It’s better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all.

Абазян Мариам Арменовна

What is love? It seems to be a pretty simple word, but there is so much meaning behind it. Love is difficult to define, difficult to measure, and frequently difficult to understand.



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           It’s   better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all.

What is love? Surely all the people who lived before us on the Earth asked this question, but in the XXI century, we have no answer to this question. If you ask people "What is Love?" they will hardly have enough words to describe it. All people are waiting for it, and everyone seems to know it, when it comes.

It seems to be a pretty simple word, but there is so much meaning behind it. Love is difficult to define, difficult to measure, and frequently difficult to understand.

Love is what great writers write about; great philosophers wonder about; singers sing about. The word "love" is one of the most  broad terms used in today's vocabulary. Scientists and psychologists have literally broken up the "love" into many various meanings.

Science, which studies the nature of this feeling, found fantastic changes that occur in love: love suppresses areas of the brain responsible for feelings of fear, negative emotions, criticism and feedback on those areas that are responsible for basic human needs (the need for water, food, oxygen, protection from extreme temperatures), as well as the area responsible for the function of obtaining pleasure. Unexpected assumptions about the nature of love expressed anthropologists, biochemists, philosophers, theologians. However, they all recognize that the feelings that are able to experience each other men and women are likely worth more and incomprehensible.

Doctors say that love is  - a kind of compulsive addictive mental disorder. This is akin to drug addiction in general, and very similar to cocaine dependence, in particular.

Philosophers say that this is a special state of mind and soul that you can’t understand until then, until you yourself fall in love. And Carl Gustav Jung wrote: "This is not madness. Is it appropriate to do here, the word" mind "? This is both light and darkness, the end and edge that will never happen. And no one can escape this mysterious power." Plato said that love is not of this world, it is otherworldly flower. To love means to touch the secret, but to touch her not to comprehend it.

Biologists enthuse about love, as a brilliant ploy of evolution. People, who are in love, have the one area of the brain, which is responsible for the most basic needs, becomes very active. This love is fully focused on the subject of his passion, not noticing anything around. A man is ready to break a relationship and parting with friends, if it is an obstacle to his love. It is easy to change nationality, social status, views on life, beliefs. This worldview is called bounded. In other words, love stupid. But biologists believe that this is the most energy-efficient way of preserving nature.

Love is one of the most intense feelings that humans can experience, this implies that we typically report it as great happiness, but may bring great suffering. There are many circumstances that convert our love into tears and dissatisfaction. Sometimes love brings us only bad things. We become nervous and rude.  Another reason of tears is betrayal. We can see this pain in  many stories about love. For example  «The apple tree» by John Galsworthy. The Apple Tree has shown  us a romantic realistic inclination. In this novel, Galsworthy tells us the love tragedy between Ashurst and Megan. It is found that the origin of the tragedy is the unequal capitalist society. Ashurst has dual personality. On one hand, he is selfish, irresponsible, eager to defend for himself and deceives himself as well as others; on the other hand, he indulges himself in pity and chivalry.

His love brings Megan only suffering. Ashurst  betrayed  Megan because she was very poor and she was social lower than he was.

Take another story «The Legacy» by Virginia Woolf.  Angela has got a secret, she deceives her husband Gilbert Clandon  and he does not know until he reads the legacy. In the legacy, Angela writes that she is proud of being his wife and she describes how handsome Gilbert is, although she thinks so, she deceives Gilbert. Angela is in conflict with herself. She has an affair with B.M., she loves him even she commits suicide after his death, but she does not divorce Gilbert. Although she loves B.M., she goes on living with Gilbert. She can't decide what she will do. She is having an affair because she was not happy with her husband. Her husband, Gilbert is so busy that he does not spend time with Angela. Angela's marriage is unhappy. She has an affair with B.M., they are lover and they are happy. Angela can talk to him and they can spend time together. At the end of the story, B.M. commits suicide because Angela does not divorce her husband.

  To continue speaking about love and betrayal we can state that often it comes as a surprise. That is why it is so painful. You would not expect to be hurt so badly from someone you thought you could trust. So you are left in disbelief and pain.

Betrayal is a destructive force that leaves many ruins in its path. Betrayal changes everything. Relationships and all those affected will never be the same again. The damage done can be irreparable. Trust is lost. Wounds run deep. Anger persists. Hearts are broken. Pain is long and lasting. The pain of betrayal is very real and has a significant impact on the lives of all those who have experienced it. It is one of those painful life experiences that have the power to change people’s hearts and lives forever.

We can speak about love for a long time, discourse and doubt, but the only truth  is that  love - is the greatest mystery of all generations.

I`m sure if you ask every person living on our planet, one more question: What is better not to love at all, do not feel that feeling? Or love, but to lose?

Almost all answer will be - better to love, but lose. Others - just deal falsely.

I believe that love is thrilling, disturbing feeling that once wakes up a person and gives life meaning, joy, pain, anxiety, thinking, thirst, dreams, plans, deeds. This is the gift of God, which can be a reward, and perhaps a punishment.

In conclusion, I want to say that, while there will be humanity, the theme of love will always be open.