Анализ повести О.Генри "Разные Школы"

Аббазова Дина Аседулловна

Анализ повести О.Генри "Разные Школы"


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 “Schools and schools»

O. Henry is an American short-story writer whose tales romanticized the commonplace—in particular the life of ordinary people in New York City. His stories expressed humour, grim or ironic atmosphere, and often had surprise endings. One of these stories is "Schools and schools».

Barbara and Gilbert are a stepniece and an adapted son of old Jerome. Everyone knows that they will get married. But everything changes when a girl Nevada arrives and stays in his house. One day Nevada gets a letter from Gilbert. But she can’t read and write that’s why she lies to barbara. And Barbara reads it to her. It is a message from Gilbert asking Nevada to meet Gilbert at his studio at midnight tonight. When she comes to his studio Gilbert asks Nevada to merry him, she says yes. The happy couple is off the church.

The title ‘Schools and Schools’ can mean the two different schools of lives where Nevada and Barbara have been trained. In ‘Schools and Schools’, the first school could be the the way of life of simple, innocent and honest people from the rural- the natural school of life. In other words working class values where Money and prestige are not the deciding factors. Sincerity and kindness are those qualities that help a person find their place in life.

The style of this story is fiction . The imaginative writer has a rich set of linguistic means at his disposal to appeal to the reader, to express and convey his thoughts. O.Henry uses a number of stylistic means, such as transformed Phraseologisms, for example, "Curiosity can do more than kill a cat." Also, he uses a lot of metaphors, for example: “he was a diamond with a gilt border." Also in "Schools are schools" we can find polysyndeton - "Barbara would give her pearl necklace to find out what was contained in the letter; but she could not open and read it with steam, or a pen, or a hair clip, or any of the generally accepted methods, because of her position in society forbade such an act", comparison - "Nevada, blooming like a rose– with sapphire eyes, chatted about stormy nights in the mountains around dad's cabin" and irony “He was a broker in the city center, so rich that he could afford to walk - for his health - every morning to walk several blocks in the direction of his office, and then call a taxi”.