Мотивационное письмо

Саая Алдын-Чечек Томур-ооловна

Мотивационное письмо (Study Plan)  800слов


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Study Plan

My name is Aldyn-Chechek. I was born in the city of Republic of Tuva in Kyzyl as the only one child of my family. In 2014, I entered Buryat State University and now I am a senior student of the Institute of Philology and Mass Communications of Buryat State University. My majors are English and Chinese languages. I am expected to graduate at the end of this June.

I am diligent, hardworking and academically – minded: when presented with a challenge, I am always eager to rise the occasion. I have always been socially active person with friendly and respectful nature, a good communicator indeed who is blessed with many friends. I keep a keen view to the reality of life thus approach people with positive mind and attitude and always prove to be helpful with honest efforts and true dedication. Also I always feel very joyous and fortunate to meet and greet people belonging to different backgrounds and cultures. As such meetings are always important because they prove to be beneficial in future also it makes things easy to cope whether one works or studies in his own country or outside the country. I show a great capacity for integration in university life. I have actively participated in cultural activities provided by our university, such as sports and cultural measures.

Now the question arises, “Why China?” Reading the books, watching the news, analyzing and observing the people of China, I am really impressed by the way these individuals have proved themselves to be dedicated to their work and with true efforts they have set China as a successful example for other third world or developed countries. The fast growing economy, technological advancement and the global ranking education institutes of China with high reputation makes a great aspiration to the students and professionals for the better career perspectives. Thus such kind of positivity has boosted my confidence further and I am highly satisfied with the decision I have taken. Moreover, China’s diverse cultural norms and values, the famous gentle hospitality of its people and Russia - China all weather friendly relations since past to promote bilateral trade, which are going more strong now a days acceptance and peace to both sides in great clarity make me feel China as my second homeland; also my family fully supports my choice for China being my preference for Postgraduate studies. All these reasons put together make China an ideal place for me to do my Master’s degree. Moreover I want to study on scholarship independently in China, and China offers the attractive scholarships for Russian students for their higher studies. Also I am familiar with country, and Chinese is getting more and more influential, learning it gives me more of an advantage in the future. The international communication and trade program interests me because it gives me good knowledge. Nowadays studying in a foreign, highly developed country is very significant for both development in business and individual development. I have information about the Chinese education system which is excellent at trying theoretical knowledge to the practice work thus affected me to choose it.

Due to my studies, I am aware that my Chinese language skills still need to improve. I have studied Chinese a little, but it`s not perfect yet. But I constantly try to improve myself by doing personal work. Besides it is one of the reasons I want to study and live in China. From my point of view, it`s the best way to acquire a good accent and speak in Chinese, not only based on readings.

Learning Chinese would better help me in understanding Chinese culture and appreciate it more. It would certainly give me a broad understanding in discovering all that the Chinese culture has to offer. One of the advantages of learning Chinese is simply being able to communicate with anyone anywhere.

As a citizen, I would like to give my contribution to the development of my country as much as possible while studying here. I have many advantages to study successfully and keep studying with majoring on my own qualification at the University. Attentively learn all subjects in accordance with the appropriate term and planned hours. I also get acquainted with the students who have the same purpose as well as learn from Chinese culture and life.

Concluding it, with high hopes I believe this application will receive your favorable consideration and I will be happy to provide any additional information you may need. Therefore, accepting this scholarship is a big opportunity for a good life and a chance to become an intelligent, knowledgeable person that I dreamed of becoming and it will be opening the door to my future. As for me, I have full confidence in myself that I am able to study Chinese as best as I can. I have many advantages to study successfully and keep studying with majoring on my profession without any difficulties further.

