Эссе по теме "Архитектура".
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Architecture: the Art or Science of planning?
By Kisenkova Sofia
"No architecture can be truly noble which is not imperfect", John Ruskin said. I absolutely agree with this statement.
Architecture is the art and science of planning, designing and constructing buildings. We can also speak about the architecture of New York, London or Moscow. Different cities look different due to their architecture, which gives them individuality.
What is more important for buildings - to be beautiful or to be functional? To answer this question we should remember that architecture is not only beauty, but the graceful lines of buildings, perfect proportions and elegant decoration. Buildings are constructed for people, and it should be comfortable to live and to work in them.
My favourite place in my city is a railway station. It is not the tallest building but it is the most impressive building in this place, because it is the heart of the sity which has a pulse, lungs, blood and so on as a person. It "breaths in and breaths out" passengers. It is the place where people meet and lose. And it is the place where I have met my love.
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