Учебно-методический материал по теме «Пожар на борту воздушного судна»
учебно-методический материал

Данный учебно-методический материал направлен на повторение и закрепление изученного материала по теме «Пожар на борту воздушного судна» и может использоваться как во время проведения аудиторных занятий, так и для самостоятельной работы курсантов.



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Данный учебно-методический материал направлен на повторение и закрепление изученного материала по теме «Пожар на борту воздушного судна» и может использоваться как во время проведения аудиторных занятий, так и для самостоятельной работы курсантов по дисциплине «Профессионально-ориентированный авиационный английский язык».

Данный материал составлен для курсантов УВД 3 курса 5 семестра по теме «Пожар на борту воздушного судна». В заданиях курсанты прорабатывают вопросы нестандартных ситуаций связанных с возникновением пожара на борту, рассматривают причины пожара на борту, разновидности пожара на борту, разбирают противопожарное оборудование на борту ВС, процедуры по эвакуации, действия пилота и диспетчера УВД при возникновении пожара.

С помощью заданий осуществляется проработка, закрепление и проверка следующих знаний, умений и навыков:

Освоить профессиональную лексику, методы развития умений и навыков общения на английском языке (диалог, беседа, собеседование, сообщение, доклад и так далее).

Владеть материалом по разговорным и специальным темам дисциплины.

Знать правила ведения радиотелефонной связи и правила радиообмена.

Проводить радиообмен с экипажами иностранных воздушных судов и понимать его на уровне, не ниже четвертого (рабочего) уровня шкалы оценки языковых знаний Международной организации гражданской авиации.

Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.

Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.

Принимать решения в стандартных и нестандартных ситуациях и нести за них ответственность.

Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.

Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.

Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение квалификации.

Работать с нормативными документами, справочной литературой и другими источниками информации, регламентирующими организацию и обслуживание ВД.

Материал может быть использован для составления заданий для письменной контрольной работы по дисциплине «Профессионально-ориентированный авиационный английский язык» по теме «Пожар на борту воздушного судна». В конце даны возможные вопросы для устного опроса, зачета, экзамена по вышеупомянутой теме.


a) Look through the phrases and think of the possible equivalents;

b) Find the equivalents of the following phrases in the Text from Ex.2.

Пожар одного из двигателей

Надежность двигателей

Добровольцы смогли покинуть ВС по аварийным трапам

Заглушить поврежденный двигатель

Ответственность пилота — взять ситуацию под контроль

Немедленное предупреждение в кабине пилотов

Декларировать аварийную ситуацию

Продолжить (полет) в пункт назначения

Совершить аварийную посадку

Эвакуировать пассажиров как можно быстрее

Организаторы боялись, что будет больше повреждений

Экипаж ВС подготовлен для такого сценария

Пожарная служба

Наличие аварийных выходов

Эвакуироваться безопасно (без повреждений)

Светящаяся полоска на полу проведет пассажиров к аварийным выходам


a) Read and retell the text;

b) Choose a suitable heading for each paragraph:

  • Evacuation procedure
  • Air traffic control and fire-fighting services
  • Engine fire

1. ………………………………………………..

A fire in one of the engines may happen anytime in spite of the fact that modern manufactures always improve the reliability of the engines. The pilot usually receives an immediate warning in the cockpit and the safest procedure is to shut down the affected engine by cutting off the fuel supply to it. The pilot can extinguish what remains of the fire by discharging the fire bottles. The next stage (not required for a jet engine) is to feather the propeller of the affected engine, in other words to turn the propeller blades to an angle causing the least air resistance (minimum drag). Then the aircraft can either continue to its destination or the pilots can look for a suitable  airport. They fly to the nearest airdrome if they decide that the distance to the airport of destination is too great to continue the safe flight.

2. ……………………………………………………

When an aircraft carries out an emergency landing, fire-fighting services should be alerted. One major risk is that of the aircraft being unable to stop before the end of the runway. This is known as a runway overrun and the airplane may catch fire if it crashes into something. In such cases it is necessary to evacuate the passengers as soon as possible. Cabin crew are trained for this scenario and the rules governing the availability of emergency exits and escape chutes on all aircraft are strict. If the cabin is filled with smoke, the strip lighting on the floor will guide passengers to one of these exits.

In August 2005, an Airbus A340 skidded off the end of the runway at Toronto airport in severe weather conditions. Fire broke out immediately, but all 309 passengers and crew were able to escape unharmed. The cabin crew were highly praised for being able to evacuate the airplane as fast as they did.

Regulations state that an emergency evacuation of an aircraft should be possible within 90 seconds. Training exercises are conducted regularly. New aircraft need to be certified for their capability in meeting this standard (that is emergency exits need to be well-placed and should be sufficient in number). There was some doubt about how the new Airbus A380 might meet this standard with its record-breaking passenger capacity. In a simulated exercise in Germany, in 2006, 873 volunteers were all able to escape down the emergency slides in just 80 seconds. There were strict rules for this simulation. The cabin was darkened and half of the emergency exits (chosen at random) were blocked and so out of service. The volunteer passengers were chosen to be representative of the average passenger load – 35% were over the age of 50 and 45% were women. The exercise was recorded on infra-red cameras to be subsequently validated by a panel of experts. The risk of injury even during a training exercise such as this is considerable. One volunteer sustained a broken leg, but organizers had feared that there would be more injuries.

3. …………………………………………………..

When a fire breaks out on board an aircraft, it is the pilot’s responsibility to deal with the situation. The pilot may declare an emergency and may need to land as soon as possible. In this case the air traffic controller will need to make sure that the fire service are standing by on the ground and that they have as much information as possible about the problem. The importance of the fire service being able to act as soon as the aircraft lands cannot be overstated.

Even when there is no actual fire on board, a controller may need to alert the fire service if a pilot is making an emergency landing, as in many emergency situations there is a real risk of fire breaking out.


a) Match the information from left column to the right one;

b) Discuss the information with your partner.


  1. Technical problems
  1. Passenger error, Cabin crew error. Airport security officers’ error. Flight crew / loaders error.
  1. Outside factor
  1. electrical system malfunction, electrical short circuit, engine failure which was due to ingestion of debris or bird strike, ignition of dangerous easy-flammable goods during transportation
  1. Human factor
  1. lightning strike, hail, severe turbulence, bird strike


  1. Flight crew / loaders error.
  1. Most in-flight and ground fire/smoke events relate to the galley and involve some kind of electrical equipment. Oven fires may occur because of items being placed inside the oven or because of overheating, or electrical overload/short circuit. There is a lot of equipment in the galley wrong usage of which can cause a fire (e.g. coffee or water heaters on without any water in).
  1. Airport security officers’ error. 

  1. Loosely packed dangerous goods (which are not thoroughly controlled by pilots) by loaders can ignite due to friction.
  1. Cabin crew error
  1. Smoking is prohibited aboard. In spite of that fact some passengers sometimes smoke in the lavatories. The unextinguished cigarette can be the risk of fire. Explosion of bomb by terrorists can obviously lead to fire.
  1. Passengers’ error
  1. Overhead compartment fire is often caused by passengers’ hand luggage which was not thoroughly checked (e.g. nail polish remover, other prohibited items).


  1. Hidden fire.
  1. Fire is normally detected and contained satisfactory by the aircraft fire detection and suppression systems. But there are such situations when fire can not be determined by onboard systems and it can spread to the wing and the fuselage.
  1. Cabin fire.

  1. Fire can be detected by onboard systems or by passengers noticing smoke or fume. It is very dangerous as smoke can fill up the cabin.
  1. Engine fire
  1. This fire can be easily detected and put out by usage of fire extinguishers. It is also advisable to perform landing as soon as possible in order to investigate the problem.


  1. Fire/crash axe.
  1. Some operators have …………………. onboard which can be used to suffocate a fire by cutting off the supply of oxygen.
  1. Fire protection gloves
  1. ………………...are provided to obtain emergency access to areas and parts of the airplane which are not easily accessible (e.g. behind sidewall, electrical or ceiling panels
  1. Smoke hoods. 

  1. …………….………………….. may be found in the flight deck for use with smoke hoods. Some aircraft are equipped with oxygen masks with integral …………………………….
  1. Fire Blankets.
  1. It is a smoke protective device which incorporates a small oxygen generator, which provides the wearer with Oxygen for a limited amount of time, typically 15-20 minutes.
  1. Smoke detectors. 
  1. …………………………….. can be found in the cockpit and in the cabin. They are designed to fight small fires and their capacity is limited.
  1. Smoke goggles.
  1. Optical …..……………………….. are installed in aircraft toilets and usually in cargo compartments as well. They are usually only activated by a significant reduction in visibility due to thick smoke.
  1. Portable fire extinguishers.
  1. ………………………….. are kept in the flight deck and/or in the cabin to protect the user against heat/fire. They can also be used to handle hot or sharp objects.

Ex.4. Read the text and discuss with your partner:

1. What does the term “ASSIST” mean?

2. Who should the air traffic controller inform in case of the emergency call?

3. How do you understand the word combination “to support the flight crew”?

4. What can you tell about keeping silent in case of emergency? Is it necessary?

If the air traffic controller receives the emergency call, he/she should immediately inform the supervisor, colleagues, emergency services, adjacent sectors and aerodrome of the situation.

The air traffic controller gives the information about the emergency aircraft to other services, e.g. Rescue and Fire Fighting Services.

Remember the ASSIST principle!

A - Acknowledge;

 S - Separate,

 S - Silence; 

I - Inform, 

S - Support,

 T - Time

A - acknowledge the fire/smoke problem, ask for the crew’s intentions when the situation permits, and establish whether the crew is able control the fire/smoke;
S - separate the aircraft from other traffic, provide accurate and optimal vectors, prioritise it for landing (assist with a minimum track mile pattern if requested), keep the active runway clear of departures, arrivals and vehicles;
S - silence the non-urgent calls (as required) and use separate frequency where possible;
I - inform the airport emergency services and all concerned parties according to local procedures;
S - support the flight experiencing fire/smoke problems with any information requested and deemed necessary (e.g. type of approach, runway length and aerodrome details, etc.);
T - provide time for the crew to assess the situation, don’t press with non urgent matters.

Ex. 5. Look through the table and decide who should follow these actions:

  • Put on oxygen masks if there is smoke or fire in the cockpit
  • Initiate emergency descent without any delay (otherwise it will take an aircraft a few minutes to burst into flames and burn fully)
  • Shut down affected one
  • Increase the work of running engine
  • Activate fire extinguishing system
  • Stop fuel and hydraulic liquid supply
  • Close air conditioning supply from the engine
  • Start APU for auxiliary electrical power
  • Set squawk 7700
  • Declare mayday
  • Proceed to nearest suitable airport and request priority for landing or
  • Try to find appropriate place for landing ahead of them (off-field landing or ditching)
  • Request fire brigade, ambulance, search and rescue team
  • Upon landing start immediate evacuation of passengers.
  • After disembarkation for safety reasons it is necessary to remove the passengers 100 meters away from the aircraft.
  • Evaluate the situation (receive pilot’s report as for emergency: reason, consequences)
  • Provide safe separation with other aircraft in this sector
  • Impose radio silence if necessary
  • Inform supervisor and military services
  • Give aircraft priority for landing
  • Ask if dangerous goods on board
  • Ask for number of Persons On Board (POB)
  • Ask fuel remaining
  • Inform landing aerodrome
  • Clear RWY when aircraft 50 track kilometres from touchdown
  • Keep safety strip clear
  • In case of diversionary or forced landing, record last known position and time
  • Alert emergency services
  • If needed, inform pilot about:
  • Next suitable aerodrome
  • Aerodrome details as soon as possible
  • RWY in use, length, surface, elevation, ILS- and NAV-frequencies
  • Weather information of landing aerodrome
  • Observed fire and/or smoke in order to help pilots from what side it is better to start evacuation of passengers.

Ex.6. Decide if these statements are TRUE or FALSE. 




Fire on board is one of the greatest hazards to flight safety. 


If there is a fire on board, the crew have fire extinguishers to fight it. 


Any fire is an emergency status on board.  


Fires occur in engines, engine bays, cabins, cargo holds, wheel wells and fuel tanks. 


Even when there is no evidence of an in-flight fire or reason to suspect one, the post impact fire can destroy a lot of evidence related to aircraft systems and structure. 


Remember that TCAS works as follows: first a Resolution Advisory (RA) gives the pilot advice to climb, descend or remain level, and then a Traffic Advisory (TA) warning indicates where the pilot must look for the traffic.


The instruction from an air traffic controller always takes priority over a conflicting TCAS instruction. 

Ex. 7. Fill in the blanks with the proper terms from the table.

Dangerous goods

serious hazard


Dangerous goods

is labeled

are prohibited

are classified


are divided

Pilot –in- command


  1. …………………………………...   are articles or substances which can cause a significant risk.
  2. When dangerous goods are transported by air they can cause a …………………………………….
  3. Dangerous goods…………………………………………. according to the IATA Dangerous Goods regulation.
  4. Disabling devices containing an irritant or incapacitating substance …………………………………….on board.
  5. The list of DANGEROUS GOODS includes the names, the …………………………..and the packaging.
  6. In case of ………………………. it is necessary to know if any Dangerous goods are available on board the plane not to make the situation worse.
  7. Dangerous goods…………………………... into 9 classes according to the type of risk.
  8. ……………………………….. is aware of the Dangerous goods available on board his plane.
  9. The captain fills in the special form with the information about ………………………………….
  10. Each package ……………………………….with a special red-hatched label.
  11. In the event of leakage the cabin and flight deck may become………………….., irritating or toxic.

Ex.8. Correct the sentences.  

  1. safety of passengers and aircraft are the major concern at airports.
  2. Security personnel operates metal detectors and X-ray machines that screens baggage for possible weapons or illegal substances.
  3. Many areas of the airport are protect by security personnel and is not allowed to the public.
  4. After the terrorist attacks in the United States on the 11th of September, 2001, airport security become the responsibility of the government.
  5. The new law were developed and expanded the number of baggage screeners, imposed standards for their training.
  6. Beginning in January 2002, it required that all passenger luggage, including checked luggage, be screened.
  7. By the end of 2002, all checked luggage were to be put through special explosives-detecting devices.
  8. All passenger must to go through checking procedure and can be ask for personal inspection.
  9. Security on board were also promoted by installing reinforced doors in cockpits to prevent from unlawful interference.
  10. All items that can to provoke danger (sharp, flammable and so on) are prohibited in passenger cabin.

Ex.9. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

  1. Безопасность пассажиров и воздушных судов – основное направление службы безопасности аэропорта.


  1. Сотрудники службы безопасности используют специальное оборудование для проверки несанкционированного поступления опасных грузов в терминал.


  1. После событий 11 сентября 2001 года в США службы безопасности аэропортов по всему миру ужесточили требования к безопасности.


  1. Также правила безопасности авиакомпаний были изменены и стали более строгими.


  1. Доступ в кабину пилотов стал невозможным для исключения актов незаконного вмешательства в управление воздушным судном.


  1. Также многие предметы, которые пассажиры могли брать в салон самолета, теперь разрешается провозить только в багаже.


  1. Существует ли возможность вернуть воздушное судно на линию заданного пути после временного отклонения от маршрута для обхода опасных метеоявлений?


  1. Все авиакомпании  должны следовать правилам ИКАО касательно перевозки опасных грузов на борту ВС.


  1. Пожар на борту воздушного судна является чрезвычайно опасным в авиации.


  1.  Мощные двигатели с большим количеством топлива на борту воздушного судна всегда являются угрозой и могут быть причиной возникновения пожара на борту.


  1. Наличие огнетушителей на борту воздушного судна — обязательное требование ИКАО к авиакомпаниям.



12. В случае пожара у экипажа воздушного судна возникает дефицит времени.



13. Экипаж воздушного судна начинает немедленное снижение и планирует аварийную посадку.



14. Так как экипаж принимает меры по тушению пожара, пилоты не могут отвечать на запросы диспетчера.



15. Диспетчер должен быть терпеливым и помогать экипажу по радиосвязи.


Ex.10. a) Read the information about accidents and incidents caused by fire.

b) Choose one event, find additional information and retell the situation.

Retelling the situation say about:

1) consequences;

2) any survivors;

3) reasons of fire.

1. On the second of September 1998, an MD-11 aircraft belonging to Swissair, crashed into the sea above the Atlantic Ocean near Halifax Canada following an in-flight electrical fire.

2. On the third of September 2010, a UPS Boeing 747-400 freighter flight crew became aware of a main deck cargo fire 22 minutes after take off from Dubai.

3. On the second of September 2006, a UK Royal Air Force (RAF) Nimrod, engaged in operations over Afghanistan experienced a fuel-fed bomb bay fire shortly after completing air-to-air refuelling.

4. On the 27th of  July 2006, a Bombardier CRJ200 being operated by Air Nostrum on a scheduled passenger flight from Barcelona to Basel, Switzerland in night VMC, suffered a sudden left hand engine failure and an associated engine fire when passing FL235 some 14 minutes after take off.

5. On the 5th of June 2015 a DHC8-200 descending towards Bradley experienced an in-flight fire which originated at a windshield terminal block. Attempts to extinguish the fire were unsuccessful with the electrical power still selected to the circuit.

Возможные вопросы на зачете/экзамене/устном опросе по теме «Пожар на борту воздушного судна»:

  1. Why is a fire regarded to be one of the most hazardous situations in flight?
  2. What may cause a fire on board?
  3. What types of fires may occur in flight?
  4. Why are hidden fires the most dangerous ones?
  5. How can a fire be detected?
  6. Why is time critical if a fire breaks out on board the aircraft?
  7. What are the effects of the fire? What can they lead to?
  8. What fire fighting equipment is there on board the aircraft?
  9. What smoke protection devices are available?
  10. What preventive actions are to be taken while carrying flammable cargo on board?
  11. What is the flight crew supposed to do in case of a fire within the aircraft?
  12. If there was a wheel well fire on board your aircraft, what would you do & how would you declare an emergency?

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