Презентация может служить иллюстративным материалом на уроках Истории и Культуры Санкт-Петербурга на английском языке в старших классах.
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Kronstadt Naval Cathedral. Presentation is made by Maslakov Fedor 11a form School 180 St-Petersburg 2015Слайд 2
New words . capacious – просторный Russian Navy - Российский военно-морской флот scaffolds – подмостки, леса reception – приём (архитектурный) Neo-Byzantine – неовизантийский (стиль) terracotta – терракота socle – цоколь Vernicle – Спас Нерукотворный St. Nicholas The Wonderworker - святитель Николай Чудотворец lateral – боковой reverend – преподобный even – ровный artificial – искусственный top – возглавлять eaves – карнизы enclose - заключать Divine Liturgy – божественная литургия
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The Naval cathedral of Saint Nicholas in Kronstadt is a Russian Orthodox cathedral built between 1902 and 1913 as the main church of the Russian Navy and dedicated to all fallen seamen. The question of the construction of a capacious cathedral in Kronstadt was brought up from 1830th years. In 1897 the Navy declared an international architectural contest for the design of Kronstadt cathedral and established a fund to finance construction. The contest was won by Vasily Kosyakov. The construction of a cathedral began in September 14, 1902. Vasily Kosyakov.
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By 1903 Kosyakov brothers produced a complete album containing nearly a thousand graphic sheets detailing the structure, exterior and internal design of yet unbuilt cathedral. Plan, structure, external outline were executed by Vasily Kosyakov; detailed artwork of interior finishes - Georgy Kosyakov.
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The cathedral was structurally finished in 1907. In summer of 1909 the external works were completed, and the scaffolds removed. The cathedral was consecrated in a public ceremony attended by Nicholas II and his family in June 10, 1913. The stone cathedral repeats the reception used at a construction of the temple of Sacred Sofia in Constantinople. The architectural style of this cathedral is Late Neo-Byzantine .
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The main sizes of a cathedral. length - 83 meters; width — 64 meters; diameter of a dome — 26.7 m; height with a cross — 70,5 meters.
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Over the northern portal — an image of the Mother of God; Over the southern portal — the St. Mitrofan. The western central portal is decorated with the mosaic images of the Vernicle, two plots of life of the St. Nicholas The Wonderworker, symbols of evangelists and ornaments; Over the lateral portals of the main entrance, there are the icons of Saints to which side-altars are devoted: 1. On the left — Saint apostles Peter and Paul; 2. On the right — St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and reverend Ioann Rylsky; The facade of a cathedral is faced with a brick and terracotta and decorated with a granite socle and columns of portals. The icons on the facades were executed in a mosaic workshop of V. A. Frolov: Saint apostles Peter and Paul.
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The artist M. M. Vasilyev worked on the decoration of an altar and the arches of the northern and southern chorus. Other parts of the temple were painted by an even color. Choruses are supported by columns which are topped with capitals and covered with artificial marble. Eaves are covered with stucco moulding . Walls in the lower part were enclosed with the high panel from color marble where on the black boards was supposed to cut names of the lost fleet ranks. After the revolution these panels were ripped out, broken or cut and were reused for ordinary construction needs. A small number of memorial board remain.
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The floor of the cathedral was covered with small marble in a thin copper frame and decorated with the mosaic figures of fishes and jellyfishes, the images of the sea plants and the ships.
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The iconostasis was executed after the design of V.A . and G. A. Kosyakov by the sculptor N. A. Popov from white marble with mosaic inserts. It was destroyed in 1929 and completely recreated according to sketches, archival photos and materials. O riginal interiors in 1914. Modern iconostasis.
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The cathedral was closed in 1929, was converted to a cinema, a House of Officers (1939) and a museum of the Navy (1980).The Russian Orthodox Church reinstalled the cross on the main dome in 2002 and served the first Divine Liturgy in the cathedral in 2005. In 2013, the Patriarch of all Russia with Prime Minister Dmitriy Medvedev and his wife conducted the ceremony of grand reconsecration in the now fully restored cathedral.
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Informational resources. Wikipedia Yandex. Картинки
Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин
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