Презентация "Research"

Василенко Виолетта Викторовна

  Презентация на английском языке


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For a person who took a path of being a teacher it is crucial to be aware of the role they play for the society. Teachers should fully understand what they do and why.

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The topicality of this paper is based on the assumption that professional development is crucial for teachers’ formation as experts and therefore directly affect their relevance for the job market. In our rapidly changing world the work of teachers determine the future of socioeconomic sphere and thus the state itself. Hence it is of a great importance for every teacher to strive for the best performance in their field of work.

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Object and subject The object of our research is the process of professional development of teachers within educational institutions. The study subject is the conditions which contribute to this development. A goal of this research is to identify and explore these conditions.

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Tasks In accordance with the object, subject and the main goal of this study, the research tasks are the following: To conduct theoretical analysis of bibliography related to the object of this study ; To study statutory acts regulating professional development of teachers ; To determine the special aspects of professional development within institutions of continuing professional education.

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The hypothesis of our research is rest on an idea that efficiency of professional development might be improved by exploring and creating the right conditions for intensifying further professional growth.

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The methodological foundation of our research is competency-building approach which allows to regard teachers’ activity as a process of professional development. In our study we applied further methods of examination: theoretical analysis of bibliography, analysis of related regulative documents, content-analysis, observation, a method of self-evaluation.

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Research findings: The theoretical analysis of factors of professional development revealed the key importance of continuing education for professional growth of teachers. Professional development of teachers within educational institutions is understood as: 1) transformation of inner world undertaken by teachers ; 2) activity aiming at further professional achievements.

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The analysis of statutory acts related to professional development of teachers as well as Federal State Educational Standards proved that every teacher has a right for improving their level of expertise. The process of learning has no limit as we keep getting new knowledge and experience throughout all our lives. Therefore, the person whose job is to teach other people, should continuously learn themselves. Examination of results of conferences, seminars, colloquia held by « СПб ИУО РАО » indicates the possible ways of creating and managing educational systems which promote further professional growth. Institute bases his research on the wide range of workshops. What is more, each and every employee of the Institute can participate in conferences as well as conduct scientific research.

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Conclusion The findings of our research mentioned above justify the hypothesis that the teachers' performance at work will improve if they are provided with proper conditions for development. To be able to meet competition teachers should constantly renew their set of skills. This goal cannot be achieved without conscious efforts on teachers’ part.