to you!

2.4 Языковое упражнение на репродукцию Leaflet. Let’s help other people of Nottingham village to behave themselves as good citizens. We’re going to make a leaflet (slide 21). The red group make rules for a good camper and tell what he/she mustn’t or shouldn’t do. The green group your rules should say what a good camper must/ should do. In 5 minutes you’ll present your leaflets. And the others should listen to carefully and be ready to answer do you agree or not?

Shouldn`t/mustn`t do

Should/must do

Camp in bad weather

Have the right equipment

Eat wild fruits or berries

Check the weather forecast

Go near wild animals and pet

Boil water from streams

Pick  up flowers

Be careful with food

Keep water near a fire

Т: Your leaflets are just amazing! Thank you for your works!

3. Завершение

3.1 Подведение итогов

T: What have you learned?


T:Are you satisfied with your work?


T:Did you like it?


T:What was interesting for you to do?

S1, s2, s3

T:Today I’m pleased with your answers…

3.2. Оценка

T: Your marks are…

3.3. Домашнее задание

Your home assignment will be:

w/b ex1-2p41

s/b ex5p74











Emergency equipment

Аварийное оборудование















Put out


Leave alone

Оставить в покое



4.Fill the gaps with the given words: postpone, emergency, prepares, sealed, aid kit, put out, spoil, leave, forecast

The responsible camper 1)……………………p his/her trip. They usually bring 2)…………………..e equipment with them especially 3)…………….a. Also they bring food in 4)……………. containers in an icebox because the summer heat can quickly 5)…………… food. Besides they make sure they 6)…………… fires properly  and 7)…………..wild animals alone. Moreover, a responsible camper must check the weather 8)…………….. If bad weather is coming, It is wiser to 9)………………   trip.

5. Leaflet.

Shouldn`t/mustn`t do

Should/must do

Keep water near a fire

Camp in bad weather

Boil water from streams

Have the right equipment

Eat wild fruits or berries

Check the weather forecast

Go near wild animals and pet

Pick up flowers

Be careful with food