Как стать лучшим гражданином глобального мира? Может ли каждый из нас сделать что-то конкретное, чтобы изменить мир к лучшему? ...
It is clear, we, people from all over the world, live in one global village eating the same food, listening to similar music, sharing common interests. In other words, we exist together in a big society so it is extremely important to be a global citizen nowadays...
Данная творческая работа была представлена в региональном конкурсе эссе в 2014 году.
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Участница конкурса эссе: Каприна Екатерина Сергеевна ученица 11а класса МБОУ СОШ 94
г. Нижний Новгород Ленинский район ул. Даргомыжского, 22а;
Педагог: Смирнова Ирина Рафаиловна
Тема эссе: “How can we be better global citizens?”
It is clear, we, people from all over the world, live in one global village eating the same food, listening to similar music, sharing common interests. In other words, we exist together in a big society so it is extremely important to be a global citizen nowadays. That is why there is no need to say that the topic of globalization seems to be one of the most discussed in our modern life.
How can I explain the meaning of the term “global citizen”? In my view, a real global citizen is a responsive person who does not only respect deeply any customs and traditions of other nations but also cares about what happens to people in less fortunate countries, takes part in some volunteer projects to help poor and starving people.
It is well-known that the way we live today has a negative influence on the ecology in a considerable extent. And, unfortunately, globalization process partly makes matters worse. I mean, a great number of huge international manufactures has been created around the globe over the past few years. No doubt, all kinds of industrial products made by these corporations are necessary for us to survive. For instance, no one can imagine his life without food in a convenient package as well as some hygienic things like napkins or baby diapers. However, manufacturers and also, each of us should be attentive to the problems of polluting the environment if we want to be called global citizens.
Despite some harmful impact that globalization may have on ecology, there are a lot of positive points. For example, young enthusiastic people from different countries unite to “green” organizations to save extinct plants and animals and to monitor dangerous manufactures’ activity (WWF, Greenpeace).
In conclusion, to live in a global society having nice relationships, balanced environment and various goods in abundance is not an utopia. If everyone were respectful to others and careful for nature, we all could become true global citizens. And our government just should help us by passing special laws and encouraging positive acts.
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