Бородина Ирина Александровна

English Teacher's website

It's never too late to learn!

Профессия: Преподаватель английского языка

Профессиональные интересы: Английский язык, лингвистика

Увлечения: Спорт (бег, ролики, фитнес, гиревой спорт), чтение, музыка, кулинария

Регион: Омская область

Место работы: Детский сад №187 РЖД


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О себе

Compassionate and qualified English teacher who is able to communicate effectively with students from diverse backgrounds and possessing different level of the language. A committed and dedicated professional with a proven ability to teach, motivate and direct students to maximum performance by encouraging a positive environment.

Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир

На самом деле их очень много. Перечислю самые любимые, а позже дополню этот список.

М. Булгаков "Мастер и Маргарита".

Л. Толстой "Анна Каренина".

Гончаров "Обломов".

Д. Браун "Ангелы и Демоны".

С. Абрамов "Выше Радуги".

Д. Карнеги "Как перестать беспокоиться и начать жить".

S. Maugham "Theatre".

J. K. Jerome "Three men in a boat".

J. London "Martin Eden".

E. M. Remarque "Zeit zu leben und Zeit zu sterben".


Мои достижения


·        Member of English Language Teachers Association in Omsk.

·         Able to inspire, challenge and motivate students.

·         Having a calm, yet assertive style of classroom management.

·         Giving information, emotional support and reassurance to pupils, their parents and fellow teachers.

·         Adaptable and willing to try new ways of teaching and working.

·         Able to work in a team but also as an individual.

·         Excellent interpersonal and verbal communication skills.

·         Sense of responsibility.


§  Led a number of students to improve test scores by more than 90-95% during the 2013-2015 academic years.

§  Founded and led an after school enrichment program "Steps into the future" in association with native speakers at "Linguacentre" in 2012. The aim of the program was to develop children's skills in reading, communication, research work and presentation.

§  Designed and conducted a professional development workshop "Theatrino time" at "Linguacentre" and some public schools.

§  Won in the international methodical competition "Insight Teaching" in the categories "Presentation for the Lesson" and "Generalization of educational experience" in 2013.

§  "The best elective course in English" Academic Achievement Award in 2011.

§  Supplementary Courses "Business English" in 2009.

§  Scholar of the Academic Board in 2009.

Моё портфолио

Здесь будут размещены методические материалы, тесты, творческие работы детей, отчеты, сертификаты, а так же прочие авторские наработки.

Портфолио будет постоянно обновляться и пополнятся по мере возможности. 

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