Шуклина Наталья Андреевна

an English teacher's page

Think outside the box

Профессия: учитель английского языка

Профессиональные интересы: методика преподавания иностранных языков, исследовательская деятельность, экзамены (ОГЭ, ЕГЭ, Cambridge exams, TOEFL, IELTS)

Увлечения: путешествия, просмотр фильмов / сериалов в оригинале, чтение книг

Регион: Республика Карелия

Населенный пункт: Петрозаводск

Место работы: МОУ СОШ №5


Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.
Lewis Carroll

О себе

Закончила Карельский Государственный Педагогический университет по специальности "учитель английского и немецкого языков". Имею первую квалификационную категорию. Работаю в классах начальной, средней и старшей ступени обучения. Являюсь экспертом по проверке экзаменационных работ 9 класса (личного письма и устной части) с 2015 года. Активно участвую со своими учениками в исследовательских конференциях школьного, городского и регионального уровня.

Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (by L. Carroll) - A simply magical book.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (by A. Conan Doyle) - Brains is the new sexy.

Animal Farm & 1984 (by G. Orwell) - Both are powerfull books.

The picture of Dorian Gray (by O. Wilde) - Looks are deceiving.

The Catcher and the Rye & Franny and Zooey (by J.D. Salinger) - A must to read in the original, the message of the books is lost in translation.

Jane Eyre (by C. Bronte) - A strong will and determination in the well-known love story.

Pride and Prejudice & Sense and Sensibility (by J. Austen) - Complicated lives of English women

Lord of the Flies (by W. Golding) - How civilised behaviour crumbles if you change the usual surroundings

The Great Gatsby (by F. Scott Fitzgerald) - Chic American society in the 1920s.

Маленький принц (А. де Сент-Экзюпери) - детская книга для взрослых

Мы (Е. Замятин) - роман вдохновил Дж. Оруэлла на создание "1984"

Мастер и Маргарита (М. Булгаков) - книга-загадка, каждый читатель находит в ней свой смысл.

Триумфальная Арка (Э. М. Ремарк) - потерянное послевоенное поколение и трагическая история любви.

Моё портфолио

It's not an easy task to be a teacher in today's world. Everything is changing so fast that sometimes you just wonder how you can keep up with all the technologies and new methods and tools that appear every single day. Moreover, you have to keep track of what is really useful and what is not suitable for your lesson. Obviously, not all the information that is posted can be trusted. Teacher’s task is to weed out the cutting edge materials and present them to their students.On the one hand, this process can be really enjoyable and, to some point, it shows your creativity as a teacher. On the other hand, sometimes it is really hard to find that ‘gem’ in all that rubbish.

Nevertheless, I for one, try to come up with tasks that my students can relate to. My students really appreciate things that are interesting for them, for example listening activities based on the songs they like or a movie lesson (actually you need at least 4 lessons) with vocabulary and exercises that check their understanding of the film. It’s loads of fun!

Here I will share some of the materials and hope that they will inspire you!


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